Re: SX editor bug (?)

2002-01-30 Thread Tim Wunder

The same thing happens when I mouse-clicked. I didn't test navigating 
via the arrow keys. I'll download the current CVS today and see if the 
problem is still there.

Derek Atkins wrote:
> What happens if, instead of tabbing to the end, you hit the up or down
> arrow (or mouse-click) into another line?  I found a bug in the Entry
> Ledger (which is based on the SplitRegister) where tabbing through
> a line uses a different code-path than just exiting a line in the middle
> via a mouse-click or arrow.
> -derek
> Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Using gnucash 1.7.0 from cvs dated 1/21/02.
>>I recently had occasion to change the amount of the SX for my weekly pay (tax 
>>law changes...).  The SX has three entries: a debit to Checking, a debit to 
>>Savings and a credit from Inc Sal. When I change the amount of the debit to 
>>checking and  thru the rest of the line, I am presented with a empty 
>>register window rather than the next line in the SX (by "empty" I mean that 
>>all entries have disappeared from the window and I'm presented with an empty 
>>register line). If I press  and the bring the SX back up into the 
>>editor, the change I made to the Checking debit is accepted, but the rest of 
>>the SX becomes unbalanced (I didn't get to off-set the debit change with a 
>>credit change). This happens regardles of which line I change. If I don't 
>>make a change, I can  thru the lines normally.
>>Caldera eWorkstation 3.1, kernel 2.4.9, KDE 2.2.1, Xfree86 4.1.0
>>gnucash-devel mailing list

gnucash-devel mailing list

SX editor bug (?)

2002-01-29 Thread Tim Wunder

Using gnucash 1.7.0 from cvs dated 1/21/02.
I recently had occasion to change the amount of the SX for my weekly pay (tax 
law changes...).  The SX has three entries: a debit to Checking, a debit to 
Savings and a credit from Inc Sal. When I change the amount of the debit to 
checking and  thru the rest of the line, I am presented with a empty 
register window rather than the next line in the SX (by "empty" I mean that 
all entries have disappeared from the window and I'm presented with an empty 
register line). If I press  and the bring the SX back up into the 
editor, the change I made to the Checking debit is accepted, but the rest of 
the SX becomes unbalanced (I didn't get to off-set the debit change with a 
credit change). This happens regardles of which line I change. If I don't 
make a change, I can  thru the lines normally.


Caldera eWorkstation 3.1, kernel 2.4.9, KDE 2.2.1, Xfree86 4.1.0
gnucash-devel mailing list

Reconciling accounts on the CVS version

2002-01-20 Thread Tim Wunder

Hi folks.
I just tried my hand at reconciling my checking account on the CVS version 
from January 9 and it didn't work out too well. The listed unreconciled 
Debits and Credits are those from the beginning of time (well, 1997, the 
beginning of time for this particular file, anyway). It marks one $30 
transaction from Sept. of 2001 as to be reconciled. The calances are whacked 
out, too. It shows a beginning balance of $2172.88 (which is correct), and 
the ending balance I entered of $2477.53, a reconciled balance of $2202.88 
(where this comes from I don't know, the only transaction marked is that $30 
transaction from Sept) and a Difference of $274.65.
I last reconciled the account in mid-December and all went well.
When I perfom a search to Find all reconciled transactions, gnucash appears 
to find everything properly.
Anybody else experince this sort of problem? Perhaps I'll do a cvs update 
tomorrow and see if the problem clears itself up.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Scheduled Transaction Templates

2001-12-16 Thread Tim Wunder

I've been playing around with SX "templates" where I create an SX with a set 
of variables to get filled in when the SX becomes due. I've run into these 
roadblocks, though:

1. The variables don't seem to like being blank, or 0. If I have blank 
variables, the SX will not complete. If I change then to 0.01, the SX will 
complete. It seems logical to me that blank variables would be treated as 0 
and 0 value variables should be acceptable. Maybe I'm missing something...

2. I can't seem to use ordinary math functions within the variables (+/-). 
Say I've created a variable for Food/Groceries and have several Food/Grocery 
line items to add together. It wold certainly be convenient to just enter the 
line ites separated by '+' and have the variable get calculated. Unless, 
again, I'm missing something...

3. If I press , the cursor should go to the next variable entry block, 
but it doesn't. I've gotta hit tab twice.

4. Where variables get most cumbersome is when entering a credit card SX. 
I've tried to list all potential accounts that my Credit Card payment is 
going to need to update. But, invariably, something special will come up. It 
sure would be nice to have a screen where I can finalize the transaction, add 
accounts/amounts prior to posting it. As it stands now, that's done from 
within the Checking account, which I suppose is OK. But it sure would be 
nicer if it could be done from within the SX dialog.

5. I'd like to be able to post an SX even if it's outside the time frame 
assigned to it. Say an SX is scheduled to run 7 days prior to a particular 
date. I'd like to be able to run it 8, or 10 days prior without bringing up 
the SX dialog and editing it.

BTW, I've finally updated from CVS, so I'm current. Doesn't look like jsled's 
gotten to do much with SXs, though. I guess he's fairly busy with other 
things. I wish I could lend a hand with coding, but I'm not much of a 
programmer. I know a little C++, but most of my coding experience is with BBx 
(Business Basic). If I knew what section of the code was handling this stuff, 
I might be able to make a little sense out of it. Possibly even contribute 
some code to address some of this. Then again, probly not.

