Re: [GNC] OneDrive and GnuCash

2022-01-18 Thread Gerald
I use gnucash in Windows 10 in my OneDrive folder.  Occasionally (less that
once a month) I'll get a file locked message when starting GC but I just
delete the lock file in the folder and it's all fine.

Aside from that I have no other file or save issues.

I also backup the GC folder in OneDrive to Google Drive, because I'm

On Tue, 18 Jan 2022, 19:01 Jesse MacDougall, 

> Are you running gnu cash locally and the data from onedrive?
> I have not used one drive personally but I did use Quickbooks to Dropbox in
> real time and that was total fail.
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 10:52 AM David Carlson <
> wrote:
> > Are there any GnuCash users that store their data files in One Drive?
> >
> > Are there any issues slow response or keeping a few weeks of backup and
> log
> > files?
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Re: [GNC] Does anyone produce a "UK balance sheet" (FRS 102) ?

2021-12-10 Thread Gerald
This isn't going to be within the realm of GC, but as a UK finance director
here is how I would do it.

- Give 'account codes' to all of your balance sheet accounts (you'll see
this in Edit Account, it isn't used by default)
- Update the Account Summary report to display account codes
- Copy/paste the Account Summary into Excel / Google Sheets
- Use SUMIF formulas to collate the totals and create a balance sheet

I do something very similar with my personal balance sheet, which I update
monthly in Sheets and compare against a very optimistic retirement plan!
By using account codes the balance sheet still works when I add new
accounts in GC, as long as I use an account code that is already
summarised.  e.g. all of my bank accounts have account code 20.
Adding another bank account with code 20 will automatically be included in
the total for cash.

All the best

On Sat, 11 Dec 2021 at 00:42, Dr. David Kirkby <> wrote:

> I realise this is not something the developers can realistically do, but I
> wonder if anyone has configured GnuCash to produce a balance sheet that
> looks like one that would be submitted to Companies House in the UK? (I
> attached a copy of mine, without obfuscating it, since the data can be
> found online at Companies House).
> Whenever I pick up a book on accounting, it normally shows something like
> this.
> 1) Adds up all the fixed assets, and gives a total for fixed assets.
> 2) Adds up all the current assets, and gives a total for current assets
> 3) Adds the fixed and current assets to get a total of *all *assets
> That all seems very logical to me.
> *But a balance sheet submitted to Companies House does not show the total
> assets.* One would have to get a calculator out to work them out, by adding
> the fixed assets and current assets.  I thought this very weird, and
> perhaps just a bizarre way my accountant produces the balance sheet, so I
> checked another UK company. That was exactly the same. The balance sheet is
> prepared in accordance with FRS 102. That's a 404 page document
> with numerous amendments (some related to coronavirus). Realistically,
> that's only going to be readable by someone with a good knowledge of
> accounting - not an engineer/scientist like me. So I did not bother looking
> at that.
> Looking down the balance sheet for my company I see the following in order
> 1) Tangible Fixed Assets
> 2) Current Assets
> 3) Creditors amounts falling due within one year.
> 4) Net current liabilities (that's equal to #2 - #3)
> 5) Total assets less current liabilities (that's #1 + #2 - #3)
> 6) Provision for liabilities  - I can't work out how that's calculated, but
> I see it is of uncertain timing and amounts. I guess I should ask my
> accountant how he came up with the figure. (*With the usual disclaimers,
> does anyone know whether that would be sensibly listed in GnuCash as a
> liability, despite its only an estimate?*)
> 7) Net assets (I can't work out how that's arrived at)
> 8) Shareholders - same as net assets.
> I think I will write myself a computer program, that tries every
> combination of figures to arrive at others. I think if I add every
> combination, I will get there eventually. I have a computer with two
> 26-core CPUs and 384 GB RAM, so I should just about have enough computer
> power. 😂
> I'm thinking there's a good chance that someone in the UK has decided to
> make his/her balance sheet the same, despite it seems rather obscure.
> Dave
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[GNC] How to save Accounts to External Drive

2021-10-26 Thread Gerald Smith
How do you save accounts to an external drive?
G. Smith
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Re: [GNC] Credit Card Rewards Refund

2021-10-14 Thread Gerald
I also treat it as miscellaneous income, and account for it when received,
as a welcome windfall.

You COULD allocate it against the credit card expenditure, as negative
expense, which would be more realistic, but I like seeing a windfall gain
once a year and then treat myself accordingly.  Note that in some tax
jurisdictions it could be treated as taxable income.

