Re: [GNC] csv File downloads

2020-02-03 Thread Jane Knichel-Aldea
Thank you for the clarification. I have successfully imported a csv file! I
will make note of your comment regarding the date format so it works next
time as well.
Thank you again.

Jane Knichel-Aldea

On Thu, Jan 30, 2020, 5:16 AM David Carlson 

> Jane,
> The CSV transaction importer in various 2.6 releases of GnuCash is very
> touchy,  particularly regarding the date format, and it does not remember
> the settings that you used last time.
> Be very careful to change the date format to the correct setting for your
> data every time and then it should work.  It is normal after a crash to get
> that already open error, just select open anyway unless there is a chance
> that it really is open somewhere else.
> If 2.6.15 is working fine otherwise for you, you do not need to update
> into 3.8 right now.  I am still holding off myself from updating.
> David Carlson
> On Thu, Jan 30, 2020, 2:22 AM Jane Knichel-Aldea 
> wrote:
>> Hi:
>> Thank you for the response.
>> I am using version 2.6.15 I downloaded from gnucash website, but have not
>> done any updates.
>> I am using Windows 10 on a PC, not a mobile version. Gnucash closes when I
>> hit the final step of the csv import, and then I get an error message
>> about
>> the file being in use when I re-open.
>> I have gotten it to work once or twice, but not consistently, so I am
>> confident it is user error. I was just hoping for some step-by-step
>> instructions so I can get it to work consistently.
>> Thank you
>> Best Regards,
>> Jane Knichel Aldea
>> 201-725-3507
>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 12:36 PM Tommy Trussell > >
>> wrote:
>> > On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 3:18 AM  wrote:
>> >
>> >>   I am no longer able to download one of my credit card statements in
>> QFX
>> >>format, but every time I try to import a csv file, the system
>> crashes.
>> >>Where can I find proper instructions on how to get the csv  import
>> to
>> >>work?
>> >>
>> > ...
>> >
>> >>
>> >>Jane Knichel Aldea
>> >>
>> > ...
>> >
>> >>Sent from [1]Mail for Windows 10
>> >>
>> >> References
>> >>
>> >>1.
>> >>
>> >
>> > Greetings!
>> >
>> > I assume based upon the footer of your message you're using GnuCash on
>> > Windows.
>> >
>> > What version of GnuCash are you using? Where did you get it? The best
>> way
>> > is to follow the download links from  (There are
>> some
>> > "derivative" versions such as the "Portable Apps" versions, so if you're
>> > using those it might be an important distinction.) The current stable
>> > released version is 3.8.
>> >
>> > What do you mean by "the system crashes"? Do you see an error message?
>> > Does your screen turn a lovely shade of blue? (Hopefully I'm being silly
>> > there; I don't run Windows so I don't know if recent versions ever crash
>> > and make a "blue screen" anymore.)
>> >
>> > As noted below, please copy your response to the list so folks who know
>> > more than I
>> >
>> >
>> >> -
>> >> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> >> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> >>
>> >
>> ___
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Re: [GNC] Why doesn't Posted Bill show up in AP? Only after Paid

2020-02-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Your T-accounts are correct.

If that isn’t happening, then something is being entered incorrectly.

When you create a Bill, the individual line items should be assigned to 
relevant expense accounts.

There are no register transactions created at this point.

When you post the bill, you post it against some other account, by default, and 
traditionally, against Accounts Payable. (also what the Business Features are 
expecting you to use)

Once posted, the register transactions will be created. (according to the 
posting date) You will see the bill in the AP register, and you’ll see them as 
well in the associated expense account registers. (note, they can’t be edited 
here, you’d have to unpost and edit the bill, then re-post)

If you uncheck the box “Accumulate splits...” when posting then you’ll see the 
individual line items from the bill in the various registers as each their own 
split with the Description from the bill as the Memo. If you accumulate splits, 
you don’t get any of this detail. (that is, if you have 3 splits to one expense 
and 2 to another, each associated account will only show one split line, 
usually with the Description for the first one, but with the split amount being 
the sum of the 3 or 2 individual line items)

You do not have to pay the bill before it appears in AP or expense registers.