Anyway... I'll continue to work with it and post any suggestions or problems 
I might have.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Can't run ./ on current CVS

2001-12-12 Thread Tim Wunder

Derek Atkins wrote:

> I worked around this problem by:
>   ln -s /path/to/libglade.m4 macros/
> -derek

Thanks. Worked beautifully.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Can't run ./ on current CVS

2001-12-12 Thread Tim Wunder

I've been remiss in keeping up with CVS for gnucash. Last time I updated 
was November 23rd. Apparently, alot has changed since then.

After performing a 'make distclean' and then 'cvs update -Pd', I can no 
longer get ./ to run. I get this error:

processing .
deletefiles is  macros/gnome-gettext.m4
Creating ./aclocal.m4 ...
Running gettextize...  Ignore non-fatal messages.
Shall I run config.status? (y/N)
You should update your own `aclocal.m4' by adding the necessary
macro packages gettext.m4, lcmessage.m4 and progtest.m4 from
the directory `/aclocal'
Making ./aclocal.m4 writable ...
Running intltoolize ...
patching file po/
Hunk #2 succeeded at 34 (offset -2 lines).
Hunk #4 succeeded at 215 (offset -2 lines).
Running aclocal -I /usr/local/share/aclocal -I macros ...
aclocal: 565: macro `AM_PATH_LIBGLADE' not found in library

**Error**: aclocal failed. This may mean that you have not
installed all of the packages you need, or you may need to
set ACLOCAL_FLAGS to include "-I $prefix/share/aclocal"
for the prefix where you installed the packages whose
macros were not found

My aclocal is located in /opt/gnome/share/aclocal. I changed 
ACLOCAL_FLAGS to be "-I /opt/gnome/share/aclocal", but ./ 
still fails, with another aclocal-related error.
Running aclocal -I /opt/gnome/share/aclocal -I macros ...
aclocal: /opt/gnome/share/aclocal/glib.m4: 8: duplicated macro 
aclocal: /opt/gnome/share/aclocal/libIDL.m4: 6: duplicated macro 

**Error**: aclocal failed. This may mean that you have not
installed all of the packages you need, or you may need to
set ACLOCAL_FLAGS to include "-I $prefix/share/aclocal"
for the prefix where you installed the packages whose
macros were not found

If I set prefix to "/opt/gnome" and ACLOCAL_FLAGS to "", I get the same 
aclocal error as the first.

Apparently, I'm missing something. What new requirements are there for 
current CVS that weren't there in November?


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Scheduled transaction entry idea

2001-12-09 Thread Tim Wunder

Previously, Josh Sled chose to write:
> On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 09:52:48PM -0500, Tim Wunder wrote:
> | Further detail on how to make the credit/debit formula a variable would
> | be helpful. Where can I find that info?
> Any non-numeric bits in the "credit/debit formula" will become a variable
> name.  Standard/basic math operators are respected as well... so, entering:
> "foo + ( bar / baz )"
> a SX template split would bring up a clist entry in the
> since-last-run dialog, asking for values to bind to the variables so it can
> evaluate the expression.

Finally got around to trying this and it works. Seems like it's a good base, 
anyway. You need to provide a mechanism for entering a check number, at 

Also, with scheduled transactions in a checking account, it seems the only 
way to change the check date is to manually edit it. Given that, shouldn't 
the check date default to the current date rather than to the scheduled due 

There's some funkiness regarding using the Enter key when creating a 
scheduled transaction. When in the middle of entering amounts, if I press 
Enter, I'm kicked out of the entry dialog and nothing is saved. If I've 
completed my entries, nothing happens when I press Enter, I must click OK to 
close the dialog.

When I created an SX for my two Mutual Funds, there was no way to enter the 
share price and number of shares, just the dollar amounts. Is there a way to 
get that info into the SX?

Don't know if this has changed much, I haven't updated from CVS since 
November 23rd.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Scheduled transaction entry idea

2001-11-25 Thread Tim Wunder

On Sunday 25 November 2001 04:06 pm, Josh Sled wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 02:17:33PM -0500, Tim Wunder wrote:
> | I'd like to see a feature where I can enter a scheduled transation as an
> | invoice, much like business accounting packages enter AP invoices.

> So you create a G&E SX for the 20th, with the appropriate splits, and
> then twiddle the creation options [remind, create in advance, &c] until
> it behaves how you want.  If the amount isn't fixed/known, then I'd make
> the credit/debit formula a variable, and let the since-last-run stuff
> prompt you for the amount on a monthly basis.

OK fair enough. That's more or less how I do it in Quicken. I have a 
recurring transaction setup that I tweak when I'm actually paying the bill. 
If the Since Last Run dialog can handle it... prompt for actual total amount 
and splits... then that's what I'm after, for the most part. At least for 
bills that don't vary much from month to month.

Further detail on how to make the credit/debit formula a variable would be 
helpful. Where can I find that info?

> I do believe there's an advantage to having A/P for personal finance [I'm
> thinking budgeting and intra-month funds allocation], but only after the
> tools to play with that are created...

I guess this kind of functionality is what I'm really after, tying into 
budgeting and cash flow. In Quicken (I'm referring to how I use Quicken, and 
not necessarily how everyone uses Quicken), I have generic SX's created for 
all my recurring bills: credit cards, gas, phone, water, etc., each with 
estimated (read budgeted) amounts. I'll usually have Quicken open to my 
Calendar, with all the transactions displayed on the days that they're due. I 
also have a bar graph on the bottom of the page that shows a real time 
day-to-day status of my checking account (actually, checking + savings and I 
can add other accounts as well), based on already posted transactions and 
scheduled transactions. I can skip ahead several months and see what my cash 
flow situation will be, if I stay on budget (according to my SX's), or modify 
my budget in some way. And I can see, with a great deal of accuracy, my 
current cash flow situation.