On Thu, 14 Oct 2021 at 14:07, Steve Welch via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> Because the rewards aren’t necessarily attributable to any one expense (or
> to split them out proportionately would be a whole lot of work), I always
> book them to miscellaneous income.  I also include that income when I
> budget.
> Hope that helps,
> Steve
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Oct 14, 2021, at 8:34 AM, rsbrux via gnucash-user <
>> wrote:
> >
> > I have a credit card which, like a few others, accrues a small
> percentage (1-2%) of the amounts spent as a rebate.  The rebate isn't
> subtracted from each charge, but accumulates in the card account as "Reward
> Points" until I cash them in.  The amount is then credited to the card
> account as a payment.  Should such payments be recorded as income or as a
> negative expense?
> >
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[GNC] Income statement report change

2021-08-07 Thread Gerald

I am trying to modify the standard Income statement report to show the
account code.  This option is available in the standard Account Summary
report but not the Income Statement.

With a lot of help from the wiki I got as far as replicating the standard
report and adding a boolean option to show account code.  But it is only a
tickbox option that doesn't actually do anything!

I have now reached the limit of my technical ability and need some help
with making the option actually change the report produced.

Ideally the result will be just like the Account Summary report, ie the
account code is the first column then the account title.  However, it could
be any column as long as it is tabular.

Is anyone able to help with the report code change required?

Many thanks
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[GNC] Scheduled Transactions

2021-04-12 Thread Gerald Ellis
I have received 2 suggestions on this problem and I am going to try the
one from Mr. Brown first as it seems the easiest and simplest.  Thank
you both for your assistance.

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[GNC] Scheduled Transactions

2021-04-11 Thread Gerald Ellis
I have a scheduled transaction for my weekly contribution to the
church.  I make this contribution by check each week.  I can not find a
way to get the scheduler to add the next available check number so I
have been adding it manually after the transaction posts.  The problem
is that the system does not recognize the addition of the check number
and when I enter another check the next number is always the number of
the last check entered by the scheduler and needs to be "stepped up" to
the correct number manually.  Is there some way to get the scheduler to
enter the correct check number with the transaction or to get the
number entered manually to be remembered?

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Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 213, Issue 50

2021-01-01 Thread Gerald Ellis
 not remove the shares.  For example, I put -2000
> > shares in and $0.00 in cost and zero under the sell column.  After I
> > hit enter, the shares show 1980 not zero.  How do I get rid of this
> > stock?
> Why would you want to remove it? Use the Price database to set its value 
> to zero. The Portfolio reports will not include it unless you 
> specifically select it.
> Regardless of their value, you still own those shares - and will always 
> own them. So you can't sell them - either in real life or in GnuCash.
> Cam
> --
> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 00:40:51 -0500
> From: Jean-David Beyer 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Bankrupt stock
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>    On 12/30/20 12:10 AM, Cam Ellison wrote:
>  On 2020-12-29 14:18, smada46 wrote:
>  I have a stock that went bankrupt, i.e. zero value.  I have tried
>  repeatedly to remove the stock by selling the shares at $0.00 per
>  share, but no matter what combination I use, it changes the cost or
>  amount so it does not remove the shares.  For example, I put -2000
>  shares in and $0.00 in cost and zero under the sell column.  After I
>  hit enter, the shares show 1980 not zero.  How do I get rid of this
>  stock?
>  Why would you want to remove it? Use the Price database to set its
>  value to zero. The Portfolio reports will not include it unless you
>  specifically select it.
>  Regardless of their value, you still own those shares - and will
>  always own them. So you can't sell them - either in real life or in
>  GnuCash.
>    I had a stock that went bankrupt. My broker allowed me to sell it to
>    him for a pittance (a few cents for the lot). So I do not own those
>    shares anymore and no longer appear on my broker's web site or my
>    monthly statements.
> --
>   .~.  Jean-David Beyer
>   /V\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
>  /( )\ Red Hat Enterprise Linux
>  ^^-^^ up 1 day, 13 hours, 17 minutes
> --
> Message: 5
> Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 17:22:11 +1100
> From: 
> To: "'Cam Ellison'" ,  "'smada46'"
> Cc: , "'gnucash-user'"
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Bankrupt stock
> Message-ID: <001801d6de74$1da6eda0$58f4c8e0$>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Well, depending where you live,  I think you might want to "dispose" of
> delisted and worthless shares so that you can capture the capital loss for
> tax purposes.
> In the asset account linked to this one security ... I would create a new
> transaction - for the Shares (where "" is the total shares you own),
> and $0.00 for the price - that's it (ie, nothing under Transfer because
> there are no proceeds, nothing entered in Sell).
> This results in net balance of exactly 0 shares for the asset account linked
> to the security.
> You should then be able to scrub the account (to capture the capital loss
> for the disposed shares).
> I tried this just now it and it all seems to work.
> Finally, you can hide the asset account if you never want to be reminded of
> that bad investment again.
> -Original Message-
> From: gnucash-user  On
> Behalf Of Cam Ellison
> Sent: Wednesday, 30 December 2020 4:11 PM
> To: smada46 
> Cc:; gnucash-user
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Bankrupt stock
> On 2020-12-29 14:18, smada46 wrote:
> > I have a stock that went bankrupt, i.e. zero value.  I have tried 
> > repeatedly to remove the stock by selling the shares at $0.00 per 
> > share, but no matter what combination I use, it changes the cost or 
> > amount so it does not remove the shares.  For example, I put -2000 
> > shares in and $0.00 in cost and zero under the sell column.  After I 
> > hit enter, the shares show 1980 not zero.  How do I get rid of this 
> > stock?
> Why would you want to remove it? Use the Price database to set its value to
> zero. The Portfolio reports will not include it unless you specifically
> select it.
> Regardless of their value, you still own those shares - and will always own
> them. So you can't sell them - either in real life or in GnuCash.
> Cam
> ___
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[GNC] Printing

