Re: GPLv3 comedy unfolding -- Microsoft Patents FUD Report: Who is Actually Slinging it?

2007-05-26 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Lee Hollaar wrote:
 methods implemented in computer software.

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From: Alexander Terekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: The many ways confusion
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 21:35:39 +0200
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rjack wrote:
  If there is a single way (or maybe a very, very limited way) of
  expressing an idea, it is said that the idea and the expression
  have merged and therefore the expression is not protectable by
  That has nothing to do with whether there is a patent that covers a
  method that can be implemented in software.  There is, in general,
  a variety of ways to implement (express) the method, and
  therefore each implementation can have its own copyright.
 See Lexmark International, Inc. v. Static Control Components, Inc., 387
 F.3d 522 (6th Cir. 2004):

In ascertaining this “elusive boundary line” between idea and
expression, between process and nonfunctional expression, courts have
looked to two other staples of copyright law—the doctrines of merger and
scènes à faire. Where the “expression is essential to the statement of
the idea,” CCC Info. Servs., Inc. v. Maclean Hunter Mkt. Reports, Inc.,
44 F.3d 61, 68 (2d Cir. 1994); see also Lotus Dev., 49 F.3d at 816 (“If
specific words are essential to operating something, then they are part
of a ‘method of operation’ and, as such, are unprotectable.”), or where
there is only one way or very few ways of expressing the idea, Warren
Publ’g, Inc. v. Microdos Data Corp., 115 F.3d 1509, 1519 n.27 (11th Cir.
1997), the idea and expression are said to have “merged.” In these
instances, copyright protection does not exist because granting
protection to the expressive component of the work necessarily would
extend protection to the work’s uncopyrightable ideas as well. See Gates
Rubber Co. v. Bando Chem. Indus., Ltd.,, 9 F.3d 823, 838 (10th Cir.
1993); see also Murray Hill Publ’ns, Inc. v. Twentieth Century Fox Film
Corp., 361 F.3d 312,
319 n.2 (6th Cir. 2004) (noting that where idea and expression are
intertwined and where non-protectable ideas predominate, expression is
not protected); see generally Nimmer § 13.03[B][3]. For computer
programs, “if the patentable process is embodied inextricably in the
line-by-line instructions of the computer program, [ ] then the process
merges with the expression and precludes copyright protection.” Atari I,
975 F.2d at 839–40; see, e.g., PRG-Schultz Int’l, Inc. v. Kirix Corp.,
No. 03 C 1867, 2003 WL 22232771, at *4 (N.D. Ill. Sept. 22, 2003)
(determining that copyright infringement claim failed because expression
merged with process in computer software that performed auditing tasks).

For similar reasons, when external factors constrain the choice of
expressive vehicle, the doctrine of “scènes à faire”—“scenes,” in other
words, “that must be done”—precludes copyright protection. See Twentieth
Century Fox Film, 361 F.3d at 319–20; see generally Nimmer §
13.03[B][4]. In the literary context, the doctrine means that certain
phrases that are “standard, stock, . . . or that necessarily follow from
a common theme or setting” may not obtain copyright protection. Gates
Rubber, 9 F.3d at 838. In the computer-software context, the doctrine
means that the elements of a program dictated by practical
realities—e.g., by hardware standards and mechanical specifications,
software standards and compatibility requirements, computer manufacturer
design standards, target industry practices, and standard computer
programming practices—may not obtain protection. Id. (citing case
examples); see Sega Enters., 977 F.2d at 1524 (“To the extent that a
work is functional or factual, it may be copied.”); Brown Bag Software
v. Symantec Corp., 960 F.2d 1465, 1473 (9th Cir. 1992) (affirming
district court’s finding that “[p]laintiffs may not claim copyright
protection of an . . . expression that is, if not standard, then
commonplace in the computer software industry”). As “an industry-wide
goal,” programming “[e]fficiency” represents an external constraint that
figures prominently in the copyrightability of computer programs. Altai,
982 F.2d at 708.