Some SX's I'll leave alone until they're due (like the G&E bill) and only 
enter the "real" numbers when creating the entry. Mostly because they don't 
vary enough for me to go through the effort to make an accurate SX.  Others, 
like credit cards, vary enough month to month that I'll edit the SX when I 
get the bill, before I actually am ready to pay it. This involves editing the 
repeating SX, changing its due date to the next month and creating a new SX 
with the correct amount and splits for the due date. This keeps my near term 
graph very accurate. 

This is really what I'm after with my SX Template idea. Rather than having to 
edit an existing SX and then add a new SX, I'd like to be able to just create 
new SX based on an SX Template. 

Does that make sense? 

gnucash-devel mailing list

Scheduled transaction entry idea

2001-11-25 Thread Tim Wunder

I'd like to see a feature where I can enter a scheduled transation as an 
invoice, much like business accounting packages enter AP invoices.

Say I receive my Gas and Electric bill on November 1st. It's due on November 
20th. I want to be able to quickly enter a scheduled transaction with only 
the following data points:
Payee: The Gas and Electric Company
Due Date: November 20th
Amount: Split between Electric and Gas

So, I figure, your looking at the creation of a scheduled transaction 
template., with the ability to create templates for the various periodic, and 
variable, bills you receive. You then can enter an SX from that Template, 
something like: Tools-Scheduled Transactions-Create from Template. 

Perhaps a Template SX can be separated from real SX by giving it a Frequency 
spec of "Template". 

Is this feasible with the makeup of the current SX engine?

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: CVS: src/guile - files not (any longer) pertinent

2001-11-13 Thread Tim Wunder

Hmmm. Well, I tried to make gnucash and it failed, couldn't find a file 
it wanted somewhere. I decided to 'make clean' and re-run './configure 
--with-gnome=/opt/gnome'. ./configure failed (error:can not find sources 
in . or ..). Hrumph! Well, I then issued a 'make distclean' and re-ran 
'cvs update'. I then tried './' only to have it fail:
running automake --gnu ...
src/app-file/ required directory src/app-file/test does 
not exist
src/calculation/ required directory src/calculation/test 
does not exist
src/import-export/qif-import/ required directory 
src/import-export/qif-import/test does not exist
**Error**: automake failed.

Now what?

Christian Stimming wrote:

> If I Recall Correctly Rob Browning yesterday proudly announced that he 
> deleted this directory from CVS. You then can safely rm -rf it.
> Tim Wunder wrote:
>> I just updated from CVS and got some messages regarding files not (any 
>> longer) pertinent in src/guile:
>> Among them
>> .cvsignore
>> config
>> design.txt
>> gnucash.c
>> gnucash.h
>> gw-gnc-spec.scm
>> tip-of-the-day.c
>> tip-of-the-day.h
>> Should I care? Some of these files are still in my src/guile 
>> directory.  Should I just delete them, or leave them there?
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
>> ___
>> gnucash-devel mailing list

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: CVS: src/guile - files not (any longer) pertinent

2001-11-13 Thread Tim Wunder

Derek Atkins wrote:

> cvs should have removed them, unless you made local changes.
> -derek

Thanks. Upon further review, it looks like gnucash.c is the only file 
that didn't get removed. I'm pretty sure I made no manual changes to it. 
Perhaps I didn't read the ouput of 'cvs update' correctly... I'll not 
worry about it. You may hear from me again, if it doesn't compile ;)


gnucash-devel mailing list

CVS: src/guile - files not (any longer) pertinent

2001-11-13 Thread Tim Wunder

I just updated from CVS and got some messages regarding files not (any 
longer) pertinent in src/guile:
Among them

Should I care? Some of these files are still in my src/guile directory. 
  Should I just delete them, or leave them there?


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Error during make (current CVS)

2001-10-30 Thread Tim Wunder

Dave Peticolas wrote:

> On Tue, 2001-10-30 at 08:58, Tim Wunder wrote:
>>I just updated my gnc source from cvs today to try and test any new 
>>and/or fixed SX stuff and have run into an error during make, "make[4]: 
>>*** No rule to make target `simple-obj.scm', needed by `all-am'.  Stop."
>>Any thoughts as to how I can fix this?
> Try removing the .deps directory in
> /home/dad/gnc_cvs/gnucash/src/import-export/qif-import
> and rebuilding.
> dave

Hi dave,
No luck. I executed 'rm -rf src/import-export/qif-import/.debs', ran 
make and it resulted in the same error.

I then decided to try 'make distclean' and re-run That 
failed with the error
src/gnc-modle/test/misc-mods/ bad macro name '=='
**Error**: automake failed.

Looks like there's another problem somewhere. BTW, I've been able to 
build 1.7x from cvs previously, but the last good cvs build I have is 
from October 24.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Error during make (current CVS)

2001-10-30 Thread Tim Wunder

I just updated my gnc source from cvs today to try and test any new 
and/or fixed SX stuff and have run into an error during make, "make[4]: 
*** No rule to make target `simple-obj.scm', needed by `all-am'.  Stop."

Any thoughts as to how I can fix this?