2020-12-29 Thread Gerald Ellis
How can I get gnucash to recognize my HP4500 printer through CUPS and
attached to a USB port?

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[GNC] Problems with v3.3

2018-12-10 Thread Gerald Harris

I updated to version 3.3 yesterday. Currently I am having significant 
difficulties with the formatting of account registers. The three columns 
appearing at the right of the register (for an Asset account these are labelled 
with Increase, Decrease and Balance) all have sufficient width to show values 
up to 9.999,99€ (my locale is Germany). For some accounts that contain entries 
for more than 10k€ this is extremely irritating and a significant handicap 
since the left-most digits of the value are clipped. I have been unable to find 
a hint or tip on how to change the column width for registers. Several things 
that I have tried seem to make the situation even worse.

This is such a large handicap, that I may be forced to downgrade to a previous 
version. Can anyone help?

Best regards / Mit freundlichem Gruss,
Gerald Harris
Am Talblick 1
76359 Marxzell, Germany

tel: +49 152 5672 8209
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. -- Pablo Picasso

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[GNC] Fwd: Incorrect Current Value for stock

2018-10-15 Thread Gerald Mathias
"Please remember to copy the list on all replies.

"John Ralls"

Oops! I have seen that reminder so many times! Maybe redundant now:

Thank you for that. I need to go through Chapter 9, Investments, very
carefully. I removed the latest price (user:price, as opposed to
user:split-register and Finance::Quote for earlier prices) and got rid of
the extra six million dollars but I find lots of mysteries in the Price
Database besides just how that crazy price got there in the first place.

On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 7:04 AM John Ralls  wrote:

> > On Oct 14, 2018, at 4:35 PM, Gerald Mathias  wrote:
> >
> > My Stock pages have "Current Value: " followed by a dollar amount at the
> > bottom. The dollar amount in all but five cases is exactly the same as
> the
> > "Buy" entry above.
> >
> > In four cases "Current Value" and "Buy" figures are rather different, but
> > not shockingly so.Please remember to copy the list on all replies.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> >
> > In the fifth case, I have "Shares 120; Price 100.57; Buy 12,068.40." Then
> > "Current Value: $6,852,000.00." I'm pretty sure that is wrong, but what
> is
> > causing the error?
> The current value is the number of shares times the latest price in the
> price database, so open Tools>Price Database and check the prices for that
> stock.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
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[GNC] Incorrect Current Value for stock

2018-10-15 Thread Gerald Mathias
My Stock pages have "Current Value: " followed by a dollar amount at the
bottom. The dollar amount in all but five cases is exactly the same as the
"Buy" entry above.

In four cases "Current Value" and "Buy" figures are rather different, but
not shockingly so.

