Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread David H

Thanks for your explanation but I still don't understand what the 6
different register types you refer to are - can you point me to where these
are described?

My reason for having different column widths is as previously posted ...

"... I have 2 savings accounts and 4 credit card accounts that I have open
all the time and over the years I've gone to the trouble of setting these
up just the way I like them.  Of course flicking through the register tabs
the columns aren't all in the same places as I'm using accounts with
different nesting levels in each so the Transfer column widths vary even
within each account type.  Are you saying that these would be treated as 2
register types and you are going to blow away all my good work and just
randomly choose one of the open settings as the default when you remove old
configurations?  "

Why do I like things just the way they are ?  Well it generally depends on
the level of nesting in my EXPENSES category - some of them are nested to 6
levels deep so the TRANSFER column is wider in a couple of these registers
and the DESCRIPTION column narrower than others.

It's like re-opening Gnucash and having the same tabs open I guess, if I
close a register tab and re-open it, it looks exactly the same as when I
left it :-)

I must confess that I did see this unfolding a little while ago on this
mailing list but it didn't sink in that you would be blowing all my
existing settings away altogether. I thought that this was only to set up a
default for a register that hadn't yet been opened/didn't already have
settings...  My understanding of DEFAULT is that it's only a starting point
and I assumed that my existing settings would remain unchanged even if they
were different within the same register type.

However I appreciate that you can't please everyone and that things have to
move on so I'm going to download this version, backup my existing settings,
install on one of my Windows pc's and see what it messes with and if it
really is going to upset my apple cart :-)

Happy to provide feedback as to whether I see it as an issue after I see it
in practice...

It might also be beneficial to explain what's happening on the wider user
list before it goes live, I don't think I've seen any mention of this
change there.  I know you said you are responding to complaints re setting
register column widths but you know what they say "the noisy wheel gets the
most oil" and it appears the silent majority are content with things as is.

Getting rid of that hidden automatic expansion on the description column
will probably also alleviate some of the complaints.

Thanks David H.

On Sat, 6 Jun 2020 at 06:46, Geert Janssens 

> Op vrijdag 5 juni 2020 20:45:07 CEST schreef D via gnucash-devel:
> > Michael,
> >
> > The idea of default column widths makes sense, but the idea that a user's
> > previously set preferences will no longer apply seems a little backward.
> >
> Note default columns widths are not set automatically. GnuCash can't know
> if you just tweaked
> a column temporarily for whatever reason or you want this to be the
> default for a given register
> type. So to set defaults the user has to select the appropriate command in
> the Windows menu.
> As there are no account level presets any more, how can GnuCash know which
> preferences to
> apply if you have different preferences for different accounts in the same
> register type group ?
> At best we can read them once and convert them to preferences for an open
> tab (which is not
> the same as preferences for a given account). Once you close the tab the
> tab preferences are
> gone with it.
> As for motivations to drop account level presets, read on.
> > I am curious to know more about the thought process that arrived at this
> > solution. I'd have thought that storing per account column settings
> > wouldn't cause too much storage problem, and I would imagine the register
> > opening process could look, in order, for an account-specific column
> record
> > by guid, and, upon failure, the default for that account type in
> question.
> > I wouldn't imagine that such a process would be onerous even for the
> > largest of gnucash books. But, I am no programmer.
> >
> > David
> >
> Here are a few situations that we have been evaluating when working with a
> three level column
> width settings schema (auto calculated/per register type/per account:
> 1. User opens account A, tweaks the date column say because gnucash poorly
> calculates it. This
> will be saved for that particular account. Rince and repeat for account B,
> account C,... In the end
> the user has a number of accounts which all have a custom width for date
> that is always slightly
> different because it was set manually each time.
> => This is a very good use case for a register type level default.
> Actually even for a user-set
> system level default, but that would add even an additional level. Three
> gets complicated
> enough so lets stick to 

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 5 juni 2020 20:45:07 CEST schreef D via gnucash-devel:
> Michael,
> The idea of default column widths makes sense, but the idea that a user's
> previously set preferences will no longer apply seems a little backward.
Note default columns widths are not set automatically. GnuCash can't know if 
you just tweaked 
a column temporarily for whatever reason or you want this to be the default for 
a given register 
type. So to set defaults the user has to select the appropriate command in the 
Windows menu.

As there are no account level presets any more, how can GnuCash know which 
preferences to 
apply if you have different preferences for different accounts in the same 
register type group ? 
At best we can read them once and convert them to preferences for an open tab 
(which is not 
the same as preferences for a given account). Once you close the tab the tab 
preferences are 
gone with it.

As for motivations to drop account level presets, read on.

> I am curious to know more about the thought process that arrived at this
> solution. I'd have thought that storing per account column settings
> wouldn't cause too much storage problem, and I would imagine the register
> opening process could look, in order, for an account-specific column record
> by guid, and, upon failure, the default for that account type in question.
> I wouldn't imagine that such a process would be onerous even for the
> largest of gnucash books. But, I am no programmer.
> David

Here are a few situations that we have been evaluating when working with a 
three level column 
width settings schema (auto calculated/per register type/per account:

1. User opens account A, tweaks the date column say because gnucash poorly 
calculates it. This 
will be saved for that particular account. Rince and repeat for account B, 
account C,... In the end 
the user has a number of accounts which all have a custom width for date that 
is always slightly 
different because it was set manually each time.
=> This is a very good use case for a register type level default. Actually 
even for a user-set 
system level default, but that would add even an additional level. Three gets 
enough so lets stick to register-level default.
2. So user learns one can also set a register level default. User opens one of 
the plenty of 
tweaked accounts and sets it as default. This will now work happily for all 
accounts that didn't 
have any default set. But the ones that were tweaked won't change, because for 
those accounts 
the account level user selection takes precedence.
3. Imagine the user was not too careful and had widened some date fields way 
too much while 
still manually setting those. So for these the user would now want a way to 
also set the default. 
But which default ? In this particular use case probably the one set for the 
register type. 
However in another use case the user would rather reset to auto calculated 
default (for example 
because the bug that wrongly calculated the default is now fixed). So that 
already needs two 
methods to reset to default and the user has to make a decision which one is 
correct for his/her 
particular use case. Which means the user has to learn the difference and 
understand how the 
levels interact. That distracts from the actual job at hand - accounting. (And 
yes, I do 
understand that messing up your carefully set column widths during an upgrade 
also distracts 
from that. The hope here is that it only happens once though to fix a wider set 
of problems).