Below are the last few lines of output from the make.
mkdir .libs
rm -fr .libs/ .libs/libgncmod-qif-import.* 
(cd . && ln -s dialog-account-picker.lo dialog-account-picker.o)
(cd . && ln -s druid-qif-import.lo druid-qif-import.o)
(cd . && ln -s gncmod-qif-import.lo gncmod-qif-import.o)
gcc -shared  dialog-account-picker.lo druid-qif-import.lo 
gncmod-qif-import.lo  -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/opt/gnome/lib -Wl,--rpath 
-Wl,/usr/X11R6/lib -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/opt/gnome/lib -Wl,--rpath 
-Wl,/usr/X11R6/lib  -L/usr/lib -L/opt/gnome/lib -lm -ldb -ldl 
-L/usr/X11R6/lib /opt/gnome/lib/ 
/opt/gnome/lib/ /opt/gnome/lib/ -lz 
/opt/gnome/lib/ /opt/gnome/lib/ 
/usr/lib/ -lSM -lICE /usr/X11R6/lib/ 
/usr/X11R6/lib/ /opt/gnome/lib/ -lXext -lX11 
/opt/gnome/lib/ /opt/gnome/lib/ 
/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ -lm -ldb -ldl 
/opt/gnome/lib/ /usr/lib/ -lm -lpopt -lm -lm 
-Wl,-soname -Wl, -o 
(cd .libs && rm -f && ln -s
(cd .libs && rm -f && ln -s
(cd .libs && rm -f && ln -s 
make[4]: *** No rule to make target `simple-obj.scm', needed by 
`all-am'.  Stop.
make[4]: Leaving directory 
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/dad/gnc_cvs/gnucash/src/import-export'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/dad/gnc_cvs/gnucash/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dad/gnc_cvs/gnucash'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2


gnucash-devel mailing list

More testing: Schedule Transactions

2001-10-24 Thread Tim Wunder

Downloaded and installed  latest CVS today. 

I created a second SX, my weekly pay, this time. Start date 10/24/2001, 
weekly on Wednesday, no end, Create automatically, notify me.
Exit gnucash and start it again...
No scheduled transaction dialogs display. I expected to see notification on 
my new SX, but nada.  Nothing was entered in the ledger, either.

 I get these Warnings and Debugs:
Warning: xaccTransFindOldCommonCurr...(): unable to find a common currency, 
and that is strange.
Warning: xaccTransScrubCurrency: no common transaction currency found
Warning: xaccTransFindOldCommonCurr...(): unable to find a common currency, 
and that is strange.
Warning: xaccTransScrubCurrency: no common transaction currency found
Warning: xaccTransFindOldCommonCurr...(): unable to find a common currency, 
and that is strange.
Warning: xaccTransScrubCurrency: no common transaction currency found
Debug: xaccSchedXactionSetFreqSpe...(): Called xaccSchedXactionSetFreqSpec
Debug: xaccSchedXactionSetFreqSpe...(): Called xaccSchedXactionSetFreqSpec
Debug: generate_instances: Generating instances for "Brenda Pay"
Debug: xaccSchedXactionCreateSequ...(): Returning null state data
Debug: sxsincelast_close_handler: sxsincelast_close_handler
Debug: sxsincelast_destroy: sxsincelast_destroy called

FYI, my SX is called "Payday Tim".
Gnucash still seems to be running and my SX is saved. I can see it, open it, 
edit it, save it, just can't get it to DO anything...

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Test report: Scheduled Transactions

2001-10-23 Thread Tim Wunder

Josh Sled wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 12:49:35PM -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> | Richard -Gilligan- Uschold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | Agreed.  I'd like to be able to have gnucash determine the principal
> | and interest amounts for me, so I don't have to.  In particular, I
> | _always_ pay-down my mortgage.  I don't want to have to think about
> | the amount of principal/interest for each payment; that's what
> | computers are for!
> The current SX stuff contains support for ad-hoc variables and simple
> formulas  [+-/*()]; when entered into the credit/debit cells, they will
> be brought out as vars to be bound in the SX-creation druid.

Can I get the current balance of an account as a variable? Say, to get 
the current principal balance of a loan for calculating interest for a 
loan. The SX would look like:
 Acct   Deposit Withdrawal
Checking:   $1000.00=
Loan:   --
Interest:   *.06/12=
Escrow: $244.64=

 and  are fixed and manually entered, the rest gets calculated.

Is that possible?


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Test report: Scheduled Transactions

2001-10-23 Thread Tim Wunder

Derek Atkins wrote:

> Josh Sled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>Other thoughts, is there a way to configure a fixed loan, such as a
>>>mortgage or auto loan, so that scheduled transactions are created
>>>for the loan? This would be especially neat for those folks who
>>>have automated withdrawals done for mortgaes.
>>Indeed; this can probably be done, though my shallow initial thought
>>about it is that it'd be benefited by some "advanced" SX functionality I
>>wasn't planning on implementing real soon...  I'll think some more about
>>this in the near future.
> I think this would best be done by having a "Loan" liability account
> that can actually measure current state.  The way I'd envision it is
> that you would have a Loan account that is initialized by a principal
> balance, interest rate, and term.  The "account" can compute the
> monthly payment due (it's a simple calculation).  Next, the SX would
> move the automatic payments from your "checking" to the Loan account.
> Obviously the Loan account would need to know whether overpayments are
> applied to Interest or Principal.  Then there is the question of
> escrow payments... :)

Is there currently a loan liability account? How does gnucash, in 
general, handle loans? I know that Quicken has a decent mechanism for 
handling Mortgage type loans, fixed interest, fixed term. It can create 
a scheduled transaction for paying the loan. I use it all the time.

It also has credit card accounts, that I don't use for credit cards, but 
DO use for my Equity Line of Credit. I don't have it automatically 
create scheduled transactions, though (although I think it can) since 
the payment varies so much based on min payment requirements and cash 
flow. But I think Scheduled Transactions could work there, too, based on 
current balance, minimum payment and term rules on the loan/credit card. 
Most equity lines have fixed rules on how interest payments are 
calculated, even if they have variable rates (as do credit cards, for 
that matter).

