Re: [GNC] Scheduled Transactions creating but not posting in register

2022-03-09 Thread dennis adams
Have still been unable to get Gnucash to write to Terminal using  
/Applications/ to open with the variable you 
provided.  Was able to see trace file by following  
"/var/folders/ms/pc_fwkwn16nds1fhz45ztmphgp/T/gnucash.trace” path in Finder 
rood directory.  First time there was no .trace file.  Opened GC and file was 
immediately created, but it was empty.  I made some changes and saved GC and 
closed.  The file then contained data.  I have attached the file in hopes it 
will show what is wrong with scheduled transactions being created but not 
posting to the register.
On another thought, I am running GC4.8.  If I install GC4.9 will whatever the 
scheduled transaction issue carry over to the new version (ie is it in my data 
file) or will it resolve because instructions for scheduled transactions are in 
the program?

On Mar 7, 2022, at 22:27, john>> 

On Mar 7, 2022, at 7:03 PM, 

I also opened GnuCash in the Terminal hoping to see what happened when it 
opened.  Gnucash opened, but I got no output using command:

open -a

Is there something else I need to add to this command to get terminal output 
when opening Gnucash from Terminal?

Using the `open` command in Terminal is the same as double-clicking its icon in 
Finder: It tells Launch Services to start GnuCash either with no stdin, stdout, 
or stderr or with stdout and stderr connected to depending on macOS 
version. To have a stdin, stdout, and stderr connection to the shell running in 
Terminal you must run GnuCash directly; if you installed it in /Applicattions 
you'd use

By default GnuCash writes its log to a file named gnucash.trace. This is most 
easily accessed using an environment variable $TMPDIR, so you could use
  less $TMPDIR/gnucash.trace
to read it. On macOS and other unix platforms it is overwritten with every 
launch of GnuCash. You can read more about it at

To get GnuCash to write to the terminal, pass --logto=stderr on the terminal 
command above. More information about how to configure logging may be found at

John Ralls

'Gnucash.trace file Data 3-9-22 1003.pdf
Description: 'Gnucash.trace file Data 3-9-22 1003.pdf
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Re: [GNC] No Stock Quotes - OS Monterey, Gnucash 4.8(Build ID: 4.8a+(2021-09-28))

2022-02-12 Thread dennis adams
It is finally working.  Tried the “gnc-fq-dump -v yahoo_json XOM” command a few 
times and always got same “Internal Server” error.  Tried “sudo cpan” to start 
download of Mozilla::CA process with same results stating “ running another 
cpan process” despite finding no cpan running processes in Activity Monitor and 
eventually using “sudo killall cpan”.  Finally just told it to overwrite the 
lock file.  Once that was done, ran the “install Mozilla::CA” command which it 
did and after that quote download worked.  I’ve attached the Terminal dump in 
case you are interested.  Again, I appreciate all your help and patience and 
David R’s help

On Feb 11, 2022, at 15:12, John Ralls>> wrote:


Please remember to copy the list on all replies.

No, "internal server error" indicates that something went wrong on 
Alphavantage's end. Try again after a few minutes or using yahoo_json instead:

 Applications/ -v yahoo_json XOM

John Ralls

On Feb 11, 2022, at 1:38 PM, 


Ran gnc-fq-check.  Version 1.51 no errors.  The example in Wiki showed an error 
message about a missing Mozilla/  Since no error I didn’t run Mozilla::CA 
update figuring I had certificates and that wasn’t the current problem.
Ran gnc-fq-dump for stock XOM with result indicating the Alphavantage key was 

dwa1@dwa1 ~ % /Applications/ -v 
alphavantage XOM
ERROR: ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY *must* be set for currency quotes and
stock quotes with source 'alphavantage' or 'vanguard'; see
dwa1@dwa1 ~ %

However, in checking GC Preferences, Online quotes, the Alpha Vantage API Key 
is there.  So I tried using it in the Helper dump script per the WIKI:
/Applications/ -v alphavantage 
XOM” with the following Terminal results:

dwa1@dwa1 ~ % ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY= 
/Applications/ -v alphavantage XOM
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
   symbol: XOM (deduced)<=== required
 date: ** missing **<=== recommended
 currency: ** missing **<=== required
 last: **missing**  <=\
  nav: **missing**  <=== one of these
price: **missing**  <=/
 timezone:  <=== optional

** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!

All fields returned by Finance::Quote for stock XOM

stock   field  value
-   -  -
XOM  errormsg: Internal Server Error
XOM  last: **missing**
XOM   nav: **missing**
XOM price: **missing**
XOM   success: 0

dwa1@dwa1 ~ %

So even though I have the Alphavantage key in place, it is somehow not being 
seen and appears to be the current problem.


john jralls at
Fri Feb 11 00:01:27 EST 2022

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You can examine the running processes in /Applications/Utilities/Actiivity 
Monitor and kill them from there, or you can just nuke the lot with
 sudo killall cpan
if you're reasonably sure that there shouldn't be any left running.

John Ralls

Install Mozilla--CA 2-12-22.pdf
Description: Install Mozilla--CA 2-12-22.pdf
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Re: [GNC] No Stock Quotes - OS Monterey, Gnucash 4.8(Build ID: 4.8a+(2021-09-28))

2022-02-10 Thread dennis adams
d “xcrun” and got 
the following which I guess says I have both “make” and “xcrun”.

Last login: Thu Feb 10 07:21:15 on console

dwa1@dwa1 ~ % -rwxr-xr-x 1 dwa1@dwa1 ~ % -rwxr-xr-x 1 dwa1@dwa1 ~ %

ls -l /usr/bin/make
root wheel 167072 Jan 22 00:42 /usr/bin/make

ls -l /usr/bin/xcrun
root wheel 166544 Jan 22 00:42 /usr/bin/xcrun

One of the errors at the end of a previous terminal output for 
“/Applications/” was:

xcrun: error: invalid active developer path 
(/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools ), missing xcrun at: 

In Finder, I went to /Library/Developer but there was no “Command Line Tools 
folder.  I know you said I wouldn’t see /usr/bin with Finder, but shouldn’t 
there at least be a Command Line Tools folder under Developer?

Regarding installation.  When I installed Xcode, I let it install where it 
wanted to (Applications) without changing the name.  I did what you suggested 
and ran “sudo xcode-select -s /Path/to” anyway with the following 

dwa1@dwa1 ~ % sudo xcode-select -s /Path/to Password:
xcode-select: error: invalid argument ''
Usage: xcode-select [options]

Print or change the path to the active developer directory. This directory 
controls which tools are used for the Xcode command line tools (for example, 
xcodebuild) as well as the BSD development commands (such as cc and make).

-h, --help
-p, --print-path
-s , --switch  --install

developer tools -v, --version -r, --reset

dwa1@dwa1 ~ %

print this help message and exit
print the path of the active developer directory set the path for the active 
developer directory open a dialog for installation of the command line

print the xcode-select version
reset to the default command line tools path

I then tried to run “sudo xcode-select -p —print-path” and got the 
same “error: invalid argument ‘’

I then ran “export PATH=“$PATH:/Path/to/" 
and got a “dquote>” prompt.  I then typed in “gnc-fq-update”, “sudo 
gnc-fq-update’, “run gnc-fq-update” and the full path 
“/Applications/” sequentially, 
all with the same result, it just reverted to the “dquote>” prompt.  So 
apparently, I am not doing this correctly.

On Feb 9, 2022, at 21:51, john>> 

Your dump looks pretty much llke a rerun of the same problem except that now 
you also have an SSL certificate problem.

/usr/bin is right where you'd expect it, but you can't see it with Finder, only 
from the terminal. For example you can type
 ls -l /usr/bin/make
and if it's there get back something like
 -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  167088 Dec  7 15:39 /usr/bin/make*

Did you install Xcode in /Applications without messing with the name? If not 
you might try
sudo xcode-select -s /Path/to
making the obvious substitution.
Or, since something seems confused, maybe run that even if you *did* install it 
in /Applications.