Finally, take care to make sure all dates are correct and that you aren’t using 
a Filtered view of any register.


> On Feb 3, 2020 w6d34, at 5:24 PM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> When you post a bill I would expect it to be charged to the appropriate 
> expense account and to AP
> But I have to pay it before it appears in AP
> Clearly I'm no accountant but that is my understanding of how "Double Entry" 
> bookkeeping works
> Maybe someone can educate me :-)
> Thanks.

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[GNC] Gnucash 3.8 Flatpak Not Connecting to MySQL

2020-02-03 Thread Alan Whiteman


Recently I moved to KDE Neon as my preferred distro, I had manually 
installed Gnucash 2.6 which connected to MySQL perfectly fine. A recent 
system update forced the removal of Gnucash in order to update some 
libraries. When I tried to re-install from the Discover Software Center, 
the only version available was 3.8 via Flatpak.

The installation of this version went fine, with some minor changes:

"Your gnucash metadata has been migrated.

Old location: /home/user/.gnucash
New location: /home/user/.var/

If you no longer intend to run GnuCash 2.6.x or older on this system you 
can safely remove the old directory.

In addition:

The following file has been copied to 
/home/alan/.var/app/org.gnucash.GnuCash/config/gnucash instead:

-config.user (Renamed to: config-user.csm)"

But when I try to retrieve my old accounts, it refuses to connect to the 
database, with the following message:

"The server at URL mysql://user@localhost/gnucash experienced an error 
or encountered bad or corrupt data."

In the end, I uninstalled Gnucash 3.8 Flatpak version and installed 
2.6.19 through apt, which works.

Any insights into making the newer version work will be greatly appreciated.

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[GNC] Why doesn't Posted Bill show up in AP? Only after Paid

2020-02-03 Thread Fran_3 via gnucash-user
When you post a bill I would expect it to be charged to the appropriate expense 
account and to AP
But I have to pay it before it appears in AP
Clearly I'm no accountant but that is my understanding of how "Double Entry" 
bookkeeping works

Maybe someone can educate me :-)
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Re: [GNC] Automatic Retrieval of Quotes not working for Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

2020-02-03 Thread Peter Marshall via gnucash-user
Woohoo!  That is what I needed.  Thanks so much for your help.  Somehow I 
missed that in the documentation for setting up the Finance::Quote.  It’s 
interesting that it worked without that API key for non-ETF securities.

> On Feb 2, 2020, at 9:10 AM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> On Feb 2, 2020, at 3:31 AM, Peter Marshall via gnucash-user 
>>  wrote:
>> Automatic Retrieval of Quotes using the Finance::Quotes module is not 
>> working for Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).  For example, I have setup a 
>> Security record for an ETF with:
>>  Security Information
>>  Full name:  Vanguard Mega Cap Growth ETF
>>  Symbol/abbreviation:MGK
>>  Display symbol: MGK
>>  Type:   NYSE
>>  ISIN, CUSIP or other code:
>>  Fraction traded:1/1
>>  Quote Source Information
>>  √ Get Online Quotes
>>  √ Single:   Alphavantage, US
>>  Timezone:   America/New_York
>> I’ve also setup a Security record for a traditional stock with:
>>  Security Information
>>  Full name:  Tesla Inc.
>>  Symbol/abbreviation:TSLA
>>  Display symbol: TSLA
>>  Type:   NASDAQ
>>  ISIN, CUSIP or other code:
>>  Fraction traded:1/1
>>  Quote Source Information
>>  √ Get Online Quotes
>>  √ Single:   Alphavantage, US
>>  Timezone:   America/New_York
>> When I go to the Price Database interface and use the Get Quotes action, I 
>> get an error message:
>>  Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:
>>  Continue using only the good quotes?
>> The problem doesn’t seem to be with Alphavantage.  I can use their API and 
>> successfully pull a quote for any ETF.  Any idea how to get ETF price quotes 
>> in gnucash?
> Did you configure your Alphavantage API key into GnuCash's preferences 
> according to 
> Regards,
> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] What "Transfer" acct when paying vendor out of Checking?

