Re: Trade show banner

2005-05-17 Thread Steven C. Peterson
I work for Fedex Kinko's in nashua, we do full color vinyl prints and 
cut vinyl banners
the scrim vinyl (threaded) with Acushield is $12 sq foot, it is rated to 
last 7 years outdoors but we have nly had it for 3 so i am stil skeptical
cut vinyl is custom qouted based on size and complexity(how many colors, 
graphics, and what meterials you want)

any questions you can speak with me or if you come in geoff, rodney, or 
dave or the sign and banner reps. when your ready to order i can manage
a 30% employee discount if i order it (but i will only be working their 
thru july before i go back to school)

Steven Peterson
Lori Hitchcock wrote:
The original quote from General John Stark was "Live free or Die"
Patrick Henry said "Give me liberty or Give me death"
Lori Hitchcock
Hitchcock Staffing
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rob Lembree
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 10:11 AM
To: Ted Roche
Cc: GNHLUG Organization
Subject: Re: Trade show banner
On May 15, 2005, at 12:30 PM, Ted Roche wrote:

In my spare time (ha, ha!), I'd like to find out if we could get a  
banner for future tradeshow booths. I'm picturing a white vinyl  
banner with grommets for us to hang it on a table or booth wall,  
with the GNHLUG logo and "Greater New Hampshire Linux User Group."  
Something tough enough to last a while.

I don't have any "ins" on this, so if someone has a brother-in-law  
who's a printer, or has a connection so we could get a good  
discount, let me know. I figured I'd just go to the local Kinko's  
and find out what they can offer, what sort of file formats we can  
deliver to them, and what we can expect to pay.

What else should the banner say? I'd like something catchy like  
"Live Free, Work Free, Play Free in New Hampshire" but I'm afraid  
that consensus on something like that, without too many libertarian  
vs. liberal vs. conservative vs. reactionary vs. dogmatic vs.  
"That's GNU/Linux" and "Free" vs. "Open" vs. "FLOSS" may be too  
much to take. It may be better to leave it simple and make it less  
threatening to the most prospective members. But perhaps I'm just  
being pessimistic .

What would YOU like the banner to say?

How about "Compute Free or Die", or (this one's tongue in cheek),
"Give Me Source or Give Me Death".   Of course, I'm sure that
people have been killed by Windows, so
(the actual original quote wasn't "Live Free or Die", it was
"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death")

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Re: [OT] Combinatronics WAS Re: /dev/random and linux security issues (kinda long)

2005-05-17 Thread Kevin D. Clark

I sent these to Dave yesterday but I haven't heard any feedback yet.
I've done a small amount of testing with these and they seem to work
just fine.  If you find a bug in these, please let me know.

This code uses "bigint" because, after all, we're dealing with

GnuPG ID: B280F24E And the madness of the crowd!kdc Is an epileptic fit
   -- Tom Waits


# read a decimal integer from STDIN and return its value, in base 95, on stdout
# this uses the printable ASCII characters, in order, as the digits of base 95
# input and output are both MSDF

use bigint;

$line = <>;
$line =~ /^([0-9]+)/;
$dec = $1 +0;

$epsilon = 1;
$base = 95;
while ($dec > $epsilon) {
 $digit = $dec % $base;
 $newdec = $dec / $base;
 $dec = $newdec;
 $result = chr($digit + 32) . "$result";

print "$result\n";

# read a decimal integer from STDIN and return its value, in base 95, on stdout
# this uses the printable ASCII characters, in order, as the digits of base 95
# input and output are both MSDF

use bigint;

$b95 = <>; chomp($b95);

map { $dec *= 95; $dec += (ord($_) - 32); } split(//, $b95);

print $dec, "\n";

MerriLUG meeting this Thursday.

