Re: Fwd: Welcome to our 2007 Google Summer of Code Students

2007-04-18 Thread ahmad sayed
Thank you Derek, 
>> Oops, I left you off this.  I'm very sorry.
No problem I already in the gnucash-devel mailing list :), of course if you 
mean me ;) .

BTW: after subscribing I waited to get the confirmation Email, but not getting 
it, by chance while looking at my spam folder I found it marked by Yahoo as a 
spam :(, Other mailing list confirmation I get did not marked as spam.

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Gnucash UI dogtail test harness some ideas

2007-06-05 Thread ahmad sayed
Hi all,

I intend to do some modules around dogtail first, 

1 - Testplan editor is a common practice in Testing tools, in which user could 
state the testcase  formally, also could be used by the reporting tool to 
generate meaningful report, this formal description will be linked to a python 
method and the regression will run by feeding this file to a script 
My suggestion here is to use xml with the following format

Test the new Account dialog

2 - Generic Validator is a way to write a quick validator, by storing the state 
of the widget or dialog under test, by  state  I mean all its children  named 
and their values, those data will be dumped to a file and stored as reference 
after the first run, and then it will be used as reference for later runs.

Those modules will NOT be the only way to run the regression in case of 
testplan you could run as a normal python code also specific validation for 
certain testcases my created, things but these modules will be important IMO 
for the following reasons

Tesplan module:  will give a more controllability on the list of test cases.
Generic validator :  Is a quick way to do a validation but it is not the only 
way it will depends on the situation, and easier to update if any dialog  
modified, no code change will be required only updating the references.

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed

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Re: Gnucash UI dogtail test harness some ideas

2007-06-08 Thread ahmad sayed
Hi josh,

>> I'm not sure that this XML file is useful.
The idea is not in making the testplan in xml only,  xml is only a suggested 
approach, the main idea is to separate the testplan from the code 

>> In the complex case of some XML file that was describing the tests more fully
>> (or even "formally"), that file could contain a whole mini-language for doing
>> test Setup ... 

I always prefer to use XML at its descriptive level, xml o describe some thing, 
which will be what this test case are going to do in formal describtion, and 
which method in the python code do it, maximum complextity i intend to add is 
to add keywords, to control which test cases to run like run all testcases that 
marked as smoke test, all run the whole regression, i didn't have a wide 
experience but i see this practice in the GUI test suites, the other complexity 
i expect to add is to make this XML, is putting the test case data in this xml, 
which will be we have more than one test case in the
testplan file but all of these test cases call the same python method with 
different data.

>> Even in the simple case, the XML file is just a re-iteration of all the test
>> functions (or methods, whatever they are) that already need to be specified
>> in the code.

I really liked this, but this make writing the test plan part of the code which 
is good with unit testing.

>> I've used testing tools in both the "programatic" and "declared" approach,
>> and I've found the former to be much more desirable.

Josh, honestly i didn't have your wide experience to discuss  you  in design 
issues, but i speak according to my small experience in the similar case, also 
according to my reading regarding similar situation, i read an articles  about 
testplan data should be separated from the test case code, and tools the 
provide this separation considered better.

>> I hope I can convince you to put
>> that part of the project off until later on, if/when more of the core and
>>> required parts of the test framework are proven out.

Ok, no problem but actually writing the test plan is the real and very 
important part i have this fancy dream of having a solid  test plan editor in 
which i begin writing the test plan for gnucash, ok no problem.
you could convince me easily Josh :)

The validator:

>> How much of this validator would be custom work vs. being provided by
>> dogtail?

It will be a custom work, yes dogtail dump the node data, in both plain and xml 
format but its dump method is very obvious and limited so it will be a custom 

>> - filtering:  If you dump a whole dialog, but are only interested in
>> checking the validity of a few fields, you need to filter the others so
>>   that `diff` doesn't report extra differences.
That's why it will be a custom work, also there is other issues, like packing 
widget which in most cases will be filtered

>> canonicalizing: If you change the visual layout of the dialog, that
>>  (probably) shouldn't invalidate the test.  Something needs to bring the
>>  dumped/asserted state (and perhaps the "expected" state as well) into a
>>  "canonical" form for a good comparison.

really this a good point, first which is the benefit of keeping the validation 
reference in separate file to make an update easily and without code change 
just replacing the file, also i there is no way to avoid the need to update the 
test cases but you could try to minimize that need, because changing the GUI 
may lead to make the testcase logic itself not correct, for example renaming 
the button, dogtail till now i didn't find any way other than name, label which 
is name to uniquly identify the node (control, widget), i'm with you is diff my 
give false negative in case of changing the layout only, and we need to add 
more intellegent  to validate, but if I could succesfully separate the 
validator it will be easy to replace diff later one, another  issue diff will 
be very useful in validation widget like trees and tables.