It gets worse. The example above was to deal with a poorly calculated default 
width. Imagine 
that after step 1. and before step 2 the user had also tweaked another column 
(say the balance 
column) in a few accounts and not in others where you also changed the date 

And *then* the user remembers one can set register level defaults. So the user 
opens say 
account A in which the date column was changed and the balance column wasn't 
and marks 
that layout as default with the intention to correct that stupid date column 
once and for all.
Now the net result is pretty confusing:
- All unchanged registers will use the new default
- All registers in which the user manually fixed the date column will not 
change, but it's not 
obvious because the new date column width still resembles the width that was 
set as default.
- All registers with unchanged date column but changed balance column will 
still have an 
unchanged date column and a changed balance column. (Huh, why did setting 
default not work 

Next the user also remembers the new balance width is more useful and would 
like to set it as 
default. So the user opens a register for which s/he remembers the balance 
column was set as 
desired. However the date column is not. So the user again has to make a 
decision here: if s/he 
chooses to set this register layout as default, the change to the date column 
is lost:
- Opening unchanged account registers now have a 

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread David Reiser via gnucash-devel

> On Jun 5, 2020, at 3:04 PM, Geert Janssens  wrote:
> Op vrijdag 5 juni 2020 20:58:29 CEST schreef David Reiser:
> > > On Jun 5, 2020, at 2:29 PM, Geert Janssens  > > >
> > > wrote:> 
> > > Op vrijdag 5 juni 2020 19:55:29 CEST schreef David Reiser:
> > > > > On Jun 5, 2020, at 1:26 PM, Geert Janssens 
> > > > >>
> > > > >  > > > > >> wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > It will need a one time action to set these new defaults once you
> > > > > start
> > > > > using 4.0. I believe we have 6 layouts so that's 6 times you may see a
> > > > > layout that doesn't suit you and you would have to fix it.
> > > > 
> > > > In its current form, the user experience is waa worse. My use of
> > > > 3.903 (Mac OS 10.15.5) has been quite limited. For several cycles of
> > > > opening Gnucash, the only account I had open was a single credit card
> > > > account (+ the Accounts tab). I was working on getting aqbanking to
> > > > work,
> > > > and had to edit the environment file to get logging working. I didn’t
> > > > immediately change the column widths because appearance wasn’t my
> > > > primary
> > > > goal. There now appears to  be no way to reset the default column
> > > > widths.
> > > > If I close any credit card or checking account tab, opening any of them
> > > > again gives me the enormously wide description column and the absurdly
> > > > narrow transfer account column.
> > > > 
> > > > So the ‘one time action’ appears to be unannounced and irreversible.
> > > > Unless
> > > > there’s a bug, you’re going to get 10 times as many complaints about
> > > > register behavior as you’ve seen in the past.
> > > 
> > > Did you actually select "Windows"->"Use as default for this register
> > > group" after you changed the column widths to your satisfaction ?
> > > 
> > > If you did and it still reverts to other column widths after reopening,
> > > that would indeed be a bug.
> > > 
> > > Regards,
> > > 
> > > Geert
> > 
> > No I hadn’t. Thanks for the direction. I had looked in a couple places for a
> > reset style command, but I was too focussed on ‘register’ rather than
> > ‘window’.
> > 
> Would another location the the menus make more sense to you ? We can still 
> move the commands around.

Having it be a direct menu command is more important than which menu it’s in. I 
think it fits better with the rest of the windows menu items than it would fit 
in another menu. Now that I know it’s there, it’s easy.

> > With the new column width setting arrangement, is it still necessary to keep
> > the ’stretch another column before you can shrink Description width’
> > behavior?
> > 
> Good question. Personally I have always considered this to be a user 
> experience wart, but so far nobody has decided to remove it.
> If I remember correctly this was changed as part of the new register project, 
> but that never got stable enough to be included.
> Regards,
> Geert

Dave Reiser

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 5 juni 2020 20:58:29 CEST schreef David Reiser:
> > On Jun 5, 2020, at 2:29 PM, Geert Janssens 
> > wrote:> 
> > Op vrijdag 5 juni 2020 19:55:29 CEST schreef David Reiser:
> > > > On Jun 5, 2020, at 1:26 PM, Geert Janssens  > > > > wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > It will need a one time action to set these new defaults once you
> > > > start
> > > > using 4.0. I believe we have 6 layouts so that's 6 times you may see a
> > > > layout that doesn't suit you and you would have to fix it.
> > > 
> > > In its current form, the user experience is waa worse. My use of
> > > 3.903 (Mac OS 10.15.5) has been quite limited. For several cycles of
> > > opening Gnucash, the only account I had open was a single credit card
> > > account (+ the Accounts tab). I was working on getting aqbanking to
> > > work,
> > > and had to edit the environment file to get logging working. I didn’t
> > > immediately change the column widths because appearance wasn’t my
> > > primary
> > > goal. There now appears to  be no way to reset the default column
> > > widths.
> > > If I close any credit card or checking account tab, opening any of them
> > > again gives me the enormously wide description column and the absurdly
> > > narrow transfer account column.
> > > 
> > > So the ‘one time action’ appears to be unannounced and irreversible.
> > > Unless
> > > there’s a bug, you’re going to get 10 times as many complaints about
> > > register behavior as you’ve seen in the past.
> > 
> > Did you actually select "Windows"->"Use as default for this register
> > group" after you changed the column widths to your satisfaction ?
> > 
> > If you did and it still reverts to other column widths after reopening,
> > that would indeed be a bug.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Geert
> No I hadn’t. Thanks for the direction. I had looked in a couple places for a
> reset style command, but I was too focussed on ‘register’ rather than
> ‘window’.
Would another location the the menus make more sense to you ? We can still move 
commands around.

> With the new column width setting arrangement, is it still necessary to keep
> the ’stretch another column before you can shrink Description width’
> behavior?
Good question. Personally I have always considered this to be a user experience 
wart, but so 
far nobody has decided to remove it.

