Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Parabola GNU/Linux

2011-01-05 Thread Jason Self
Joshua Ismael wrote:

> Archlinux has an automatic building system in wich you
> provide some information and the script automatically
> build them.
> For Parabola GNU/Linux we provide scripts for deblobing
> while building so anyone can compile it's linux-libre kernel
> from the vanilla source.
> If the purpose is to provide the means to build a free
> kernel we already make this. Isn't this enough?

My understanding is that the existing free distros provide
already-deblobbed kernel source code for their users to get, instead of
having them download the original unmodified tarball from

My own personal opinion is that grabbing the corresponding linux-libre
tarballs and then fixing any distro-specific patches that don't cleanly
apply is a better choice.

It's a good question, though: Can a free distro have their users
download nonfree software and then go through the process to clean it up

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Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Parabola GNU/Linux

2011-01-05 Thread Joshua Ismael

On 03/01/11 17:20, Jason Self wrote:

Parabola is a GNU/Linux distro that claims to be a fully free copy of Arch. In
reviewing it I have some concerns:

1. The Parabola developers perform no rebranding of any kind. This results in
the installer claiming to the "Arch Linux". I've also found that the GRUB menu
lists it as "Arch Linux" when booting, and so does the login prompt. (There's
probably more, I imagine but that's where I stopped.)

I wonder how this fits in the the "we will not list a distribution whose name
makes confusion with non-free distributions likely" in the Free Distro

I've also discovered this as of this afternoon: "We avoid having a kernel-free
distro (!) by packaging a vanilla kernel and applying ArchLinux's patches, but
deblobing everything before compiling and packaging." [2]

I took this to mean the binary has been "freed" but not the source. I then
grabbed the source from [3] and verified that it does indeed contain all of the
non-free parts of the kernel. I think that this means their kernel deblobbing
efforts are insufficent, if anyone is able to go and obtain the non-free bits
of the kernel in this way.

Archlinux has an automatic building system in wich you
provide some information and the script automatically
build them.

For Parabola GNU/Linux we provide scripts for deblobing
while building so anyone can compile it's linux-libre kernel
from the vanilla source.

If the purpose is to provide the means to build a free
kernel we already make this. Isn't this enough?

Has anyone else looked at Parabola?


Re: [GNU-linux-libre] The "Free" Kernel In Debian Squeeze

2011-01-05 Thread Richard Stallman
What you propose is implemented by the following commands:

  git branch -f branch1\' branch2
  # branch1' is now same as branch2
  git rebase --onto branch3 branch1 branch1\'
  # now branch1' is branch3 plus changes in branch2..branch1 

I am glad the operation exists.

However, the full operation I have in mind allows multiple
substitutions.  The example I stated before uses just one, which I
could describe as replacing c2 with x.  However, there are multiple
blobs that were first inserted at different times, and we need to deal
with all of them.

Maybe a series of rebase operations could handle them one by one, For
efficiency, one would want to avoid rebasing any given revision more
than once.  Can you specify, in rebase, "Stop with revision A; don't
process its children"?  With that, the job could be done.  Specify,
for A, the revision before the next insertion of another blob.

So you have Torvalds' revisions as follows

   a <- b <- c <- d <- e <- f <- g

and suppose blobs were inserted in b and f.  So you make x which
replaces b but doesn't insert the blob.  Then you rebase c...e onto x
(giving c' ... e').  Then you edit f to make y, whose parent is e' and
which doesn't insert the f blob.  Then you rebase g onto y to make g'.

This could handle any number of blobs, sequentially.  And if you have
a script to remove each blob, a master script could run automatically
to convert the repository, and it would only have to process each
revision once.

What's more, any new revisions from Torvalds' repository can be
converted very fast (assuming they don't add new blobs) by rebasing

In addition, revisions in our repository can be converted the same
way.  Just remember the last pair of revisions where a blob was
deleted.  Suppose it is m <> z.  You can take our revisions, based on
z, and rebase them into m in a copy of Torvalds' repository.  Then you
can upload those to his real repository.

Is the whole problem solved?

Will we get addicted to rebase?

Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110

[GNU-linux-libre] Re: PCMCIA .cis files

2011-01-05 Thread Richard Stallman
there aren't any freedom problems with the binaries, the only issue now,
if any, is GPL compliance: sh/could we ship only the binaries if we know
they were built from textual sources that we don't ship?

We want to use these files under the GPL, not the other alternative,
so we need to comply with it.  If you'd be happy doing all future
editing of these files on the binaries then you can sincerely say
these binaries are the source code.  Otherwise, the text files are the
source code, so they should be included.

What is Torvalds doing?  How does he justify not including the textual
files in his Linux sources?  Does he say he is using them under the
other license?  Does he say he has an arrangement to refer to the
other site for the textual files?  Does he say that the binary files
are sources?

If he has not addressed the issue, maybe you can poke him so he has
to do so, and then whatever solution he uses might be good for us too.

Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110

[GNU-linux-libre] Re: PCMCIA .cis files

2011-01-05 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jan  4, 2011, Richard Stallman  wrote:

> Yeah, I believe so.  I'm not sure the current pcmcia driver doesn't
> really offer the interface the userland program that makes the
> conversion relies on, or if it only fails to do so on a machine that
> doesn't have a pcmcia interface, but the important point is that it's
> definitely not functional on any random machine.