Generally speaking, “lock-out” codes fall on the functional-idea rather
than the original-expression side of the copyright line.  

... (“Program code that is strictly necessary to achieve current
compatibility presents a merger problem, almost by definition, and is
thus excluded from the scope of any copyright.”).

In trying to discern whether these doctrines apply, courts tend to
“focus on 

Re: GPLv3 comedy unfolding -- Microsoft Patents FUD Report: Who is Actually Slinging it?

2007-05-25 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Microsoft Patents FUD Report: Who is Actually Slinging it? 

My morning news review had me chuckling this morning.  Following Matt
Asay's post on the InfoWorld Open Sources blog, I watched Eben Moglen's
passionate attack on the Microsoft/Novell deal and his analysis of
Microsoft's supposed FUD strategy.

In it, Moglen accuses Microsoft of going on a Be Very Afraid tour
around the world designed to spread FUD about their patents and how they
may affect Free Software.  I nearly spit out my coffee I was laughing so

Moglen is being COMPLETELY DISINGENUOUS and he knows it.  The reality is
that Stallman, the Free Software Community, and anti-software patent
advocates have been complicit in this supposed FUD campaign about
Microsoft's Patents, and could it could be argued are actually LEADING

I readily admit that Microsoft has made cryptic and/or blunt comments in
the past about its patents and how Linux and/or Free Software may be
infringing on them.  I'll also admit that I don't know how solid
Microsoft's case may be.  Many of the patents could be bogus, the
infringement cases could be weak, etc., (I still think, however, that
the chances are pretty good they have a case on more than one of their
patents).  But, that isn't the point.

Moglen, Stallman, and the Free Software community despise the entire
idea of software patents and have been campaigning against them all
around the world.  In their efforts, they trot out the boogeyman of big,
bad Microsoft using its mountains of patents to cripple Linux and Free
Software at every opportunity.  I don't really have time to look up all
the examples of this, but here are just a few in addition to my
references from earlier this week:

Stallman raises the Microsoft patent boogeyman in his article Saving
Europe from Software Patents:

  Later in 1998, Microsoft menaced the World Wide Web, by obtaining a
  patent affecting style sheets--after encouraging the WWW Consortium 
  to incorporate the feature in the standard. It's not the first time 
  that a standards group has been lured into a patent's maw. Public 
  reaction convinced Microsoft to back down from enforcing this patent; 
  but we can't count on mercy every time. 

The site plays up the threat from Microsoft's
patents to Linux and Free Software throughout the site including:

  It would be naive to think that Microsoft and other large companies
  would not resort to patent litigation if open source continues to have
  such a dramatic impact on their business.

  It is conspicuous that Microsoft frequently mentions patents in a very
  close connection with the competitive challenge from open source. In
  2004 alone, Microsoft projected to apply for approximately 3,000 
  patents worldwide, many of those in Europe. In July of 2004, published a memorandum by a senior manager of Hewlett-
  Packard, one of the world's largest computer manufacturers. The 
  respective E-mail predicted that Microsoft would use the legal system 
  to shut down open source but would firstly await the outcome of the 
  legislative process concerning software patents in the European Union. 
  Those conjectures were based on a patent cross-licensing negotiation 
  that the HP executive had with Microsoft, and on some clauses in that 

So, when it fits their strategic goal of killing software patents,
Stallman et al talked as if the threat from Microsoft's patents was
deadly real.  Now that Microsoft is finally admitting they think Linux
distributions ARE infringing their patents, they change their story.

If they always assumed Microsoft's patents were bogus, why didn't they
calm the fears of their developers rather than fan the flames in all
their anti-patent rhetoric??

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: GPLv3 comedy unfolding -- Microsoft Patents FUD Report: Who is Actually Slinging it?

2007-05-25 Thread rjack

Alexander Terekhov wrote:

 -- Microsoft Patents FUD Report: Who is Actually Slinging it?