2005-05-17 Thread Ken D'Ambrosio
Hello, one and all.  Our meeting this Thursday was putatively scheduled to
talk about security, but something's come up that offers us an interesting
look at the day-to-day meanderings of Linux as a political creature: the
whole Linux World/Sys-Con/Maureen O'Gara/SCO/Groklaw debacle.  (See links
at bottom of page for pertinent links.)  The person who really made the
whole thing explode was one James Turner, the (now former) senior editor
at Linux World... who just so happens to live in Derry.  He wears many
hats in addition to his editorship, and should make for an interesting
speaker.  (I bumped into him at the LinuxWorld Expo, and thought he'd be a
prime candidate for speaker sometime -- though I hadn't envisioned these
circumstances.)  Regardless, I'm looking forward to hearing his piece.

Please RSVP if you're planning the 6:00 dinner (7:00 meeting upstairs), so
I can make reservations.  Hopefully this time we won't be pre-empted by
pesky basketball players.  (Chris, at Martha's, isn't in today, so I can't
be sure of the room's availability until tomorrow.)

Look forward to seeing you!


James' original Slashdot post:
Marueen O'Gara gets the boot:
Interview with Sys-Con publishers:
LinuxWorld senior editorial staff resigns:
Groklaw's PJ on the whole thing:

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: MerriLUG meeting this Thursday.

2005-05-17 Thread Ben Scott
On 5/17/05, Ken D'Ambrosio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Our meeting this Thursday ... Hopefully this time we won't be pre-empted by
> pesky basketball players. 

On the other hand, I suspect we've already been preempted by a certain
movie release.  ;-)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: MerriLUG meeting this Thursday.

2005-05-17 Thread Michael Sh
Hi Ken,

Not 100% sure, but I am hoping to make the dinner/meeting on Thursday...


- Original Message -
From: "Ken D'Ambrosio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MerriLUG meeting this Thursday.
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 13:17:33 -0400 (EDT)

> Please RSVP if you're planning the 6:00 dinner (7:00 meeting upstairs), so
> I can make reservations.
> Look forward to seeing you!
> -Ken

NEW! Lycos Dating Search. The only place to search multiple dating sites at 

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Combinatronics WAS Re: /dev/random and linux security issues (kinda long)

2005-05-17 Thread aluminumsulfate
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin D. Clark)
   Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 08:22:07 -0400

   I sent these to Dave yesterday but I haven't heard any feedback yet.
   I've done a small amount of testing with these and they seem to work
   just fine.  If you find a bug in these, please let me know.

   This code uses "bigint" because, after all, we're dealing with

I just love it when someone mails me code and says, "Here, run this
Perl script." :)

On your advice, I changed "use bignum" to "use bigint" in my code, and
the results agree with both your script and my LISP version.  How odd
it is that, using "use bignum", the incorrect output from 10-to-95 can
be fed into 95-to-10 to return the original number. !?!

If you look at the man page for bignum, it's pretty clear that it
claims to use Math::BigInt.  So I don't understand why using bigint
explicitly would change anything (except, perhaps, the need for int()
around the / operation).  Maybe it's a bug in bignum.  Maybe it's a
bug in the documentation.  AFAIK, simply changing bignum to bigint
shouldn't alter program function.

With the exception of printing "0" on receipt of malformed input
(i.e., the null string), your program appears to work correctly.  (And
it didn't appear to infect my system with any wierd number-coded
trojan worm. :)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: recovering FC3 from a bad superblock

2005-05-17 Thread aluminumsulfate
   From: Greg Rundlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 13:23:37 -0400

   My work system is a dual-boot laptop running FC3 and Windows (don't
   actually use it).  The battery ran out, and it seems like the cache

First, it's just asking for data loss to run window$ and linux on the
same machine.  I've lost many gigabytes to window$ thinking it knew
what to do with a linux partition and *quickly* learned to use
removable drives.  IMHO (and, probably, in fact) window$ is too dumb
and arrogant to coexist peacefully with Linux. (A comical, but
telling, example: The only Y2K bug I had was a result of McAfee
thinking LILO was a virus.)

   got dumped onto the superblock b/c the next time I booted, it refused

Onto the *superblock*??  Does the superblock lie in the area where
that cache would have landed?

   mkdir test; mkdir test2; mount -r /dev/hda1 /test; mount -r /dev/hda2 /test2

   ls -al test2 
   shows me that there is a complete linux filesystem there, including
   the boot directory

