Re: Quarantining an account from the Internet, or from all networking?

2010-08-17 Thread Benjamin Scott
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 1:02 AM, Greg Rundlett (freephile) wrote:
 I just want to add for those who may be interested in iptables, but not
 wanting to get into the intricacies, you can try firestarter [1] or it's
 successor gui app called ufw [2] (in Ubuntu)

  ufw doesn't look very GUI to me.

  Firestarter looks like a typical firewall GUI.  The Events tab,
which I presume is an integrated log viewer, is a nice touch.
However, a cursory read of the docs finds it doesn't appear to support
anything but very basic source/destination address/port rules, which
won't help Bill.

-- Ben

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Quarantining an account from the Internet, or from all networking?

2010-08-17 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Suggestion: suppose you have setup your system with a uid that is
protected by some iptables rules (call this UNTRUSTED), and futhermore
also suppose that the binary that you really want to protect against
is called DOCREADER.  

Well, then, you might want to consider replacing every occurence of
the DOCREADER binary on your system's disk with a script that
basically does this:

  exec sudo -u UNTRUSTED DOCREADER-original $...@}

You might also want to consider locking this package down from a
package-management-automatic-updates perspective.

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Looking for sofware to display keystrokes as they are typed, for demos

2010-08-17 Thread Michael ODonnell

At least on my Debian box there's a logkeys package available
that might serve if you can maybe find a way to tail its output
in an on-screen window during your presentation.  Here's a fragment
of example output it captured while I was composing this email
with vi as launched from exmh:

 2010-08-17 08:57:46-0400  kkothat might serve if you can find a way to maybe 
LShfttailLShft its output in a windowEscbhin 
 2010-08-17 08:58:50-0400  your EscbbLShft
 2010-08-17 08:58:58-0400  LShft
 2010-08-17 08:59:14-0400  ]
 2010-08-17 08:59:15-0400  jjoEsck#+28wLShft

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Quarantining an account from the Internet, or from all networking?

2010-08-17 Thread Tom Buskey
Do other users need to be on the same system w/o restrictions?

If not, I'd create a VM (or physical system if you have $$) with its
own firewall and only that user.  Block everything in/out except
what's needed.  Run only that app in there.  If some sites are
allowed, add a proxy to restrict that.

Choice of VM + firewall lft to the user.

On 8/16/10, Bill Sconce wrote:
 On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 16:56:32 -0400
 Bill Sconce wrote:

 Does anyone know of a way to prevent a Linux account from accessing
 the Internet?

 Wow. Excellent. It looks like iptables may be the ticket. (If my
 ${very_untrusted_user_UID} is prevented from sending packets out
 that does exactly the job needed. E.g., a user account which I
 set up for reading PDFs can't send anything, no matter how
 perniciously a PDF file has been crafted (and of course assuming
 that the account is also nonprivileged etc.) then my objective
 has been met.

 I'll give iptables a try. It's at just the right level of brute-
 forceness, and of Linuxness.

 I love this list.

 Many thanks!

 Many more thanks!  I'll report back on results of testing.

 I'll_report_back_on_results_of_testing'ly yrs,

 gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Sent from my mobile device
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Quarantining an account from the Internet, or from all networking?

2010-08-17 Thread Benjamin Scott
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Tom Buskey wrote:
 Do other users need to be on the same system w/o restrictions?

  It sounds like what he really wants to do is sandbox an untrusted application.

  For example, if you don't trust Adobe Reader, you might want to deny
all network I/O to it.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Quarantining an account from the Internet, or from all networking?

2010-08-17 Thread Benjamin Scott
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 8:43 AM, Kevin D. Clark wrote:
 Well, then, you might want to consider replacing every occurence of
 the DOCREADER binary on your system's disk with a script that
 basically does this:

  exec sudo -u UNTRUSTED DOCREADER-original $...@}

  Just occurred to me: Couldn't you setgid the binary, and make the
binary owned by root, group untrusted or whatever, mode 755.  Right?

-- Ben

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Looking for sofware to display keystrokes as they are typed, for demos

2010-08-17 Thread Ted Roche
On 08/17/2010 09:06 AM, Michael ODonnell wrote:
 At least on my Debian box there's a logkeys package available
 that might serve if you can maybe find a way to tail its output
 in an on-screen window during your presentation. 
I like the idea of tailing a keylogger to display keystrokes. Pretty clever.