 My morning news review had me chuckling this morning. Following Matt
 Asay's post on the InfoWorld Open Sources blog, I watched Eben
 Moglen's passionate attack on the Microsoft/Novell deal and his
 analysis of Microsoft's supposed FUD strategy.

 In it, Moglen accuses Microsoft of going on a Be Very Afraid tour
 around the world designed to spread FUD about their patents and how
 they may affect Free Software. I nearly spit out my coffee I was
 laughing so hard.

 Moglen is being COMPLETELY DISINGENUOUS and he knows it. The reality
 is that Stallman, the Free Software Community, and anti-software
 patent advocates have been complicit in this supposed FUD campaign
 about Microsoft's Patents, and could it could be argued are actually

 I readily admit that Microsoft has made cryptic and/or blunt comments
 in the past about its patents and how Linux and/or Free Software may
 be infringing on them. I'll also admit that I don't know how solid
 Microsoft's case may be. Many of the patents could be bogus, the
 infringement cases could be weak, etc., (I still think, however, that
 the chances are pretty good they have a case on more than one of
 their patents). But, that isn't the point.

 Moglen, Stallman, and the Free Software community despise the entire
 idea of software patents and have been campaigning against them all
 around the world. In their efforts, they trot out the boogeyman of
 big, bad Microsoft using its mountains of patents to cripple Linux
 and Free Software at every opportunity. I don't really have time to
 look up all the examples of this, but here are just a few in addition
 to my references from earlier this week:

 Stallman raises the Microsoft patent boogeyman in his article Saving
 Europe from Software Patents:

 Later in 1998, Microsoft menaced the World Wide Web, by obtaining a
 patent affecting style sheets--after encouraging the WWW Consortium
 to incorporate the feature in the standard. It's not the first time
 that a standards group has been lured into a patent's maw. Public
 reaction convinced Microsoft to back down from enforcing this patent;
 but we can't count on mercy every time.

 The site plays up the threat from Microsoft's
 patents to Linux and Free Software throughout the site including:

 It would be naive to think that Microsoft and other large companies
 would not resort to patent litigation if open source continues to
 have such a dramatic impact on their business.

 It is conspicuous that Microsoft frequently mentions patents in a
 very close connection with the competitive challenge from open
 source. In 2004 alone, Microsoft projected to apply for approximately
 3,000 patents worldwide, many of those in Europe. In July of 2004, published a memorandum by a senior manager of Hewlett-
 Packard, one of the world's largest computer manufacturers. The
 respective E-mail predicted that Microsoft would use the legal
 system to shut down open source but would firstly await the outcome
 of the legislative process concerning software patents in the
 European Union. Those conjectures were based on a patent
 cross-licensing negotiation that the HP executive had with Microsoft,
 and on some clauses in that agreement.

 So, when it fits their strategic goal of killing software patents,
 Stallman et al talked as if the threat from Microsoft's patents was
 deadly real. Now that Microsoft is finally admitting they think
 Linux distributions ARE infringing their patents, they change their

 If they always assumed Microsoft's patents were bogus, why didn't
 they calm the fears of their developers rather than fan the flames in
 all their anti-patent rhetoric?? --

 regards, alexander.

   What is utterly laughable is the fact that a purported copyright 
license like the GPL3 *cannot*  effect matters concerning patents.  If 
source code implements a patentable idea then the source code in 
quenstion cannot be copyrighted:

   “In addition to spurring the creation and publication of new 
expression, copyright law contains built-in First Amendment 
accommodations. See id., at 560. First, it distinguishes between ideas 
and expression and makes only the latter eligible for copyright 
protection. Specifically, 17 U. S. C. §102(b) provides: “In no case does 
copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any 
idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, 
principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is 
described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.” As we said 
in Harper  Row, this “idea/expression dichotomy strike[s] a 
definitional balance between the First Amendment and the Copyright Act 
by permitting free communication of facts while still protecting an 

Re: GPLv3 comedy unfolding -- Microsoft Patents FUD Report: Who is Actually Slinging it?

