A neighbor asked for help with mounting his USB sticks.  He has
directories mapped to drive letters D,E, and F to mimic partitions from
the days when Windows could not handle large partitions gracefully.
When a USB stick got inserted, it grabbed the D drive letter fouling up
his software.

I helped him find 
Control Panel/Admin Tools/Manage Computer/Storage/Drives
and changed the USB drive to U.  This seemed to work OK.  It also
appears to mark the drive letter on the device rather than configuring
the system to start lettering from U.

However, it turns out he has two USB sticks he uses for backup and data
transport.  He mapped the second one to V.  When both USB sticks are
mounted at the same time, only one stick gets a drive letter.  The other
stick is unlettered and unavailable unless he goes through the control
panel to manually assign a drive letter.

Is this normal Windows behavior?  Is there a simple way to force drive
letter assignments on USB sticks?  Can you mount two at once?

(My winNT box does not support USB so I can't do much research myself.)
Thanks for any pointers.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

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