Re: Software cannot be free, but users can be

2015-01-05 Thread Riley Baird
On 06/01/15 03:18, Gergely Varju wrote:
 In an e-mail about LLVM/Clang this email address was provided for those who
 would argue about changing some goals of GNU projects. When you say Free
 Software is a Free a sin Freedom, is the software itself realy free in that
 sense? No. Software itself doesn't have free will, and it would be hard to
 create a self aware AI with free will, that is free. At worst it isn't free,
 because if it goes against our will, we can turn that computer off and
 uninstall it. Users, contributors, developers and the market can be free.
 And there are two possible goals there: maximize this freedom, or reduce it
 by giving more control to a privileged group. The smaller this privileged
 group is, the more control they have, the less freedom everyone else would


 Of course the above isn't new to you, but the question is: What kind of
 freedom an end user should have. GNU means GNU is Not Unix. Why? Because
 someone decided about the licensing terms for contributions of other people
 without their consent. And they did it to promote their own interests
 against those contributors. When the exact same thing happens with GNU
 project, you should ask yourself: What went wrong? And you can't claim you
 do it for the right reasons, because developers of UNIX could point to good
 reasons they protect. Like getting paid for your work (as programmer),
 return on investment to make sure investors finance RD. They have pretty
 good moral reasons, and once you are only against their property, against
 profit your agenda will be a communist agenda, and if you are willing to
 hurt other people to promote it you won't be any better than Stalin. 

I see no problem with people being required to license their
contributions to an already existing project under a license that they
do not like, both in the case of UNIX and GNU. Consider that the
developers of UNIX received a contribution from someone under a license
prohibiting commercial use, or requiring that Bell Labs pay them 90% of
the company's profits. UNIX should be able to say - forget it. If you
don't license your contributions under our license, we'd rather not have
your contribution.

 Stalin had an interpretation of freedom too. And the moment people see that
 you can create any later version of GPL and even if they don't agree with
 it, there can be legal reasons why it is forced on them (old license can
 lose validity due to changes in law) and you ignore them, you are equal to
 Unix. And a lot of people didn't like GPL v3. And the conflict between so
 called Free Software which focuses on political ideas, and Open Source
 software which focuses on better products for everyone shows a lot of people
 are unhappy when you take their work and use it to your political interests.
 Too bad that it doesn't matter how you change GPL in GPL v4 or any future
 version you do it without consent of numerous software developers, and
 without considering interests of the contributors. 

I agree that this is definitely a problem. There is no way that you can
trust that the FSF will always, even in 1000 years time, continue to
make all versions of the GPL what a rational person might consider to be

On the other hand, some form of upgrade mechanism is necessary, in case
some part of a license is held unenforcable (as you mentioned above).
This could be done by democracy, but you still have the problem of
tyranny of the majority.

Note, however, that you can only have a later version of the GPL forced
upon you if you include the or, at your option, later version
statement along with your software. Linux, for example, is GPLv2 only.

 You speak about commercial forks for LLVM/Clang. Let me ask a question: Why
 can't GNU project create a GPL fork for it? After all you have a chance to
 do so. And as you can take away everything the non copyleft folks made, but
 they can't take anything GPL folks make, and at that point, you can take
 away some of userbase, contributors, etc. and all the freedoms the original
 developers had, and use them as digital slaves to promote your political
 agenda. As you see that risk is there. 

I can't really comment on this, since I don't really see a problem with
LLVM/Clang. Competition is healthy.

 You might claim it is there for a good reasons. But that would be a lie. As
 you can't make sure that all future decision makers of FSF would have any
 goals you or your supporters would considered noble. And GPL v6 might be a
 nonfree license that allows everything for preferred parties and nothing
 (without an additional license from the preferred party) for anyone else. So
 GPL Is a tool that lets a group to take over works of others. And in the end
 a single small organization gains total control over licensing of project
 they haven't even contributed to. With a goal that say: certain people
 (programmers who make stuff for the public) shouldn't have a right to get
 money for their work. 