In the fifth case, I have "Shares 120; Price 100.57; Buy 12,068.40." Then
"Current Value: $6,852,000.00." I'm pretty sure that is wrong, but what is
causing the error?
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[GNC] Failure to maintain check numbering

2018-04-24 Thread Gerald Ellis
I am running GNUCash 2.6.20 on a Linux PC.  I have set up a scheduled
transaction to enter my church contribution into my checking account
every sunday.
My problem is I cannot get the scheduled transaction to enter the next
check number and have to go into the program and enter the number
manualy.  That is
not to much of a problem except that the next time I need to enter a
check the same number I entered for the contribution comes up and I
have to manualy move
up one number to keep from having duplicate check numbers in the
Any and all help will be appriciated.

Gerald Ellis

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Re: Messed up file names

2018-01-20 Thread Gerald Mathias
"If, by restore, you mean open a different file then use File > Open in
GC.  Then once you are happy that you have the current file open use File >
Save As to save it with an appropriate name and then it should re-open that
one in future.  Keep an eye on the name in the title bar if ever you are
concerned about which file you have open."

Actually, I meant "restore the missing transactions," thinking that some of
those single-dated files had info the newer ones don't, but that is
probably not the case. All missing stuff is still on the Raspberry-Pi I had
copied from, and I'll just have to redo them by hand, I guess. Something I
read in either gnucash-help or the manual-with-tutorial seems to say I
could just copy to switch to a new computer, but I don't think doing that
now is really an option. So, thank you, I'm ready to "Save As."

On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 11:27 PM, Colin Law  wrote:

> On 20 January 2018 at 02:24, Gerald Mathias  wrote:
>> My thanks to Derek Atkins for some good pointers (and thank you, too, Bert
>> Riding). I'm not sure whether I will finally be able to digest the
>> suggestions sufficiently.
>> Derek said, "On November 15 at 16:19 you made some changes to the file,
>> which generated the log file mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161913.log and a
>> backup file mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161913.gnucash  (which does not
>> appear in your listing, but must exist somewhere)."
>> Maybe somewhere, but as of today, not in /Finances/mygnucash. I did a
>> search and came up empty.
>> I always open gnucash by clicking its icon in Applications > Office >. I
>> use Ubuntu 16.04.) That icon has been there since I installed the program,
>> and I don't know yet how to control what it opens. Maybe when I do the
>> "Save to" bit, but you suggest I save that for after fixing everything
>> else.
> When you open gnucash by clicking the icon it will open whatever file you
> had open last. If you use Save As to save it as a new name then the file
> that is open is the the one with the new name, so if you close GC and
> reopen it later then it will open the saved as one, not the original.  Also
> if you open GC by clicking on a gnucash file or if you open a file by using
> File > Open inside GC then that file becomes the current one, so again if
> you close GC and reopen it then it will open that file rather than any
> other file you previously had open.  It displays the name of the file in
> the title bar so you can always see which file you have open.
>> I have dozens of normal-name .log and .gnucash files from 16 Oct to 15
>> Nov,
>> then nine double-dates from 31 Dec to 09 Jan. After that, loads of files
>> "Date Modified" 14 Jan, single-dated from 20171229 to 20180111, but out of
>> order. Includes one simple mygnucash.gnucash. The last three on 14 Jan are
>> double-dates, and those 20171115s continue through 19 Jan (today, although
>> I haven't actually make any gnucash entries today).
>> I've been reading how to restore, including the references you provided,
>> but I won't try until I can see my way past a "warning" or two.
> If, by restore, you mean open a different file then use File > Open in
> GC.  Then once you are happy that you have the current file open use File >
> Save As to save it with an appropriate name and then it should re-open that
> one in future.  Keep an eye on the name in the title bar if ever you are
> concerned about which file you have open.
> Colin
>> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 4:19 PM, Derek Atkins  wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > On Thu, January 18, 2018 8:30 pm, Gerald Mathias wrote:
>> > > I guess I did something dumb. I wanted to move my GnuCash to a new
>> > > computer, so I copied over the mygnucash folder. Now the new files
>> come
>> > > out
>> > > with these weird names:
>> > >
>> > > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.20180115171928.gnucash
>> > > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.20180115171929.log
>> > > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.20180116114841.log
>> > > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.20180116115105.gnucash
>> > > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.20180116115105.log
>> > > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.LCK
>> > > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161913.log
>> > > mygnucash.gnucash.20171229114235.log
>> > >
>> > > I guess November 15 is the date I did the copy. Is

Re: Messed up file names

2018-01-19 Thread Gerald Mathias
My thanks to Derek Atkins for some good pointers (and thank you, too, Bert
Riding). I'm not sure whether I will finally be able to digest the
suggestions sufficiently.