2007-05-25 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Lee Hollaar wrote:
 If there is a single way (or maybe a very, very limited way) of
 expressing an idea, it is said that the idea and the expression
 have merged and therefore the expression is not protectable by
 That has nothing to do with whether there is a patent that covers
 a method that can be implemented in software.  There is, in general,
 a variety of ways to implement (express) the method, and therefore
 each implementation can have its own copyright.

There is a whole bunch of patents boiling down to just a few tiny
functions. See, for example,993,770.PN.OS=PN/6,993,770RS=PN/6,993,770

Can you come up with a variety of ways to implement it (variables 
names apart)?

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: GPLv3 comedy unfolding -- Microsoft Patents FUD Report: Who is Actually Slinging it?

2007-05-25 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Lee Hollaar wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] rjack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 What is utterly laughable is the fact that a purported copyright
 license like the GPL3 *cannot*  effect matters concerning patents.  If
 source code implements a patentable idea then the source code in
 quenstion cannot be copyrighted:
 That statement is completely wrong.

Not if there are only a limited number of ways of expressing idea (no 
matter patentable or not). No?

And given that the GPL3 (in its current form) is surely blatant misuse 
of copyright, it cannot effect any matters whatsoever. :-)

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: GPLv3 comedy unfolding -- Microsoft Patents FUD Report: Who is Actually Slinging it?

2007-05-25 Thread Lee Hollaar
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] rjack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
What is utterly laughable is the fact that a purported copyright 
license like the GPL3 *cannot*  effect matters concerning patents.  If 
source code implements a patentable idea then the source code in 
quenstion cannot be copyrighted:

That statement is completely wrong.
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: GPLv3 comedy unfolding -- Microsoft Patents FUD Report: Who is Actually Slinging it?

2007-05-25 Thread Lee Hollaar

Lee Hollaar wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] rjack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 What is utterly laughable is the fact that a purported copyright
 license like the GPL3 *cannot*  effect matters concerning patents.  If
 source code implements a patentable idea then the source code in
 quenstion cannot be copyrighted:
 That statement is completely wrong.

Not if there are only a limited number of ways of expressing idea (no 
matter patentable or not). No?

If there is a single way (or maybe a very, very limited way) of
expressing an idea, it is said that the idea and the expression
have merged and therefore the expression is not protectable by

That has nothing to do with whether there is a patent that covers
a method that can be implemented in software.  There is, in general,
a variety of ways to implement (express) the method, and therefore
each implementation can have its own copyright.
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: GPLv3 comedy unfolding -- Microsoft Patents FUD Report: Who is Actually Slinging it?

2007-05-25 Thread Lee Hollaar

Lee Hollaar wrote:
 If there is a single way (or maybe a very, very limited way) of
 expressing an idea, it is said that the idea and the expression
 have merged and therefore the expression is not protectable by
 That has nothing to do with whether there is a patent that covers
 a method that can be implemented in software.  There is, in general,
 a variety of ways to implement (express) the method, and therefore
 each implementation can have its own copyright.

There is a whole bunch of patents boiling down to just a few tiny
functions. See, for example,993,770.PN.OS=PN/6,993,770RS=PN/6,993,770

Can you come up with a variety of ways to implement it (variables 
names apart)?

Sure.  There are different ways, for example, to maintain the
respective reference counts.  Each would be copyrightable as
long as it was original.

That's not to say that any of them would not infringe the patent.
Patents are a right to exclude, so just because you have a copyright
doesn't mean that you won't infringe a patent.  (Also, just because
you have a patent doesn't mean that you can practice that invention
without infringing another patent.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: GPLv3 comedy unfolding -- Microsoft Patents FUD Report: Who is Actually Slinging it?