Re: Software cannot be free, but users can be

2015-01-05 Thread Mike Gerwitz
Hash: SHA1

This is a lot of text expressing a pretty strong opinion, but it seems
to demonstrate a lack of understanding of the details of GNU, the GPL,
and free software.

On Mon, Jan 05, 2015 at 17:18:12 +0100, Gergely Varju wrote:
 When you say Free Software is a Free a sin Freedom, is the software
 itself realy free in that sense? No. Software itself doesn't have free
 will [...]

Free software is about ensuring that _users_ have four essential


 Like getting paid for your work (as programmer), return on investment
 to make sure investors finance RD. They have pretty good moral
 reasons, and once you are only against their property, against profit
 your agenda will be a communist agenda, and if you are willing to hurt
 other people to promote it you won't be any better than Stalin.

There is nothing wrong with selling free software, support for that
software, or services making use of that software.  Your accusations
seem to stem from something personal, because the FSF, nor GNU, has ever
argued against selling free software.


 Too bad that it doesn't matter how you change GPL in GPL v4 or any future
 version you do it without consent of numerous software developers, and
 without considering interests of the contributors. 

Much of your hostility seems rooted in this idea that the FSF will take
GPL'd software with the or later clause (which is recommended, but not
required) and somehow do something bad with it.  Of course, bad is
highly relative---GPLv3 is bad to some, even though it is still in lines
with the goals of the FSF and free software.

But to suggest that the community was not consulted is simply wrong:


If you do not trust the FSF, do not use or later; but note that you
are then causing problems with future compatibility.  Further, as the
copyright holder, you are free to relicense your software at any point.

In the case of software contributed to the GNU project for which the FSF
holds copyright, the assignment paperwork ensures that the software
will always remain free, regardless of how the GPL might change
maliciously.  So a malicious change to the GPL would not do projects
like GNU much good, because they have other legal requirements.  RMS
originally added this clause to ensure that GNU software could never be
made proprietary in the event that the FSF was somehow acquired or taken
over by a malicious entity.

 You speak about commercial forks for LLVM/Clang. Let me ask a question: Why
 can't GNU project create a GPL fork for it?

Why?  We have GCC.  LLVM is a competitor.

 * You aren't free to decide about what you want to do with your own
 work. Because of copyleft.

You certainly are.  You are the copyright holder.  You are free to
relicense, or even ignore your own license entirely.  If you license
your code under the GPL, and someone asks you for the source code, and
you refuse to provide it, you have legally done nothing wrong.  You will
have lost trust in the community.

If you are *not* the copyright holder of the GPL'd code, then you are
legally bound by the GPL as a distributor.

 * You aren't free to decide what to do if the old license gets
 obsolete. Because your license doesn't let them to switch if it is the case.

Covered above.

 * You aren't free to back out if you don't like the direction GPL
 takes, as there is no way to back out at new version. 

Do not use the or later clause, if you are worried.  But again, that's

 * GPL isn't about a free market, as it works like a virus (see my
 argument for GPL forks) it tries to take over the whole software licensing
 in the world. Without exceptions.

Can you substantiate this statement?

 With free software you as end user aren't free to decide which
 software you use on a GPL infested system. Free market and fair
 competition is impaired.

The GPL imposes no restrictions on the software that you run on your system.

 Yet we discovered a huge backdoor functionality in bash
 this year. It would be much harder to notice an intentionally created but
 well hidden security hole. Yet everyone has a good chance to submit such
 code. Even the Islamic State, North Korea, etc. 

This does not differ from open source.  Indeed, your argument is in
direct support of the concept of open source.  Free software is always
superior, because it is free:


 So certain freedoms could be granted and enforced even for commercial
 software. If you allow commercial software.

Are you referring to proprietary software?  Software can be both free
and commercial, as I mentioned above.

A free system doesn't disallow running proprietary software.  And many
free GNU/Linux distributions are commercial.

 But if you understand what went wrong, create friendly license