2020-02-03 Thread David Cousens
If you haven't raised a bill then the Liabilities:Accounts Payable is not
applicable. The transfer account will be the relevant expense account unless
the item is a capital expense in which case it will be an asset account not
under current assets.


David Cousens
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Re: [GNC] What "Transfer" acct when paying vendor out of Checking?

2020-02-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone
You select the expense account.

There should be no manual transactions between AP/AR if you are using the 
Business Features.

You can though have manual transactions between ‘Other AP/Other AR’ accounts 
and checking/cash etc.

Since you didn’t initially create a transaction (a Bill) between the expense 
account and Accounts Payable, there is no reason to involve Accounts Payable in 
the payment transaction.

Treat it no different from paying for fuel or groceries.


> On Feb 3, 2020 w6d34, at 2:46 PM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Its been quite awhile since I've used gnuCash & I'm trying to catch.
> When I pay a vendor directly from checking... not paying a bill,  just 
> writing a check & recording it in the check register...
> For "Transfer"do I select "Libalities: Accounts Payable"orUse the dropdown to 
> select the percise expense account?
> Thanks for reminding me of how to do this.

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Re: [GNC] Apple Card csv

2020-02-03 Thread David Cousens

Haven't any experience with Apple Card but I import my Paypal transactions
via CSV. In that case I have to preedit the files in Libre Office because
Paypal gives me far more information than I generally need to record.The
Importer in the V3 series makes this a little easier as you can define a set
of import conditions and save them for reuse. Critical things are usually
that the date format matches, the right choice of separator and identifying
columns which match the transfer account for the second split, amount,
description. Usually there is a bit of experimentation to work out how best
to import data and it then becomes routine until someone changes something,
usually at the bank end.

David Cousens

David Cousens
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[GNC] What "Transfer" acct when paying vendor out of Checking?

2020-02-03 Thread Fran_3 via gnucash-user
Its been quite awhile since I've used gnuCash & I'm trying to catch.
When I pay a vendor directly from checking... not paying a bill,  just writing 
a check & recording it in the check register...
For "Transfer"do I select "Libalities: Accounts Payable"orUse the dropdown to 
select the percise expense account?

Thanks for reminding me of how to do this.

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[GNC] Call of Import Map Editor leads to crash of gnucash

2020-02-03 Thread Peter Zimmerer
Hi all,

inspired by a thread at the German gnucash mailing list I tried to use
the Import Map Editor. Unfortunately, this led to a crash of gnucash.
Standard output has shown the following error message:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  basic_string::substr: __pos (which is 17) > this->size()
(which is 16)

The abort is triggered within function parse_bayes_imap_info (source
file gnucash/libgnucash/engine/Account.cpp) and is caused by entries
within the mapping data (table SLOTS) with value NAME = 'import-map-bayes'.

Beside such entries there are a lof of other mapping entries which don
not match the pattern (regular expression)
'^import-map-bayes/.*/[0-9a-f]{32}$'. I suppose, those are mappings,
which have been created by an older version of gnucash and which have
not been migrated/converted by an upgrade of gnucash in the meantime.
They also do not refer to an existing gnucash account with their
OBJ_GUID but they refer to another SLOTS entry instead.

If I create a new gnucash file/book and create new mappings by getting
transactions from my bank only "flat" mappings with account guids are

My gnucash data is stored within a postgres database. I would try to get
rid of the old mappings with the help of the following SQL command:

delete from slots
  name =  'import-map-bayes'   or
  name like   'import-map-bayes/%' and
  obj_guid not in (select guid from accounts)

Could somebody confirm this or propose an alternative procedure to
repair the gnucash file?

