discussion re: libgoffice scheduling

2004-05-04 Thread Josh Sled
I wanted to relay the following conversation I had, earlier, with Jody
f/ Gnumeric regarding the split-out _from_ Gnumeric of what's being
called libgoffice.  It'll include stuff like toolbar
foreground/background-color selection, font-selection, c... all sorts
of standard-office-app stuff.  The most important part for gnucash is,
specifically, the GnomeOffice Graphing [GOG] stuff...

In summary: it looks like it'll be a while [~weeks] before the relevant
code is sufficiently split out of gnumeric to be even copied into the
gnucash source tree, and a while after that before the library is
released, let alone started to be included in distros; he's targeting a
6/25 release of libgoffice.

jsled jody: question re: libgoffice/gog.
jsled Any 1-line status update on it?  And what's the best way to monitor it's 
progress so I don't need to bug you.
jsled s/.$/?/
jody jsled: progress is being made
jody I've got GODocument and GODocumentControl in my tree now and have ported 
gnumeric to that
jody that gives me a place to hang to plugins and importers/exporters
jody target is to make the split for 1.4
jody jsled: it will include show/hide toolbar and fullscreen support to start with
jsled jody: followup question about libgoffice.  It sounds like there's a bunch of 
stuff in it that gnucash doesn't care about at the moment.
jsled Frankly, we're probably going to copy the gog sources into the gnucash tree 
for the initial G2 port/release, anyways.
jody jsled: there will be some things in there that it may not care about
jody jsled: I'd ask that you not do that
jody I'm happy to work with you to ensure we release on a schedule that is convenient
jsled hmm.  you can ask, but we're pretty serious about not depending on stuff 
that's hasn't been in distributions for 6-9 months.
jsled We're currently talking about making FC1 our base/ref. platform.
jsled Or _maybe_ making it FC2.
jsled regardless, how long before libgoffice is going to be in out in the field?
jody jsled: before june 25
jody aka guadec
jsled Sorry ... a bit of a rhetorical question.   The point being that there's no 
realistic alternative for our needs besides GOG, but we're hoping to get the g2 port 
out the door before ...
jsled 2004.06.25 + 6m = 2004.12.25.
jsled Now.  I'm not sure that we _will_ do that, but we can only hope for the best. 
* jody scratches head
jody At this point the code is not seperable from gnumeric
jody It still uses the plugins and format/parsing engine
jody both need to move down
* jsled nods
jody It is also based on gtk-2.4
* jsled nods
* jody apologizes for that but there are not alot of choices
jsled Well, so are we at this point... we've moved a good chunk of 2.4 into our 
source tree as well. :/
jsled we'd already had libegg in there, and I've moved a bit more which has showed 
up in gtk-2.4.0...
jody You're going to mix 2.4 code with 2.2 libraries ?
jsled yes.
jody brave
jsled heh.
jsled What's your primary concern with copying the gog code into the gnc tree?
jsled general in-elegance, or...?
jody Limited developer resources
jsled eh?
jody bugs and api requests will definitely occur for what is basicly the first major 
user of the code outside of gnumeric
jody having those appear against an out of date version
jsled hmm.
jody or worse, get fixed there and potentially not get upstreamed ...
jsled yes.
jsled point well taken; we will take care to find a way to prevent that.
jody Where is your cvs hosted ?
jsled cvs.gnucash.org -- private box in MA.
jody If it's on gnome.org you could do a virtual module include
jody svu: I'm nost sure what the question is ?
jsled a solution might be for the developers / early testers to actually develop 
against libgoffice ... but then cut-off a version when we're nearing the end of our 
dev/release cycle.
jsled there will undoubtedly be bugs after that, but we'd be a better position to 
manage the patches then.
jsled In any case, we'll have to deal with that at some point in the future... but 
will keep it in mind.
jsled jody: permission to copy this conversation to the other primary GnuCash 
jody jsled: sure, and I'll extend an invitation to get cvs hosted on gnome.org
jody which would simplify importing things easily 


http://www.asynchronous.org/ - `a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# A: Because it breaks the flow of normal conversation.
# Q: Why don't we put the response before the request?
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: discussion re: libgoffice scheduling

2004-05-04 Thread Derek Atkins
My personal feelings:

1) we don't want to use gnome cvs for multiple reasons:
   - they don't limit developer access to different modules,
   - we've already got our system set up
   - we can control our system, cvsweb, etc.

