               Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Linux User Group
               a chapter of GNHLUG - http://gnhlug.org

The next regular monthly meeting of the DLSLUG will be held:

                  Thursday, October 2nd, 7-9PM
at:              Dartmouth College, Carson L02

                  All are welcome, free of charge.


7:00  Sign-in, networking

7:15  Introductory remarks

7:20  A Teaching Compiler Written in MATLAB
         presented by Bill McKeeman

       Bill McKeeman will give a talk about an ordinary compiler (lex,
       parse, tree, gen, emit, asm) designed for teaching the
       principles of compiler writing. There are a few surprises, such
       as load-and-go, integrated bottom-up and/or top-down parsing, a
       LaTeX based pretty printer, an LR(1) parse table generator, an
       Intel x86 emulator for debugging, and the like, all in MATLAB.
       He will survey the 15meg or so free download, give demos, tell
       war stories, and answer questions. And yes, it does run under
       Intel based 32-bit Linux (and Apple and WIN).

       Attendees are encouraged to bring a laptop and download
       materials from:

       Bill has taught compiler writing at Stanford, University of
       California at Santa Cruz, Wang Institute, Harvard and Dartmouth.
       He has written more than 100 compilers, some for money,
       including the current MATLAB JIT. His website is at
       http://cs.dartmouth.edu/~mckeeman .

8:50  Roundtable Exchange - where the attendees can make
         announcements or ask a linux/oss question of the group.


                       Driving Directions

       Please see the website for links to driving directions.


       We currently lack a refreshment sponsor.  If you or your
       company would like to provide or sponsor refreshments,
       please get in touch.


       RSVP by replying to this e-mail so we can give any
       refreshment sponsor a count.

                          Mailing Lists

       There are two primary mailman lists set up for DLSLUG, an
       Announce list and a Discuss list. Please sign up for the
       Announce list (moderated, low-volume) to stay apprised of
       the group's activities and the Discuss list (unmoderated)
       for group discussion. Links to the mailing lists are on the

                        Tell Your Friends

       Please pass this announcement along to anyone else who may
       be interested.

Bill McGonigle, Owner           Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC              Home: 603.448.1668
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Cell: 603.252.2606
http://www.bfccomputing.com/    Page: 603.442.1833
Blog: http://blog.bfccomputing.com/
VCard: http://bfccomputing.com/vcard/bill.vcf

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