Re: [GNU-linux-libre] third party package managers

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 01:58:10 -0400 bill-auger wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Jul 2023 17:39:02 +0200 Denis wrote:
> > A way to find out here would be to understand if FSDG compliant
> > distributions users really use third party software, and what kind of
> > software they use.  
> so deleting them from parabola may not reveal any new information - a
> distro like trisquel would need to run that experiment

probably, i have not emphasized that as a motive yet - this is another good
reason to ask distros to eject these _now_, before any work is done - that
would reveal which ones are desirable to users, and which ones no one cares
about, the information needed to know which of the dozens to prioritize - i
dont know any other way to determine that, other than guessing

[GNU-linux-libre] third party package managers

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Mon, 31 Jul 2023 17:39:02 +0200 Denis wrote:
> PureOS probably doesn't need to ship CPU microcode updates.

that was why i mentioned it - that package is not part of pureos - it is kept
on a server; so it never conflicted with the FSDG does have a desire to liberate the remaining blobs; but they are a
special case as a hardware vendor _and_ a distro - other distros are not likely
to ever liberate hardware

On Mon, 31 Jul 2023 17:39:02 +0200 Denis wrote:
> For hardware, can easily ship them in their Coreboot
> images instead, which are not part of PureOS.
> Though I wonder if/they update their Coreboot image. Maybe they have
> some way to do it that is outside PureOS.

yes it looks like they have an coreboot/firmware update script, also not part of
pureos - i found some information:

On Mon, 31 Jul 2023 17:39:02 +0200 Denis wrote:
> I think the key disagreement we have is if programming language
> repositories are useful or not.
> If we assume that they are useless, then they could indeed be removed
> and the problem would also go away.

of course it is useful; but it is only a convenience for the distro to
distribute the package manager - they are very easy to acquire from the same
third-party - so regardless of utility, removing them from distros is not a
huge problem for anyone

On Mon, 31 Jul 2023 17:39:02 +0200 Denis wrote:
> I assume that they are badly needed, and that many users can't live
> without them and so they need fixing.

i think what youre really getting at, is that people will use them anyways,
whether the distro provides it or not; so it is better to use a more
freedom-respecting version from the distro

my counter-argument there, is that we do not know yet, if anyone would use a
libre-only version of pip or whatever - i looked at ruby one time - roughly
half of all packages were not licensed - that means a libre-only version would
be only half as useful

a typical webby application setup will install about 100 dependencies - if any
one of them is unavailable, that is a total deal-breaker for that person's
use-case - most likely, the user will try to install some webby thing, but some
dependencies will not be available - so that user, rather than decide not to
install that webby thing, will instead stop using the libre-only version, and
install the upstream version anyways

that really puts in doubt how much liberation effort the TPPMs deserve - let
alone to curate new libre-only repos, which maybe no one would use, because it
is likely to be missing _something_ for every application

On Mon, 31 Jul 2023 17:39:02 +0200 Denis wrote:
> A way to find out here would be to understand if FSDG compliant
> distributions users really use third party software, and what kind of
> software they use.

IMHO that was the most interesting goal of our experiment to remove pip and
rubygems - only a few people complained about pip - in reality, more people
objected before it was done, than who complained afterward - people complained
about rubygems, but only because it prints a warning message to the shell, not
because they wanted it back

users of FSDG distros definitely use third-party software - typically
applications (AUR packages, appimages, flatpacks); so that concern (who would
miss them and why) could be considered as two broad categories: (language
library TPPMS, and application TPPMS)

the language TPPMS are normally used for installing an enormous number of
packages; so they are notably worse - also the language TPPMS are normally used
by the more tech savvy people, who would have no trouble installing the
upstream's package manager if the distro does not provide it

the application TPPMS are normally used by non-technical users, for installing
a relatively small number of packages (though instide you will probably find
much more than a single application) - i see that more often with LTS distro
users, to get a newer version of an application which is in the distro repos as
an older version

for that reason alone, i would focus first on those (docker, flatpack,
appimange, etc) - those are probably more desirable overall - i doubt if any
parabola users would complain; because they can get all those applications from
the AUR, so deleting them from parabola may not reveal any new information - a
distro like trisquel would need to run that experiment

so again, that work would be done primarily for other distros - parabola does
not really need third-party application installers for twi reasons - A)
parabola's application are the newest they can be - B) the AUR is a much better
source for anything else, because the application gets built from source, and
parabola has a native tool to build them easily - i would much rather tell
parabola users never to use a flatpak or similar, but to grab a PKGBUILD from
the AUR instead, or mak

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] emulators and other hosts of foreign applications

2023-07-31 Thread Richard Stallman
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

  > concentional generic VM - it is a scripted "game engine" - their "guest"

I take your point, but I don't think that detail requires our attention.
Let's not get lost in a tangent about that.