> Thinking about this, I'm not sure whether this should be done by one
> combined "magic" account or a master loan account with three
> sub-accounts (principal, interest, escrow).  Any comments on how this
> should work?  I think the idea situation would be a master account
> with three "hidden" subaccounts, but I don't think it's possible to
> create a hidden account.  My reasoning is that I'd like to see, for
> example, how much interested I paid over a year, or what my current
> principal balance is.

Just a thought: Do we care about the portion of Escrow that's disbursed 
to taxes and insurance? Probably not... that really should be handled by 
transactions entered into the Escrow account separately from the 
Mortgage payment. I guess you can set up a scheduled transaction in the 
Escrow account that'll be for taxes, when they're due, and Insurance, 
when that's due...
Scheduled Transactions can be entered for any account, correct?

> I'd offer to work on this functionality, but I don't have a working
> gnucash development environment.  Hopefully that will be fixed in the
> next couple of months.  If nobody else does it by the time I've got a
> working development platform, I'd be happy to do this myself.
> Otherwise I can at least provide verbal/written support if not code :)
> -derek

Hey, I'd offer to code, too. 'ceptin' I ain't too brite...


gnucash-devel mailing list

Test report: Scheduled Transactions

2001-10-22 Thread Tim Wunder

OK. Finally got CVS with Scheduled Transactions to compile and my system 
doesn't barf all over it...

Set up a single transaction, the wife's payday. Bi-weekly transaction. Since 
I hadn't entered her last pay, yet, I set the start date to be 10/19/2001, no 
end date, options to Create automatically and Notify me when created.

I exited gnucash, then restarted.

I was presented with a Transaction Reminders dialog with nothing listed. I 
see two problems with the dialog: 
1 - If there are no transactions to remind me of, I don't need to be 
2 - My Sceduled Transaction set for 10/19/2001 for my wife's pay didn't show 
I clicked 

I'm then presented with a dialog called Auto-Created Transaction 
Notifications. It displyed what looked to be part of my checking account 
register, with the date highlighted, but no transaction data. I'm guessing 
that this is where my wife's 10/19/2001 payday should appear. But it surely 
wasn't there. The display is quite whacked, too.
I clicked 

Next dialog is the To-Create Transaction Preparation. Whatever that's 
supposed to be...I think it needs a better name, perhaps "Pending 
Transactions", or "Prepare Pending Transactions", or "Pending Transaction 
Preparation", or "Prepare Transactions for Creation". Nothing was listed. I 
guess that these are transactions that are ready to be entered. Ones that 
were not marked as Automatically generated and that require user interaction. 
That's good, I think. But, again, if there aren't any, don't present me with 
the dialog.
I clicked 

Next I get  the Created Transaction Review dialog. Nothing is listed.  I 
assume it's the final chance to review the SX before posting. I imagine you 
know this, but I gotta say it, anyway, if there are none, don't present the 
I clicked 

Finally, I'm presented with an Obsolete Sceduled Transactions dialog. Hmmm. 
What's this? My wife's payday is listed. But, my only option appears to be to 
select it and delete it. I don't wanna do that. I wanna have it entered. I 
leave it unselected and click . Nothing happens. Click  
again, nothing happens. Click , nothing happens. Click , the 
dialog closes.

Thus ends my first foray into the wonderful world of Scheduled Transactions 

The obvious problems I see are that I'm presented with too many blank dialogs 
calling me to take no action. The other is that it appears the SX logic 
thinks that the transaction I created that is supposed to have no end date, 
has expired and needs to be deleted. I like the idea of an SX that expires, 
though. But it needs to be tidied up a bit.

Other thoughts, is there a way to configure a fixed loan, such as a mortgage 
or auto loan, so that scheduled transactions are created for the loan? This 
would be especially neat for those folks who have automated withdrawals done 
for mortgaes. 

That's all for now, I look forward to further testing...


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: vs

2001-10-22 Thread Tim Wunder

Derek Atkins wrote:

> Graham Leggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>If you did this there would be no way of editing a transaction and
>>confirming your change without using enter to "tab" to the end of the
>>line first, which would be a pain.
>(or some other keystroke)?
> -derek

How about - to confirm a change? Configure it so that if a 
user has chosen to have  move from field to field, - 
performs the  function for the transaction (except for the last 
entry field, where  will actually do the )

I've gotten so used to hitting  to go to the next field (esp for 
split trasactions), that hitting  feels very unnatural.

Anyway, if it's user-configurable, if you don't like it, you can don't 
have to use it. The only real choice would be dertemining what would be 
the default config. FWIW, when installing Quicken, it asks how you want 
 to work.


gnucash-devel mailing list


2001-10-21 Thread Tim Wunder

Apologies if this has been broguht up before...
Any thoughts in providing a user-configurable option that would cause  
to act as  when entering a transaction?
I'v gotten used to using  to tab from field to field in Quicken. It's 
setup so that  acts as  only at the last field in the 
transaction dialog.

Just something I've gotten used to and would still like to be able to do when 
using Gnucash.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Segfault with CVS (SOLVED)

2001-10-18 Thread Tim Wunder

Linking /usr/lib/ to /opt/gnome/lib/ and
re-compiling seems to have solved the problem. I ran gnucash a little
last night, opened a file, looked at the scheduled transaction dialog
then closed it, without saving the file. It gave me a segfault when
closing, but I haven't looked into whether that's a real problwm or not.