2007-05-25 Thread Lee Hollaar
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] rjack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Lee Hollaar wrote:
 Lee Hollaar wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] rjack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
What is utterly laughable is the fact that a purported copyright
 license like the GPL3 *cannot*  effect matters concerning patents.  If
 source code implements a patentable idea then the source code in
 quenstion cannot be copyrighted:
 That statement is completely wrong.
 Not if there are only a limited number of ways of expressing idea (no 
 matter patentable or not). No?
 If there is a single way (or maybe a very, very limited way) of
 expressing an idea, it is said that the idea and the expression
 have merged and therefore the expression is not protectable by
 That has nothing to do with whether there is a patent that covers
 a method that can be implemented in software.  There is, in general,
 a variety of ways to implement (express) the method, and therefore
 each implementation can have its own copyright.

We are not addressing the idea/expression dichotomy in the abstract. We 
are are in fact *assuming* that the source code in question (by 
definition) impliments a step (claim) in a legally patentable process. 
No matter *how* you write the source code (expression), by definition it 
constitutes a procedure (step) implementing an (patentable) idea. That
source code is without copyright protection in the context of the 
process (software) patent.

Specifically, 17 U. S. C. §102(b) provides: “In no case does copyright
protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure,
process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery,
regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated,
or embodied in such work.” As we said in Harper  Row, this
“idea/expression dichotomy strike[s] a definitional balance between
the First Amendment and the Copyright Act by permitting free communication
of facts while still protecting an author’s expression.”

No matter how many times you say it, or how you express the idea,
you are still wrong.

Copyright does not protect the idea (or process or system or method of
operation).  It does protect the particular expression of that idea.

For example, in Atari v. Nintendo, Nintendo had a patent on the security
system between the game and the console.  There was also a claim of
copyright infringement on the part of Atari.  Atari tried a fair use
defense but lost at the Federal Circuit because it has lied to the
Copyright Office in order to see the source code listing that Nintendo
had deposited.  There is no indication that their attorneys, who
certainly knew what Section 102(B) says, asserted that if there is
a patent, there can be no copyright.

Nor is there any indication that the judges at the Federal Circuit
thought that that is the law.  If that were the case, they could have
easily dispensed with the appeal on that grounds, not saying that
reverse engineering can be a fair use, but Nintendo doesn't get to
claim it because of its unclean hands.

So, do you have a case where a court said that if there is a patent
that covers a portion of a computer program, there can be no copyright
protection for that computer program (or maybe that portion)?

Not a case about books and ideas, but one about patented methods
implemented in computer software.
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: GPLv3 comedy unfolding -- Microsoft Patents FUD Report: Who is Actually Slinging it?

2007-05-25 Thread rjack

Lee Hollaar wrote:


Lee Hollaar wrote:

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] rjack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   What is utterly laughable is the fact that a purported copyright
license like the GPL3 *cannot*  effect matters concerning patents.  If
source code implements a patentable idea then the source code in
quenstion cannot be copyrighted:

That statement is completely wrong.
Not if there are only a limited number of ways of expressing idea (no 
matter patentable or not). No?

If there is a single way (or maybe a very, very limited way) of
expressing an idea, it is said that the idea and the expression
have merged and therefore the expression is not protectable by

That has nothing to do with whether there is a patent that covers
a method that can be implemented in software.  There is, in general,
a variety of ways to implement (express) the method, and therefore
each implementation can have its own copyright.

We are not addressing the idea/expression dichotomy in the abstract. We 
are are in fact *assuming* that the source code in question (by 
definition) impliments a step (claim) in a legally patentable process. 
No matter *how* you write the source code (expression), by definition it 
constitutes a procedure (step) implementing an (patentable) idea. That
source code is without copyright protection in the context of the 
process (software) patent.

Specifically, 17 U. S. C. §102(b) provides: “In no case does copyright
protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure,
process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery,
regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated,
or embodied in such work.” As we said in Harper  Row, this
“idea/expression dichotomy strike[s] a definitional balance between
the First Amendment and the Copyright Act by permitting free communication
of facts while still protecting an author’s expression.”

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list