Thank you very much in advance!


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Re: [GNC] Apple Card csv

2020-02-03 Thread Stephen M. Butler
On 2/3/20 8:44 AM, Keith Bellairs wrote:
> I have been using GNC for a long, long time. So I have an account for each
> of my credit cards. I can update the accounts with ofx/qfx downloads. I see
> that Apple only allows csv downloads from that card. I have never used the
> csv upload to GNC. Does anyone have experience with Apple's csv files? If
> they don't upload cleanly that's a deal breaker for me.
> Keith

Not Apple's but I do have experience with CSV and Citi.  Under 3.7 I was
able to define the layouts (what fields went where and the date format)
and save that for future use.  Also defined the "home" account (in my
case, Liabilities:CreditCard:Citi).

My only problem is that they also changed the sign of the payment AND
put it in the other column.  So the load routine dutifully turned it
into a charge instead of a payment.  I think options were added to 3.8
to allow you to override this.  Perhaps load both fields to the same
"column" in the account.

I finally located where Citi hid their OFX download and switched back to
that to cure having to fix the payment sign each download.


Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
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Re: [GNC] Importing bank transactions B4 posting bills & Invoices - question

2020-02-03 Thread Fran_3 via gnucash-user
 Ignore my "tried to test this" post. I think I have it figured out.. I'll 
repost question otherwise. Thanks for the help.
On Monday, February 3, 2020, 12:32:27 PM EST, Fran_3 via gnucash-user 
  Well I tried to test this via...- Creating an Exp Account named Unassigned 
Expenses- Then entered a test $99 transaction in the check register and 
assigned it to Unassigned Expenses.- I tried right clicking the $99 checking 
transaction but no option to Apply As Payment.
- I tried right clicking the $99 transaction in the Unassigned Expense account 
but no option to Apply As Payment.
Maybe I didn't do the test correctly.
Maybe importing a CSV file puts the items elsewhere in the system.

Thanks if you can give me some additional guidance.

    On Monday, February 3, 2020, 11:41:40 AM EST, Adrien Monteleone 
 If those previously imported transactions are payments, then yes you can.

Simply right-click the imported transaction and choose ‘Apply as payment’. 
You’ll then get the Process Payment window where you can choose which 
bill/invoice to apply to.

Just make sure your dates in the registers and on invoices/bills reflects the 
real world transaction and not the date you happen to enter them in GnuCash or 
else down the road you’ll have a hard time tracing an error or when otherwise 
investigating something. You can certainly do the data entry out of order 
though. (such as importing payments and receipts before entering the 
bills/invoices they were for.)

If you are receiving or making pre-payments routinely and that is why you are 
using this order, consider marking each of those affected transactions as such 
using the same “Apply as payment” option. Then when you create and post the 
documents, ‘pay’ them by applying the pre-payments as needed. This would allow 
you to see in Vendor/Customer reports and aging reports (the new version) the 
tracking for the pre-payments rather than just having them floating around in 
your bank register waiting for you to post the bills/invoices and then 
assigning them as payments. How much time lag there is between the transaction 
dates from step 1 and step 2 would help guide you on if this is the right 


> On Feb 3, 2020 w6d34, at 9:37 AM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Can I 1 - import banking transactions
> Then2 - Post Bills from vendors & Invoices to clients
> Then
> 3 - Apply the previously imported bank transaction to the appropriate bill or 
> invoice?
> Thanks for any help.

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Re: [GNC] Apple Card csv

2020-02-03 Thread Alton Brantley
I successfully download the Applecard CSV through the iPhone, transfer it over 
to my mac with AirDrop, and import it into my account on Mac Catalina with 
Gnucash 3.8.

