Boston Linux Installfest XVI Saturday February 28, 2004 (corrected)

2004-02-09 Thread Jerry Feldman
Hash: SHA1

Where: MIT Building E51 Room 061. 
Parking: There is parking in front of the building. 
When: Saturday February 28, 2004 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
What you need to bring: Your computer, monitor, power strips and your   
 Linux distribution. 
Access: as you enter from the parking lot, the elevator is on the left.
Go down 1 floor, and the room is opposite the elevator. 

COST: It's free! However, we DO have expenses, and contributions are 
welcome. Please consider contributing $25 per machine.

Our next Linux Installfest will be held on Saturday, February 28, 2004
Our volunteers will help you to install Linux on your own system.  While
Linux runs on most systems, some systems do have configurations and 
hardware that may not be supported. Please consult the following web
pages for hardware compatibility.
 Hardware HOWTO
 Linux Frequently Asked Questions

For further information and directions check the BLU website Building E51 is a very short walk from the
MIT/Kendall Sq. T stop on the Red Line. 

Please refer to the BLU website ( for further
- -- 
Boston Linux and Unix user group PGP key id:C5061EA9
PGP Key fingerprint:053C 73EC 3AC1 5C44 3E14 9245 FB00 3ED5 C506 1EA9
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)

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[gnhlug-announce] SLUG meeting Monday 2/9 7pm Morse 301 Open Discussion

2004-02-09 Thread Robert E. Anderson
The Topic is:  Open Discussion

We are going to have a little bit more open meeting tonight.  There are
some ideas I would like to talk about for direction of the group.  The
main focus will be on what everybody else in the group has been doing
and where you're heading at this time.  Hopefully we'll get to know a
little more about each other.

 Robert E. Anderson email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Systems Programmer phone: (603) 862-3489
 UNH Research Computing Centerfax: (603) 862-1761

gnhlug-announce mailing list
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Python help

2004-02-09 Thread Erik Price
On Feb 8, 2004, at 9:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Java requires even more verbosity.
This is my general impression of Java.  Is the verbosity a good thing
or not?  It seems verbose to the point of redundancy.  Is this
helpful, or does it just get in the way?
The answer to that is that it's a matter of perspective, but I don't 
think that Java would be as successful as it is if a majority of people 
found it -too- redundant.  There's no doubt about it -- the verbosity 
of Java is overkill for simpler tasks like what you've accomplished 
with your Python script, especially when there are languages like 
Python, Perl, Ruby, and bash which can make this kind of thing a lot 
easier.  And, if you know you'll only ever invoke the program on a Unix 
machine, you can do what another poster suggested and simply glue a 
bunch of existing Unix tools together like awk, sed, grep, find, et 
cetera, reducing the burden of actually programming the task to a level 
of merely asking other tools to perform certain actions on the text.  
But when things get a bit more complicated, this verbosity can be 
helpful.  (see below)

It took longer to write, even though I had already
prototyped the design in Python (the two designs are nearly 
Was it just the verbosity of Java which made it take so long?
Yes and no.  No if you mean did the verbosity take longer to type.  
Yes, because Java requires a great deal more syntax to say the same 
thing that can be said with less syntax in Python, and subtle issues 
surfaced when trying to compile the code and then run it.  For 
instance, there were numerous times I was attempting to use a class 
without having imported it first.  Another thing is that the verbosity 
of Java means that there is more text to be conscious of using 
correctly, so that right there leads to greater potential to make a 

I wrote that Java implementation in a text editor, which is a useable 
but relatively primitive tool for a language that can be as verbose as 
Java.  It would have been faster to use an IDE.  At work we use WSAD, 
which speeds development by automatically importing any classes I 
attempt to use, automatic method completion, popup API documentation 
(sparing me a trip to the docs), realtime compiler error-checking, and 
other luxuries.  So, using a text editor, I'd make a change and then 
jump back to the shell and type the command to compile the file.  This 
doesn't take long, because I use keyboard shortcuts and the command 
history, but then I have to examine the compiler output when there's a 
problem and jump back to the text editor and fix the mistake -- an IDE 
will highlight the erroneous code, making it much faster to figure out 
what you've done wrong.

But Python offers the interactive interpreter, which is a godsend when 
trying to debug a problem or even just sketching out the script.  If 
you write a python script and invoke it with the -i option (python -i 
scriptname), then after the script completes you are automatically 
dumped into the interactive interpreter and any variables in your 
script are now local to your python session so you can invoke functions 
using arbitrary arguments, evaluate the values of variables, and other 

(Yeah, I know that Real Programmers (tm) use vi/emacs/ed, but Real 
Programmers also don't consider Java  a Real Programming Language. ;)

and IMHO would also be more work to modify/extend.  That said, if
handed a several million-line application written by some other
development team, I would rather the application be written in Java
than Python.
Why?  Performance, cleaner code, more robust language?  What makes
Java better than Python for some things?  What types of things is
Java best at?
In this particular case, the reason I say that is because Java is a 
statically typed language, and Python is dynamically typed.  There are 
a lot of arguments about which is better, and I won't say one is better 
than the other for all occasions -- but I happen to find a statically 
typed language like Java to be easier to read once the application 
exceeds a certain level of complexity.  I anticipate some dissent on 
this topic, mind you.  But when I'm trying to navigate my way through a 
twisted legacy framework of poorly-written source code to find a bug, 
it's nice to see the type declarations reminding me that foo is a 
FileManager and bar is a BufferedXmlMessage.

Of course, static type declarations are a pain in the ass in smaller 
programs, or programs that I'll be writing entirely myself, since I 
can't enjoy such flexibilities as this:

for item in iterableSequence:
Where iterableSequence could be a reference to a file object (so item 
would be a line), or a database resultset object (so item would be a 
row), or an object representing a list of users (so item would be a 
user), etc.  Unlike Java, Python doesn't require that your objects 
actually declare that they implement a specific 

User Friendly's Illiad to visit WLUG on Wed 25 Feb 2004

2004-02-09 Thread bscott
Hello World,

  I figured I'd pass this on as likely to be of interest to at least some of
the GNHLUG membership...

  Who  : J. D. Frazer, AKA Illiad
  What : User Friendly author and noted FOSS personality
  By   : WLUG (Worcester Linux Users' Group)
  When : Wed 25 Feb 2004 @ 7:00 PM
  Where: Access Grid Room, Lower Wedge, Morgan  Deniels Hall
 WPI Campus, Worcester, MA, US

  Illiad is the author and artist of the User Friendly comic strip and
books.  UF, as it is commonly abbreviated, is popular among fans of Linux
and other FOSS (Free/Open Source Software), both for being cluefull about IT
in general and FOSS in particular, and for being genuinely funny.

  WLUG is the Worcester Linux Users' Group.  They are co-located with WPI
(Worcester Polytechnic Institute), in Worcester, Massachusetts.

  I am not affiliated with UserFriendly, Illiad, WLUG, WPI, or darn anything
else.  I'm just passing the information along.

  More Information:

  UserFriendly -
Illiad's Personal Page -
WLUG Home Page -
 WPI Home Page -

  Getting There:

| The opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do  |
| not represent the views or policy of any other person or organization. |
| All information is provided without warranty of any kind.  |

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