
dooteo, I had translated it long time ago in launchpad, and I posted about
in the beagle mailing-list (asking how should I do it). Some days after, Joe
was king enough to answer my question.

he told me that the translation was managed in gtp (I had looked through the
basque packages in l10n, and I hadn't found it, so that was the instant when
I knew it). So, the next step I made was to post you about it (I'll forward
you the message, if you will). I had no answer, there was no basque
translation, and I already had forgoten about it by the time we
finally got in contact (I
mean, dooteo and me); so, I had no reason to worry more about it, and I
followed on with other works.

dooteo, you already have my email and you know I usually answer
really fast. I could have told you again in a breeze. I don't think
this is so big a
deal (to write to mailing list and
all), as language-admins can change trans with no problem (and again, I did
tell you).

also, you know that you're absolutely free to mod the translation I made for
beagle (although it's gramatically/lexically correct and I think it follows
the style you told me about) or any other app in the gnome
ring. Even I could do the changes you could ask me for (kde basque-admin
told me to change one style-related thing all over a 1400string package, and
he received the changed file in a matter of hours. There's no problem on it)

regards to everyone

I'm used to write long sentences, and it can be a bit messy in
english. I hope they're clear enough.

On 9/5/07, dooteo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Who's got SVN access permission to handle other language?
> I found a PO file translated to Basque lang but nobody from Basque team
> does translate it. As far as I supossed , it was translated for Ubuntu
> distribution. I'm talking about Beagle's basque translation.
> The matter is that this file does not follow  Basque translation
> terminology and style, so I have to remove it from repository.
> How can GNOME's basque team control translation if  others whose got
> access to SVN modify eu.po files without permission.
> Please, all of us have tasks and responsabilities!
> Looking in Changelog:
> 2007-08-28  Joe Shaw  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         * eu.po: Updated Basque translation from Mikel Paskual
>         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> As far as I know Joe does not ask me to add/commit file to SVN, and
> certainly I don't commit any file if it was not revised and corrected to
> hold Basque translation terminology and style.
> This way doesn't help to Quality Assurance in translations.
> By the other hand, Mikel didn't contact me to ask to translate this
> file. And the first step is to ask is somebody is translating any file.
> In this case, this file will be translated by Basque Goverment's
> translators.
> Best regards,
> Dooteo
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