Getting CSV import set up can take a bit of fiddling, but once you get it all 
configured so it goes through, and you save the configuration, it’s virtually 

Fiddling involves setting starting lines to skip, character set, selecting the 
correct columns (remember that positive amounts are withdrawals, so your 
payment will show as a negative, and selecting the appropriate account for them 
to be loaded.

BE AWARE, transaction matching can really mess up, so I recommend not using it. 
It would be great if it only sought to match from the last closing date to the 
present…. Also, It would be nice if the accounts pull-down menu matched the 
order of accounts in your file, but they appear to be in balance sheet order 
(assets, liabilitys, income, an expense), so you may have to look through the 
whole list to find your account.

Finally, the process is, for a reason unknown to me, terribly slow, so it seems 
like nothing is happening, even for a very small import. For a very active 
account, it can seem like the program has hung. Go get a cup of coffee or take 
a bathroom break!

-Alton Brantley

> Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2020 11:44:01 -0500
> From: Keith Bellairs>>
> To: gnucash-user email group  >
> Subject: [GNC] Apple Card csv
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I have been using GNC for a long, long time. So I have an account for each
> of my credit cards. I can update the accounts with ofx/qfx downloads. I see
> that Apple only allows csv downloads from that card. I have never used the
> csv upload to GNC. Does anyone have experience with Apple's csv files? If
> they don't upload cleanly that's a deal breaker for me.
> Keith
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Re: [GNC] Importing bank transactions B4 posting bills & Invoices - question

2020-02-03 Thread Fran_3 via gnucash-user
 Well I tried to test this via...- Creating an Exp Account named Unassigned 
Expenses- Then entered a test $99 transaction in the check register and 
assigned it to Unassigned Expenses.- I tried right clicking the $99 checking 
transaction but no option to Apply As Payment.
- I tried right clicking the $99 transaction in the Unassigned Expense account 
but no option to Apply As Payment.
Maybe I didn't do the test correctly.
Maybe importing a CSV file puts the items elsewhere in the system.

Thanks if you can give me some additional guidance.

On Monday, February 3, 2020, 11:41:40 AM EST, Adrien Monteleone 
 If those previously imported transactions are payments, then yes you can.

Simply right-click the imported transaction and choose ‘Apply as payment’. 
You’ll then get the Process Payment window where you can choose which 
bill/invoice to apply to.

Just make sure your dates in the registers and on invoices/bills reflects the 
real world transaction and not the date you happen to enter them in GnuCash or 
else down the road you’ll have a hard time tracing an error or when otherwise 
investigating something. You can certainly do the data entry out of order 
though. (such as importing payments and receipts before entering the 
bills/invoices they were for.)

If you are receiving or making pre-payments routinely and that is why you are 
using this order, consider marking each of those affected transactions as such 
using the same “Apply as payment” option. Then when you create and post the 
documents, ‘pay’ them by applying the pre-payments as needed. This would allow 
you to see in Vendor/Customer reports and aging reports (the new version) the 
tracking for the pre-payments rather than just having them floating around in 
your bank register waiting for you to post the bills/invoices and then 
assigning them as payments. How much time lag there is between the transaction 
dates from step 1 and step 2 would help guide you on if this is the right 


> On Feb 3, 2020 w6d34, at 9:37 AM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Can I 1 - import banking transactions
> Then2 - Post Bills from vendors & Invoices to clients
> Then
> 3 - Apply the previously imported bank transaction to the appropriate bill or 
> invoice?
> Thanks for any help.

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[GNC] Apple Card csv

2020-02-03 Thread Keith Bellairs
I have been using GNC for a long, long time. So I have an account for each
of my credit cards. I can update the accounts with ofx/qfx downloads. I see
that Apple only allows csv downloads from that card. I have never used the
csv upload to GNC. Does anyone have experience with Apple's csv files? If
they don't upload cleanly that's a deal breaker for me.