And thanks for the references. As I had indicated, Googling an issue
with display keys as they are pressed just doesn't have the kind of
keyword discrimination that makes a search worthwhile.

The logkeys project is available at and
the docs point to another few possibilities like PyKeyLogger, too.


Ted Roche
Ted Roche  Associates, LLCp

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Quarantining an account from the Internet, or from all networking?

2010-08-17 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Benjamin Scott writes:

 On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 8:43 AM, Kevin D. Clark

  Well, then, you might want to consider replacing every occurence of
  the DOCREADER binary on your system's disk with a script that
  basically does this:
   exec sudo -u UNTRUSTED DOCREADER-original $...@}
   Just occurred to me: Couldn't you setgid the binary, and make the
 binary owned by root, group untrusted or whatever, mode 755.  Right?

That's a better suggestion than mine.

Another way to do all of this would be through a SELinux config.  I
have played with this on occasion, but haven't had as much time as I
would like to explore here.  It seems to me that this could be a more
fine-grained solution.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Quarantining an account from the Internet, or from all networking?

2010-08-17 Thread Bill Sconce
On 17 Aug 2010 08:43:35 -0400 (Kevin D. Clark) wrote:

 Suggestion: suppose you have setup your system with a uid that is
 protected by some iptables rules (call this UNTRUSTED), and futhermore
 also suppose that the binary that you really want to protect against
 is called DOCREADER.  

Exactly! You've got it! This much is already done.  I just didn't put
details in the original post; I won't do *all* the details here either,
but here's a synopsis. (Like everything I write, it starts out as
only a few lines, but grows. Sorry; I hope you find it's worth it.)

Over the past couple of years, I've been, gradually, developing my
personal machine as a kind of feasibility proof that it's possible
to visit the Internet without submitting to Moglen's spying, all
the time, for free.
 ^ highly recommended
It's most of the way there. Essentially, the rubric is to provide
a Linux account for each of several classes of activity, e.g.,

  o General browsing (no scripts, no Flash)
  o Special browsing (e.g, each site where I post data [e.g.,
 subscription sites], or single-site browsers [e.g.,
 a single-purpose account to inspect charge-card history])
  o Poisoned browsing
 o Browsing where cookies are required
 o Browsing where Javascript is required
 o Browsing where [gack] Flash is required
 [BTW, it's surprising how much of the Internet works just
 fine without having to turn on any of the poisoned stuff.]
  o PDF viewing (to be implemented; the reason for this thread)
  o Mail-client quarantining (to be implemented)
  o and more

Each of the browsing classes above is handled by by running it
under a discrete Linux account(*). Each such account is nonprivileged
(duh!) and the standard Linux permissions mechanisms are indispensable
in preventing, say, your browser account from knowing anything about
your e-mail account. I've set up each browsing account to typically 
run on a specific X desktop(*), to help me remember where things are,
and to enable having more than one kind of browsing go on at a time.
I often have three or four kinds of browsing going on.

For the poisonous accounts: once you allow Javascript to run
you pretty much have to assume that you've run arbitrary/malicious
binary code from the 'net. You should assume that you has done the
worst things that the current account has permissions to do. Writing
cookies, resurrecting zombie cookies, writing Flash cookies,
writing and reading arbritrary files to and from disk (oh, wait,
I already mentioned Flash cookies), doing whatever else Flash
does (no one knows!) Even doing installs, etc.  OK, accept it:
any place on your machine that was writable by you while you
was browsing must now be treated as poisoned.

After any poisonous account has been used I erase its home
directory; a clean home directory is reloaded for the next use.
Each poisonous account can write stuff to the disk (Flash will
certainly so so), but I can make it go away, and prove that
it's gone away. And sleep at night. It's my computer(*).

All of that's working and has been working for some time. (Although
of course it was something of pain get it working. :)  It was only
a question of pulling together tools that are  already there(*). 
But it's certainly not a technique which helps anyone else (yet?); 
this is just a feasibility proof(**). Nor is it a technique for
grandma's use case. Ever.  :(

My original post in this thread came from observing that programs
*other than browsers* can be, and are, designed to phone home.
Adobe Reader(tm), for instance. But not just Adobe, nor just
proprietary blobs. Any program whose source code you don't see,
especially any program which offers services such as displaying
hyperlinks. But any program can be exploitable, whether or not it's
complicit by design in spying. To put it another way, I'd like
for any program I run to be subject to proof by me that it hasn't
been able to spy.