Derek said, "On November 15 at 16:19 you made some changes to the file,
which generated the log file mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161913.log and a
backup file mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161913.gnucash  (which does not
appear in your listing, but must exist somewhere)."

Maybe somewhere, but as of today, not in /Finances/mygnucash. I did a
search and came up empty.

I always open gnucash by clicking its icon in Applications > Office >. I
use Ubuntu 16.04.) That icon has been there since I installed the program,
and I don't know yet how to control what it opens. Maybe when I do the
"Save to" bit, but you suggest I save that for after fixing everything else.

I have dozens of normal-name .log and .gnucash files from 16 Oct to 15 Nov,
then nine double-dates from 31 Dec to 09 Jan. After that, loads of files
"Date Modified" 14 Jan, single-dated from 20171229 to 20180111, but out of
order. Includes one simple mygnucash.gnucash. The last three on 14 Jan are
double-dates, and those 20171115s continue through 19 Jan (today, although
I haven't actually make any gnucash entries today).

I've been reading how to restore, including the references you provided,
but I won't try until I can see my way past a "warning" or two.

On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 4:19 PM, Derek Atkins  wrote:

> Hi,
> On Thu, January 18, 2018 8:30 pm, Gerald Mathias wrote:
> > I guess I did something dumb. I wanted to move my GnuCash to a new
> > computer, so I copied over the mygnucash folder. Now the new files come
> > out
> > with these weird names:
> >
> > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.20180115171928.gnucash
> > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.20180115171929.log
> > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.20180116114841.log
> > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.20180116115105.gnucash
> > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.20180116115105.log
> > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.LCK
> > mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161913.log
> > mygnucash.gnucash.20171229114235.log
> >
> > I guess November 15 is the date I did the copy. Is there any way to get
> > rid
> > of that part of the naming process?
> Basically, you started with a file named mygnucash.gnucash -- your main
> data file.
> On November 15 at 16:19 you made some changes to the file, which generated
> the log file mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161913.log and a backup file
> mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161913.gnucash  (which does not appear in your
> listing, but must exist somewhere).
> Then on December 29 you made another change, which resulted in the log
> file mygnucash.gnucash.20171229114235.log.  There should have also been an
> equivalent backup file.
> THEN, on January 15 at 17:19, you made a mistake.  Instead of opening your
> main data file, mygnucash.gnucash, you opened the BACKUP FILE from
> November 15.  This resulted in the log file
> mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.20180115171929.log and backup
> file mygnucash.gnucash.20171115161912.gnucash.20180115171928.gnucash.  The
> backup was clearly saved one second before the log.
> Then you used the SAME file again on Jan 16 at 11:51.
> This means you effectively forked your data.  Anything you entered between
> November 15 and January 15 was "lost" in the fork.  It's still out there,
> like the December 29 log file.
> But this all happened because you opened the wrong file -- you opened up a
> backup file instead of your main data file.
> > I had also considered starting over, from 2018-01-01 on the new computer.
> > Maybe that is the better option? Would simply erasing all the current
> > accounts and setting them up anew do the trick?
> While that is an option, there is no need to do that.
> First, you need to understand how gnucash stores logs and backup files.
> See
> gnucash_and_.log_files_filling_up_my_directory.3F
> and
> getting_longer_and_longer.3F
> Once you fix your data loss problem (most likely you could do this by
> replaying the log files) then you can just rename your file back to your
> main data file.  I recommend you just File -> Save As from within GnuCash.
> Good Luck!
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek
> --
>Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
>Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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Messed up file names

2018-01-18 Thread Gerald Mathias
I guess I did something dumb. I wanted to move my GnuCash to a new
computer, so I copied over the mygnucash folder. Now the new files come out
with these weird names:


I guess November 15 is the date I did the copy. Is there any way to get rid
of that part of the naming process?

I had also considered starting over, from 2018-01-01 on the new computer.
Maybe that is the better option? Would simply erasing all the current
accounts and setting them up anew do the trick?
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2018-01-01 Thread Gerald Ellis
I receive an error message "Alphavantage API Key not set".  I have
retrieved the Free API Key but am not sure how to Set It.  Any help?

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