In Conclusion:

I'm going to delay the testplan, for later on.
you are ok, with the validator but I will consider the issues you mentioned.

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed


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UI Dogtail test harness, Some issues begin to appreas

2007-06-09 Thread ahmad sayed
Hi josh

1 - There is a dialogs with no title like process payment, which i need to make 
dogtail detect the existance of the dialog, so This issue could be solved by 2 
a - Add Title to this dialog.
b - add an accessible description for this widget.
Both may require Code change.

2 - also, Dogtail sniffer as well as my code detect an invisible Cancel Button 
in dialogs Like Find Customer and others,  anyone explain this behavior, is 
this a gnucash issue or dogtail issue.

3 - How could i get a dev account to be able to commit the current code i have 
to the svn. i got the i'm going to have a branch in which i'm going to commit 
my updates, what should i to make it happen

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed


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Re: UI Dogtail test harness, Some issues begin to appreas

2007-06-10 Thread ahmad sayed
Thank you, David 

>> I thought dogtail could uniquely identify widgets by their name
The problem is with the widget that does not have name or dialog that have no 
title, also window that does not have no title,  so to avoid adding user visual 
change, you agree with me that adding description will be nice, dogtail has a 
list of the attributes to detect the (widget name, description, roleName,   
but as i get as long as i could use a way to uniquely specify the widget it 
will be better, because when depending in rolename, may cause the confusing if 
i have multiple dialogs opened as child for gnucash

BTW: The dialog i notice that have this issue is the dialog that popup when 
clicking (Process Payment) menu item.

So i think  adding the accessible description will be a nice idea.

>> This is a shared dialog.  It shows either a close button or a cancel
>> button depending upon how the window was instantiated.  I can't tell
>> from my brief look at the code if this change can happen dynamically as
>> the user is interacting with the dialog, of if it is staticly set when
>> the dialog is instantiated.  If the latter, then perhaps the unused
>> button could be deleted instead of hidden.

Thank you for the explanation, I'm going to avoid code change as much as i 

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed


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GnuCash Testplan First Draft

2007-06-12 Thread ahmad sayed
Hi all,

This is Just a base for the gnucash testplan it will be developed over time, 
things may be removed and added. but it just beginning, The test cases not 
going to follow this order in creation, also there still TBD (to be done) 
issues, it is open for suggestions.

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed


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Re: GnuCash Testplan First Draft

2007-06-13 Thread ahmad sayed
Hi Josh,

>> The second item implies that the test framework should be able to modify
>> gconf keys before starting gnucash (in this case, to remove the "have seen
>> the first-time dialog" key).  Which makes perfect sense, but I don't recall
>> that this has been called out before.

Yes, i implemented 2 functions which modify the gconf keys, one delete only the 
also there is a a more aggresive version which recursively unset all gnucash 
entries. to start it as fresh one.

>> You might want to ensure these are in the correct order so that you're always
>> creating the entity that's required for a subsequent stage.  For instance,
>> you may need an Employee before you can start a Job.  I'm not quite sure what
>> that ordering is.

In similar situations  to ensure that  order  for the cases  we need to find 
 test cases we are going to have in the test  case setup a data file we are 
not going to start every thing from the beging

>> This is a really good idea, but it's going to be a function of our ability to
>> test the register, I fear. :/
Sorry Josh, i didn't got this.

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed


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Re: GnuCash Testplan First Draft

2007-06-13 Thread ahmad sayed
andi5 said

>> I just remembered that there is the environment variable GNC_GCONF_PATH 
>> to replace the prefix /apps/gnucash.  I have no clue whether this is 
>> helpful here at all.

look like a safer solution, i'm not sure  if (gconftool-2 --recursive-unset 
/apps/gnucash) will cause any  harm.

