Re: [GNC] Bayes matching issue

2018-07-12 Thread Nicolas Haller

On 2018-07-11 10:51 PM, Nicolas Haller wrote:

On 2018-07-11 10:46 PM, John Ralls wrote:

On Jul 11, 2018, at 7:07 PM, Nicolas Haller  


I'm a user of GnuCash for a long time now but I'm testing importing 
transactions from CSV for the first time.

Unfortunately, it seems I have a problem with the Bayes matching 
system. When I try to import a CSV, just before the "match 
transactions" window should appear, gnucash hangs, working endlessly, 
CPU 100% and memory increasing.

Same thing if I go to Tools -> Import Map Editor.

If I uncheck the box "Use bayes matching" from preferences, the 
import works fine.

My file is kind of big (7 years of personal accounting), I don't know 
if it's a factor. After 15 minutes I gave up and kill gnucash.

Can you help me? I’m running gnucash 3.2 Build ID: 3.2+ (2018-06-24) 
from the Debian package currently on the unstable repository.

Is this is the first time you’ve used GnuCash 3 after having used 
GnuCash 2 for a long time?  If so, GnuCash 3 Bayesian matching uses 
account GUIDs instead of account names for tracking matches. The first 
time the matcher runs it needs to convert all of the match data. If 
you have a lot of match data it can take a very long time. The only 
thing to do is to wait it out.

Ah I see, that must be it. I'll give it a try and let you know.


So I let gnucash run during the night and it finished to convert the 
match data. The import feature works fine now.

Thanks a lot for the help!

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Re: [GNC] How to move my Windows 10 2.6.17 to a new Windows, 10 machine?

2018-07-12 Thread Stan Brown
Dick, here is a batch file I use to save and restore my GnuCash settings
and reports, for transferring them between machines.  You'd need to
change my file names and paths to yours, but still it could save you
some time.

If you don't want to be elaborate as I am -- my batch files tend to be a
bit over-engineered -- just look for the "reg" lines. Those are the ones
that save or restore the settings and reports.