Dr Richard Stallman (
Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project (
Founder, Free Software Foundation (
Internet Hall-of-Famer (

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] emulators and other hosts of foreign applications

2023-07-31 Thread Michael McMahon
While emulators are primarily used to play non-free games, people do 
make their own games for the hardware that these emulators emulate. The 
category is called homebrew, homebrew games, or homebrew roms. The 
concept of homebrew games is largely absent from this discussion.

You can find these games by searching for the system name and homebrew. 
The freedom of homebrew games vary. Some are free. Some have missing 
licensing information. Some are nonfree. The authors tend to be much 
more approachable and willing to liberate their creations in my 
experience with license activism.

Homebrew games are available for ScummVM, GameBoy, Sega Genesis, NES, 
SNES, etc.

Michael McMahon | Web Developer, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: 4337 2794 C8AD D5CA 8FCF  FA6C D037 59DA B600 E3C0

On 7/31/23 10:02, bill-auger wrote:

On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 05:08:50 +0200 Denis wrote:

So if we want to go the non-rigid way, defining requirements for each
program like ScummVM can also work I think.

agreed, "programs like scummvm" is a better as a recommendation, not only to
mention that one example, which has known libre use-cases

to focus such a warning on scummvm is missing its own target by a mile - many
other programs of it's sort, but much more popular, are used almost exclusively
for running non-free games

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Parabola packaging

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
note the subject of this thread "Parabola packaging" - it seems that every
thread on the mailing list has derailed onto a discussion of scummvm - i can not
imagine why people are so fixated on this antique - fond memories? - jaded
history? - i dunno - i do not see this as such important software - the same
example could be made, probably as fittingly but more effectively, of its more
popular modern successors

please do mind the thread subjects though - people in the future will never be
able to follow these recent discussion cleanly

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] emulators and other hosts of foreign applications

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Mon, 24 Jul 2023 21:22:50 -0400 Richard wrote:
> In theory, could be.  In practice, usually not.  With a VM or
> interpreter which people use to write new programs, there will be lots
> of new and free programs you can run on it.  With an emulator there
> usually will not be.  Thus, the ScummVM issue will tend to arise for
> emulators like ScummVM.
> The point is that this issue NORMALLY arises for emulators.

i do understand that point - scummvm is not an emulator though, nor a
concentional generic VM - it is a scripted "game engine" - their "guest"
programs are mainly configuration and data, with very little or no extra
executable code generally - generally what code there is, is rather trivial,
based on event hooks - the game "author" only writes bits like:

  onActivate: playSound('creak')

  onActivate: playSound('fuse')
  onCollision: playSound('boom')

the "engine" does most of the work of the application, not merely hosting
external code like an emulator or VM

with modern game engines, the "author" rarely even needs to type -
configuration like "door.onActivate: playSound('creak')" can simply be selected
with a mouse from a menu - games are created more like a drag-and-drop
GUI-builder than a text editor and compiler

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] emulators and other hosts of foreign applications

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 04:58:54 +0200 Denis wrote:
> In the past some operating systems were removed.

i know this; but that the past was so long ago, this story is but a legend,
handed down to me by the elders - it simply could not happen today - that is
all i want to do, is get it back to _some_ state of efficacy

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] emulators and other hosts of foreign applications

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 05:08:50 +0200 Denis wrote:
> So if we want to go the non-rigid way, defining requirements for each
> program like ScummVM can also work I think.

agreed, "programs like scummvm" is a better as a recommendation, not only to
mention that one example, which has known libre use-cases

to focus such a warning on scummvm is missing its own target by a mile - many
other programs of it's sort, but much more popular, are used almost exclusively
for running non-free games

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] emulators and other hosts of foreign applications

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Sat, 15 Jul 2023 22:19:12 -0400 Richard wrote:
>   > if it is intended to be vague, then obviously it can not have an explicit
>   > warning about any one specific program, only about the general indirect 
> danger
>   > of software with certain properties (in this case, software hosts with no 
> known
>   > libre clients)  
> I can't see how you reach that conclusion
because vague and specific are opposites - it loses cohesion to mix them

On Sat, 15 Jul 2023 22:19:12 -0400 Richard wrote:
>   > that is why i was applauding a call for precision,   
> To say, "We urge free distros not to include program XYZ" is entirely
> precise.

yes, but no other part of the FSDG is nearly so precise - it is quite odd for
the only precise part to be the only optional part - i wish it was actively
maintained and changed to be more and more precise as any confusions arise

for a recent example, we had a great (and unproductive) discussion earlier this
year about what qualifies as a "complete distro" - opinions varied wildly;
because the FSDG and the FSF offer no real "guidance" on how to interpret it's
vague criteria - that vagueness is not helpful - it is a waste of evryone's time

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Adding some scummvm game(s) to the "List of software that does not respect the Free System Distribution Guidelines"