Thank you andi


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Re: GnuCash Testplan First Draft

2007-06-13 Thread ahmad sayed
when writing a test case we always has setup and teardown, the both these 
methods will be different according to the testcase, some testcase will need to 
have a gnucash without any data file, others will require this data file, these 
operation will be done in the setup, 
in general 

the basic testcase will be 

setup()# do the required  setup (e.g  start  gnucash if not) 
teardown()  # do the required clean up close gnucash, kill gnucash process, 

setup will be different from test case to other, in some cases we need to open 
gnucash  without a file, In other cases will have gnucash open with a loaded 
data file, I miss writing the setup for these test cases, it will be fixed in 
the next test plan version.

Testing the register,
Regardless our ability to test the register it is relatively important, but how 
it could be done
1 - Create a custom class that wrap some raw events, this class used to do some 
higher level actions
   def write_something_on_cell(x ,y, something):
press enter key for x times
press tab key for y times.
raw type (something)

also use all possible accelerator  and hot keys.

2 - Modify the widget code to be accessible, I prefer this but not sure how 
feasible is it? , 

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed


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dogtail test suite test harness

2007-07-07 Thread ahmad sayed
Hi Josh,

Sorry for my long silence i got some issues with my PC lately, I solved it at 

currently i have a mix of good news and bad news.
the good news is:

1 - Currently we have wrapper to most of dialogs, our wrapper module reach more 
than 1000 LOC.
2 - I'm able to test the register and i compelete a smplified version of 
tutorial 1  and 2.

the bad news is:
1 - In order to be  able to access some components, I use some raw inputs,  
according to dogtail  the raw input is to do mouse click using the coordinate,  
rawClick(wiget.position[0], widget.position[1])

2 - I got a problem with expanding the tree in the account pages so i only 
could create an account like
only parent and child more account like Expense:Taxs:Insurance currently no 
luck with them

also to access the register I use some tricks and work around Like 

def set_cell_text(self, text):
relative_pos = self.column_val - self.prev_col_val
print relative_pos
if relative_pos > 0 :
for i in range(relative_pos):
for i in range(abs(relative_pos)):


in this code i save my previos position in if it is after my current position 
press tab for n times else press shit-tab for n times, something like this.

ofcourse i was expecting more from dogtail unlike other Testing tool, i used or 
read about but the register needs some work to make it play nice with 
dogtail(make it accessible), 

BTW: i tried to play with gnucash register code, and atk but i make a very 
slight progress, like making dogtail read the  register as table but it will 
require a lot of time the register code is too big.

3 - i have a problem with my svn account I contacted Derek to help me solving 

The news ends here, :)

Back to testplan running:
you suggested some approach like Junit,  I tried pyunit and it looks nice to 
me,  do you have any issues regarding using it to organize our test cases.

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed


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Re: dogtail test suite test harness

2007-07-08 Thread ahmad sayed

Sorry, I found that gnucash devel is very busy those days so I expect that it 
will be better to send this issue in private Email. 

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed


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dogtail test suite status

2007-07-15 Thread ahmad sayed
Hi Josh,

Waiting your comments :), I committed the code to the dogtail branch i created 
a new dir under src called src/test-dogtail  it contains my  up to date code.

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed

- Original Message 
From: ahmad sayed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2007 1:46:59 PM
Subject: dogtail test suite test harness

Hi Josh,

Sorry for my long silence i got some issues with my PC lately, I solved it at 

currently i have a mix of good news and bad news.
the good news is:

1 - Currently we have wrapper to most of dialogs, our wrapper module reach more 
than 1000 LOC.
2 - I'm able to test the register and i compelete a smplified version of 
tutorial 1  and 2.

the bad news is:
1 - In order to be  able to access some components, I use some raw inputs,  
according to dogtail  the raw input is to do mouse click using the coordinate,  
rawClick(wiget.position[0], widget.position[1])

2 - I got a problem with expanding the tree in the account pages so i only 
could create an account like
only parent and child more account like
 Expense:Taxs:Insurance currently no luck with them

also to access the register I use some tricks and work around Like 

def set_cell_text(self, text):
relative_pos = self.column_val - self.prev_col_val
print relative_pos
if relative_pos > 0 :
for i in range(relative_pos):
for i in range(abs(relative_pos)):


in this code i save my previos position in if it is after my current position 
press tab for n times else press shit-tab for n times, something like this.

ofcourse i was expecting more from dogtail unlike other Testing tool, i used or 
read about but the register needs some work to make it play nice with 
dogtail(make it accessible), 

BTW: i tried to play with gnucash register code, and atk but i make a very 
slight progress, like making dogtail read the  register as table but it will 
require a lot of time the register code is too big.