Tim Wunder wrote:

 > Hi folks,
 > After much trial and tribulation, and some fantastic help on
 > #[EMAIL PROTECTED], I managed to get gnucash from cvs compiled. The
 > problem I'm now having is that gnucash generates a segfault when I try
 > to create an account. The backtrace from gdb seems to indicate a problem
 > with libxml.
 > #0 0x40a39150 in xmlFreeNodeList () from /usr/lib/
 > #1 0x40a391cc in xmlFreeNode () from /usr/lib/
 > ldd /usr/local/bin/gnucash |grep xml gave:
 > => /usr/lib/
 > => /opt/gnome/lib/
 > Now, when I originally compiled gnucash-cvs, I had libxml-1.8.10 which
 > was located in /opt/gnome/lib and libxml-2.2.10 located in /usr/lib. On
 > the off chance that conflicting versions of libxml was the culprit, I
 > uninstalled libxml-2.2.10. Unfortunately, that caused a problem with
 > libguile which caused a problem with guppi which made it impossible for
 > me to complete a ./configure. So, I re-installed 2.2.10.

Note: the problem was with libglade, which needed

 > Next I tried using JUST the 2.2.10 version of libxml when compiling by
 > linking /opt/gnome/lib/ and /opt/gnome/lib/ to
 > /usr/lib/ and tried a configure/make/make install, which
 > compiled. But, I still got the same segfault when creating a new account.
 > I've since returned my system back to where it was and I currently have
 > /opt/gnome/lib/ and /opt/gnome/lib/ linking to
 > /opt/gnome/lib/
 > FWIW, I also have libxml2 installed in /opt/gnome/lib.
 > Should I install another version of libxml? jsled advised me that he has
 > 1.8.13, IIRC, and the cvs version obviously works for him. But the
 > problem, from the perspective of my untrained eye seems to be with
 >, which, I guess, is different from (or
 > which are linked to
 > Any ideas?
 > Thanks,
 > Tim

gnucash-devel mailing list

Segfault with CVS

2001-10-17 Thread Tim Wunder

Hi folks,
After much trial and tribulation, and some fantastic help on 
#[EMAIL PROTECTED], I managed to get gnucash from cvs compiled. The 
problem I'm now having is that gnucash generates a segfault when I try 
to create an account. The backtrace from gdb seems to indicate a problem 
with libxml.
#0 0x40a39150 in xmlFreeNodeList () from /usr/lib/
#1 0x40a391cc in xmlFreeNode () from /usr/lib/

ldd /usr/local/bin/gnucash |grep xml gave: => /usr/lib/ => /opt/gnome/lib/

Now, when I originally compiled gnucash-cvs, I had libxml-1.8.10 which 
was located in /opt/gnome/lib and libxml-2.2.10 located in /usr/lib. On 
the off chance that conflicting versions of libxml was the culprit, I 
uninstalled libxml-2.2.10. Unfortunately, that caused a problem with 
libguile which caused a problem with guppi which made it impossible for 
me to complete a ./configure. So, I re-installed 2.2.10.

Next I tried using JUST the 2.2.10 version of libxml when compiling by 
linking /opt/gnome/lib/ and /opt/gnome/lib/ to 
/usr/lib/ and tried a configure/make/make install, which 
compiled. But, I still got the same segfault when creating a new account.

I've since returned my system back to where it was and I currently have 
/opt/gnome/lib/ and /opt/gnome/lib/ linking to 

FWIW, I also have libxml2 installed in /opt/gnome/lib.

Should I install another version of libxml? jsled advised me that he has 
1.8.13, IIRC, and the cvs version obviously works for him. But the 
problem, from the perspective of my untrained eye seems to be with, which, I guess, is different from (or which are linked to

Any ideas?


gnucash-devel mailing list

Compile success!

2001-10-16 Thread Tim Wunder

I seem to have successfully compiled gnucash from CVS today. The only 
problems I'm having now are that gnucash segfaults when trying to create an 
account and it can't seem to open my existing gnucash 1.6.3 file. I'll tackle 
that later.

I retrieved current CVS this morning.
Re-ran and make
got some errors related to rpath
export'd PWD and re-ran make and got some lib errors (note to rlb: looks like 
all we needed to do was export PWD the other night)
re-ran ./configure --with-gnome=/opt/gnome (can this be specified when 
re-ran make
ran make install

I guess the segfault could be related to settings in my ~/.gnucash directory. 
I'll probly try renaming that before I run gnucash again. 

Thanks to all who helped me on irc last night.


gnucash-devel mailing list

compiling from CVS

2001-10-13 Thread Tim Wunder

Downloaded the sources from CVS yesterday and finally got a chance to try 
compiling it. Got an error:
make[4]: Entering directory `/home/dad/gnc_cvs/gnucash/src/doc/design'
cd . \
  && makeinfo `echo gnucash-design.texinfo | sed 's,.*/,,'`
gnucash-design.texinfo:9: @include version.texi: No such file or directory.
makeinfo: Removing output file 
`/home/dad/gnc_cvs/gnucash/src/doc/design/' due to errors; 
use --force to preserve.
make[4]: *** [] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/dad/gnc_cvs/gnucash/src/doc/design'
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/dad/gnc_cvs/gnucash/src/doc'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/dad/gnc_cvs/gnucash/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dad/gnc_cvs/gnucash'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

What I've done:
- ran ./ which resulted in this error:
autoconf: Undefined macros:
**Error**: autoconf failed.

- ran ./configure which completed
- ran make which failed with the aboce error.

I guess I gotta figure out how to make happy, first.. 