2) I think with regard to GOG that we should snapshot his code
   into once he's got something we can use, and then we just
   keep our snapshot up to date from his CVS/releases periodically
   (and make ABSOLUTELY sure to feed changes we make back up to jody)


Josh Sled [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I wanted to relay the following conversation I had, earlier, with Jody
 f/ Gnumeric regarding the split-out _from_ Gnumeric of what's being
 called libgoffice.  It'll include stuff like toolbar
 foreground/background-color selection, font-selection, c... all sorts
 of standard-office-app stuff.  The most important part for gnucash is,
 specifically, the GnomeOffice Graphing [GOG] stuff...

 In summary: it looks like it'll be a while [~weeks] before the relevant
 code is sufficiently split out of gnumeric to be even copied into the
 gnucash source tree, and a while after that before the library is
 released, let alone started to be included in distros; he's targeting a
 6/25 release of libgoffice.

 jsled jody: question re: libgoffice/gog.
 jsled Any 1-line status update on it?  And what's the best way to monitor it's 
 progress so I don't need to bug you.
 jsled s/.$/?/
 jody jsled: progress is being made
 jody I've got GODocument and GODocumentControl in my tree now and have ported 
 gnumeric to that
 jody that gives me a place to hang to plugins and importers/exporters
 jody target is to make the split for 1.4
 jody jsled: it will include show/hide toolbar and fullscreen support to start with
 jsled jody: followup question about libgoffice.  It sounds like there's a bunch of 
 stuff in it that gnucash doesn't care about at the moment.
 jsled Frankly, we're probably going to copy the gog sources into the gnucash tree 
 for the initial G2 port/release, anyways.
 jody jsled: there will be some things in there that it may not care about
 jody jsled: I'd ask that you not do that
 jody I'm happy to work with you to ensure we release on a schedule that is 
 jsled hmm.  you can ask, but we're pretty serious about not depending on stuff 
 that's hasn't been in distributions for 6-9 months.
 jsled We're currently talking about making FC1 our base/ref. platform.
 jsled Or _maybe_ making it FC2.
 jsled regardless, how long before libgoffice is going to be in out in the field?
 jody jsled: before june 25
 jody aka guadec
 jsled Sorry ... a bit of a rhetorical question.   The point being that there's no 
 realistic alternative for our needs besides GOG, but we're hoping to get the g2 port 
 out the door before ...
 jsled 2004.06.25 + 6m = 2004.12.25.
 jsled Now.  I'm not sure that we _will_ do that, but we can only hope for the 
 best. :)
 * jody scratches head
 jody At this point the code is not seperable from gnumeric
 jody It still uses the plugins and format/parsing engine
 jody both need to move down
 * jsled nods
 jody It is also based on gtk-2.4
 * jsled nods
 * jody apologizes for that but there are not alot of choices
 jsled Well, so are we at this point... we've moved a good chunk of 2.4 into our 
 source tree as well. :/
 jsled we'd already had libegg in there, and I've moved a bit more which has showed 
 up in gtk-2.4.0...
 jody You're going to mix 2.4 code with 2.2 libraries ?
 jsled yes.
 jody brave
 jsled heh.
 jsled What's your primary concern with copying the gog code into the gnc tree?
 jsled general in-elegance, or...?
 jody Limited developer resources
 jsled eh?
 jody bugs and api requests will definitely occur for what is basicly the first 
 major user of the code outside of gnumeric
 jody having those appear against an out of date version
 jsled hmm.
 jody or worse, get fixed there and potentially not get upstreamed ...
 jsled yes.
 jsled point well taken; we will take care to find a way to prevent that.
 jody Where is your cvs hosted ?
 jsled cvs.gnucash.org -- private box in MA.
 jody If it's on gnome.org you could do a virtual module include
 jody svu: I'm nost sure what the question is ?
 jsled a solution might be for the developers / early testers to actually develop 
 against libgoffice ... but then cut-off a version when we're nearing the end of our 
 dev/release cycle.
 jsled there will undoubtedly be bugs after that, but we'd be a better position to 
 manage the patches then.
 jsled In any case, we'll have to deal with that at some point in the future... but 
 will keep it in mind.
 jsled jody: permission to copy this conversation to the other primary GnuCash 
 jody jsled: sure, and I'll extend an invitation to get cvs hosted on gnome.org
 jody which would simplify importing things easily 


 http://www.asynchronous.org/ - `a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 # A: Because it breaks the flow of normal