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Re: [GNC] Importing bank transactions B4 posting bills & Invoices - question

2020-02-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone
If those previously imported transactions are payments, then yes you can.

Simply right-click the imported transaction and choose ‘Apply as payment’. 
You’ll then get the Process Payment window where you can choose which 
bill/invoice to apply to.

Just make sure your dates in the registers and on invoices/bills reflects the 
real world transaction and not the date you happen to enter them in GnuCash or 
else down the road you’ll have a hard time tracing an error or when otherwise 
investigating something. You can certainly do the data entry out of order 
though. (such as importing payments and receipts before entering the 
bills/invoices they were for.)

If you are receiving or making pre-payments routinely and that is why you are 
using this order, consider marking each of those affected transactions as such 
using the same “Apply as payment” option. Then when you create and post the 
documents, ‘pay’ them by applying the pre-payments as needed. This would allow 
you to see in Vendor/Customer reports and aging reports (the new version) the 
tracking for the pre-payments rather than just having them floating around in 
your bank register waiting for you to post the bills/invoices and then 
assigning them as payments. How much time lag there is between the transaction 
dates from step 1 and step 2 would help guide you on if this is the right 


> On Feb 3, 2020 w6d34, at 9:37 AM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Can I 1 - import banking transactions
> Then2 - Post Bills from vendors & Invoices to clients
> Then
> 3 - Apply the previously imported bank transaction to the appropriate bill or 
> invoice?
> Thanks for any help.

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Re: [GNC] Account Currency Screwed Up Again!

2020-02-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Would creating a new duplicate account with the proper assigned currency, then 
deleting the old account and choosing to transfer all transactions to the new 
currency work?

That would be significantly easier than manual editing.

I’m not sure how the use of Trading Accounts affects this, or if it should or 
should not be turned on.


> On Feb 3, 2020 w6d34, at 4:45 AM, David Cousens  
> wrote:
> Have you checked the default currency used Edit->Preferences, Accounts tab,
> Default Currency. It is normally set to locale. I guess you are in Australia
> so it should be AUD. If not, diid you possibly create the book originally
> while overseas or the locale on your computer was not set to Australia.
> AFAIK it is not possible to edit the currency of an account once it is
> created in the Edit Account dialog only in the New Account dialog.
> It should be possible to edit the file this but fraught with possible
> problems.  Work on a copy of your original file and don't save it over the
> original until you are really sure that the problem is fixed and other
> problems haven't been created. I would keep a copy of the original even
> after you reach this point just to be sure.
> Your XML file will have to be uncompressed Edit ->Preferences General Tab
> and uncheck the box which says compress files. You may then have to force a
> Save. I did this by creating a dummy transaction in a register then hitting
> the Save button in the toolbar, deleting the dummy transaction and clicking
> Save again.
> The section of the XMLfile which contains the commodity information for an
> account is reproduced below for a SGD account I have.
>  TravelMoney_CC_SGD
>  *7db63ffa514d478191dea006748d7bd6*
> You will have to have the commodity you wish to change the account to
> specified earlier in the file in a section like
>  SGD
>  currency
> Each transaction to the account will have the commodity specified in a
>  tag set. You would need to find all of these and change the
> commodity similarly
>  4ec8a9416b31469bb1eeaf79c5557092
>2019-03-17 10:59:00 +
>2019-05-14 03:25:18 +
>  date-posted
>  2bf944df822042849e1cbd5a2b6db3c8
>  n
>  6100/100
>  6654/100
>   type="guid">7be97b5f738386fd2272881dc33a0272
>  4ef42d767cc748f79ce09d6d8f2d3043
>  y
>2019-05-14 13:59:59 +
>  -6100/100
>  -6100/100
>   type="guid">*7db63ffa514d478191dea006748d7bd6*
> Make sure the guid for the account matches up (bolded in the above examples)
> in the transaction splits and the account you have modified the currency
> for. 
> AFAIK they are the only places you should need to modify the currency but I
> only have a passing acquaintance with the file XML format and the data
> structures so I cannot be sure.
> The price database was the other section which had records containing the
> currency
>  AUD
>  SGD
>  2019-03-21 14:00:00 +
> It may be easier edit that with the edit facilities in the Tools->Price
> Database if necessary. None of this is really recommended but proceed with
> extreme caution lots of backups and good luck.
> David Cousens