Does this have anything to do with "Gnucash CVS is about to require intltool 
and g-wrap 1.1.12."?

I have g-wrap 1.3.1, don't have anything called intltool. Guess I'll start by 
downoading and installing that.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Sceduled Xactions

2001-10-12 Thread Tim Wunder

Josh Sled wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 12, 2001 at 10:23:36AM -0400, Tim Wunder wrote:

> | I have a current version of gnucash installed (1.6.3), so I believe I 
> | have what's needed to compile from cvs sources.
> The first step is to actually compile them... including the recent
> dependencies.  This has often [unfortunately] been a non-trivial step
> in gnc development.  Help is available on the list, or in #gnucash on
> ...jsled

Since my gnome version was not exactly the most current, simply 
compiling 1.6.3 was non-trivial, requiring many lib updates. I learned 
alot. There was a post about new libs being required on CVS now, libtool 
and g-wrap, IIRC. I believe my g-wrap is current. But, if not, I think I 
can handle updating it/them. We'll see...

It'll also give me a chance to learn CVS, too. I've played around with 
cvsup in trying to download and compile KDE from CVS, but never got too 
far with that. Will cvsup work with gnc's cvs tree? Any pointers in 
using it before I jump in? Of course, I think my copy of cvsup was 
installed on my old system, so I don't even know if I HAVE it anymore -- 
I've since migrated to Caldera OL 3.1 (from 2.4) and don't think I moved 
cvsup as part of the migration. Shouldn't bee too hard to get back, if 
it's not already installed by Caldera, but I digress.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Sceduled Xactions

2001-10-12 Thread Tim Wunder

I'm very interested in the implementation of scheduled transactions 
within Gnucash. It is the one feature that's preventing me from leaving 
Quicken/Windows altogether. I'd like to help in the developement, but am 
not a developer (by any stretch). So, the only way I can see myself 
helping is by testing. But I can't test if things aren't far enough 
along to make testing useful.
With that in mind, then, what is the current state of development of 
scheduled transactions? Is it far enough along for testing by mere 
mortals? Would such help be useful?
I have a current version of gnucash installed (1.6.3), so I believe I 
have what's needed to compile from cvs sources.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: (FIXED...almost.. YES!) Re: Can't compile gnucash 1.6.3, Unknown library 'libguppi', but...

2001-10-06 Thread Tim Wunder

On Saturday 06 October 2001 16:52, Dave Peticolas wrote:
> On Sat, 2001-10-06 at 09:53, Tim Wunder wrote:
> > Previously, Tim Wunder chose to write:
> > 
> >
> > > When I execute
> > > ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnucash
> > > --with-libguppi-prefix=/usr/local/include/libguppi
> > >
> > > I get error messages "Unknown library 'libguppi'"
> >
> > 
> >
> > I uninstalled all the guppi RPMs and rm'd all guppi-related files from my
> > system and started over. I compiled and installed Guppi and still had the
> > same error. Ultimately it turned out to be a gnome-config issue. The
> > gnome-config script (I don't know if this is a standard Gnome script, or
> > something unique to Caldera) apparently needed to know about guppi. As I
> > found out, it learns about installed libraries based on * files
> > located in /opt/gnome/lib. Since there was no file there,
> > it didn't know about it being installed. After copying
> > /usr/local/lib/ to /opt/gnome/lib, all was well with
> > guppi...woohoo!
> >
> > After getting past another minor problem, this time with g-wrap, I
> > managed to get 1.6.3 compiled. But, I STILL can't run gnucash.
> >
> > I installed gnucash into /opt. When I execute /opt/bin/gnucash, I get
> > this error:
> > ERROR: In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote misc-error)
> > #f ...):
> > ERROR: ;required feature not supported:  printf
> This sounds like you need to upgrade your version of slib.
> dave

Very close to being right. I needed to 
 ln -s /usr/share/slib/ /usr/share/guile/slib
to tell guile about the updated slib libraries I installed last week...

Thanks for your help. I now have gnucash 1.6.3 compiled and running on my 
system. Now to figger out why the imported checking account has a negative 
balance... Guess I'll join the gnucash-users list, now. I've been lurking in 
the -devel list just to keep an eye on how things are progressing. But if I'm 
gonna try to USE the blasted thing, I shouldn't be buggin' developers.


gnucash-devel mailing list

(FIXED...almost) Re: Can't compile gnucash 1.6.3, Unknown library 'libguppi', but...

2001-10-06 Thread Tim Wunder

Previously, Tim Wunder chose to write:

> When I execute
> ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnucash
> --with-libguppi-prefix=/usr/local/include/libguppi
> I get error messages "Unknown library 'libguppi'"

I uninstalled all the guppi RPMs and rm'd all guppi-related files from my 
system and started over. I compiled and installed Guppi and still had the 
same error. Ultimately it turned out to be a gnome-config issue. The 
gnome-config script (I don't know if this is a standard Gnome script, or 
something unique to Caldera) apparently needed to know about guppi. As I 
found out, it learns about installed libraries based on * files 
located in /opt/gnome/lib. Since there was no file there, it 
didn't know about it being installed. After copying 
/usr/local/lib/ to /opt/gnome/lib, all was well with 

After getting past another minor problem, this time with g-wrap, I managed to 
get 1.6.3 compiled. But, I STILL can't run gnucash.

I installed gnucash into /opt. When I execute /opt/bin/gnucash, I get this 
ERROR: In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote misc-error) #f 
ERROR: ;required feature not supported:  printf

Can anyone help me with THIS one?


gnucash-devel mailing list

Can't compile gnucash 1.6.3, Unknown library 'libguppi', but...