> In that case, either we need a separate binary-to-text converter for
> these files
has a patch by Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov with a stand-alone version of the
dump_cis program, that converts .cis binary to text.  The separate patch
that introduces mkcis, to convert from text to binary, wasn't archived
there, but we already have a stand-alone program that does that job, so
there aren't any freedom problems with the binaries, the only issue now,
if any, is GPL compliance: sh/could we ship only the binaries if we know
they were built from textual sources that we don't ship?

FWIW, 2.6.37-libre is already out, without the .cis files, but with
requests for them.

Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi
Be Free! --   FSF Latin America board member
Free Software Evangelist  Red Hat Brazil Compiler Engineer

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] The "Free" Kernel In Debian Squeeze

2011-01-05 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jan  4, 2011, Richard Stallman  wrote:

>> My proposal does that automatically.  If filter-branch doesn't do that,
>> I think that implies filter-branch is not the same thing.

> Compatibility as in  git pull/merge  recognizing automatically the
> saved-away commit equivalences?

> I am not sure what that means.

It means git pull (the preferred way to bring in changes from a remote
repository) or merge (the preferred way to bring in changes from a local
branch, which may be a clone of a remote branch) ought to be able to use
these equivalences, instead of regarding the commits as unrelated.

It also means there should be another variant of git pull that, sort of
like rebase, reapplies commits from one branch to another, but that,
unlike git pull --rebase, reapplies changes from upstream on top of
local, updating the commit mapping while at that.

> The correspondence table would be saved permanently (unless you delete
> it), so the proper command could automatically move any change from
> one repository to the other.

The bit that is missing is the integration above.

We can do without the second part for the time being, although it's
somewhat inconvenient.  But without the first part, using our repository
would be far more cumbersome than using upstream.

Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi
Be Free! --   FSF Latin America board member
Free Software Evangelist  Red Hat Brazil Compiler Engineer

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] The "Free" Kernel In Debian Squeeze

2011-01-05 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jan  4, 2011, Richard Stallman  wrote:

>> Where does it store the correspondence table?
> In git refs/original, unless overridden.

> I don't understand the answer.  It means literally nothing to me.

You can think of it as a tag, named after the original commit, pointing
at the rewritten commit.

> branch1: c1 <- c2 <- c3 <- c4
> branch2: c1 <- c2 <- da

> rebasing branch1 onto branch2 would yield:

> branch2: c1 <- c2 <- c3 <- c4 <- da'

> Proper English usage would be to call it "rebasing branch2 onto branch1".

> If you confirm for me that git users customarily use the incorrect
> usage, I will accept the fact that they do.  But I want to get
> confirmation of this.

No, sorry, my mistake.  Here's a formal description of how git rebase

# git rebase [--onto newbase] upstream [branch]

* check out branch (if omitted, use the currently checked-out branch)
* collect all commits that are in branch but not upstream
* reset branch to point to the head of newbase ?: upstream
* re-apply the commits, skipping already-applied patches

> In order for me to understand the semantics, could you tell me
> how the text of da' relates to the text of c4?  Is it the same diff
> as the diff between da and c2?  In other words, is it true that
> da' = c4 + (da - c2)?


> Anyway, the operation I proposed is different.


> Assume we have this:

> branch1: c1 <- c2 <- c3 <- c4
> branch2: c1 <- c2
> branch3: whatever <- x

> transform branch1, with c2 -> x in the correspondence table,
> would not alter branch1, but make a new branch (call it branch1'):

> branch1': whatever <- x <- c3' <- c4'

What you propose is implemented by the following commands:

  git branch -f branch1\' branch2
  # branch1' is now same as branch2
  git rebase --onto branch3 branch1 branch1\'
  # now branch1' is branch3 plus changes in branch2..branch1 

> Is this what filter-branch does?

git filter-branch is, in a way, a smarter git rebase, that can be told
to modify or discard certain commits instead of just reapplying them,
and to take note of the mapping from old to new commits.

It doesn't actually change any branches.  It takes a list of commits and
creates remapped commits.  Branches or tags can be reset to point to
them afterwards.

Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi
Be Free! --   FSF Latin America board member
Free Software Evangelist  Red Hat Brazil Compiler Engineer

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] The "Free" Kernel In Debian Squeeze

2011-01-05 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jan  4, 2011, Richard Stallman  wrote:

> That the kernel would include a session, build or release id as part of
> the hashed string, and it would provide userland with that string so
> that it would be included in the computation that searches for the
> firmware.

> How could this be useful?  I just don't get it at all.

Varying the string would make it harder for people to publish “cheat
sheets” that would render the mangling obsolete, while still enabling
firmware to be found if it is installed.

Say, kernel driver used to request_firmware("foobar/blobname.fw"...)

We compute the hash of "`uname -r`/foobar/blobname.fw", and ask the
userland hotplug script for %x of that hash number.

Userland hotplug script runs e.g.

find /lib/firmware ! -type d -print |
sed "s,^/lib/firmware/,," |
  requested=`cat /sys/...`
  pfx=`uname -r`/ # could be /sys/.../hashprefix instead
  while read file; do
if test `echo -n $pfx$file | md5sum` = "$requested  -"; then
  if test -n "$found"; then
cat /lib/firmware/$found > /sys/...

Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi
Be Free! --   FSF Latin America board member
Free Software Evangelist  Red Hat Brazil Compiler Engineer