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[GNC] Importing bank transactions B4 posting bills & Invoices - question

2020-02-03 Thread Fran_3 via gnucash-user
Can I 1 - import banking transactions
Then2 - Post Bills from vendors & Invoices to clients
3 - Apply the previously imported bank transaction to the appropriate bill or 
Thanks for any help.

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Re: [GNC] Account Currency Screwed Up Again!

2020-02-03 Thread David Cousens
Have you checked the default currency used Edit->Preferences, Accounts tab,
Default Currency. It is normally set to locale. I guess you are in Australia
so it should be AUD. If not, diid you possibly create the book originally
while overseas or the locale on your computer was not set to Australia.
AFAIK it is not possible to edit the currency of an account once it is
created in the Edit Account dialog only in the New Account dialog.

It should be possible to edit the file this but fraught with possible
problems.  Work on a copy of your original file and don't save it over the
original until you are really sure that the problem is fixed and other
problems haven't been created. I would keep a copy of the original even
after you reach this point just to be sure.

Your XML file will have to be uncompressed Edit ->Preferences General Tab
and uncheck the box which says compress files. You may then have to force a
Save. I did this by creating a dummy transaction in a register then hitting
the Save button in the toolbar, deleting the dummy transaction and clicking
Save again.

The section of the XMLfile which contains the commodity information for an
account is reproduced below for a SGD account I have.


You will have to have the commodity you wish to change the account to
specified earlier in the file in a section like


Each transaction to the account will have the commodity specified in a
 tag set. You would need to find all of these and change the
commodity similarly

2019-03-17 10:59:00 +
2019-05-14 03:25:18 +




2019-05-14 13:59:59 +


Make sure the guid for the account matches up (bolded in the above examples)
in the transaction splits and the account you have modified the currency

AFAIK they are the only places you should need to modify the currency but I
only have a passing acquaintance with the file XML format and the data
structures so I cannot be sure.

The price database was the other section which had records containing the



  2019-03-21 14:00:00 +


It may be easier edit that with the edit facilities in the Tools->Price
Database if necessary. None of this is really recommended but proceed with
extreme caution lots of backups and good luck.

David Cousens

David Cousens
Sent from:
gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Account Currency Screwed Up Again!

2020-02-03 Thread rsbrux via gnucash-user
I haven't see an answer to this on the distribution list, nor on Nabble 

Can I fix this by editing the XML file?
I am using GC v2.6.19 under Ubuntu Studio 18.04.  Is there a function to 
change the currency of transactions in a newer version of GC?
If not, is there any hope that such a function might be provided in the 

On 27.01.20 10:24, rsbrux wrote:
Many years ago I set up in GC a bank account denominated in AUD to buy 
and sell securities in that currency.  While reconciling my 
end-of-year statements I only just noticed while attempting to enter a 
new price for one of the securities that all transactions in that 
account (not just securities, but also transactions with other 
accounts denominated in AUD, such as the income account I use for 
recording interest paid in AUD) are recorderd in CHF and are converted 
to CHF instead of AUD!!!  How could this happen? More important (since 
it is unlikely that the cause can be reconstructed at this late date) 
how can I correct this without having to manually recreate all 
transactions in the account going back to 2013?

Based on previous experience with such problems, I will also have to 
recreate the AUD-denominated securities (fortunately there are only 
two) and their transactions in order to correct the erroneous currency 
(CHF) attached to them.  Please say it ain't so!

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