Ok, so I’m having a little problem getting information from a 
dynamically-created element for a reporting-system I am building. – It works by 
having a draggable DIV containing elements/values the user wishes to report, 
dragging it to a specified area on the form, and then populating the form with 
elements set to the appropriate values. – This works well and straightforward 
for the case where the data is statically known, because I can put that element 
in a record-field, but not so much when the elements are generated via dynamic 
methods (INI-file in this particular case).*

HTML elements in play:
(1) The FORM element;
(2) The DIV containing the elements of a report;
(3) The SELECTs populated by the INI-file’s data;
(4) The DIV containing the FORM elements to submit.
Note: the DIV in #2 is not part of the FORM, but rather a template the user 
completes and then is processed by the drag-event handler to add form-elements 
to the form.

So, what is the best way to obtain a Gnoga element from a given ID?
* I could initialize a vector to hold the elements when they are generated, but 
it seems like there should be a method to query the view for a child-element of 
given ID.
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