> @set MYECHO=echo off
> set
> set GFILNAME=_stanSettings.reg
> setlocal
> set MYNAME=%@name[%0]
> if "%1" ne "/?" .and. "%1" ne "-?" .and. "%1" ne "" goto 000_Start
> echo off
> echo.
> echo %MYNAME: Save or restore GnuCash settings
> echo.
> echo options:
> echo /q Quiet
> echo /v Verbose
> echo /purge Delete saved log files (used with "save" or "apply")
> echo save   Save settings
> echo apply  Apply saved settings
> echo purge  Delete saved log files.
> echo Just one of 'save', 'apply', 'purge' is required.
> echo.
> echo Settings are saved in %GFILNAME and %RZIPNAME, in the same
> echo folder as the GnuCash accounting file.
> quit
> 2018-02-25  new program
> 2018-03-21  Add the purge option.
> 2018-03-31  With 'purge', suppress error message if there are no files ...
> 2018-04-01  ... and also delete GnuCash files in %TEMP%.
> 2018-04-18  Add /purge as an option, used with "save" or "apply".
> 2018-05-05  Program didn't abort after an an unknown option.
> Copyright 2018 Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
> :000_Start
> :: Scan the options.
> set ACTION=none
> set PURGING=0
> set VERBOSE=1
> do while "%1" ne ""
> iff %1 == save .or. %1 == apply .or. %1 == purge then
> iff %ACTION ne none then
> echo %MYNAME: Only one of 'save', 'apply', purge is allowed.
> cancel
> endiff
> set ACTION=%@lower[%1]
> elseiff %1 == /q then
> set VERBOSE=0
> elseiff %1 == /v then
> set VERBOSE=2
> elseiff %1 == /purge then
> set PURGING=1
> else
> echo %MYNAME: Unknown option '%1'.
> cancel 2
> endiff
> shift
> enddo
> iff %ACTION == none then
> echo %MYNAME: You need one of 'save', 'apply', or 'purge'.
> cancel
> elseiff %VERBOSE == 2 then
> echo %MYNAME: Plaanning to %ACTION the %@if[%ACTION == 
> purge,files,settings].
> echo.
> endiff
> :: Check existence of files and folders.
> set GDIR=e:\sb\$\GnuCash
> iff not isdir "%GDIR" then
> echo %MYNAME: Financials folder '%GDIR' not found.
> cancel
> elseiff not exist "%GDIR\Stan.gnucash" then
> echo %MYNAME: File Stan.gnucash not found in '%GDIR'.
> cancel
> endiff
> set RDIR=%USERPROFILE\.gnucash
> set GKEY=HKCU\Software\GSettings\org\gnucash
> iff %VERBOSE == 2 then
> echo %MYNAME: Financial database is in folder '%GDIR'.
> echo %MYNAME: GnuCash reports are in folder '%RDIR'.
> echo %MYNAME: GnuCash reports are zipped in file '%RZIP'.
> echo %MYNAME: GnuCash settings are in '%GKEY'.
> echo %MYNAME: GnuCash settings are exported to file '%GFIL'.
> echo.
> endiff
> iff %ACTION == save then
> if %PURGING == 1 gosub PurgeAction
> iff not isdir "%RDIR" then
> echo %MYNAME: Reports folder '%RDIR' not found.
> cancel
> endiff
> pushd "%RDIR"
> set ZIPOPT=
> set OPTS=-r -T -o
> if %VERBOSE lt 2 set OPTS=%OPTS -q
> @if %VERBOSE ge 1 echo on
> zip %OPTS "%RZIP" *
> @echo.
> popd
> @if %VERBOSE ge 1 echo on
> reg export %GKEY "%GFIL" /y
> elseiff %ACTION == apply then
> if %PURGING == 1 gosub PurgeAction
> iff not exist "%GFIL" then
> echo %MYNAME: Registy export file '%GFIL' not found.
> cancel
> endiff
> iff not exist "%RZIP" then
> echo %MYNAME: Reports ZIP file '%RZIP' not found.
> cancel
> endiff
> iff not isdir "%RDIR" then
> echo %MYNAME: Reports folder '%RDIR' not found.
> input /c /k"yYnN" /l1 Create it?^  %%X
> echo.
> if %X == N cancel
> md "%RDIR"
> endiff
> set OPTS=-uo
> if %VERBOSE == 0 set OPTS=%OPTS -q
> @if %VERBOSE ge 1 echo on
> unzip %OPTS "%RZIP" -d "%RDIR"
> @echo.
> @if %VERBOSE ge 1 echo on
> reg delete %GKEY /f
> @echo.
> reg import "%GFIL"
> elseiff %ACTION == purge then
> gosub PurgeAction
> else
> echo %MYNAME: Internal error: %%ACTION = '%ACTION'
> cancel
> endiff
> quit
> :PurgeAction
> set OPTS=/R /E
> if %VERBOSE lt 2 set OPTS=/T %OPTS
> echos %MYNAME: purging ... ``
> del %OPTS %GC\*.gnucash.20* %TEMP\gnc-report*html;gnucash*log
> return


Re: [GNC] Why duplicate reports in 3.2?

2018-07-12 Thread David T. via gnucash-user
As I understand it, the two menu items call the same report file with different 
title flags, so there is no overhead in storage or codebase.

Your concern boils down to the fact that both names appear in the menu. 

While this is annoying, it has come up on the lists before that a person has 
expected to find one of these reports, and wondered where it was—not knowing 
that it was there under the other name. I believe it was decided that it was 
easer just to include the same report under both names, making its availability 
clear to a broader set of users. Unless there is complete agreement in the 
field for one name over another in all circumstances (and there doesn’t appear 
to be), it does no harm to include both, in my opinion.

Honestly, it would be more useful in my opinion to clear out the “standard” 
reports that serve no purpose other than to show a potential report programmer 
(I haven’t heard of many of those, besides Doug Doughty and Chris Lam) how they 
might write new reports. The two “vs. Day of Week” reports and the two sample 
reports come to mind. I'm also unsure of the purpose of most of the Budget 
reports, and when I asked on the lists for descriptions of these, I did not 
receive any input, suggesting that I am not alone in wondering at their purpose.

But the two entries for the same report? Not a big deal.

David T.