3 - i have a problem with my svn account I contacted Derek to help me solving 

The news ends here, :)

Back to testplan running:
you suggested some approach like Junit,  I tried pyunit and it looks nice to 
me,  do you have
 any issues regarding using it to organize our test cases.

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed

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Re: dogtail test suite status

2007-07-18 Thread ahmad sayed
Hi Josh, 

After sending this Email, i tried to commit some codes, and i got and error i 
notice that, i didn't do svn add to the test-dogtail, but I thing it works fine 


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Re: dogtail test suite test harness

2007-07-23 Thread ahmad sayed
Sorry for the delay, I was out of home for 3 days:).

>> (As Derek asked:) are these window x,y coordinates, or logical widget 
>> locations?

>> Based on the command above I'd ASSUME it's logical widget locations..
?? But I'm wondering how it deals with invisible widgets.
yes it is logical,
yes i could not deal with invisible widget, but please could you give me a 
solid example for this invisible widget, I use a mix of mouse coordinate and 
keyboard hot-keys, you could look at the code on the dogtail branch 
in (Class Register), I will add more comments to make it more clear.

>> 2 - I got a problem with expanding the tree in the account pages so i only 
>> could create an account like
>> Expenses:Taxs
>> only parent and child more account like Expense:Taxs:Insurance currently no 
>> luck with them

> Where does the problem lie?  With dogtail, I imagine...?  It seems somewhat
> important that we're able to test files as generated with our "Common
> Accounts" account-template.

dogtail could expand a tree from other application, i tried it with at-spi 
browser (an application  bundeled with  dogtail),  but with gnucash i could 
only collapse the treetable?!!, i am going to find out other options, I'm also 
going to dogtail mailing list to find out what does this mean.

Derek said:
> I'd suggest that instead of this you work on all the other dialogs and
> try to get as much coverage as you can without spending too much time
> purely on the register.

I'm with Derek, I expect more issues while writing more testcases.

Josh Said:
> you suggested some approach like Junit,  I tried pyunit and it
looks nice to me,  do you have any issues regarding using it to
organize our test cases.
> It looks like you've started down that path.  Whatever you're comfortable
> using is good, but things that are established and will time (like python's
> `unittest` module) are always good to leverage.

(good to leverag) sorry I didn't get the meaning of this expression, i hope it 
means that you agree with me on using pyunit :).

Best Regards,
Ahmed Sayed


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Re: dogtail test suite test harness

2007-08-03 Thread ahmad sayed
Derek Sorry again for the delay , this time i didn't see the Email :( ,  i saw 
it while doing my routine orginization to my mails

The issue of using coordinate or hotkeys is only with widgets that have some 
problem currently The register and the treetable in account page, other 
invisible widget dogtail is very smart it could detect them at runtime, 
currently we have a scenario that uses the Find Customer which has invisible 
widget and dogtail detect it at runtime.

Also in case of find i didn't process the invisible widget until it shows 
e.g i process the result of find after the table that contains the result 
become visible.

>> Okay, so how is our tree different than their tree?
The tree issue actually the only difference i see, that the tree they have is 
normal tree, but we have in gnucash  a tree table.  i'm still not sure if 
dogtail do this with all tree table, i don't  know gtk application that uses a 
tree table if you know anyone please advice to test it.

