Re: using GPL api to be used in a properietary software

2005-03-13 Thread Martin Dickopp
Stefaan A Eeckels [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Here's the definition of a derivative work, taken
 (without permission, but fair use (still) applies :-) from
 101 USC 17:

 | A derivative work is a work based upon one or more preexisting
 | works, such as a translation, musical arrangement, dramatization,
 | fictionalization, motion picture version, sound recording, art
 | reproduction, abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which a
 | work may be recast, transformed, or adapted. A work consisting of
 | editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other
 | modifications which, as a whole, represent an original work of
 | authorship, is a derivative work.

Here's the definition of such as, taken from 101 USC 17 as well:

| The terms including and such as are illustrative and not
| limitative.

I find it unconvincing to argue that a program is not a derivative work
of a dynamic library just because this case is not properly covered by a
non-limitative list of illustrations.

Gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: using GPL api to be used in a properietary software

2005-03-13 Thread Stefaan A Eeckels
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 10:37:43 +0100
Martin Dickopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I find it unconvincing to argue that a program is not a derivative work
 of a dynamic library just because this case is not properly covered by a
 non-limitative list of illustrations.

The enumeration illustrates the way in which based upon
should be construed. A program in source code formar references 
a library, but is not based upon the library in the sense
of the definition in 101 USC 17 (which would require an
adaptation, transformation, etc. of the material in the
library). A book that refers the user to a dictionary for
the definition of a number of words is not a derivative
work of that dictionary. 

Both source code and dynamically linked executables refer to
the libraries (and other resources such as the OS). Once you
claim that a dynamically linked executable is a derivative
work of the libraries it uses, you have precious few arguments
left to argue the source code is an independent work. You have
equally few arguments left to argue that programs aren't 
derivative works of the Operating System they run on.

Do _you_ see a significant difference between a function
or method call in source code, and its simple transformation
into a machine-usable format in the dynamically linked
executable? Isn't the latter simply a mechanical transformation
of the former?

As complexity rises, precise statements lose meaning,
and meaningful statements lose precision. -- Lotfi Zadeh 
Gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: using GPL api to be used in a properietary software

2005-03-13 Thread Alexander Terekhov

David Kastrup wrote:
 So why are there numerous court decisions that deep linking of web
 site material constitutes copyright infringement?

Deep Linking: Legal Certainty in Germany While Debate Continues in the 
United States 
September 11, 2003

With a recent decision, the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) 
(decision of July 17, 2003, file no. I ZR 259/00) finally resolved the 
controversy about the lawfulness of deep linking under German law. 
Previously, some German courts considered such practice to be lawful 
and others did not (see our Internet Alert of October 3, 2002). The 
courts which rejected this practice considered deep linking to be a 
violation of the data base rights of the website owner according to 
Section 87 b German Copyright Act (UrhG), which implemented the 
provisions of Directive 96/9/EC, the so-called Directive on the Legal 
Protection of Databases.

In the BGH case, the plaintiff, which publishes the newspaper 
Handelsblatt, the magazine DMEuro and online versions of those 
publications, sued the Internet search engine, which 
analyzes a broad range of newspaper articles and provides deep links 
to those articles. The plaintiff took the view that paperboy's deep 
linking violated its copyrights in the articles and its database, 
and also violated Section 1 of the German Act against Unfair 
Competition (UWG).

The Higher Regional Court Cologne dismissed the plaintiff's claim, and 
with its recent decision the BGH has now dismissed a further appeal by 
the plaintiff. According to the BGH, hyperlinking is not a use that can 
be reserved to the copyright or data-bank owner. Such linking is not 
unlawful, even if it enables the user to directly access a work product 
through a deep link. An owner who provides public access to a 
copyrighted work product on the Internet already facilitates its use by 
any Internet user. Even without a deep link, a user could directly get 
to the publicly accessible work product or data with the appropriate 
URL address. Thus, the deep link is just facilitating such access.

In addition, the BGH did not consider deep linking to be an unlawful 
exploitation of the work of the plaintiff (Section 1 UWG). Users were 
not misled about the origin of the newspaper and magazine articles. The 
fact that the owner of the Internet site may lose some advertising 
revenues (because the user bypasses the home page and other pages) did 
not create a violation of Section 1 UWG. Without deep linking, the BGH 
believed that it would be practically impossible to make sensible use 
of the overwhelming amount of information on the Internet.

The BGH has not opined about situations in which a deep link bypasses 
technical protection measures intended to limit access information.

However, with the exception of these issues and other particular 
circumstances, deep linking is now considered to be lawful under German 

 David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

GNU Republic or Germany, dak?

Gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: using GPL api to be used in a properietary software

2005-03-13 Thread Stefaan A Eeckels
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 14:31:15 +0100
David Kastrup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Stefaan A Eeckels [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  A book that refers the user to a dictionary for
  the definition of a number of words is not a derivative
  work of that dictionary.
 So why are there numerous court decisions that deep linking of web
 site material constitutes copyright infringement?

