Re: using GPL api to be used in a properietary software

2005-03-15 Thread Alexander Terekhov
 Part II 

Alexander Terekhov wrote:
 As for the US,  Forward Inline 
  Original Message 
 Subject: Re: Stallman rants about FreeBIOS
 References: ... [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[... why the GPL just can't work under copyright law ...]

Just in case you'll come across an idiot proclaiming that the GPL
works as an agreement (apart from Germany... where contractual 
limitation of first sale principle is held to be invalid)... well,
research the topic of enforceability of contracts of adhesion and 
contracts in general yourself. Here's some hints, so to speak.  

 2 x Forward Inline 

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Stallman rants about FreeBIOS
References: ... [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bernd Paysan wrote:
 if the terms are accepted. 

The GPL is a bare copyright license, not a contract. It merely 
misstates the law (go read both 17 USC 109 and 17 USC 117 to begin 
with) and just can't legally compel you to relinquish rights that 
you enjoy under copyright law (or any other rights; in contrast 
to other contractual OSS licenses*** written by real IP lawyers, 
not some obsessive and oppressive lunatic with the help of a law 
historian fond of spreading anti-copyright-and-patent anarchistic 

quote source=

Adobe characterizes each transaction throughout the entire stream 
of commerce as a license.8 Adobe asserts that its license defines 
the relationship between Adobe and any third-party such that a 
breach of the license constitutes copyright infringement. This 
assertion is not accurate because copyright law in fact provides 
certain rights to owners of a particular copy. This grant of rights 
is independent from any purported grant of rights from Adobe. 



See also
(Specht v. Netscape Communications Corp.)

Furthermore, FSF's expansive claims (just like SCO's -- see Tenth 
IBM's defense) are barred by the doctrine of copyright misuse.

quote source=Open Source Licensing: Virus or Virtue?

Even if the open source license [GPL] is binding, the copyleft 
provision may still not be enforceable as to independent 
proprietary code, in light of the intellectual property misuse 
doctrine. The doctrine is asserted as an affirmative defense to 
an intellectual property infringement claim. Much like an unclean 
hands defense, the misuse doctrine precludes enforcement of 
intellectual property rights that have been extended beyond the 
scope of those rights. 


A successful misuse defense bars the misuser from prevailing 
against anyone on an action for infringement of the misused 
intellectual property, even against defendants who have not been 
harmed or affected by the misuse.[76]

The misuse doctrine was judicially created, first in the patent 
context. Only recently has the misuse doctrine been extended to 
copyrights, building on the rich misuse history in the patent 
law.[77] Importantly, most courts have found misuse without 
requiring a finding of antitrust liability.[78] Thus, market 
power is unnecessary, as is any analysis of the competitive and 
anticompetitive impacts of the provision.[79]

The courts have yet to analyze a copyleft provision for misuse, 
but the courts have addressed an analogous provision—the 
grantback. A grantback provision requires that a licensee of 
intellectual property grant back to the licensor a license or 
ownership in creations made by the licensee. The typical 
grantback provision requires that the licensee give the licensor 
a nonexclusive license to any improvements or derivatives that 
the licensee creates based on the original licensed property. The 
idea is that the licensee would not have been able to make the 
improvement or derivative without permission of the licensor or 
at least access to the original; thus, the licensor should not 
be blocked by an improvement or derivative he and his 
intellectual property helped create. Giving the license back 
encourages licensors to license, since it mitigates the risk of 
becoming blocked by derivative intellectual property. Like a 
grantback, copyleft requires the licensee to license back its 
improvements. The copyleft provision is more expansive, though. 


Although grantbacks have not come up in the copyright misuse 
arena, they have in the patent context—and as we have seen, the 
patent misuse cases form the underpinning for the copyright 
misuse doctrine. Courts have found that grantback clauses 
extending to improvements are not misuse, because the licensee 
in some sense developed the improvement with the help of the 
original patent. Where grantback clauses extend to preexisting 
or unrelated patents, however, courts have found patent misuse. 
Where the scope of [licensee's] 'improvements' 

Re: using GPL api to be used in a properietary software

2005-03-15 Thread David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Moglen: Because the GPL does not require any promises in return
 from licensees, it does not need contract enforcement in order to
 work. A GPL licensor doesn't say in the event of trouble But,
 judge, the licensee promised me he wouldn't do what he's doing now.
 The licensor plaintiff says 'Judge, the defendant is redistributing
 my copyrighted work without permission.'

 And the defendant says 17 USC 109, Judge. Judge: Case closed. 

 Heck, what is so hard to understand here? 

Tell that to the courts.  Copyright does not grant you permission to
redistribute stolen goods.  Before you gain any rights to copies, you
have to legally acquire them, and that usually entails agreeing to the
conditions of the party providing you with them.

What is so hard to understand here?  There is lots of downloadable
software around with restrictions on use and redistribution: AFPL,
shareware, even MS-EULA-ware.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
Gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: GPL question

2005-03-15 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Nicholas R. Markham wrote:
 I have a program that I'd like to utilize the GNU Scientific Library.
 Since the GSL is distributed under the GPL (not the LGPL), this means I
 would have to distribute my program under the GPL as well. 

Not at all. 

To begin with, I suggest you read Open Source Licensing: Software Freedom 
and Intellectual Property Law by Here's a sample chapter (on the GPL):

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