Re: general scripting question

2000-02-09 Thread Marc Evans

Here is a quick, non optomized perl script:

while () {
  next unless (/^HCA/);
  print $_;
  while () {
last unless (/^I[XY]\d\d\d\d\d/);
print $_;

There are more efficient ways to do this then the above perl, but that is

- Marc

On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Matt Tilley wrote:

 Sorry for the long post, but tried to include enough info so that people can
 Also, there is probably a better group to post to, but a quick search for
 "script" in newsgroups didn't turn up anything that led me to believe that the
 question would be better directed to another group (if I'm wrong - please just
 point me in the right direction, I'll post there and sorry for the bother).
 OK, here goes.  My problem stems from dealing with a file that contains
 lines.  Some of the lines I want to keep, while I want to discard others
 (based on the value of the field of the first column).  It seems that the
 nutshell book deals more with files than with variables (this could just be a
 stumbling block of mine)
 I am looking for groups of lines that belong together - for instance, whenever
 a line starts with "HCA" I want to save that line to a file and append the
 following lines as long as they begin with IX? or IY? (the "?" are
 place markers - I know that I will have a five digit number there).  As soon
 as the next HCA comes along, I want to do the same thing again.
 Again, there are some lines that contain starting characters different than
 those above (or just blank lines) that I just want to discard.
 Here is a quick example of the file that I want to work with:
 Garbage line that I want to discard
 More garbage
 HCA would like to keep this line
 IY45678 - and keep this line under the one above it (once I get the structure
 I can do more)
 IX89374 - with the rest.
 More garbage that isn't wanted
 HCA would like to also keep this line, appending it to those above
 IX84956 - but preferably separated by a line
 IY74658 - this should be simple but I'm having a mental block. Once over the
 IY34567 - I feel like a mental switch will close and I will begin to be more
 IX84755 - with my scripts (otherwise they seem way to simple (almost like a
 batch file)
 BTW, I would like to use ksh for this (will look into other ways (such as
 perl) after I close my knowledge gap in places like this).  My thoughts on
 this were this (just to at least show that I've been thinking about it):
 cat myfile | while read line
 for i in $line
 if [ [ $i = IX? || IY? || HCA ] ]
 # would like to exit if true to the while loop and dump the line
 # to a file - possibly setting a flag to indicate that HCA is true
 (i.e., hcaflag)
 # as soon as another HCA or an unwanted word is encountered
 # print a blank line, discard unwanted line or start process over
 # again
 then  exit to while loop if true
 else  discard line and get next line from myfile
 if [ hcaflag ]
 then if [ [ $i = IX? || IY? ] ]
 then  echo line to file, etc.
 Is this the right way to go about this (or haven't I explained it in enough
 detail to understand my problem?).
 I'm not in scripting school (although I've been through one a while back), and
 I'm not doing this for anyone else but me (just to help me with my scripting
 skills).  I'm willing to put some time into this, but feel as if there maybe
 an easier way that I'm overlooking (am I making this way too difficult?).  The
 purpose behind this is to expedite the handling of large files indicating the
 fileset status on my AIX boxes (yes, I know that this isn't an AIX list, but
 I'm always monitoring this list because of my interest in Linux (have one
 P-166 running RH6.0 and on/off luck with running RH on my Dec Alpha (both at
 Sorry for the long message, but wanted to be sure that I gave enough
 information (hoping that I achieved this).
 - Matt
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Re: general scripting question

2000-02-09 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Matt Tilley writes:

 Also, there is probably a better group to post to, but a quick search for
 "script" in newsgroups didn't turn up anything that led me to believe that the
 question would be better directed to another group (if I'm wrong - please just
 point me in the right direction, I'll post there and sorry for the bother).


 BTW, I would like to use ksh for this (will look into other ways (such as
 perl) after I close my knowledge gap in places like this).

Sorry, I hate doing things like this in sh/ksh so much that I revert
back to Perl.

Here you go:

perl -0777 -ne 'print "$1\n\n" while(m/(^HCA.*(?:\nI[XY]\d{5}.*)+)/mg)' 

I hope you find this to be useful,

Kevin D. Clark  |   |  Will hack Perl for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | fine food, good beer, 
Cabletron Systems, Inc. | PGP Key Available |  or fun.
Durham, N.H. (USA)  |   |

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