For instance, thinking beyond PDF readers, my e-mail client. It
displays hyperlinks. It offers to display HTML. (HTML is turned off,
of course, but it bothers me that an e-mail client contains code
which knows anything about HTML.) It would be nice if the account in 
which my e-mail client runs were restricted so that it could open
sockets only to my POP/IMAP provider. That's a more exquisite
granularity than I was asking for (the ability to drop all packets).
Sounds good - a bonus!  Thanks, guys.

Stay tuned for the paper.  :)

In_2013_or_so'ly yrs,


(*)  Sorry, Windows users. The tools you need just aren't
 available on Windows.

(**) Feasibility proof.

 Few computer owners are likely to want to go to this much
 trouble. Heck, *I* don't want to go to this much trouble.

 But I'm damned if I have to accept 

Linux vs Windows, obscure security features (was: Quarantining an account...)

2010-08-17 Thread Benjamin Scott
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Bill Sconce wrote:
 (*)  Sorry, Windows users. The tools you need just aren't
     available on Windows.

  Windows NT certainly has user accounts.  Always has, since the first
version (Version 3.0).  (NT is today called Windows 7, and has also
been called Vista, XP, and  2000.)  (It's still Microsoft; they
love playing name games.)

  Vista also introduces a number of features along the lines of
privilege isolation.

  One I find particularly interesting is  Integrity Levels (also
called Mandatory Integrity Control (again, still Microsoft)).  For
example, you can assign an ACL to your web browser binary which result
in that process having reduced access to other things, such as your
user files.  So in addition to having user accounts, you can actually
get into fine-grained controls below the user level.  Vaguely similar
to SELinux.

  Vista also uses multiple desktops for privilege separation.  Those
poorly-implemented User Account Control dialogs actually appear on a
separate desktop and are overlaid with the user desktop (in theory, to
 prevent malware from attacking them directly).  Vista also supports
running simultaneous virtual desktops in support of multiple user
sessions (Fast User Switching, in Microsoft parlance).

  And unlike your stuff, the above is all in wide use today, even by
grandma.  (How well it works is another matter, of course.  Too many
users act like they *want* to install malware.  Including grandma,
as you note.)

  Before you go throwing around FUD, you might want to check your
facts.  If you go into a vendor-neutral or pro-Microsoft environment
saying things like that, you're going to get ripped to shreds by the
Microsofties, and rightly so.

-- Ben

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux vs Windows, obscure security features (was: Quarantining an account...)

2010-08-17 Thread Benjamin Scott
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 5:22 PM, David Hardy wrote:
 And we all know, I think, that Windows NT was created for Microsoft by Dave
 Cutler, former developer of RSX and VMS ..

  And Cutler moved to Microsoft because DEC just wanted to
maintain/extend VMS, while Cutler wanted to write a new OS (MICA)
for the new hardware architecture (PRISM) that was being designed.
Microsoft needed a better OS (where better included not part-owned
by IBM), Cutler wanted to continue MICA... and thus OS/2 NT was
born.  It was originally going to be the 3.0 release of OS/2.  Then
the IBM and MSFT alliance fell apart completely, and it became
Windows NT.

  (Aside: Significant chunks of the PRISM technology ended up as the
Alpha architecture.)

 I remember how there were a number of similarities between
 the VMS user authorization parameters and the NT ones,

  Reportedly, the NT kernel and VMS share a number of architectural
similarities.  I read a 2-page technical analysis once; most of it was
over my head but it sure seemed like there was something to it.  I've
been told NT was so similar DEC threatened MSFT with legal action, and
MSFT settled out-of-court; one consequence was that NT was maintained
on the Alpha for longer than had MSFT wanted.  Or something like that.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux vs Windows, obscure security features (was: Quarantining an account...)

2010-08-17 Thread David Hardy
Very interesting, and additional information that I was not aware of,
naturally.  For a short while, maybe nine years ago, I had an office with an
Alpha machine that was running OpenVMS 6.something, and then when my
managers found out that it could run NT, they made me change it to NT.  I
wish now that I'd told them it could also run Red Hat.  There was even a web
site back then concerning running NT on Alphas, with available downloads,
and, if memory serves, which it often does not these daze, a pseudo-'for
Dummies' book about VMS and NT interoperability;  I may still have it around
here somewhere.  (there is also another 'for Dummies' book on running VMS
together with Linux.)