Since make is in the Xcode bundle you might be able to work around the problem 
for Finance::Quote with
export PATH="$PATH:/Path/to/"
and then running gnc-fq-update again.

John Ralls

On Feb 9, 2022, at 8:05 PM, dennis adams>> wrote:

John, thanks for the response.  I believe I have the full XCode (32GB worth) 
but don’t know for sure since I don’t use it.  I only have it because of GC.  I 
hadn’t opened it but did after your response and told it to install the 
“additional components”.  After that, I ran the “gnc-fq-update” command again 
and got the “You need to install the following Perl modules: Finance::Quote” 
result when I ran a check, like before.  Terminal info is attached.  (Note: I 
changed the GC app name from Gnucash to just so you will 
see that change in the sudo command line).

You stated that on your mac, “xcrun” and “make”are in the /usr/bin.  Not sure 
where that is but I right clicked the xCode app and then clicked show contents. 
 With this following path:   I did find 
“make” but did not find “xcrun”.  Is that the correct location where they 
should be?  There are a lot of other xc—— commands but no “xcrun”

You stated I could install command-line tools by running  “xcode-select 
—install”.  Even though I think I have the full xCode with 32.12 GB, I went 
ahead and ran the command.  Since I am on slow DSL (2.87Mbps) it showed 215 
hours remaining to download so I stopped it.

Any other thoughts or ways to get “xcrun”?

On Feb 9, 2022, at 18:54, john>> 

On Feb 9, 2022, at 1:36 PM, dennis adams>> wrote:

Upgraded to Monterey (V12.2) and got black screen for GC.  Read mailing list 
and saw  where I needed to get GC 4

Re: [GNC] No Stock Quotes - OS Monterey, Gnucash 4.8(Build ID: 4.8a+(2021-09-28))

2022-02-10 Thread dennis adams
Thanks for the info.  I ran the commands and the terminal dump is attached.  
Basically, said it failed during command: ABH/Mozilla-CA-20211001.tar.gz.  One 
thing I did note is that at the very end is the exact same error statement as I 
get when I run gnc-fq-update.  So I seem to have some sort of path error.

On Feb 10, 2022, at 12:08, David Reiser>> wrote:
The entities mentioned in this thread are all Perl modules, so they are 
installed via CPAN.

I usually launch CPAN with ’sudo cpan’ so I can get help when I botch a command.

Once in cpan, ‘install Mozilla::CA’ should work.
Dave Reiser<>

On Feb 10, 2022, at 1:51 PM,<> 

Hi David,

 Per your suggestion, I tried  to install the certificate collection by typing 
“sudo install Mozilla::CA” and got the following:

dwa1@dwa1 ~ % sudo install Mozilla::CA
usage: install [-bCcpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode]
   [-o owner] file1 file2
   install [-bCcpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode]
   [-o owner] file1 ... fileN directory
   install -d [-v] [-g group] [-m mode] [-o owner] directory ...
dwa1@dwa1 ~ %

Obviously I need more or different information to get and install Mozilla::CA.  
I’m really out of my element here so if you can provide the actual command I 
need to use I would appreciate it.

On Feb 9, 2022, at 22:39, David Reiser>> wrote:

Matthias Fasching noted last summer that he needed to install Mozilla::CA to 
get quotes working for him in Big Sur.

That missing certificate collection was what had been keeping my office mac 
from being able retrieve quotes for at least a couple Gnucash versions.
That change was after dealing with the B::Keywords test failures and needing to 
upgrade the Test2 module.

Dave Reiser<>

On Feb 9, 2022, at 11:51 PM, john>> wrote:

Your dump looks pretty much llke a rerun of the same problem except that now 
you also have an SSL certificate problem.

/usr/bin is right where you'd expect it, but you can't see it with Finder, only 
from the terminal. For example you can type
  ls -l /usr/bin/make
and if it's there get back something like
  -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  167088 Dec  7 15:39 /usr/bin/make*

Did you install Xcode in /Applications without messing with the name? If not 
you might try
 sudo xcode-select -s /Path/to
making the obvious substitution.
Or, since something seems confused, maybe run that even if you *did* install it 
in /Applications.