If I remember correctly this was changed as part of the new register project, 
but that never got 
stable enough to be included.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread David Reiser via gnucash-devel

> On Jun 5, 2020, at 2:29 PM, Geert Janssens  wrote:
> Op vrijdag 5 juni 2020 19:55:29 CEST schreef David Reiser:
> > > On Jun 5, 2020, at 1:26 PM, Geert Janssens  > > >
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > It will need a one time action to set these new defaults once you start
> > > using 4.0. I believe we have 6 layouts so that's 6 times you may see a
> > > layout that doesn't suit you and you would have to fix it.
> > 
> > In its current form, the user experience is waa worse. My use of
> > 3.903 (Mac OS 10.15.5) has been quite limited. For several cycles of
> > opening Gnucash, the only account I had open was a single credit card
> > account (+ the Accounts tab). I was working on getting aqbanking to work,
> > and had to edit the environment file to get logging working. I didn’t
> > immediately change the column widths because appearance wasn’t my primary
> > goal. There now appears to  be no way to reset the default column widths.
> > If I close any credit card or checking account tab, opening any of them
> > again gives me the enormously wide description column and the absurdly
> > narrow transfer account column.
> > 
> > So the ‘one time action’ appears to be unannounced and irreversible. Unless
> > there’s a bug, you’re going to get 10 times as many complaints about
> > register behavior as you’ve seen in the past.
> > 
> Did you actually select "Windows"->"Use as default for this register group" 
> after you changed the column widths to your satisfaction ?
> If you did and it still reverts to other column widths after reopening, that 
> would indeed be a bug.
> Regards,
> Geert

No I hadn’t. Thanks for the direction. I had looked in a couple places for a 
reset style command, but I was too focussed on ‘register’ rather than ‘window’.

With the new column width setting arrangement, is it still necessary to keep 
the ’stretch another column before you can shrink Description width’ behavior?

Dave Reiser

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread D via gnucash-devel

The idea of default column widths makes sense, but the idea that a user's 
previously set preferences will no longer apply seems a little backward. 

I am curious to know more about the thought process that arrived at this 
solution. I'd have thought that storing per account column settings wouldn't 
cause too much storage problem, and I would imagine the register opening 
process could look, in order, for an account-specific column record by guid, 
and, upon failure, the default for that account type in question. I wouldn't 
imagine that such a process would be onerous even for the largest of gnucash 
books. But, I am no programmer. 


On Jun 5, 2020, 11:18, at 11:18, "Fross, Michael"  wrote:
>Hello David T.,
>I understand the point.  But I also struggle with having a lot of
>accounts and I'm always having to go tweak them.  If I could set it
>and it would apply to them all, I applaud the decision.  I think it
>down to how the account types are defined.
>On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 9:05 AM D via gnucash-devel <
>> wrote:
>> Bob,
>> I still don't understand fully. Are you saying that if I set my
>> widths differently for Stock A and Stock B, and then close both and
>> them both, that they will open with a set of arbitrarily-defined
>> widths for that account type, rather than the account-specific
>settings I'd
>> chosen previously?
>> If that is so, I'd say that the decision that "was made" was a bad
>> To take one example, my mortgage and my credit card are both
>> accounts. The balances in the two accounts are going to be
>> different, however, and I'd prefer to have different widths for the
>> column. It sounds like I'd be out of luck in this new regime, yes?
>> I'm not clear what benefit this provides on the back end. Could you
>> explain these reasons more clearly?
>> Thanks,
>> David T.
>> On Jun 5, 2020, 06:41, at 06:41, Robert Fewell <>
>> >David,
>> >
>> >It was decided that instead of every time you open a register and
>> >change that layout to your liking we could just save the widths to
>> >used
>> >as defaults for the 6 register layouts. As most registers of type
>> >have
>> >similar widths set, the first one loaded will be used to set the
>> >default
>> >widths for that type which you can obviously change and save for
>> >opening of that type of register. To accommodate situations like you
>> >have
>> >described, register widths of all open registers when Gnucash is
>> >will also be saved and used when restoring. Should any of them be
>> >closed
>> >and reopened then they will base the widths on the saved default for
>> >that
>> >register type.
>> >Hope that answers your question.
>> >
>> >On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 11:12, David H  wrote:
>> >
>> >> Rob,
>> >>
>> >> Please clarify this.  I have 2 savings accounts and 4 credit card
>> >accounts
>> >> that I have open all the time and over the years I've gone to the
>> >trouble
>> >> of setting these up just the way I like them.  Of course flicking
>> >through
>> >> the register tabs the columns aren't all in the same places as I'm
>> >using
>> >> accounts with different nesting levels in each so the Transfer
>> >> widths vary even within each account type.  Are you saying that
>> >would
>> >> be treated as 2 register types and you are going to blow away all
>> >good
>> >> work and just randomly choose one of the open settings as the
>> >when
>> >> you remove old configurations?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks David H.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 19:05, Robert Fewell <>
>> >wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Mark,
>> >>> Yes the saving of column widths has changed, in version 4.0 they
>> >saved
>> >>> per register type so you only have to set the defaults once per
>> >>> instead of every single register opened, there are menu options
>> >under
>> >>> 'Windows' that allow you to save new register widths or clear
>> >Open
>> >>> registers also save their widths and therefore can have
>> >>> changed
>> >>> widths.
>> >>>
>> >>> What should happen is when a register is opened with a saved
>> >configuration
>> >>> and no default has been saved for that type, that configuration
>> >be
>> >>> used as the default. Once there is a default for the register
>> >all
>> >>> old
>> >>> configurations will be removed. Did this not happen?
>> >>>
>> >>> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 04:58, Christopher Lam
>> >
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> > The balance sheet date option does not transfer because old
>> >balance
>> >>> sheet
>> >>> > uses "Balance Sheet Date" whereas upgraded one uses "End Date".
>> >am not
>> >>> > sure it is practical to set up a compatibility pathway -- new
>> >balance
>> >>> sheet
>> >>> > can report multiple dates.
>> >>> >
>> >>> > On Fri, 5 Jun 2020, 7:27 am 

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 5 juni 2020 19:55:29 CEST schreef David Reiser:
> > On Jun 5, 2020, at 1:26 PM, Geert Janssens 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > It will need a one time action to set these new defaults once you start
> > using 4.0. I believe we have 6 layouts so that's 6 times you may see a
> > layout that doesn't suit you and you would have to fix it.
> In its current form, the user experience is waa worse. My use of
> 3.903 (Mac OS 10.15.5) has been quite limited. For several cycles of
> opening Gnucash, the only account I had open was a single credit card
> account (+ the Accounts tab). I was working on getting aqbanking to work,
> and had to edit the environment file to get logging working. I didn’t
> immediately change the column widths because appearance wasn’t my primary
> goal. There now appears to  be no way to reset the default column widths.
> If I close any credit card or checking account tab, opening any of them
> again gives me the enormously wide description column and the absurdly
> narrow transfer account column.
> So the ‘one time action’ appears to be unannounced and irreversible. Unless
> there’s a bug, you’re going to get 10 times as many complaints about
> register behavior as you’ve seen in the past.
Did you actually select "Windows"->"Use as default for this register group" 
after you changed 
the column widths to your satisfaction ?