Aha, the web site;  here it is:

I also remember having to install firmware to do the change, and it looks
like some of it may still be available at Microsoft.  I may even have some
floppies around here, too.

Ah, the glory daze...miniscule hard drives, nit-noy
monitors...9-track reels...and midnight shift operators who looked like
they'd escaped from the bar scene in *Star Wars*...

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Benjamin Scott dragonh...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 5:22 PM, David Hardy
  And we all know, I think, that Windows NT was created for Microsoft by
  Cutler, former developer of RSX and VMS ..

  And Cutler moved to Microsoft because DEC just wanted to
 maintain/extend VMS, while Cutler wanted to write a new OS (MICA)
 for the new hardware architecture (PRISM) that was being designed.
 Microsoft needed a better OS (where better included not part-owned
 by IBM), Cutler wanted to continue MICA... and thus OS/2 NT was
 born.  It was originally going to be the 3.0 release of OS/2.  Then
 the IBM and MSFT alliance fell apart completely, and it became
 Windows NT.

  (Aside: Significant chunks of the PRISM technology ended up as the
 Alpha architecture.)

  I remember how there were a number of similarities between
  the VMS user authorization parameters and the NT ones,

  Reportedly, the NT kernel and VMS share a number of architectural
 similarities.  I read a 2-page technical analysis once; most of it was
 over my head but it sure seemed like there was something to it.  I've
 been told NT was so similar DEC threatened MSFT with legal action, and
 MSFT settled out-of-court; one consequence was that NT was maintained
 on the Alpha for longer than had MSFT wanted.  Or something like that.

 -- Ben
 gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux vs Windows, obscure security features (was: Quarantining an account...)

2010-08-17 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall

From an admittedly faulty and ever-aging memory of events:

   And Cutler moved to Microsoft because DEC just wanted to
 maintain/extend VMS, while Cutler wanted to write a new OS (MICA)
 for the new hardware architecture (PRISM) that was being designed.
 Microsoft needed a better OS (where better included not part-owned
 by IBM), Cutler wanted to continue MICA... and thus OS/2 NT was
 born.  It was originally going to be the 3.0 release of OS/2.  Then
 the IBM and MSFT alliance fell apart completely, and it became
 Windows NT.
Cutler wanted to leave Massachusetts and live in Washington State a long
time before that.  KO wanted to keep him on board, so allowed him to set
up an advanced development facility in Belleview, overlooking the
Olympic Mountains, which Cutler could see perhaps three days a year)
funded by Digital.

Dave was well on his way to developing an operating system based on
Microkernel technology that could run both a VMS personality and a Unix
personality at the same time as well as developing the Prism hardware

However, because this was an extensive and expensive operation, Dave's
budget was often reduced, and the project sometimes was threatened with
closure, but eventually was refunded and continued on.

The other problem was that Dave was of the opinion that MICA had to be
exactly VMS compatible, whereas Dave could change Unix when there were
some conflicts between the two OS designs, or where he could make it
better.  I know this because I interviewed for a job as product manager
of the Unix side, and spent a futile twenty minutes trying to convince
him he was wrong...not a very good thing to do in a job interview.

Meantime Digital was being pulverized by Sun and Sparc workstations, and
an engineer from the east coast, Rob Rodriguez had the idea (inspired by
John Hennessy) of porting Ultrix (a VAX-based Digital extension of BSD
4.1) to a MIPs-based little-endian workstation based on the VAXstation
3100 motherboard (and subsequently called the DECstation 3100) giving a
several-times performance improvement over then-current VAX
architectures.  This idea was seized by Armando Stettner, floated to the
west coast workstation manager, Joe DiNucci, who then took it to Ken
Olsen who immediately funded it.

This project (called the PMAX project) was done in complete secrecy,
with a minimal engineering team.  I still have my PMAX T-shirt some

On the eve of the announcement of the DecStation 3100, Ken Olsen called
a Board of Directors meeting, and invited Dave to fly east and talk
about the status of his work.

After Dave put all of his charts, drawings, plans and schedules up in
front of the Board, KO asked him how fast the new system would be, and
would it be any faster than the prototype Decstation that KO rolled out
in front of him?