On July 12, 2018 at 8:51:25 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
( wrote:

I understand that perfectly, hence my possible RFE to have the New Book Wizard 
handle this somehow. (and if it doesn’t, one can always rename it in the 
options as you mention)

At the very least, regardless of what you want or need to call it, we don’t 
need two of the same report in the menu. It’s just clutter and serves to add 


> On Jul 12, 2018, at 7:08 AM, Mike or Penny Novack 
>  wrote:
> On 7/12/2018 12:34 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> If I had a vote, I’d say keep one and just delete the other entirely. Even a 
>> ’see also’ is just clutter.
>> As to which name to keep, the easiest and likely most discoverable is 
>> “Income Statement”.
> The "issue" (if there is one) is that this report (in terms of what it shows) 
> is known be different NAMES depending on the type of entity for which the 
> books are being kept. Note that the name of the report (in gnucash) and the 
> title of the report in the report itself need not be the same (you can change 
> the title via Edit=>Options.
> I mainly keep books for non-profits, for which the report is known as the 
> "Revenue Statement" or "Statement of Revenues and Expenses".
> For a for profit business known as "Profit and Loss" and for personal books 
> "Income Statement".
> Michael D Novack
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Flatpack GnuCash v3.2 available in Linux Mint and flathub website

2018-07-12 Thread Colin Law
Mysql error issue submitted


On 11 July 2018 at 02:51, DaveC49  wrote:

> Colin,
> There is a link labelled issues to the Gnome  bugzilla site on the flathub
> GnuCash page which links to the now becoming defunct Gnome Bugzilla which
> is
> being transferred to Gnome Gitlab and has a link to it,
> . I could not find any reporting of issues
> with flathub or GnuCash on it .
> While searching for it I also found
> where one can report issues
> as well. That doesn't appear to be maintained by any of the regular GnuCash
> developers.
> Hope that helps getting the MYSQL going with the flathub build.
> David
> -
> David Cousens
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
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Re: [GNC] Why duplicate reports in 3.2?

2018-07-12 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Try handing anyone under 30 an Ike as payment and amuse yourself with the 
contortions their face makes as they try to figure it out. Oddly, when I’ve 
given a real dollar (silver that is) as a tip, I’ve never had anyone act 
confused and in fact most thought it was cool and some even asked if I was 
’sure’ I wanted to part with it. (and they all understood it was worth more 
than face value)


>  I was being conservative. :-) Remember how people confused the Anthony
> dollar coin for quarters? I was looking for something else and found two
> half-dollars stuck away in my chest of drawers. I wondered why we've not
> seen them for a long time. When I gave a sales clerk one as part of my
> purchase payment he asked, "What is this?" I told him it's a half-dollar,
> just as it says on it and is worth 50 cents. The second coin was accepted,
> elsewhere, without question by an older clerk.
> Rich
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Why duplicate reports in 3.2?

2018-07-12 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I understand that perfectly, hence my possible RFE to have the New Book Wizard 
handle this somehow. (and if it doesn’t, one can always rename it in the 
options as you mention)

At the very least, regardless of what you want or need to call it, we don’t 
need two of the same report in the menu. It’s just clutter and serves to add 


> On Jul 12, 2018, at 7:08 AM, Mike or Penny Novack 
>  wrote:
> On 7/12/2018 12:34 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> If I had a vote, I’d say keep one and just delete the other entirely. Even a 
>> ’see also’ is just clutter.
>> As to which name to keep, the easiest and likely most discoverable is 
>> “Income Statement”.
> The "issue" (if there is one) is that this report (in terms of what it shows) 
> is known be different NAMES depending on the type of entity for which the 
> books are being kept. Note that the name of the report (in gnucash) and the 
> title of the report in the report itself need not be the same (you can change 
> the title via Edit=>Options.
> I mainly keep books for non-profits, for which the report is known as the 
> "Revenue Statement" or "Statement of Revenues and Expenses".
> For a for profit business known as "Profit and Loss" and for personal books 
> "Income Statement".
> Michael D Novack
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
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> -
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Re: [GNC] How to move my Windows 10 2.6.17 to a new Windows 10 machine?

2018-07-12 Thread DaveC49
Thanks Liz,

I didn't think of the preferences. 


David Cousens
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Re: [GNC] Flatpack GnuCash v3.2 available in Linux Mint and flathub website

2018-07-12 Thread Colin Law
Thanks Dave.


On 11 July 2018 at 02:51, DaveC49  wrote:

> Colin,
> There is a link labelled issues to the Gnome  bugzilla site on the flathub
> GnuCash page which links to the now becoming defunct Gnome Bugzilla which
> is
> being transferred to Gnome Gitlab and has a link to it,
> . I could not find any reporting of issues
> with flathub or GnuCash on it .
> While searching for it I also found
> where one can report issues
> as well. That doesn't appear to be maintained by any of the regular GnuCash
> developers.
> Hope that helps getting the MYSQL going with the flathub build.
> David
> -
> David Cousens
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
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> -
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