2001-10-03 Thread Tim Wunder

COL Workstaion 3.1, X4.1.0, KDE2.2.1, Gnome 1.4.??

In a continuing effort to compile and install gnucash 1.6.3, I've hit several 
roadblocks. Most I've overcome. I'm now stuck with the problem that the 
configure script for gnucash can't seem to locate libguppi.

I've compiled and installed the latest Guppi from source, 0.35.5. It was 
installed into /usr/local/include/libguppi. (I also seem to have a version of 
libguppi in /usr/include/libguppi -- and that could be part of my problem, I 

When I execute
./configure --prefix=/opt/gnucash 

I get error messages "Unknown library 'libguppi'"

Some of my config.log follows:
configure:7329: gcc -o conftest -g -O2 -Wall -Wunused  -Wall -Wno-unused 
-Werror-implicit-function-declaration -I/usr/X11R6/include 
-I/usr/lib/glib/include   conftest.c -lm  -lm -rdynamic -L/usr/X11R6/lib 
-L/usr/lib -lgtk -lgdk -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXext -lX11 -lm 1>&5
In file included from configure:7322:
/usr/local/include/libguppi/guppi-useful.h:30: guppi-convenient.h: No such file 
or directory
/usr/local/include/libguppi/guppi-useful.h:31: guppi-debug.h: No such file or 
/usr/local/include/libguppi/guppi-useful.h:32: guppi-dialogs.h: No such file or 
/usr/local/include/libguppi/guppi-useful.h:33: guppi-defaults.h: No such file 
or directory

configure: failed program was:

This seems to be saying to me, among other things, that there's a reference to 
"guppi-convenient.h" in line 30 of the file 
"/usr/local/include/libguppi/guppi-useful.h" and the configure script can't 
find it. But, it found "/usr/local/include/libguppi/guppi-useful.h" and 
"guppi-convenient.h" is in the same directory.

What gives? What step am I missing? What am I doing wrong?


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: gnome-print

2001-09-27 Thread Tim Wunder

Previously, Phillip J Shelton chose to write:
> Yes, my *-devel is assuming a RPM installed package.  But I think the .deb
> have something like it as well.  Could the debian uses please clarify?
> The  source tarballs do include all the devel libraries.  However I am not
> sure if gnucash is up to using libxml2 yet.  I have not checked as I am
> personaly still using 1.4.12

At, there is a reference to Gnome 
XML with a link to
At, there is this:
"Warning: unless you are forced to because your application links with a 
Gnome library requiring it, Do Not Use libxml1, use libxml2"

The most recent libxml at 
appears to be from July of 2000. There are around 30 releases of libxml2 
since then, and no libxml releases. My guess is libxml2 is required for a 
current gnucash build. Of course, that's just a guess and I haven't gotten 
around to installing the bugger. Maybe tomorrow...

Thanks for your help, Phillip.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: gnome-print

2001-09-27 Thread Tim Wunder

Phillip J Shelton wrote:

> But do you have the libxml-devel or did you install from tarballs?

Don't think I have libxml-devel (assuming you're talking about an RPM installed 
package). I downloaded libxml2 tarball last night, but haven't 
compiled/installed it yet. That should include any devel libraries (shouldn't it?).

I tried compiling gnucash 1.6.3 without updating gnome-print Tuesday night, and 
I ran into some unmet dependancy (can't remember off-hand what, may have been 
libxml related), so I still have a little more work to do.

What's more current, the dependancy list on the gnucash website, or that in the 
README from the gnucash tarball?

Thanks for the response.


gnucash-devel mailing list


2001-09-25 Thread Tim Wunder

Caldera OpenLinux3.1, kernel 2.4.9, gtk+ version 1.2.8, slib 2d2, libpng, libjpeg .62,, libXpm 4.1.1, qnome-libs 1.2.13

I'm trying to get my system in gear for attempting to compile gnucash 1.6.3. 
One of the requirements listed in the README file is a recent version of 
gnome-print, as long as it's not 0.28. I happen to have version 0.25, so I 
decided to download and try 0.29. 

Gnome is installed in /opt/gnome, so I configured gnome-print with the 
command ./configure --with-gnome=/opt/gnome.
The compile process craps out with the following error:

gcc -g -O2 -I/opt/gnome/include -Wall -Wunused -L/opt/gnome/lib -o 
.libs/gnome-font-install gnome-font-install.o gf-pfb.o 
../libgnomeprint/.libs/ -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgnomeui 
-lart_lgpl -lgdk_imlib -lSM -lICE -lgnome -lgnomesupport -lesd -laudiofile 
-ldb -lgdk_pixbuf -lgtk -lgdk -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXext -lX11 -lm -lxml 
-lz -rdynamic -L/opt/gnome/lib -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgnomeui 
-lart_lgpl -lgdk_imlib -lSM -lICE -lgnome -lgnomesupport -les
d -laudiofile -ldb -lgdk_pixbuf -lgtk -lgdk -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXext 
-lX11 -lm -L/usr/lib -lxml -L/usr/lib -lz -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
gnome-font-install.o: In function `gfi_try_srcfont':
40: undefined reference to `xmlFree'
41: undefined reference to `xmlFree'
42: undefined reference to `xmlFree'
43: undefined reference to `xmlFree'
make[2]: *** [gnome-font-install] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dad/GNUCash/Gnome-print/gnome-print-0.29'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

Is this a libxml problem? I have installed in 
/opt/gnome/lib. I haven't noticed any references to the version of libxml 
required, though.

Any help would be appreciated.

gnucash-devel mailing list