Shintaro Shinozaki said:
> Hello,
> My name is Shintaro Shinozaki who is lead developer of GdNewHat 
> project. We are currently maintaining GNU/Linux-libre system 
> distribution and RPM repositories without non-free packages. So, 
> we would like to join gnu-linux-libre community and request 
> endorsement. If you have a time, please give us some advice. Thank 
> you.

In using GdNewHat briefly I saw that the package manager came
preconfigured to use Fedora's repositories. While these were not
enabled by default I wonder how that fits in with the FSDG where "nor
should the distribution refer to third-party repositories that are not
committed to only including free software" and if it's necessary to
even have those repositories present at all?

I also noticed that it seems not all source code is being distributed
(in reviewing the GdNewHat repositories I found 20-some source
packages.) Why isn't all source code available from GdNewHat?

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