The fact that *this* happens is important.  If mounting with the
rescue disk works without complaint, your superblock is probably *in
tact*.  Instead, it may be mount and/or e2fsck which have somehow
become corrupt  As others have said, if you see a filesystem
there, copy it. :)

   I am kinda lost on what to do to try to repair the superblock.  If I
   try running e2fsck (read-only) on that partition, it doesn't complain.
So, forcing it
   e2fsck -f -n /dev/hda2 
   tells me there are errors

If, due to whatever hardware/software failure has occured,
mount/e2fsck have become corrupt, then it is likely that other
filesystem structures have also.  I had my X libraries disappear once,
because of a (only very slightly) bad stick of RAM.

   Using the so-called backup superblocks [block-size (8192 *n) +1], it
   reports a 'bad magic number'
   e2fsck -b 16384 -n /dev/hda2

You may also want to check this formula.  From what I remember, the
actual formula e2fs uses isn't linear.

   How should I go about fixing the 'errors' while the filesystem is not
   mounted?  Or, how should I mount the filesystem properly so that it
   can be fixed, but not 'used' during the fix?

: Can it hurt to repair a filesystem
while it's mounted read-only?

   I am reading a grub howto now, but any help would be appreciated.

One thing which hasn't been mentioned on this thread is imaging the
disk.  If you can't access all the data you need from the parts of the
filesystem which are still intact, you can image the drive (either to
another drive, DVD, or whatever) and work on that later.  That way,
you could safely wipe/mess with/reinstall on the original drive and
get running again in the interim.

There are some docs on e2fs layout, e2fs recovery, and tools for
editing and/or recovering data from e2fs filesystems (at least one is
even automated).  If you want to do some real studying, you could
probably recover your data.  But it would (guaranteed) take a Very
Long Time(TM).  Ask: Is it worth it?  If so, there are also
professional data recovery services (Excalibur in MA comes to mind).
But they'll cost your shirt... and your pants... and y

I've heard that the IDERAW features of kernels 2.4+ allow you to
microstep your hard drive, so you can recover data that has actually
been overwritten on the disk.  Has anyone heard of software that is
able to make use of this functionality?

   gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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Re: recovering FC3 from a bad superblock

2005-05-17 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 01:27:45AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>From: Greg Rundlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 13:23:37 -0400
>My work system is a dual-boot laptop running FC3 and Windows (don't
>actually use it).  The battery ran out, and it seems like the cache
> First, it's just asking for data loss to run window$ and linux on the
> same machine.  

I really have to strongly disagree there...  I've been dual-booting
Linux and Windows since 1996, and I've *NEVER* experienced data loss
as a result.  There was a recent bug involving partitioning when
distros started switching to 2.6, but if you were careful and good at
following directions, the problem was usually recoverable, IIRC.

> The fact that *this* happens is important.  If mounting with the
> rescue disk works without complaint, your superblock is probably *in
> tact*.  Instead, it may be mount and/or e2fsck which have somehow
> become corrupt  

That's just crazy talk.  Odds are if mount or e2fsck were corrupt,
they woudn't work at all, or they'd crash bigtime, probably making
things a lot worse.

>Using the so-called backup superblocks [block-size (8192 *n) +1], it
>reports a 'bad magic number'
>e2fsck -b 16384 -n /dev/hda2
> You may also want to check this formula.  From what I remember, the
> actual formula e2fs uses isn't linear.

You can determine the probable location of the back-up superblocks
using mke2fs -n.  Assuming the defaults were used, most likely your
back-up superblock is at block 32768, which is why the e2fsck command
listed above didn't work.

The manpage for mke2fs gives the specifics of how to determine the
primary back-up superblock.  It's based on block size, as the OP says,
but his formula isn't quite right.

> : Can it hurt to repair a filesystem
> while it's mounted read-only?

Can it hurt?  That depends on your perspective.  If it's already
broken, then it probably can't hurt much worse...  The only real
likelihood of e2fsck hurting your filesystem is if you happen to have
a buggy version.  It can delete files on you, but if you have a clue,
you can look at /lost+found and figure out where the went...

Derek D. Martin   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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