Dave left the meeting, flew back to Belleview, and a short time later
(within two weeks, I believe) left DEC and joined Microsoft.  Some of
his engineers went with him.  About six months later Microsoft announced
a brand new OS called Windows NT, for Windows New Technology, that had
been developed by Dave Cutler and his staff.

In cleaning up the remains of the advanced development lab, it is
rumored that a silicon wafer with some CPU prototypes were found, and
when tested were a very fast RISC processor originally called the
E-VAX (for Extended VAX but later developed into the Alpha series.

  Reportedly, the NT kernel and VMS share a number of architectural
similarities.  I read a 2-page technical analysis once; most of it was
over my head but it sure seemed like there was something to it.  I've
been told NT was so similar DEC threatened MSFT with legal action, and
MSFT settled out-of-court; one consequence was that NT was maintained
on the Alpha for longer than had MSFT wanted.  Or something like that.

Whether that OS had any Digital Proprietary IP in it is up to the
lawyers to determine, but it is interesting to think about someone (even
as brilliant as Dave is) who could write an entire OS in such a short
time without using some existing IP.

So now you know the rest of the story (or at least as it was
remembered by me).


gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux vs Windows, obscure security features (was: Quarantining an account...)

2010-08-17 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall

Unfortunately the site you mention:

has a FAQ that is wrong:

Alpha NT never supported a 64-bit virtual address space.  I seem to
remember that Digital offered that code to Microsoft in 1992, but
Microsoft turned it down because it was not in their best business
interests to accept it.

I was also told that Digital also offered (perhaps at a royalty cost) an
implementation of their clustering software in the same timeperiod,
which Microsoft also turned down.  Instead Microsoft came out with
Wolfpack, which was the only clustering software I ever saw where two
processors ran slower than one.

Finally, that site did have a bitter-sweet memory for me.  In the upper
right-hand corner of the page is an ad for Shannon knows DEC the
byline of an old friend of mine, Terry Charlie Matco Shannon, may he
rest in the peace he deserves.


gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux vs Windows, obscure security features (was: Quarantining an account...)

2010-08-17 Thread Jarod Wilson
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:
 Cutler wanted to leave Massachusetts and live in Washington State a long
 time before that.  KO wanted to keep him on board, so allowed him to set
 up an advanced development facility in Belleview, overlooking the
 Olympic Mountains, which Cutler could see perhaps three days a year)
 funded by Digital.

Minor nit: its Bellevue, not Belleview. :)

My two oldest kids were both born at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue, WA.

Jarod Wilson

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux vs Windows, obscure security features (was: Quarantining an account...)

2010-08-17 Thread Joseph Smith
On 08/17/2010 07:56 PM, Jarod Wilson wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Jon 'maddog'  wrote:
 Cutler wanted to leave Massachusetts and live in Washington State a long
 time before that.  KO wanted to keep him on board, so allowed him to set
 up an advanced development facility in Belleview, overlooking the
 Olympic Mountains, which Cutler could see perhaps three days a year)
 funded by Digital.

 Minor nit: its Bellevue, not Belleview. :)

 My two oldest kids were both born at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue, WA.

Cool I know Bellevue. I used to live in Olympia :-)

Joseph Smith
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux vs Windows, obscure security features (was: Quarantining an account...)

2010-08-17 Thread David Hardy
maddog, et. al.

Thanks much for that additional history.  I am filing it as notes for my
eventual 'autobiography' accordingly.

I also remember reading Terry Shannon's 'Charlie Matco' columns back then
and I believe I even corresponded with him once or twice.  May he indeed,
fellow 'Nam vet (we were there at the same time, albeit with different
tasks, one of which I shared with him during my later tour in TLC) , rest in
peace.  His web site exists here: would cheerfully kill someone now for a
Charlie Matco coffee mug.


On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 6:57 PM, Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:


 Unfortunately the site you mention:

 has a FAQ that is wrong:

 Alpha NT never supported a 64-bit virtual address space.  I seem to
 remember that Digital offered that code to Microsoft in 1992, but
 Microsoft turned it down because it was not in their best business
 interests to accept it.

 I was also told that Digital also offered (perhaps at a royalty cost) an
 implementation of their clustering software in the same timeperiod,
 which Microsoft also turned down.  Instead Microsoft came out with
 Wolfpack, which was the only clustering software I ever saw where two
 processors ran slower than one.