>> so once the rewrite finishes all your existing test cases will need to get 
>> rewritten to the new register interface.
Using the coordinates and hotkeys is more generic but it makes the testcase not 
stable and limit our abilitiy to interact and extract the result from it, if 
the new register will give us more a11y support  it will worth to rewrite the 
the register interface 

>> PS: I realize it might be easier now to have all your classes in
>> a single "", but eventually I think it might be better
>> to separate the various classes into separate files, like,
>>,,, etc.  But this
>> doesn't have to happen right away.
Ok sure Derek, but i tried to evaluate some IDE's before starting this project 
but i'm not satisfied with any so currently i use a normal text editor, having 
a single file make browsing and searching  in one file easier for me, but when 
the wrapper classes begin to stablize i'll begin to separate it

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed


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gsoc code license

2007-08-17 Thread ahmad sayed
Hi Josh,

There is request from google to upload our soc code to a specific code 
repository, so I confirm that all my files indicate that it is under Gnu 
General Public License, sorry not sure how important this issue is, but i think 
other gnucash SOC projects should consider this issue also.

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed


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Re: gsoc code license

2007-08-18 Thread ahmad sayed
Sorry Josh I might be not clear in my previous Email, the specific repository I 
mentioned in my Email, is the repository provided by Google itself.

not sure if all could access the following links but I think mentor and student 
at least could access it

the repository will be here

Here is the repository information

here is the license issue

also here more details about the repository

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed


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Dogtail UI Harness Status

2007-08-22 Thread ahmad sayed
Hi Josh,

In this phase of SOC the following updates done to the Dogtail UI Harness 
project, the status as usual is mix of bad and  good news.

Good news first.
1 - Misc Fix Issues appear while developing the test cases.
2 - a new proposed method to test the reporting, following those steps:
a. Open a presaved project
b. create a report.
c. export the report to HTML file.
d. compare this HTML with a presaved HTML ref file after doing some 
filtering to remove the data modified every testcase like date.
3 - Test cases for adding new customer and vendor using a data driven 
testcases, the same way could systematically applied to other items in the 
Business menu.
4 - Test finding new customer and vendor using a data driven testcases, the 
same way could systematically applied to find other items in the Business menu.
5 - some test cases to test relatively complex  and long scenarios from 
tutorial like Accounts Recievable and Accounts Payable
6 - More and cleaner comments for the test cases code.

The bad news.
1 - no testcases for preferences dialogs yet only check if the dialog appears 
2 - Some limitation on creating the account only Parent-child(2-Levels), can 
not go deeper than this.
3 - register processed using raw input and keyboard hot keys, dogtail has a 
limitaion in accessing current register.
4 - In Add new account wizard, selecting multiple categorize does not works 
5 - running the whole test suite may takes from 1-1:30 hours. according to my 
last run.

Some statistics:
Currently we have a wrapper for ~ 40 dialogs and widget.
Number of testcases ~ 50.
Total number of LOC ~ 3000.


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Re: Dogtail UI Harness Status

2007-09-03 Thread ahmad sayed
Hi Josh,

Thank you very much for your positive feedback,honestly I have a stomach lately 
like the one I used to have before receiving my exams results:), that what keep 
me silent.

Josh Said:
>> If I wanted to add a test for the Scheduled Transaction subsystem ... let's
>> say consisting of:
>> 1/ creating a new Scheduled Transaction with given parameters.
>> 2/ running the Since Last Run dialog.
>> 3/ inspecting a value in the tree view/model.
>> 4/ manipulating the tree view; closing the dialog.
>> 5/ re-opening the Since Last Run dialog.
>> 6/ inspecting a value in the tree view/model.

>> I guess I'm looking for a bit of high-level documentation.  I'm sure I can

>> figure it out if I spend enough time with the code, but something short that

>> points me in the right direction would be great.

I'm going to write a tutorial to be uploaded to common place (e.g. to gnucash 
wiki),  your suggested testcase will be my start point, i'll start it tomorrow 
as it is now 2 AM in my country :).

I plan to finish documenting all the testsuite related technical details before 
the school start,

also i would like to keep working on the testsuite there is still a lot of work 
1 - adding more testcases, 
2 - figure out how to speed it up
3 - link the testsuite to the makefile.
4 - add more dialogs and custom widget wrappers.
5 - Solving issues with with the register, and account Trees.
6 - more Testing to the testsuite ፡).


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Gnucash UI test harness documentation

2007-09-09 Thread ahmad sayed
Hi Josh,

I wrote my first documentation document on the gnucash dogtail UI test harness, 
it does not contains your request yet, but it just a start if it is ok, i'm 
going to follow it with other document, I attached it in open document format 
(ODT), I hope if this format is suitable or you could suggest other format to 
be used later on.

Best regards,
Ahmed Sayed 


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