If you did and it still reverts to other column widths after reopening, that 
would indeed be a bug.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread David Reiser via gnucash-devel

> On Jun 5, 2020, at 1:26 PM, Geert Janssens  wrote:
> It will need a one time action to set these new defaults once you start using 
> 4.0. I believe we 
> have 6 layouts so that's 6 times you may see a layout that doesn't suit you 
> and you would have 
> to fix it.

In its current form, the user experience is waa worse. My use of 3.903 
(Mac OS 10.15.5) has been quite limited. For several cycles of opening Gnucash, 
the only account I had open was a single credit card account (+ the Accounts 
tab). I was working on getting aqbanking to work, and had to edit the 
environment file to get logging working. I didn’t immediately change the column 
widths because appearance wasn’t my primary goal. There now appears to  be no 
way to reset the default column widths. If I close any credit card or checking 
account tab, opening any of them again gives me the enormously wide description 
column and the absurdly narrow transfer account column. 

So the ‘one time action’ appears to be unannounced and irreversible. Unless 
there’s a bug, you’re going to get 10 times as many complaints about register 
behavior as you’ve seen in the past. 

Dave Reiser

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 5 juni 2020 16:05:36 CEST schreef D via gnucash-devel:
> Bob,
> I still don't understand fully. Are you saying that if I set my column
> widths differently for Stock A and Stock B, and then close both and reopen
> them both, that they will open with a set of arbitrarily-defined default
> widths for that account type, rather than the account-specific settings I'd
> chosen previously?

As long as you don't record a default for stock type registers, yes. It will 
make a best effort to 
reuse what you had set before, but we will no longer store column widths per 
account. You will 
have to set one per register type.

> If that is so, I'd say that the decision that "was made" was a bad one.

No change is made lightly. A lot of thought has gone into this, though I 
understand the end 
result is less convenient for your specific use case.

> To take one example, my mortgage and my credit card are both liability
> accounts. The balances in the two accounts are going to be significantly
> different, however, and I'd prefer to have different widths for the balance
> column. It sounds like I'd be out of luck in this new regime, yes?
> I'm not clear what benefit this provides on the back end. Could you explain
> these reasons more clearly?

The different register types referred to here are not Assets, Liabilities, 
Income, Expense and 
Equity. This refers to the different formats in which registers can present 

The most simple register is any register that displays a single currency 
ordinary account. These 
registers only show a debit and a credit column for values. It should be 
straightforward to size the columns in any of these registers to work well for 
most others of this 
same kind.

Then you have stock accounts which additionally have a price/shares column. It 
wouldn't make 
sense to reuse column widths from the basic register representation as there 
are more columns 
to show so likely you'd want different settings for those.

The business registers (AR and AP) again have a different column arrangement. 
Again column 
widths of the other registers would not map very well, so it will have its own 
set of defaults.

The motivation for this change is exactly as Michael described: we have had 
several complaints 
that it was cumbersome to have to change column widths each time again for each 
opened for the first time.

We did consider a three level approach:
1. if the user has manipulated column widths for a specific account register, 
store this for that 
2. to avoid having to fix each and every register opened for the first time, 
allow setting a 
sensible default per register type (which is defined by which columns are in 
the register not by 
it's accounting meaning).
3. in the absence of either, calculate defaults.

This quickly became too complicated to maintain a good user experience. While 
thinking about 
this plenty of corner cases came up that would either be confusing or 
cumbersome for the user.

With that in mind and given our limited development resources we have chosen 
for the middle 
ground solution: let the user only set defaults for each different register 
layout we have and no 
longer per account opened. The assumption is that for accounts that display the 
same columns 
it should be possible to set column widths that fit most of the accounts using 
that layout.

If you have specific accounts that don't fit the chosen register we have kept 
the option to resize 
columns for that and keep those around as long as the account is left open in a 

It will need a one time action to set these new defaults once you start using 
4.0. I believe we 
have 6 layouts so that's 6 times you may see a layout that doesn't suit you and 
you would have 
to fix it.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread Frank H. Ellenberger
Bob, I wonder if you could write a chapter or section about "GnuCash
specific GUI behaviour" to put into or near
Obvisiously one part should also go into

Chris, can you review
I believe, it does not reflect all your modifications.

If you are not comfortable with docbook, you can also put it in the wiki.


Am 05.06.20 um 11:05 schrieb Robert Fewell:
> Mark,
> Yes the saving of column widths has changed, in version 4.0 they are saved
> per register type so you only have to set the defaults once per type
> instead of every single register opened, there are menu options under
> 'Windows' that allow you to save new register widths or clear them. Open
> registers also save their widths and therefore can have temporarily changed
> widths.
> What should happen is when a register is opened with a saved configuration
> and no default has been saved for that type, that configuration will be
> used as the default. Once there is a default for the register type, all old
> configurations will be removed. Did this not happen?

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread Fross, Michael
Hello David T.,

I understand the point.  But I also struggle with having a lot of security
accounts and I'm always having to go tweak them.  If I could set it once
and it would apply to them all, I applaud the decision.  I think it boils
down to how the account types are defined.


On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 9:05 AM D via gnucash-devel <> wrote:

> Bob,
> I still don't understand fully. Are you saying that if I set my column
> widths differently for Stock A and Stock B, and then close both and reopen
> them both, that they will open with a set of arbitrarily-defined default
> widths for that account type, rather than the account-specific settings I'd
> chosen previously?
> If that is so, I'd say that the decision that "was made" was a bad one.
> To take one example, my mortgage and my credit card are both liability
> accounts. The balances in the two accounts are going to be significantly
> different, however, and I'd prefer to have different widths for the balance
> column. It sounds like I'd be out of luck in this new regime, yes?
> I'm not clear what benefit this provides on the back end. Could you
> explain these reasons more clearly?
> Thanks,
> David T.
> On Jun 5, 2020, 06:41, at 06:41, Robert Fewell <> wrote:
> >David,
> >
> >It was decided that instead of every time you open a register and then
> >change that layout to your liking we could just save the widths to be
> >used
> >as defaults for the 6 register layouts. As most registers of type will
> >have
> >similar widths set, the first one loaded will be used to set the
> >default
> >widths for that type which you can obviously change and save for future
> >opening of that type of register. To accommodate situations like you
> >have
> >described, register widths of all open registers when Gnucash is closed
> >will also be saved and used when restoring. Should any of them be
> >closed
> >and reopened then they will base the widths on the saved default for
> >that
> >register type.
> >Hope that answers your question.
> >
> >On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 11:12, David H  wrote:
> >
> >> Rob,
> >>
> >> Please clarify this.  I have 2 savings accounts and 4 credit card
> >accounts
> >> that I have open all the time and over the years I've gone to the
> >trouble
> >> of setting these up just the way I like them.  Of course flicking
> >through
> >> the register tabs the columns aren't all in the same places as I'm
> >using
> >> accounts with different nesting levels in each so the Transfer column
> >> widths vary even within each account type.  Are you saying that these
> >would
> >> be treated as 2 register types and you are going to blow away all my
> >good
> >> work and just randomly choose one of the open settings as the default
> >when
> >> you remove old configurations?
> >>
> >> Thanks David H.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 19:05, Robert Fewell <>
> >wrote:
> >>
> >>> Mark,
> >>> Yes the saving of column widths has changed, in version 4.0 they are
> >saved
> >>> per register type so you only have to set the defaults once per type
> >>> instead of every single register opened, there are menu options
> >under
> >>> 'Windows' that allow you to save new register widths or clear them.
> >Open
> >>> registers also save their widths and therefore can have temporarily
> >>> changed
> >>> widths.
> >>>
> >>> What should happen is when a register is opened with a saved
> >configuration
> >>> and no default has been saved for that type, that configuration will
> >be
> >>> used as the default. Once there is a default for the register type,
> >all
> >>> old
> >>> configurations will be removed. Did this not happen?
> >>>
> >>> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 04:58, Christopher Lam
> >
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> > The balance sheet date option does not transfer because old
> >balance
> >>> sheet
> >>> > uses "Balance Sheet Date" whereas upgraded one uses "End Date". I
> >am not
> >>> > sure it is practical to set up a compatibility pathway -- new
> >balance
> >>> sheet
> >>> > can report multiple dates.
> >>> >
> >>> > On Fri, 5 Jun 2020, 7:27 am mark sattolo, 
> >wrote:
> >>> >
> >>> > > Yes, that makes sense. I did some more digging around, and not
> >all my
> >>> > > custom column widths were changed, just those for any of the
> >accounts
> >>> > that
> >>> > > I actually opened while using version 3.903. Which happened to
> >be
> >>> quite a
> >>> > > few as I was testing various transactions, etc.
> >>> > >
> >>> > >
> >>> > > *Mark Sattolo*
> >>> > > * *
> >>> > >
> >>> > >
> >>> > >
> >>> > > On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 7:15 PM D.  wrote:
> >>> > >
> >>> > > > Mark,
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > > If that's true, I imagine it's a mistake. At least I hope so!
> >I
> >>> trust
> >>> > the
> >>> > > > devs will fix it, since I'd be pretty upset to have to reset
> >column
> >>> > > widths
> >>> > > > on all my accounts...
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > > David
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > > 

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread D via gnucash-devel

I still don't understand fully. Are you saying that if I set my column widths 
differently for Stock A and Stock B, and then close both and reopen them both, 
that they will open with a set of arbitrarily-defined default widths for that 
account type, rather than the account-specific settings I'd chosen previously?

If that is so, I'd say that the decision that "was made" was a bad one. 

To take one example, my mortgage and my credit card are both liability 
accounts. The balances in the two accounts are going to be significantly 
different, however, and I'd prefer to have different widths for the balance 
column. It sounds like I'd be out of luck in this new regime, yes?

I'm not clear what benefit this provides on the back end. Could you explain 
these reasons more clearly?

David T. 

On Jun 5, 2020, 06:41, at 06:41, Robert Fewell <> wrote:
>It was decided that instead of every time you open a register and then
>change that layout to your liking we could just save the widths to be
>as defaults for the 6 register layouts. As most registers of type will
>similar widths set, the first one loaded will be used to set the
>widths for that type which you can obviously change and save for future
>opening of that type of register. To accommodate situations like you
>described, register widths of all open registers when Gnucash is closed
>will also be saved and used when restoring. Should any of them be
>and reopened then they will base the widths on the saved default for
>register type.
>Hope that answers your question.
>On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 11:12, David H  wrote:
>> Rob,
>> Please clarify this.  I have 2 savings accounts and 4 credit card
>> that I have open all the time and over the years I've gone to the
>> of setting these up just the way I like them.  Of course flicking
>> the register tabs the columns aren't all in the same places as I'm
>> accounts with different nesting levels in each so the Transfer column
>> widths vary even within each account type.  Are you saying that these
>> be treated as 2 register types and you are going to blow away all my
>> work and just randomly choose one of the open settings as the default
>> you remove old configurations?
>> Thanks David H.
>> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 19:05, Robert Fewell <>
>>> Mark,
>>> Yes the saving of column widths has changed, in version 4.0 they are
>>> per register type so you only have to set the defaults once per type
>>> instead of every single register opened, there are menu options
>>> 'Windows' that allow you to save new register widths or clear them.
>>> registers also save their widths and therefore can have temporarily
>>> changed
>>> widths.
>>> What should happen is when a register is opened with a saved
>>> and no default has been saved for that type, that configuration will
>>> used as the default. Once there is a default for the register type,
>>> old
>>> configurations will be removed. Did this not happen?
>>> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 04:58, Christopher Lam
>>> wrote:
>>> > The balance sheet date option does not transfer because old
>>> sheet
>>> > uses "Balance Sheet Date" whereas upgraded one uses "End Date". I
>am not
>>> > sure it is practical to set up a compatibility pathway -- new
>>> sheet
>>> > can report multiple dates.
>>> >
>>> > On Fri, 5 Jun 2020, 7:27 am mark sattolo, 
>>> >
>>> > > Yes, that makes sense. I did some more digging around, and not
>all my
>>> > > custom column widths were changed, just those for any of the
>>> > that
>>> > > I actually opened while using version 3.903. Which happened to
>>> quite a
>>> > > few as I was testing various transactions, etc.
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > *Mark Sattolo*
>>> > > * *
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 7:15 PM D.  wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > > > Mark,
>>> > > >
>>> > > > If that's true, I imagine it's a mistake. At least I hope so!
>>> trust
>>> > the
>>> > > > devs will fix it, since I'd be pretty upset to have to reset
>>> > > widths
>>> > > > on all my accounts...
>>> > > >
>>> > > > David
>>> > > >
>>> > > >
>>> > > >  Original Message 
>>> > > > From: mark sattolo 
>>> > > > Sent: Thu Jun 04 19:07:27 EDT 2020
>>> > > > To: gnucash-devel 
>>> > > > Subject: Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Also fyi, I just noticed that version 3.903 overwrote all the
>>> > > column
>>> > > > width settings in my gcm file and changed all of them to a new
>>> default
>>> > > set
>>> > > > of widths, I presume the new defaults for Gnucash 4. These new
>>> default
>>> > > > widths give a very wide *description* column and every other
>>> is
>>> > > very
>>> > > > narrow and especially for the *date*, *num* and 

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread mark sattolo
I didn't try changing any of the column widths while I was using 3.903.
Didn't know about the new system of one setting per register type, so there
was no way I was going to start re-setting the column widths for my
hundreds of total or dozens of frequently-used accounts, so after I closed
3.903 I just restored my previous settings from backup, and haven't had a
chance to open 3.903 since.