 Finally, that site did have a bitter-sweet memory for me.  In the upper
 right-hand corner of the page is an ad for Shannon knows DEC the
 byline of an old friend of mine, Terry Charlie Matco Shannon, may he
 rest in the peace he deserves.


gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Quarantining an account from the Internet, or from all networking?

2010-08-17 Thread Bill Sconce
On Tue, 17 Aug 2010 11:35:59 -0400
Benjamin Scott wrote:

   It sounds like what he really wants to do is sandbox an untrusted 
   For example, if you don't trust Adobe Reader, you might want to deny
 all network I/O to it.

That's it. 

[A virtual machine would also do the job.

[But just a user account in which to run Adobe Reader, a user account for
which the kernel refuses to pass any packets out to the network, is
considerably lighter weight. In fact, the machine in question, my
laptop, is old enough to not support the virtualization hardware
instructions. It does run virtualized machines, but SLOOOWLY.]

I promised to report back on iptables.


I created an account, then did several ad hoc tests. I used whois,
before and after setting -j DROP (reproduced below), ran Firefox
before and after ditto, and did some trials of SSH on the LAN and
on the WAN. In every case the network is there when the -j DROP
rule below isn't in effect, and not accessible when -j DROP is
in effect.  And evince (which is what I usually use to read PDFs)
works without complaint, at least on the first few PDFs (local
files!) I tried. I suppose I'll try the real Adobe Reader(tm) at
some point, but for now, this is exactly what I hoped for.

Test summary:
Any program run as the user sconce_nonet, with the iptables
rule below in effect, cannot send IP packets to the net, WAN
or LAN. Programs running as other users are not affected.

Thanks again, guys!


$ sudo adduser --force-badname --uid 609 sconce_nonet

$ sudo -H -u sconce_nonet -s

sconce_no...@laura:~$ ls -l
total 0

sconce_no...@laura:~$ # Test that the newly-created account can reach the net
sconce_no...@laura:~$ whois

Whois Server Version 2.0

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to
for detailed information.

   Server Name: 
   IP Address:
   Whois Server:
   Referral URL:

   IP Address:
   Whois Server:
   Referral URL:

  [...and so on for a while. I am not making this up.]

sconce_no...@laura:~$ # Test that iptables can shut off access to the net
sconce_no...@laura:~$ sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -m owner --uid-owner 609 

sconce_no...@laura:~$ whois
getaddrinfo( Name or service not known

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux vs Windows, obscure security features (was: Quarantining an account...)

2010-08-17 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall

His web site exists here:

It must be residing on a PRO 350 running an early version of V7M-11 (nee
Ultrix-11)it took such a long time to load, but was definitely worth
the wait.

Thanks again for the memories.


P.S. My note about Terry from that site:

Shannon knows. Posted by Jon 
Saturday July 09 2005 @ 01:35PM EDT
I, like many other people, had heard of Charlie Matco. The invisible
person who was under every desk at Digital Equipment Corporation, and
who knew the plans before DEC announced them, and often knew what would
happen before DEC did.

I met Terry during my days in the Digital Unix group, probably at a
DECUS. Very sharp technically, and always thinking of the customer.

Terry was one of the first analysts to embrace Linux and what it could
do for the world.

I hope they have computers in Heaven...otherwise Terry will not be

- maddog

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux vs Windows, obscure security features (was: Quarantining an account...)

2010-08-17 Thread Bill Sconce
On Tue, 17 Aug 2010 17:01:50 -0400
Benjamin Scott wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Bill Sconce wrote:
  (*)  Sorry, Windows users. The tools you need just aren't
      available on Windows.
   Windows NT certainly has user accounts.  Always has, since the first
 version (Version 3.0).  (NT is today called Windows 7, and has also
 been called Vista, XP, and  2000.)  (It's still Microsoft; they
 love playing name games.)
   Vista also introduces a number of features along the lines of
 privilege isolation.

Before you let me get ripped to shreds, let me say: if NT's user accounts
can be made to do what's needed, I want (and my clients want) to know
how to make it happen.

And I'll be happy to eat crow because I didn't know enough about
Windows, if that's the case. I certainly know about NT user accounts


By do what's needed I don't and can't mean
  o when you want to go to the Web, log out and log back in;
  o when you want to view a PDF document, log out and log back in;
  o when you want to run a program which can't see the files
you have open on your desktop, log out and log back in;
  o and so on.