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:23:54 -0400 Richard wrote:
> - the FSDG has never done anything like that
> That won't stop us!

i was not suggesting that as an flaw - i was suggesting that as a virtue - it
does not have warnings or optional suggestions now - it has only criteria -
only "the distro must"s and "the distro should"s - nothing like "you could, but
only if you want to"

i dont believe that maintainers need such optional suggestions, nor care much
for politicizing their projects (and care less to be "urged" to do so) - that is
probably a large part of why most do not read this mailing list, and probably
why riccardo objected so loudly

of course, distros can do anything optional, if they want to - that should go
without saying - the most i would do about this "urge", would be to send an
email to each distro, offering the suggestion and rationale for it, _one_ time -
or maybe establish a new wiki page for incoming distros to read some
suggestions for how to portray software freedom (if they want to)

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] the straw that broke the camel's back

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Tue, 25 Jul 2023 14:07:03 +0200 Ricardo wrote:
> This is certainly a more convenient position to take when the
> alternative is to acknowledge defects in (or lack of) a
> consensus-finding process — not just in how free distributions cooperate
> (or rather *don’t*), but in any top-down decision.  Unfortunately, this
> is a common pattern in GNU and the wider community of free
> distributions.

im not sure what was the context of that; but i think i agree fully with that

when i wrote that the FSF should be the leadership, that is mainly because
distros can not agree on some of the most essential things like "is foo libre or
not?"; and we are currently not allowed to do so by consensus

it would be ideal to form a consensus perhaps with "guidance" from the top; as
long as the community would be mature enough to accept the consensus,
_whatever_ that is, and work to change the opinions of those in disagreement

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] the straw that broke the camel's back

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 04:36:02 +0200 Denis wrote:
> Ricardo also seems to have perceived the Recommendation as
> authoritarian ("ban") and subjective ("arbitrary rules and personal
> interpretations of these rules"). 

FWIW, i have absolutely no problem with a strict and authoritative rules - i
can simply take those or leave them at face value; precisely because they can
not be taken subjectively - but i have a huge problem with weak subjective
guidelines - distros could simply accept the FSDG trophy, then go off and
guide themselves, strongly/weakly, subjectively/objectively, its all the same
if the shared guidelines are weak and subjective

On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 04:36:02 +0200 Denis wrote:
> In distributions with many maintainers and without clear leadership,
> recommendations like that might also lead to different interpretation
> across different maintainers.

or to splinter their community by forking a new distro, is another danger - it
is not clear if that is ever a good idea - eg: is debian plus devuan a benefit
to the debian community overall, or did it actually harm overall? -
unity/solidarity is quite important for a small community

the FSF should be our primary leadership for the most fundamental shared
concerns (eg: "is bass libre?", "is nmap libre?", and so on) - anything
optional or subjective should default to the distros - that separation avoids
_all_ controversy

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Adding some scummvm game(s) to the "List of software that does not respect the Free System Distribution Guidelines"

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 04:10:23 +0200 Denis wrote:
> It's not. There is the example of phoronix-test-suite that was accepted
> in 2 FSDG distributions (Parabola and Guix) but rejected in the FSD
> because it used a repository that contained nonfree tests.
> Parabola and Guix removed or blocked the nonfree tests, but as this
> entry shows, the FSD deals with upstream, not distributions
> modifications, even if it has a warning for some wine packages that
> suggest nonfree fonts with it.

that is exactly where i see them meeting - the FSD rejected it for some reason
"A", but probably did not document "A" - then distros patched it for the same
reason "A", and documented the process and rationale - why on earth would we not
want to preserve and share those evaluations before others re-do it on their own

> So it's better to stick to the topic here.

i agree - just saying - i think we could make that work - we actually tried once

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Adding some scummvm game(s) to the "List of software that does not respect the Free System Distribution Guidelines"

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 04:11:44 +0200 Denis wrote:
> Anyway there are still some differences that doesn't enable to use the
> FSD like that yet.

im not aware of any; but that would be a good discussion to have - i see them
as very well-aligned with significant overlap - maybe only some minor
adjustments would be needed to make them meet squarely

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Adding some scummvm game(s) to the "List of software that does not respect the Free System Distribution Guidelines"

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 04:16:40 +0200 Denis wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 22:02:53 -0400 Richard Stallman wrote:
> >   > I'm not sure, we probably need to promote this list to FSDG
> >   > distributions contributors in general to make sure that people are
> >   > here.  
> > 
> > I'd like to have the people directly involved on this list, plus
> > a few experts like you.  NOT to get a lot of people -- it would
> > mean more unhelptul arguments.  
> I had in mind FSDG distributions maintainers. In Parabola and Guix that
> would mean potentially everybody that can push packages.
> They often have specific responsibilities like to read/suscribe to
> certain mailing lists for instance.
> So telling them that this list do exist and what is it for, and that we
> would need at least 1 person per distribution (but not necessarily
> everybody) to keep an eye on the list would be useful I think.

yes - this has been discussed often over the years - one of the amendments
drafted addresses this concern directly - not many are willing to participate
now; but hopefully that can change somehow

the amendment would not require anyone to participate; but would suggest it
strongly, by giving distro maintainers a greater stake in the decision making

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] is the license of 'bass' acceptable?

