On Wednesday 19 April 2006 09:53 am, Mark Komarinski wrote:
> Is anyone doing this now or have links to some docs I can read on this?
> Once I get this set up, it might make a good meeting topic some month...

I'll be migrating our Exim mail server soon to another IP address, so I'm 
setting up a second MX server to relay to it and essentially do a 
store-and-forward sort of methodology.

Ultimately, I'm setting up the new Exim server to smarthost everything to the 
new server and accept no local mail.  Also, I'm telling it to relay mail for 
the domains that the primary MX is responsible for.  That way, it will accept 
mail from anywhere, destined to those domains and if the primary server (the 
smarthost) isn't available, it'll wait until it is.  I'll set the timeouts on 
bounces and such really long, but you should pick something appropriate to 
how long you're willing to buffer email during an outage.

Hope that helps.  What you're really looking for is a secondary MX guide more 
than an Exim guide.  I find the Exim documentation on their site incredibly 
helpful when I need to get into things, but the options I'm talking about 
above are relatively simple ones to find/adjust.
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