Perhaps I'd have run less risk of shredding if I'd said
  The tools to make user-privilege separation usable day to day,
  e.g., the ability to run programs with/without the net and to
  switch among working environments/desktops/user accounts with
  a single keypress, and so on just aren't available on Windows.

Or perhaps Windows users can do these things, in which case
I deserve shredding.

(I can surely say I'll be *pissed* if someone shows me that what
took me three years' part time to get working usably can be done
more easily in Windows!)

I can also surely say I've never seen a Windows shop where
any of Microsoft's privilege separation was used. The best of
them have user accounts set as restricted (a good thing), but
I've never seen ACLs used, including in the largest/most 
professional Windows shop I've worked in, 4000+ desktops. Only
saying I've never seen it, not that it doesn't happen somewhere.
(Full disclosure: I've never seen a Vista system at all. None
of my clients use it. Or Windows 7. [I hope to convert them to
Linux before they ever have to!] All Vista shops could be doing
security right and I wouldn't know. And if they are all doing it
right I hereby volunteer to be shredded, with broken CRT necks.)

(I've never seen a Linux shop using ACLs or implementing
SELinux either, but those do exist. Just not at the social
strata I move in -- not in one-man-admin shops. Which are
what I care about these days.)

 Vista also supports running simultaneous virtual desktops
 in support of multiple user sessions (Fast User Switching,
 in Microsoft parlance).

OK, that might actually help. If that facility is usable,
I was wrong. Thanks.


P.S. It was worth a threat of shredding to have triggered md's
telling of the DecWest/Cutler story. The best!

I love this list.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux vs Windows, obscure security features (was: Quarantining an account...)

2010-08-17 Thread David Hardy
Yep, took a long time to load for me, too.  Could be on a VAXstation 3100 or
a MicroVAX.

In Heaven he will have his choice of computers and a data center to put them
in and his own printing press to explain it all to the other denizens.  Only
a year older than me and already gone these past five years.  A major loss.
 RIP, Terry.  But before you rest up, call in one more air strike on Apple.

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 9:33 PM, Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:


 His web site exists here:

 It must be residing on a PRO 350 running an early version of V7M-11 (nee
 Ultrix-11)it took such a long time to load, but was definitely worth
 the wait.

 Thanks again for the memories.


 P.S. My note about Terry from that site:

 Shannon knows. Posted by Jon
 Saturday July 09 2005 @ 01:35PM EDT
 I, like many other people, had heard of Charlie Matco. The invisible
 person who was under every desk at Digital Equipment Corporation, and
 who knew the plans before DEC announced them, and often knew what would
 happen before DEC did.

 I met Terry during my days in the Digital Unix group, probably at a
 DECUS. Very sharp technically, and always thinking of the customer.

 Terry was one of the first analysts to embrace Linux and what it could
 do for the world.

 I hope they have computers in Heaven...otherwise Terry will not be

 - maddog

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

dual pci nic with bridging

2010-08-17 Thread Brian St. Pierre
Anybody have experience with a PCI-based dual-interface NIC that does
hardware bridging? This would be for a traffic monitoring application,
so the host cpu must be able to snoop traffic. Software bridging is
not feasible.

Thanks for any pointers.

Brian St. Pierre
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: dual pci nic with bridging

2010-08-17 Thread Shawn O'Shea
The only host-based thing I've seen for something like that are the Endace
DAG cards. They tout 100% packet capture since they take all the processing
off the host CPU. They are not cheap though...I think it was like 6000$ for
a dual port.


On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 11:20 PM, Brian St. Pierre br...@bstpierre.orgwrote:

 Anybody have experience with a PCI-based dual-interface NIC that does
 hardware bridging? This would be for a traffic monitoring application,
 so the host cpu must be able to snoop traffic. Software bridging is
 not feasible.

 Thanks for any pointers.

 Brian St. Pierre
 gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: dual pci nic with bridging

2010-08-17 Thread Benjamin Scott
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 11:20 PM, Brian St. Pierre wrote:
 Anybody have experience with a PCI-based dual-interface NIC that does
 hardware bridging?   This would be for a traffic monitoring application ...

  Not what you asked for, but: Would it be feasible to use a small
managed switch with a monitor/mirror port?  That would give you much
greater hardware choice, as you wouldn't need a special network card.

-- Ben
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