*Mark Sattolo*
* *

On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 6:41 AM Robert Fewell <> wrote:

> David,
> It was decided that instead of every time you open a register and then
> change that layout to your liking we could just save the widths to be used
> as defaults for the 6 register layouts. As most registers of type will have
> similar widths set, the first one loaded will be used to set the default
> widths for that type which you can obviously change and save for future
> opening of that type of register. To accommodate situations like you have
> described, register widths of all open registers when Gnucash is closed
> will also be saved and used when restoring. Should any of them be closed
> and reopened then they will base the widths on the saved default for that
> register type.
> Hope that answers your question.
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 11:12, David H  wrote:
>> Rob,
>> Please clarify this.  I have 2 savings accounts and 4 credit card
>> accounts that I have open all the time and over the years I've gone to the
>> trouble of setting these up just the way I like them.  Of course flicking
>> through the register tabs the columns aren't all in the same places as I'm
>> using accounts with different nesting levels in each so the Transfer column
>> widths vary even within each account type.  Are you saying that these would
>> be treated as 2 register types and you are going to blow away all my good
>> work and just randomly choose one of the open settings as the default when
>> you remove old configurations?
>> Thanks David H.
>> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 19:05, Robert Fewell <> wrote:
>>> Mark,
>>> Yes the saving of column widths has changed, in version 4.0 they are
>>> saved
>>> per register type so you only have to set the defaults once per type
>>> instead of every single register opened, there are menu options under
>>> 'Windows' that allow you to save new register widths or clear them. Open
>>> registers also save their widths and therefore can have temporarily
>>> changed
>>> widths.
>>> What should happen is when a register is opened with a saved
>>> configuration
>>> and no default has been saved for that type, that configuration will be
>>> used as the default. Once there is a default for the register type, all
>>> old
>>> configurations will be removed. Did this not happen?
>>> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 04:58, Christopher Lam 
>>> wrote:
>>> > The balance sheet date option does not transfer because old balance
>>> sheet
>>> > uses "Balance Sheet Date" whereas upgraded one uses "End Date". I am
>>> not
>>> > sure it is practical to set up a compatibility pathway -- new balance
>>> sheet
>>> > can report multiple dates.
>>> >
>>> > On Fri, 5 Jun 2020, 7:27 am mark sattolo,  wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > Yes, that makes sense. I did some more digging around, and not all my
>>> > > custom column widths were changed, just those for any of the accounts
>>> > that
>>> > > I actually opened while using version 3.903. Which happened to be
>>> quite a
>>> > > few as I was testing various transactions, etc.
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > *Mark Sattolo*
>>> > > * *
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 7:15 PM D.  wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > > > Mark,
>>> > > >
>>> > > > If that's true, I imagine it's a mistake. At least I hope so! I
>>> trust
>>> > the
>>> > > > devs will fix it, since I'd be pretty upset to have to reset column
>>> > > widths
>>> > > > on all my accounts...
>>> > > >
>>> > > > David
>>> > > >
>>> > > >
>>> > > >  Original Message 
>>> > > > From: mark sattolo 
>>> > > > Sent: Thu Jun 04 19:07:27 EDT 2020
>>> > > > To: gnucash-devel 
>>> > > > Subject: Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Also fyi, I just noticed that version 3.903 overwrote all the
>>> custom
>>> > > column
>>> > > > width settings in my gcm file and changed all of them to a new
>>> default
>>> > > set
>>> > > > of widths, I presume the new defaults for Gnucash 4. These new
>>> default
>>> > > > widths give a very wide *description* column and every other
>>> column is
>>> > > very
>>> > > > narrow and especially for the *date*, *num* and *transfer*
>>> columns, too
>>> > > > narrow to fit the text they contain. Again, I had to restore my
>>> backup
>>> > > gcm
>>> > > > file to restore all my custom settings.
>>> > > >
>>> > > > So I guess since this will eventually be released as Gnucash
>>> version
>>> > >,
>>> > > > we are to expect breaking changes from the current version? And
>>> users
>>> > > will

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread Robert Fewell

It was decided that instead of every time you open a register and then
change that layout to your liking we could just save the widths to be used
as defaults for the 6 register layouts. As most registers of type will have
similar widths set, the first one loaded will be used to set the default
widths for that type which you can obviously change and save for future
opening of that type of register. To accommodate situations like you have
described, register widths of all open registers when Gnucash is closed
will also be saved and used when restoring. Should any of them be closed
and reopened then they will base the widths on the saved default for that
register type.
Hope that answers your question.

On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 11:12, David H  wrote:

