[GNC] Tutorial for moving stock between accounts?

2018-12-30 Thread Jon Leech
Are there any written or video tutorials for moving shares between
stock accounts? There's very little about this in the manual or the list
archives, and my attempts end up subtracting shares from one account and
adding what appears to be USD to the other account.
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Re: [GNC] Tutorial for moving stock between accounts?

2018-12-31 Thread Jon Leech
David Cousens wrote:
> It is not very clear what situation you are dealing with. One would not
> usually move stock from one account to another as such. Their purchase or
> sale would normally be recorded in an Asset:Invetment account of type Stock.
> What you are recording is the exchange of money to or from your bank account
> (another asset account) when you sell or buy the stock. If you are buying
> and selling on overseas exchanges then you will have currency exchange
> considerations as well.

I do know how to record purchase and sale of securities, but that's
not what I'm asking about.

In this case I have literally moved the securities, by transferring
shares directly from one broker to another. No purchase or sale
occurred, and the basis information of the transferred shares is
unchanged (albeit only a portion of the shares in the source account
were transferred).

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Re: [GNC] Tutorial for moving stock between accounts?

2019-01-01 Thread Jon Leech
David Cousens wrote:
> In that case it is fairly simple. If you open the transaction in the account
> register they are in then edit the account entry split which debits them to
> that account and just select the new account you want to move them to in the
> drop down list. If you click on another transaction you will then get a
> dialog asking whether you want to confirm the changes. This will remove the
> transaction from that register. If you then open the new account  register
> you should see the transaction in the register for the new account.

That would work if I were transferring all of the shares in the
account to another account. But I'm only moving a portion of them (which
I don't think I previously made clear - sorry for that). It may be that
I end up having to synthesize new transactions that didn't actually
occur to accomplish this (e.g. breaking the original purchase into two
parts for the shares transferred / remaining), but I'd prefer the
gnucash history to reflect actual events insofar as possible.

There is very little about this topic in the mailing list archives.
The last time someone asked was about 5 years ago, AFAICT, and it
doesn't seem like the program is more capable in this area than it was
in 2013. But I am hoping someone else has addressed this specific
problem and documented how they accomplished it.

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Re: [GNC] Tutorial for moving stock between accounts?

2019-01-02 Thread Jon Leech
On Tue, Jan 01, 2019 at 10:35:03AM +, David T. wrote:
> What part of creating a transaction that moves shares from the old account to 
> the new account does not work? It would seem to me that:
> Old account decrease 100 shares
> New account add shares
> Would work just fine.

Could you give a bit more detail? The way I know to 'decrease' or
'increase' shares is by Selling or Buying them in a split transaction,
which also involves a cash account from which fees or proceeds are
handled. But here the shares are moving between accounts, and no cash is

Maybe a framework for this is to say that I want to adjust the share
count in the two security accounts in much the same way I adjust the
cash value in two cash accounts - by moving the underlying commodity
(shares or cash, respectively) between them.

It might be more clear what I'm trying to accomplish, and why I'm
stymied, if I show a couple of screenshots of a failed attempt. Attached
src.jpg is of an account containing 33 shares of CEG (let's leave aside
that the security no longer exists - this is only for demonstration
purposes). dst.jpg shows another account denominated in the same
security, and I'd like to transfer 13 of those 33 shares to it.

Just to get the share counts correct, it seemed obvious to enter a
transaction where I Transfer from the src to dst account, and enter a
negative number of shares. This *does* adjust the share count correctly
on the src side, but on the dst side (dst.gif) instead of showing a
number of *shares* transferred, it shows a 'Buy' of 13.00 and zero
resulting shares.

I have also attempted to do this with a split, but (a) AFAICT
there's no 'Action' in a split that relates to transferring shares
between accounts - there are 'Sell', 'Buy', 'Fee', things related to
dividends and capital gains, etc. - and (b) it insists on forcing a
monetary Price on the transaction which makes the split imbalanced, even
though no money whatsoever is involved.

So this is why I'm hoping to find an actual detailed example of how
to accomplish this transfer in the gnucash framework. I appreciate the
responses, but none of it quite seems to speak to the thing I'm trying
to accomplish - or I don't yet understand what people are saying I
should do.

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Re: [GNC] Tutorial for moving stock between accounts?

2019-01-02 Thread Jon Leech
On Wed, Jan 02, 2019 at 05:38:13PM +0530, D wrote:
> Jon,
> I can't test this right now, since I'm not at my machine...
> Try this:
> Open your source account.
> Move to the entry point in the register.
> Click the 'Split' button. Enter your description.
> Tab to the Shares field in the first split and type -13.
> Tab to the price field and type 0.
> Now, use **tab** to move to the Transfer field on the second line, set it to 
> your destination account and tab to shares and type 13.
> Does that work?

Thanks! This works, for the most part. The share counts in source
and destination accounts are altered correctly, which is enough to let
me do what I need. It does set a Price of 1 for the second line and a
Tot Buy of 13.00, and then creates a new Imbalance line in the split
with a Tot Sell of 13.00.

I cannot change the Price to 0 on the second line, unlike the first.
Trying it results in it immediately being restored to 1, so the
Imbalance seems unavoidable. I can set the Price to a non-zero number
and make gnucash recalculate the Tot Buy / Imbalance fields, but that
seems pointless, since there is no actual Price or cash associated with
this transaction.

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Re: [GNC] Tutorial for moving stock between accounts?

2019-01-03 Thread Jon Leech
(BTW, sorry for messing up the threading. I have had a pending
subscription request since before I started this thread, which still
hasn't been approved, so I'm limited to responding to messages that are
CCed directly to me, or cutting and pasting other content from the web

Christopher Lam wrote:
> There may not be any internal technical restrictions preventing you from
> directly decreasing the share count of a share account, and increasing in
> another.
> However this is pretty much uncharted territory when it comes to reports
> and reporting assumptions.
> Typically I'd expect someone who tries to move shares between brokers to be
> liquidating their brokerage account, record any capital gains or losses,
> and immediately buy shares in the other account.

I don't know how typical my use case is, but that seems like an
unwise thing to do, in general. I wouldn't want to realize capital gains
or losses solely as a side effect of moving shares from one broker to

All brokers I have accounts with have a process for directly
transferring shares, usually just filling out a web form identifying the
other broker and the specific shares / lots to transfer.

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