Are you implying that refering to dictionary does indeed create a
derivative work?

  You have equally few
  arguments left to argue that programs aren't derivative works of the
  Operating System they run on.
 Why do you think is there a special exception/clarification regarding
 execution of executables in the Linux kernel licence?

So are you of the opinion that every program, whatever the format
(source or otherwise) is a derivative work of the Operating System (and
as such could not be written without the prior consent of the owner of
the OS copyrights)?

If so, you're casting your nets so wide that any new work becomes a
derivative work of everthing previously written.

As complexity rises, precise statements lose meaning,
and meaningful statements lose precision. -- Lotfi Zadeh 
Gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: using GPL api to be used in a properietary software

2005-03-13 Thread David Kastrup
Stefaan A Eeckels [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 14:31:15 +0100
 David Kastrup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Stefaan A Eeckels [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  A book that refers the user to a dictionary for
  the definition of a number of words is not a derivative
  work of that dictionary.
 So why are there numerous court decisions that deep linking of
 web site material constitutes copyright infringement?

 Are you implying that refering to dictionary does indeed create a
 derivative work?

It depends on the particular use.  If I encode a message by
exclusively referring to word/lines/pages of a particular dictionary,
then I have a quite different case than when I just say look up the
term in a dictionary like Webster's.

  You have equally few arguments left to argue that programs aren't
  derivative works of the Operating System they run on.
 Why do you think is there a special exception/clarification
 regarding execution of executables in the Linux kernel licence?

 So are you of the opinion that every program, whatever the format
 (source or otherwise) is a derivative work of the Operating System
 (and as such could not be written without the prior consent of the
 owner of the OS copyrights)?

I am of the opinion that it is stupid to ignore existing court cases
and declare only those theories and cases relevant that one prefers

The execution of the law does not depend on my opinion about its
letter and spirit.

People are generously dealing in advice here even where the case law
indicates that in reality things are much less clearcut than they want
to make believe.  And that is simply reckless when giving advice.

 If so, you're casting your nets so wide that any new work becomes a
 derivative work of everthing previously written.

It is not I that is interpreting the law in the courts.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
Gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: using GPL api to be used in a properietary software

2005-03-13 Thread Stefaan A Eeckels
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 18:59:23 +0100
David Kastrup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Stefaan A Eeckels [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Tell me to respect the wishes of the author, and I'm all with you,
  even if these wishes seem - at first sight - rather outlandish.  But
  this lunatic fight to get the scope of copyright extended, by
  exactly those people who originally wanted to abolish all forms of
  copyright, is one of the saddest quixotic battles I know of.
 You don't get it.  The FSF is not fighting for the laws that give the
 GPL teeth.  But while this insanity prevails, nothing is gained by
 pretending it isn't.

Have you stopped to think about the implications of having dynamic
linking (where, remember, nothing more than a number of references to a
library are contained in the compiled code) legally equated with
producing a derivative work? It would be tantamount to declaring all
source code derivative works of the OS. What's the difference between a
function call in source code, and its compiled counterpart?

OK, the GPL didn't take dynamic linking into account in its strategy,
and the effect of GPL'ing libraries was less than expected. But then
stubbornly pursuing a strategy that, when successful, would be an
effective strengthening of the restrictions the copyright statutes
already impose, shifting the balance even further towards the large
corporates, can only lead to a Pyrrhic victory.

 If you want no defense against people unilaterally taking your work
 and turning it as proprietary as the laws allow, use the BSD licences.

 The explicit and expressed purpose of the GPL is to make the code it
 covers not be subvertible in this manner.

The use of a GPLed library doesn't subvert the code. It fails to
extend the GPL to the program, but the whole take of the FSF on
user does the linking is merely sour grapes (doesn't the GPL itself
not say that it doesn't limit the user from using the program?).

 People that are clamoring against the consequences of the GPL are
 clamoring against the consequences of copyright laws.  Lobby for
 weakening the copyright laws, and the GPL will lose its teeth along
 with the other licences.
 I'd certainly welcome a world where derivative work lawsuits were
 not, in court, repeatedly and decidedly enforced even for trivial
 cases akin to linking.

If you refer to deep HTML linking, then certainly clamouring that
you believe it to be equally true for dynamic linking [because that
would allow you to thwart those nasty developers of non-Free software
who freeload off GPLed libraries (not that there are many, given that
most library developers would like their code to be used)] isn't going
to contribute to putting an end to that situation.

 But the ongoing practice does not support Alexander's fantasies.  And
 as long as it doesn't, nothing is gained by pretenting that the GPL
 should in some manner have less validity than other licences.

This isn't about Alexander. This is about risking to get judgements
that will throttle any and all independent software developers even
more effectively than the current hideous patent initiative of the
Council and the European Commission. 

You wanna write an app for our OS? Ask our permission first. Thank you.

As complexity rises, precise statements lose meaning,
and meaningful statements lose precision. -- Lotfi Zadeh 
Gnu-misc-discuss mailing list