Re: PHP Templates and/or Web Frameworks

2006-02-01 Thread Ted Roche

On Jan 30, 2006, at 8:58 PM, Dan Coutu wrote:

Ted, I've created lots of PHP code and love the SMARTY templating  
system. I've used a number of template systems in both Perl and PHP  
and this is the best one I've found anywhere. Look for it at rather. Looks good. Thanks, Dan!

Ted Roche
Ted Roche  Associates, LLC

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: PHP Templates and/or Web Frameworks

2006-02-01 Thread Ted Roche

On Jan 31, 2006, at 4:43 PM, Jonathan Linowes wrote:

take a look at Xaraya ( :) I've been using it for  
the past year and a half, almost exclusively for a wide range of  
production web applications and i've yet to reach any significant  
limitations or problems (given a willingness to drill down if needed).

Wow. That looks pretty extensive. I'll dig into it. Thanks.

Truly a fantastic platform/framework, originally conceived as a  
CMS, as a fork from PostNuke about 4 years ago, just reached 1.0  
release a couple months ago. I'm on their irc channels daily and  
would love to find xaraya compatriots in New Hampshire. I'd even be  
willing to present at a LUG meeting (preferably DLSLUG).

Be careful what you wish for!

Bill McG, looks like you've got a live one, er, a volunteer!  {grin}

Ted Roche
Ted Roche  Associates, LLC

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: PHP Templates and/or Web Frameworks

2006-02-01 Thread Randy Edwards
   take a look at Xaraya ( :)
  Wow. That looks pretty extensive. I'll dig into it.

   It is a really slick framework -- the guys behind it are quite experienced 
and it has sort of an old school free software mentality to the project (he 
says wildly generalizing).

   FWIW, the lead Xaraya developers originally started the PostNuke project, 
which was the first PHP-Nuke fork.  They had it well underway and made some 
dramatic improvements but in-fighting amongst the developers caused the-then 
PostNuke lead to throw in the towel and fork his own project -- which was 
renamed Xaraya.  Definitely recommended as worthwhile to take a look at.


Fast fact: Of the 34 chemicals most widely used on lawns, 25% are widely 
believed to cause birth defects, genetic mutation, and cancer.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: PHP Templates and/or Web Frameworks

2006-01-30 Thread Fred
On Monday 30 January 2006 20:58, Dan Coutu wrote:
 Ted, I've created lots of PHP code and love the SMARTY templating
 system. I've used a number of template systems in both Perl and PHP and
 this is the best one I've found anywhere. Look for it at

 Note that this is different from a framework, it simply provides a
 mechanism for templates. I've not yet found a good general purpose
 framework for use with many things. Instead I tend to build on a
 framework that's focused on the desired job at hand. So for example
 Mambo is a good framework for a content management based site.

I've written my own framework and template system for PHP, but have not 
released it to Open Source yet. Indeed, I may never, though I may consider 
dong so in the future.  It has a lot of nice features that makes doing HTML 
forms tied to databases fairly easy.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

PHP Templates and/or Web Frameworks

2006-01-27 Thread Ted Roche
Working on my third major PHP application, and it's time to stop re- 
inventing the wheel. I'd welcome some recommendations on tools,  
templates and/or frameworks.

I've got a couple of simple PHP apps in production. Lotsa data,  
simple layout. These were ugly but workable apps, where the client  
was delighted with tables in black, border 1 with white backgrounds.  
Just the facts, ma'am. That much artistic talent I have.

The next client is interested in a public-facing application, with  
lots of data and dynamically generated pages. Ideally, I'd like a  
templating engine or web framework where the business logic can be  
encapsulated separately from the interface, and the interface  
portions could be edited by a graphic designer with his or her choice  
of tools (Dreamweaver, GoLive, Mozilla, etc.).

I've played around with PEAR's HTML_Template_ITX and they look okay.  
A peek at SourceForge tells me that everyone has written a framework,  
version Zero-Point-Four, fast approaching version one as one page  
put it. No surprise there.

I'd welcome recommendations from those who have actually shipped an  
app based on a PHP framework or templating package they'd recommend  
(or warn me off!). Basic specs: XHTML 1.0, CSS, data entry/CRUD  
application with MySQL 4.1x as backend, managed hosted RHEL4  
dedicated server environment.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche  Associates, LLC

gnhlug-discuss mailing list