Re: Missing Guile Bindings and False Positive Unit tests

2017-02-22 Thread Chad Albers
Hi Derek,

Thanks for the history about Gnucash bindings.  I might be asking for
trouble.  I just would rather interact with GnuCash rather that
Python.  Personal preference that is pretty arbitrary.  I'm curious
how far I can take it.

After further inspection, I now understand what you meant my "swig
exports the functions for guile".  I found the exactly location where
I need to add new exports in the swig interface file.  I haven't
managed, though, to try it out yet.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 11:59 AM, Derek Atkins  wrote:
> Hi Chad,
> Please remember to CC gnucash-user on all replies so that everyone can
> remain "in the loop".
> Also, the gnc-modules should properly export swig-exported functions
> without a re-export.  If it stopped doing that, that would be a bug
> Note that these unit tests are probably 18 years old.
> A long long time ago (well, around GnuCash 1.6 or so), /usr/bin/gnucash
> was a guile script.  It loaded everything in as guile modules
> (technically it loaded GncModules) and then jumped back and forth
> between C and Scheme.  Still, not everything was available from Scheme,
> but I don't believe anything has been *removed* from the guile
> bindings.
> Anyways, this structure was very hard to debug.  You couldn't
> run it under gdb; you needed to "attach" gdb to the running process,
> which made it nearly impossible to debug issues during application
> loading.  Eventually the Schemer developers left the project to pursue
> other endeavors, and those that remained eventually switched back to the
> "main() in C" structure that we have today.
> Of course a bunch of the functionality is still in GncModules.
> Having said all that, you shouldn't need to export or re-export a
> wrapped API.  It should "just work".  And the unit tests should be
> properly failing when there are missing or broken APIs.
> -derek
> Chad Albers  writes:
>> I'll file a bug report.
>> But, for the record, swig isn't exporting.  That's not what swig does.
>>   Function exports are done by using 2 APIs - the Guile define-modules
>> API or Guiles' C API.
>> For example,
>> - Some guile functions are defined here:  src/engine/swig-engine.c.
>> This is where qof-session-new is defined.
>> - swig-engine.c uses Guile's C API to create a module called sw_engine
>> - swig-engine.c exports the functions - including qof-session-new -
>> using scm_c_export(...)
>> - Several Guile scm files use this module: (use-modules (sw_engine)).
>> None of these scm files either (export...) or (re-export...) functions
>> from the sw_engine module.
>> Therefore, none of the Guile  defined modules expose sw_engine functions.
>> There may be, though, one exception, but even that isn't exposing
>> anything from sw_engine.  The following is speculation...
>> - GnuCash seems to include, what I suspect, is another module system.
>> I think it's in the module (gnucash gnc-module).  Calls such as these
>> -   (gnc:module-system-init) - may be a part that system.
>> - Included in that system may be code from: src/engine/gncmod-engine.c
>> - This C code has a C function  called 'libgncmod_engine_gnc_module_init(...)
>> - This includes the sw_engine module.  It calls
>> scm_c_eval_string("(use-modules (sw_engine))");
>> - This scm_c_eval_string does not include any (exports...) or
>> (re-exports...) in the gncmode-engine.c file.
>> Therefore, the sw_engine functions are not available in this other
>> module system.
>> To make the sw_engine functions available (which is what I would
>> like),  this may have been how it was once accomplished. The units
>> test that pass when they shouldn't include this line:
>>  (gnc:module-load "gnucash/engine" 0)
>> Maybe, at one time gnc:module-load exported functions from
>> "gnucash/engine" modules.  Or something like that.  I'm still
>> investigating the what/why/how of the other module system.
>> In the meantime, one solution is just to re-export sw_engine functions
>> from (gnucash engine) or engine.scm.  That's what I'm doing for my
>> experiments, and it works.  Perhaps I will submit a patch for that,
>> but I'm thinking that that's a hack. I'm opening up the discussion
>> here for a better solution, if exposing more of the Guile API is a)
>> fixing a bug and/or b) adding a new feature.  Since much of GnuCash
>> was written in Guile, I thought I would use that instead of Python.
>> As is, though, there doesn't seem to be a way to even source a GnuCash
>> using its Guile bindings.  It can be done using Python.
>> Chad
>> --
>> On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 5:34 PM, Derek Atkins  wrote:
>>> That srfi didn't exist when the tests were written, which was probably
>>> around 18 years ago.  The fact the tests don't fail just means nobody tested
>>> the tests for false positives.  Please file a bug report?
>>> There isn't a need to be-export.  Swig exports do that automatically.

Re: Missing Guile Bindings and False Positive Unit tests

2017-02-22 Thread Derek Atkins
Ted Creedon  writes:

> FYI there is a swig problem in OpenSuse leap 4.2.
> Its not the latest version.

And this is why we package it up such that in general you don't need
swig to build GnuCash.  :)

> Tedc


   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   warl...@mit.eduPGP key available
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