Re: [GNC] v3.8

2020-01-01 Thread David Cousens via gnucash-user
This definitely looks like a permissions issue.  

One possibility is if you downloaded the source file with root permissions
or copied it to another location using sudo privileges it may have saved the
file with ownership by the root user so when you try to build it as your
normal user it does not have the  permissions required to access the
directory. Cmake does not have to be run as a super user (sudo) and after
you have extracted the source directories from the downloaded file they
should be owned by your login user as should all subdirectories including
the build directories. If you used sudo privileges to create the build
directory a similar problem may have occurred.  Check the file ownership of
the source directory and its subdirectories and of the build directory  ("ls
-al" if using a terminal).

sudo only has to be used with the "make install" command (and not with the
"make " command to build the libraries) when you are installing to a system
location (/usr/local or /opt)  so that the install procedure can copy the
required files to a system owned location.

David Cousens

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Re: [GNC] v3.8

2020-01-01 Thread David Cousens via gnucash-user

It is certainly possible to run a number of versions in parallel. I usually
install my production version in /usr/local and I often initially install a
new version under my home directory and work initially on a copy of the data
file in a new location until I am happy to make it the production version
usualy only a couple of days.  It is also possible to install a separate
version under /opt for use by all users. The catch is that the same user
specific configuartion files are used by each version (and there sometimes
can be conflicts). 

I also do a little minor deelopment and documentation work so I usually have
the maint or master branches of the program and documentation installed at a
separate location under my home directory. 

If you need to separate the user config files, you can always use a separate
login to run each version but then you may need to copy data files to the
new user. You can also put files in a dropbox location and the allow each
user to signin and open them.

David Cousens

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Re: [GNC] v3.8

2019-12-31 Thread David Cousens via gnucash-user
It should but you will have to install all the dependencies and their
development headers to build successfully. There is a breakout page from the
building instruction which gives you the dependencies to install. (There are
occasionally some that are not covered as it depends on what the particular
Linux distribution installs as standard and what libraries have been
installed with other software but it is now pretty complete).

When you run cmake, it will stop with an error if anything is missing.
Identify the missing dependency or come back to the list, install it and
rerun cmake until it completes with out error. Library names can sometimes
vary slightly between distributions to complicate matters (usually addition
of a version number or "lib" in front 

apt-cache search  is a good way to find libraries with a slightly
different package name.

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Re: [GNC] v3.8

2019-12-30 Thread David Cousens via gnucash-user

I think you will find a number of posts in the last 6 months about updating
the finace quotes which may help you with this. Search for finance quotes on
the user forum should return them. If notit will be a new bug

David Cousens

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Re: [GNC] Reconciliation

2019-11-21 Thread David Cousens via gnucash-user
Jack, David

I haven't had to do this for quite a while but to do it you need the
complete set of contiguous statements. For the purposes of description lets
assume my last reconciled statement was to the 20/06/2019 and I am
reconciling the period 21/06/2019 until 20/07/2019 ( date format
dd-mm-).  One of the major difficulties in discussing this is we need to
be very clear whether we are referring to the opening and closing balances 
as reported by the staement and the opening balance (Starting Balance)
calculated by Gnucash and the Reconciled Balance which is the Starting
Balance +- the entries which have been checked  in the Debit and Credit
panes in the reconcile window.

Gnucash calculates the reconciled Starting Balance for the account by
summing forward all splits to the account you are reconciling which are
marked as reconciled ('y') since you created the account and started posting
transactions to it.  

If your reconciliation to 20/06/2019 was correct, all the splits to the
reconciled account up to and including should be marked 'y' and the figure
reported as the Starting Balance in the opening dialog of the reconciliation
procedure should be the closing balance of the statement ending on the
20/06/2019. No transactions recorded after 20/06/2019 should be marked as
'y', they should be either 'n' or 'c'.

If this is not the case, then there is a problem with the reconciliation
before 20/06/2019. What can happen to put the reconcile Starting Balance  in
GnuCash out compared to the Closing Balance from the statement at

1) a transaction prior to 20/06/2019 which was previously marked reconciled
has been unmarked; or
2) a transaction prior to 20/06 2019 has been deleted;
3) a transaction prior to 20/06/2019 has been added and somehow marked as

You can only set the reconciliation flag in the reconciliation process (but
you can unset it by editing the split in the register tab)  and an added
transaction which is not marked as reconciled will not be included in the
reconcile Starting Balance total. 

It will still change the account balance but not the reconciled account
balance and it will appear at the top of the Credits pane (Accounting labels
in use) in the reconcile window and will not have the R checkbox checked.

If I were to check it and then complete the rest of the reconcile process (I
would have to omit reconciling another transaction for the same amount in
the period 21/06/2019 20/07/2019 and/or add a balancing transaction (Balance
button in the toolbar) to actually achieve this, I could create a situation
where the statementstarting balance at 20/06/2019 is different from the
Starting Balance the reconcile process calculates at 20/06/2019. Having
reconciled to 20/07/2019 to see this balance in the reconcile information
window I would have to unreconcile the transactions between 21/06/2019 and
20/07/2019 as otherwise they will be included in the reconcile Starting
Balance calculation. If we do this  now the statement starting balance for
21/06/2019-20/07/2019 and the reconcile Starting Balance will now differ by
the amount of this transaction.

