Gov't , economics and technology (was Re: METROCAST BLOCKS RESIDENTIAL E-MAIL)

2006-03-11 Thread Kuni Tetsu
--- Jeff Kinz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Since when has the government been interested in delivering service to us
  the lowest cost? 
 At the level of abstract goals government is interested at being
 efficient. The real obstacle to creating an efficient government service
 is that there are few, if any, rewards for efficiency to the individuals
 who actually supervise/do the work.   For example, in the business sector, a
 person who is productive keeps their job and gets a raise occasionally.
 The general public perceives that people in civil service don't have to
 be efficient or productive to keep theirs jobs and get an occasional
 raise.  (I can't speak either way on this perception as I have no data).
 People in business have clear incentives to change: money and jobs.

Gov't employees (at least at the uncivil servant level) are all union members.
In general, you don't get merit pay, you only get raises based on years served.
The longer you are an employee, the more you make. Promotions are another way
to make more money, but those are based on someone above you retiring.

As such, they have 0 incentive to be move efficient, unless there is a pending
promotion. Being human beings, they have a built in incentive to make their
life easier so they do things to customers to lighten their day, show their
power, and otherwise make THEIR day better.

My wife worked for the DOT for a while. She was actually reprimanded for being
TOO efficient and thus making the rest of the slackers look bad.

I would love to hear counterpoints to this observed and annecdoted theorum. And
yes, I understand that the plural of annecdote is not data :)

Policy makers do make noises about lowest cost providers and budget
consrtaints, but no gov't beaurocracy is more efficient than the dreaded
Private Sector. There you can get fired for poor performance.

 Individuals have to be dragged into change unless they see a clear
 benefit to themselves in the change.  This is a basic human trait.
 Change is uncomfortable, people avoid discomfort unless they perceive an
 advantage on the other side of the change.  


 One example - still not much known today, the great crime rate drop of
 the 80' and 90's was caused not by burgeoning economic times or great
 social programs.  They were caused by the women suddenly being able to
 freely obtain an abortion. (Freakonomics, Levitt  Dubner, 2005.)

Um. That is not the sum total. Freakonomics is hardly real science, let alone
good data. Yes, I have read it. I have also read what real economists thing
about it. That is a whole other thread and I will not bring it in here.

The rise of technology is definitely a factor, especially in the 90's. There,
we are at least back on a tangental thread.

During the 90's most companies were putting computers on the desks of their
administrators, and that helped efficiency a great deal. Although is it
anathema to mention it here, add to it the fact that most of said computers
were pretty monocultured, and all had the same interface. People could now move
from job to job or even company to company and not have to relearn a lot of the
tools used in their jobs. As such, they significantly reduced the amount of
time it took them to spin-up to speed at their new job and thus were more

The biggest road block I have seen to the acceptance of Open Office is the fact
that they do not have the same menues as the products they are trying to
supplant. That is not the way to get your product accepted. I don't care it is
is a more logical or better way to do menues. That is not the point. Note
that Word had a Wordperfect compatible menu mode for precisely this reason.
(Look on-topic bits!)

There were a lot of economic incentives as well. Reducing the tax rates meant
people had more to spend; people had to work to produce those new products;
Since those folks were now employed they thus had more money to spend, etc.
Snear and slap a label on this if you want, but this is pretty basic economics.
Unless you think Kensey is the end-all-be-all of economics. This is however,
not a thread for this list.

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Re: The Dismal Science's Freaky Side?

2006-03-11 Thread Kuni Tetsu

On Sat, Mar 11, 2006 at 09:40:50AM -0800, Kuni Tetsu wrote:
 Um. That is not the sum total. Freakonomics is hardly real science, let alone
 good data. Yes, I have read it. I have also read what real economists thing
 about it. That is a whole other thread and I will not bring it in here.

Here is something you will not see much on the Internet...

I spoke out of turn on Freakonomics. It is data, and certainly entertainingly
presented. It is not always complete but certainly puts new spins on some
subjects. There are factors that were not taken into account on many of the
conclusions made, which was the point I was trying to make and bungled badly.

A number of economists have pointed out flaws in the Abortion related
conclusions you used.

Mr. Foote, 40, taught in Harvard's economics department between 1996 and 2002;
served stints as an economist on the Council of Economic Advisers in 1994,
1995, 2002 and 2003; and served as an economic adviser to the Coalition
Provisional Authority in Baghdad, Iraq, in 2003 and 2004.

Economists John Lott and John Whitley questioned Levitt’s data and his
conclusions. Steve Sailer, following their lead, argued that legalized abortion
actually raised the number of unwanted conceptions (thus canceling Roe’s
impact on unwanted live births)...

But this is all for another list.


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Re: January MerriLUG meeting [1/19/2006] (Tomorrow!)

2006-01-19 Thread Kuni Tetsu

Count me in! I may be bringing some friends as well. I will try to let you know
if I can get this coordinated in a reasonable period of time.

Bob King

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Fwd: [Fwd: Re: Verizon (FiOS) (Off Topic?)]

2006-01-18 Thread Kuni Tetsu
Let's try actually sending this to the list this time!

 What corner would that be? I have seen the area crawling with Verizon trucks
 (some of which certainly looked like fiber-splicing rigs) and have been
 anticipating such an announcement here in Nashua.
 My brother lives in Natick, MA and was offered Verizon. He did a comparative
 analysis between them and Comcast and Verizon came out the clear winner. The
 customer service was better, they were much more responsive to his inquiries
 and much more flexible in their response to his installation needs. The
 installer was beyond helpful, even tracing down a short in his house to help
 resolve the installation issue. The icing on the cake was the upload speed,
 which is far greater (at least for now) than Comcast.
 I have had a bad experience with Verizon, at least their DSL offering, 
 but that
 was about 10 years ago, so perhaps they have finally learned their lesson.
 Hope that is helpful.
 Bob King
 --- Sean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I just received a letter from Verizon stating that their FiOS service is 
  available in my corner of NH.
  Does anyone here use this service and if so, how is your experience with 
  it and their service?

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Re: Speaking of scp (was: set default file permissions for a directory)

2005-12-12 Thread Kuni Tetsu

--- Numberwhun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have to agree with Jason on both counts.  I use scp on the Unix system 
 at work and when you ar specifying where you want to transfer to you 
 need to spefify the following:
 user@ip or machine name:/directory/on/other/machine

Speaking of scp, I have run into a situation and I am wondering if anyone else
has seen it or knows a solution. At the very least it might serve as a warning
to someone. I am getting an odd behavior when I scp a file from a RHEL 3.0AS
system through an automounted NFS drive (Client is RHEL 2.1AS, NFS server is
Tru64 Unix). 

If the user on the RHEL 2.1 system has not been logged on for a while (long
enough for the automount to expire), the first scp command I issue will create
files that have the right byte count, but no content - that is to say the
file is filled with 0's.

This is not a critical issue, since I can issue a ssh command to perform an ls
on the directory first which forces the directory to be automounted before
issuing the command. However, I thought to bring it up in case someone (a) ever
tries the scp through an automount, or (b) had run into this themselves and
might have some insight.

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Anyone have a driver for Realtek RTL8185 11g Wireless card?

2005-11-28 Thread Kuni Tetsu
CompUSA was having a sale - 11g wireless card under their brand for $2.99, so I
grabbed one for my new Linux laptop. From the docs on the Windoze CD, it
seems to be a RTL8185.

But I cannot find any Linux drivers! There is one sourceforge project that is
coming soon and another that claims to work except there is nothing but the
home page - no CVS tree or anything.

Any chance someone might have a driver lying around? Anyone have any

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