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 02:28:36 +0200 Denis wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Jul 2023 15:24:21 -0400 bill-auger wrote:
> > gnutoo and i believe that per its explicit wording, it is non-free  
> At the beginning I thought it was but then when I sent that mail I
> didn't read all the license

so you think it is acceptable then? - i would be satisfied with any conclusion
to this - "its fine - forget it" would surely be the easiest one

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Third-Party Package Managers

2023-07-31 Thread bill-auger
On Mon, 31 Jul 2023 01:03:01 -0400 bill-auger wrote:
> the actual code-base may not mention a single word about licensing, and even 
> if
> licensed properly, the code-base could actually be under a different license 
> or
> multiple licenses

i guess what i am really getting at, is that even if it is acceptable to patch
the clients per this lax approach, or if GNU hosts repos filtered on the basis
of the license metadata alone, there should still be a prominent warning about
using them, such as:

  "WARNING: We make no attempt to verify the actual licenses of the software in
this repo. We simply trust the random anonymous person who initially
published them to the pip repos, as did the pip repo admins."

this weakness is worth considering, because distros and the FSD _do_ make the
effort to verify the licenses of all software (or we assume that they do) -
although the FSD now adds entries automatically from debian's database, we can
assume that someone in debian has verified the licenses at some point - im quite
sure that we can not assume so for most of these unrestricted "world-writable"
repos - i do not suppose that the FSD would want to add entries automatically
from github, based on github's license detector, or based on anything less
reliable; only to to add a warning to every page: "... but we dont _actually_
check this stuff :p" - i doubt that we should be so lax either; but we surely
should discuss it before doing it

the "filter the search feature" proposal was added with this doubt in mind; and
the assumption that a prominent warning would be supplied (eg: in the client,
upon first use) - the "maintain libre repos as a GNU project" proposal was
added with the assumption that all packages would be curated (and scrutinized)
manually, as the FSD does, not imported automatically based on the metadata
supplied by 'RandomJavascriptFan42' and her cat

  "oops, did you press the 'MIT' button? - bad kitty! - oh well, it worked"

so it is important to ask: is that lax approach acceptable without a prominent
warning? - indeed, is it acceptable at all, knowing how likely the information
is to be wrong?

maybe this (finally) illustrates why i have been hesitant to do anything about
these, other than delete them? - i would really like to see these uncertainties
clarified before jumping down this rabbit hole - but again, we have no
authority here to answer those questions today - there is every indication that
this will become yet another undecided FSDG grey-area, left dangling forever;
because not a single problem discussed in the past five years has been resolved

i am done discussing these things for the sake of nothing - IIRC, the backlog of
undecided issues is already six deep - no more please - most of those are
simply due to the inability or unwillingness to decide which programs are libre
and which are not - so shall we let 'RandomJavascriptFan42' and her cat be our
authority on these _hundreds_ _of_ _thousands_ more programs - is that really a
step forward? - well maybe - right or wrong, at least they would be decisive!!!
- five years with zero resolutions is itself the worst of all the FSDG's woes -
i want to resolve all of those dangling issues before i would be confident that
this new endeavor has a chance of succeeding

most of those outstanding issues, though controversial, are themselves not
terribly important to most distros - they have all been discussed at length and
would be very easy to decide, either by a vote or by a simple (long overdue)
"yes" or "no" from the FSF - most distros would not be affected by the
resolution either way - most of those outstanding issues could be decided to my
satisfaction by a coin flip; but the ability to decide _any_ issues at all is
critical for the legitimacy of the FSDG and this work-group - lets flip some
coins then? - that methodology is not much less reliable than the TPPM metadata
- _anything_ conclusive would be a huge boon at this point

and please dont ask "what are those unresolved issues?" - i am only interested
in answering the fundamental existential question: "is it possible to decide
any FSDG issues at all, ever?" - if the answer is "yes", then id be happy to
blow the dust off of those old records and replay them - but im quite sure that
the answer is "no we can not - the old victrola, she is broken" - we just tried
to play the new hit single: "Is Bass Libre?"; and it produced nothing but noise

did i imagine that? - nah, i think you all heard it too

and the saddest part ... we have all the tools needed to fix that old victrola
and get this party rockin' again; but the landlord will not let us - this is the
lamest techno-party i have ever attended; and i am late for the door, folks :)