If you are going to check the previously reconciled account value in this
case the value at 20/06/2019 you would need to mark any transaction splits
between 20/05/2019 and 20/06/2019 as unreconciled and then perform the
reconciliation for 21/05/2019 to 20/06/2019 entering the statement Closing
Balance at the 20/06/2019 as the Ending Balance. If its reconcile window
Starting balance agrees with the statement opening balance for 21/05/2019 to
20/06/2019 then you are good at 21/05/2019 and you can just reconcile
forward.  If not then the error lies before 21/05/2019 and you need to
unreconcile back to 20/04/2019 and repeat the check and so forth until you
eventually find the offending transaction.

My apologies for being long winded and pedantic. The above is my method of
last resort. I usually carry out a scan of the transactions in the register
previously reconciled looking for any unreconciled splits and check for any
wierd dates (I once managed to create an entry for 2005 when my Gnucash
records were only for 2009 forward with a mistype and hitting Enter before
checking also mm-dd-yyy and dd-mm-yyy swaps can occur even with imported
transactions). I have also resorted to reconciling other accounts which have
transactions into the account i have problems with. Of course it only works
where you can get statements for the other accounts and is not guaranteed to
find anything.

I also never use GnuCash's automatic selection of transaction splits to mark
them as reconciled. I uncheck all checked debits and credits (click in the
pane and then Ctrl_A to select all and then the Unreconcile Selection button
in the toolbar) in the reconcile window before starting and manually check
them off against the statement individually. I'm an accountant by training
and pedantic by nature and my purpose in doing a reconciliation

Re: [GNC] Reconciliation

2019-11-21 Thread David Cousens via gnucash-user

> I would also want a flag of some
>sort in the account tab for each account register that has a pending edit.
>That should catch the complex window cases.

One obvious flag here could be to change the colour of the text in the
register tab header while a transaction 
 in is open for editing in that register. i don't know how hard that would
be to implement as I am not currently very familiar with the register code
but it is probably easier to do than  a procedure to check all open
registers for pending edits.

>If there is a pending edit in the account being reconciled, I suspect it
>is handled correctly, but what if there is a pending edit in one of the
>'other' account split lines?

I'm not sure what happens in this case. I am about to bring my accounts up
to date and reconcile them for the last 3 months so I will try and check it
out while doing that. 

I would presume the reconciliation would access the unedited data until the
other account edit is closed.  If the reconciliation is completed and then
the edit is completed, it might cause a problem as any split's data can be
modified from the another register including a split which has been
reconciled in that process. If I remember correctly the transaction save
procedure should flag it if a save is gong to change a reconciled split. It
may be possible to flag in the reconciliation window that a split being
reconciled belongs to a transaction which is opened for editing in any
register by a similar color or backgrond color change.

David Cousens

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Re: [GNC] journal entries

2019-08-11 Thread David Cousens via gnucash-user

The following section in the GnuCash help manual gives the details of
creating a transaction entry in GnuCash

It assumes that you have the register (table of transactions for a specific
account) open.  You can do this in the Accounts tab which is the first
window GnuCash opens at by double clicking on a specific account, e.g. an
Asset:Current Assets: Checking Account if you have initially created a
default Common Account heirarchy when you first opened GnuCash.

Gnucash is a formal double entry accounting package. To use it effectively
you will need at least some basic information on double entry accounting
which is presented in the section headed The Basics in the Getting Started
section of the guide
( that
John referred you to earlier.  

The help manual referenced above is a description of the GnuCash interfaces
and how to use them  while the Tutorial and Concepts guide is more oriented
at how to perform common  accounting functions using GnuCash.

To track a single expense you will require a minimum of two accounts, one
Asset account to record where the cash (e.g. Asset:CurrentAssets:Cash in
Wallet) you are paying for drugs is coming from and an Expense account to
record your purchases of drugs from the pharmacy (e.g.
Expense:Pharmacy:Drugs) and each purchase is recorded as taking money from
your cash account ( a credit to it) and a corresponding debit entry to the
Expense:Pharmacy:Drugs accountto record receiving the drugs in return for
the money.  

If this is the only expenditure you really want to track GnuCash will
possibly be overkill for you and a simple spreadsheet may better meet your

David Cousens

David Cousens
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Re: [GNC] transaction not appear

2019-07-22 Thread David Cousens via gnucash-user
A common problem often occurs with date entry. At one stage 4 digit dates
were not recognized automatically and a date enterd in 2018 coiuld appear in
a year '20 for example. The other possibility is the d-m-y or m-d-y 
ambiguity which can put transactions in the wrong month. GnuCash appears to
be pretty good at setting up locales in the V3 series  and interpreting date
formats but it is worth checking the preferences (
Edit->Preferences->Date_Time tab ).

David Cousens

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Re: [GNC] Concern with the lengthy list of "Known Issues"

2019-07-21 Thread David Cousens via gnucash-user

I have been using GnuCash 3.6 on Linux Mint 19.1 since it was released (and
most of the V3 releases usually within a few days of their release) without
any significant issues at all. My usage is mainly for personal accounting
but I do use  a subset of the business features as well for a couple of
small ventures. The early V3.x versions certainly had a few more serious
issues but nearly all could be worked around fairly easily. Those have
largely been eliminated over the first 3-4 releases in the series.  The vast
majority of the list of remaining  issues largely qualify as minor
inconveniences and do not affect the core functionality of GnuCash. Others
with more demanding use of GnuCash than mine may disagree however.

The major issue with the shift from the 2.6 series to the v3 series is the
change in location of the configurations and the need to copy any stored
reports etc from the old location to the new location. These changes are
described in the wiki and there are posts in the GnuCash User archive 
around the issues with stored reports.

David Cousens

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