> Rob,
> Please clarify this.  I have 2 savings accounts and 4 credit card accounts
> that I have open all the time and over the years I've gone to the trouble
> of setting these up just the way I like them.  Of course flicking through
> the register tabs the columns aren't all in the same places as I'm using
> accounts with different nesting levels in each so the Transfer column
> widths vary even within each account type.  Are you saying that these would
> be treated as 2 register types and you are going to blow away all my good
> work and just randomly choose one of the open settings as the default when
> you remove old configurations?
> Thanks David H.
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 19:05, Robert Fewell <> wrote:
>> Mark,
>> Yes the saving of column widths has changed, in version 4.0 they are saved
>> per register type so you only have to set the defaults once per type
>> instead of every single register opened, there are menu options under
>> 'Windows' that allow you to save new register widths or clear them. Open
>> registers also save their widths and therefore can have temporarily
>> changed
>> widths.
>> What should happen is when a register is opened with a saved configuration
>> and no default has been saved for that type, that configuration will be
>> used as the default. Once there is a default for the register type, all
>> old
>> configurations will be removed. Did this not happen?
>> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 04:58, Christopher Lam 
>> wrote:
>> > The balance sheet date option does not transfer because old balance
>> sheet
>> > uses "Balance Sheet Date" whereas upgraded one uses "End Date". I am not
>> > sure it is practical to set up a compatibility pathway -- new balance
>> sheet
>> > can report multiple dates.
>> >
>> > On Fri, 5 Jun 2020, 7:27 am mark sattolo,  wrote:
>> >
>> > > Yes, that makes sense. I did some more digging around, and not all my
>> > > custom column widths were changed, just those for any of the accounts
>> > that
>> > > I actually opened while using version 3.903. Which happened to be
>> quite a
>> > > few as I was testing various transactions, etc.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > *Mark Sattolo*
>> > > * *
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 7:15 PM D.  wrote:
>> > >
>> > > > Mark,
>> > > >
>> > > > If that's true, I imagine it's a mistake. At least I hope so! I
>> trust
>> > the
>> > > > devs will fix it, since I'd be pretty upset to have to reset column
>> > > widths
>> > > > on all my accounts...
>> > > >
>> > > > David
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > >  Original Message 
>> > > > From: mark sattolo 
>> > > > Sent: Thu Jun 04 19:07:27 EDT 2020
>> > > > To: gnucash-devel 
>> > > > Subject: Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903
>> > > >
>> > > > Also fyi, I just noticed that version 3.903 overwrote all the custom
>> > > column
>> > > > width settings in my gcm file and changed all of them to a new
>> default
>> > > set
>> > > > of widths, I presume the new defaults for Gnucash 4. These new
>> default
>> > > > widths give a very wide *description* column and every other column
>> is
>> > > very
>> > > > narrow and especially for the *date*, *num* and *transfer* columns,
>> too
>> > > > narrow to fit the text they contain. Again, I had to restore my
>> backup
>> > > gcm
>> > > > file to restore all my custom settings.
>> > > >
>> > > > So I guess since this will eventually be released as Gnucash version
>> > >,
>> > > > we are to expect breaking changes from the current version? And
>> users
>> > > will
>> > > > be warned that they will be losing custom settings for column
>> widths,
>> > > saved
>> > > > reports, etc when they switch over?
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > > cheers,
>> > > >
>> > > > *Mark Sattolo*
>> > > > * *
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > > On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 11:45 AM Christopher Lam <
>> > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > > > Good luck. I've just verified that the old (3.x) balance-sheet
>> date
>> > > > > defaults to "end-of-accounting-period", so, the first few lines
>> > > shouldn't
>> > > > > be added.
>> > > > >
>> > > > > On Thu, 4 Jun 2020 at 15:41, mark sattolo 
>> > 

Re: [GNC-dev] master won't build on Ubuntu 18.04 int-in-bool-context error

2020-06-05 Thread Geert Janssens

I think Robert Fewell just committed a fix for this.



Chris Good  schreef op 5 juni 2020 04:26:26 CEST:
>I just recreated my eclipse projects (because I did something dumb) and
>pulled the latest master (Don't try to unlock the GncDbiSqlConnection
>it was connected read-only
>But now it won't compile.
>[170/974] Building CXX object
>/usr/bin/c++  -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"gnc.backend.xml\" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
>-Dgnc_backend_xml_utils_EXPORTS -I/usr/include/libxml2
>-I/home/cgood/gnucash-master/src/libgnucash/engine -Icommon
>-I/home/cgood/gnucash-master/src/common -I/usr/include/glib-2.0
>-I/home/cgood/gnucash-master/src/borrowed/libc -Ilibgnucash/core-utils
>-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations  -Werror -Wall
>-Wno-unused -Wno-error=parentheses  -g -fPIC   -std=c++1z -MD -MT
>cpp.o -MF
>cpp.o.d -o
>cpp.o -c
>In member function 'virtual void
>const char*, SessionOpenMode)':
>9:50: error: enum constant in boolean context
>  ^
>cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors
>Chris Good
>gnucash-devel mailing list

Sent from my smartphone. Please excuse my brevity.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread David H

Please clarify this.  I have 2 savings accounts and 4 credit card accounts
that I have open all the time and over the years I've gone to the trouble
of setting these up just the way I like them.  Of course flicking through
the register tabs the columns aren't all in the same places as I'm using
accounts with different nesting levels in each so the Transfer column
widths vary even within each account type.  Are you saying that these would
be treated as 2 register types and you are going to blow away all my good
work and just randomly choose one of the open settings as the default when
you remove old configurations?

Thanks David H.

On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 19:05, Robert Fewell <> wrote:

> Mark,
> Yes the saving of column widths has changed, in version 4.0 they are saved
> per register type so you only have to set the defaults once per type
> instead of every single register opened, there are menu options under
> 'Windows' that allow you to save new register widths or clear them. Open
> registers also save their widths and therefore can have temporarily changed
> widths.
> What should happen is when a register is opened with a saved configuration
> and no default has been saved for that type, that configuration will be
> used as the default. Once there is a default for the register type, all old
> configurations will be removed. Did this not happen?
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 04:58, Christopher Lam 
> wrote:
> > The balance sheet date option does not transfer because old balance sheet
> > uses "Balance Sheet Date" whereas upgraded one uses "End Date". I am not
> > sure it is practical to set up a compatibility pathway -- new balance
> sheet
> > can report multiple dates.
> >
> > On Fri, 5 Jun 2020, 7:27 am mark sattolo,  wrote:
> >
> > > Yes, that makes sense. I did some more digging around, and not all my
> > > custom column widths were changed, just those for any of the accounts
> > that
> > > I actually opened while using version 3.903. Which happened to be
> quite a
> > > few as I was testing various transactions, etc.
> > >
> > >
> > > *Mark Sattolo*
> > > * *
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 7:15 PM D.  wrote:
> > >
> > > > Mark,
> > > >
> > > > If that's true, I imagine it's a mistake. At least I hope so! I trust
> > the
> > > > devs will fix it, since I'd be pretty upset to have to reset column
> > > widths
> > > > on all my accounts...
> > > >
> > > > David
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >  Original Message 
> > > > From: mark sattolo 
> > > > Sent: Thu Jun 04 19:07:27 EDT 2020
> > > > To: gnucash-devel 
> > > > Subject: Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903
> > > >
> > > > Also fyi, I just noticed that version 3.903 overwrote all the custom
> > > column
> > > > width settings in my gcm file and changed all of them to a new
> default
> > > set
> > > > of widths, I presume the new defaults for Gnucash 4. These new
> default
> > > > widths give a very wide *description* column and every other column
> is
> > > very
> > > > narrow and especially for the *date*, *num* and *transfer* columns,
> too
> > > > narrow to fit the text they contain. Again, I had to restore my
> backup
> > > gcm
> > > > file to restore all my custom settings.
> > > >
> > > > So I guess since this will eventually be released as Gnucash version
> > >,
> > > > we are to expect breaking changes from the current version? And users
> > > will
> > > > be warned that they will be losing custom settings for column widths,
> > > saved
> > > > reports, etc when they switch over?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > cheers,
> > > >
> > > > *Mark Sattolo*
> > > > * *
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 11:45 AM Christopher Lam <
> > >
> > > > >
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Good luck. I've just verified that the old (3.x) balance-sheet date
> > > > > defaults to "end-of-accounting-period", so, the first few lines
> > > shouldn't
> > > > > be added.
> > > > >
> > > > > On Thu, 4 Jun 2020 at 15:41, mark sattolo 
> > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >>
> > > > >> Thanks. I'll give it a try. I'll just update the source in my git
> > > folder
> > > > >> for tag 3.903 and rebuild if I can't figure out how to modify the
> > > > flatpak.
> > > > >>
> > > > >> *Mark Sattolo*
> > > > >> * *
> > > > >> *(613) 447-5385*
> > > > >>
> > > > >>
> > > > >> On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 11:36 AM Christopher Lam <
> > > > >>> wrote:
> > > > >>
> > > > >>> Hi Mark
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>> The reports for balance-sheet and income-statement were replaced
> > with
> > > > >>> the multicolumn ones. See the release notes. This was described
> in
> > > > devel a
> > > > >>> few weeks/months ago.
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>> Try the following patch which will reduce the discrepancy in the
> > > > default
> > > > >>> options between old and new. You may be able to modify the patch
> > from
> > > > >>> within the flatpak 

Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903

2020-06-05 Thread Robert Fewell
Yes the saving of column widths has changed, in version 4.0 they are saved
per register type so you only have to set the defaults once per type
instead of every single register opened, there are menu options under
'Windows' that allow you to save new register widths or clear them. Open
registers also save their widths and therefore can have temporarily changed

What should happen is when a register is opened with a saved configuration
and no default has been saved for that type, that configuration will be
used as the default. Once there is a default for the register type, all old
configurations will be removed. Did this not happen?

On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 04:58, Christopher Lam 

> The balance sheet date option does not transfer because old balance sheet
> uses "Balance Sheet Date" whereas upgraded one uses "End Date". I am not
> sure it is practical to set up a compatibility pathway -- new balance sheet
> can report multiple dates.
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020, 7:27 am mark sattolo,  wrote:
> > Yes, that makes sense. I did some more digging around, and not all my
> > custom column widths were changed, just those for any of the accounts
> that
> > I actually opened while using version 3.903. Which happened to be quite a
> > few as I was testing various transactions, etc.
> >
> >
> > *Mark Sattolo*
> > * *
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 7:15 PM D.  wrote:
> >
> > > Mark,
> > >
> > > If that's true, I imagine it's a mistake. At least I hope so! I trust
> the
> > > devs will fix it, since I'd be pretty upset to have to reset column
> > widths
> > > on all my accounts...
> > >
> > > David
> > >
> > >
> > >  Original Message 
> > > From: mark sattolo 
> > > Sent: Thu Jun 04 19:07:27 EDT 2020
> > > To: gnucash-devel 
> > > Subject: Re: [GNC-dev] Feedback on GnuCash 3.903
> > >
> > > Also fyi, I just noticed that version 3.903 overwrote all the custom
> > column
> > > width settings in my gcm file and changed all of them to a new default
> > set
> > > of widths, I presume the new defaults for Gnucash 4. These new default
> > > widths give a very wide *description* column and every other column is
> > very
> > > narrow and especially for the *date*, *num* and *transfer* columns, too
> > > narrow to fit the text they contain. Again, I had to restore my backup
> > gcm
> > > file to restore all my custom settings.
> > >
> > > So I guess since this will eventually be released as Gnucash version
> >,
> > > we are to expect breaking changes from the current version? And users
> > will
> > > be warned that they will be losing custom settings for column widths,
> > saved
> > > reports, etc when they switch over?
> > >
> > >
> > > cheers,
> > >
> > > *Mark Sattolo*
> > > * *
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 11:45 AM Christopher Lam <
> >
> > > >
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Good luck. I've just verified that the old (3.x) balance-sheet date
> > > > defaults to "end-of-accounting-period", so, the first few lines
> > shouldn't
> > > > be added.
> > > >
> > > > On Thu, 4 Jun 2020 at 15:41, mark sattolo 
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >>
> > > >> Thanks. I'll give it a try. I'll just update the source in my git
> > folder
> > > >> for tag 3.903 and rebuild if I can't figure out how to modify the
> > > flatpak.
> > > >>
> > > >> *Mark Sattolo*
> > > >> * *
> > > >> *(613) 447-5385*
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >> On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 11:36 AM Christopher Lam <
> > > >>> wrote:
> > > >>
> > > >>> Hi Mark
> > > >>>
> > > >>> The reports for balance-sheet and income-statement were replaced
> with
> > > >>> the multicolumn ones. See the release notes. This was described in
> > > devel a
> > > >>> few weeks/months ago.
> > > >>>
> > > >>> Try the following patch which will reduce the discrepancy in the
> > > default
> > > >>> options between old and new. You may be able to modify the patch
> from
> > > >>> within the flatpak (but I'm not sure).
> > > >>>
> > > >>> modified   gnucash/report/reports/standard/balsheet-pnl.scm
> > > >>> @@ -176,6 +176,9 @@ also show overall period profit & loss."))
> > > >>>  (gnc:options-add-date-interval!
> > > >>>   options gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate
> optname-enddate
> > > "c")
> > > >>>
> > > >>> +(gnc:option-set-default-value
> > > >>> + (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general
> > optname-enddate)
> > > >>> 'today)
> > > >>> +
> > > >>>  (add-option
> > > >>>   (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
> > > >>>gnc:pagename-general optname-period
> > > >>> @@ -1107,6 +1110,22 @@ also show overall period profit & loss."))
> > > >>> retained-earnings-fn
> > > >>>   #:negate-amounts? #t)
> > > >>>
> > > >>> +(add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Liability and
> > Equity")
> > > >>> +  (append liability-accounts
> > > >>> +