Since make is in the Xcode bundle you might be able to work around the problem 
for Finance::Quote with
 export PATH="$PATH:/Path/to/"
and then running gnc-fq-update again.

John Ralls

On Feb 9, 2022, at 8:05 PM, dennis adams>> wrote:

John, thanks for the response.  I believe I have the full XCode (32GB worth) 
but don’t know for sure since I don’t use it.  I only have it because of GC.  I 
hadn’t opened it but did after your response and told it to install the 
“additional components”.  After that, I ran the “gnc-fq-update” command again 
and got the “You need to install the following Perl modules: Finance::Quote” 
result when I ran a check, like before.  Terminal info is attached.  (Note: I 
changed the GC app name from Gnucash to just so you will 
see that change in the sudo command line).

You stated that on your mac, “xcrun” and “make”are in the /usr/bin.  Not sure 
where that is but I right clicked the xCode app and then clicked show contents. 
 With this following path:   I did find 
“make” but did not find “xcrun”.  Is that the correct location where they 
should be?  There are a lot of other xc—— commands but no “xcrun”

You stated I could install command-line tools by running  “xcode-select 
—install”.  Even though I think I have the full xCode with 32.12 GB, I went 
ahead and ran the command.  Since I am on slow DSL (2.87Mbps) it showed 215 
hours remaining to download so I stopped it.

Any other thoughts or ways to get “xcrun”?

On Feb 9, 2022, at 18:54, john> 
<>> wrote:

On Feb 9, 2022, at 1:36 PM, dennis adams> <>> 

Upgraded to Monterey (V12.2) and got black screen for GC.  Read mailing list 
and saw  where I needed to get GC 4.8 which I did.  Installed 4.8 and GC came 
up and displayed correctly but am now unable to get stock quotes.  The Price 
Database Get Quotes button is greyed out.

Went to Applications, GC 4.8, Contents, Resources, bin and clicked on 
gnc-fq-check which said:


Re: [GNC] No Stock Quotes - OS Monterey, Gnucash 4.8(Build ID: 4.8a+(2021-09-28))

2022-02-09 Thread dennis adams
John, thanks for the response.  I believe I have the full XCode (32GB worth) 
but don’t know for sure since I don’t use it.  I only have it because of GC.  I 
hadn’t opened it but did after your response and told it to install the 
“additional components”.  After that, I ran the “gnc-fq-update” command again 
and got the “You need to install the following Perl modules: Finance::Quote” 
result when I ran a check, like before.  Terminal info is attached.  (Note: I 
changed the GC app name from Gnucash to just so you will 
see that change in the sudo command line).

You stated that on your mac, “xcrun” and “make”are in the /usr/bin.  Not sure 
where that is but I right clicked the xCode app and then clicked show contents. 
 With this following path:   I did find 
“make” but did not find “xcrun”.  Is that the correct location where they 
should be?  There are a lot of other xc—— commands but no “xcrun”

You stated I could install command-line tools by running  “xcode-select 
—install”.  Even though I think I have the full xCode with 32.12 GB, I went 
ahead and ran the command.  Since I am on slow DSL (2.87Mbps) it showed 215 
hours remaining to download so I stopped it.

Any other thoughts or ways to get “xcrun”?

On Feb 9, 2022, at 18:54, john>> 

On Feb 9, 2022, at 1:36 PM, dennis adams>> wrote:

Upgraded to Monterey (V12.2) and got black screen for GC.  Read mailing list 
and saw  where I needed to get GC 4.8 which I did.  Installed 4.8 and GC came 
up and displayed correctly but am now unable to get stock quotes.  The Price 
Database Get Quotes button is greyed out.

Went to Applications, GC 4.8, Contents, Resources, bin and clicked on 
gnc-fq-check which said:

“Last login: Wed Feb 9 13:18:07 on ttys000
/Applications/Gnucash\ ; exit; 
dwa1@dwa1 ~ % /Applications/Gnucash\
; exit;
You need to install the following Perl modules: Finance::Quote
Use your system's package manager to install them, or run 'gnc-fq-update' as 
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files... ...completed.
[Process completed] “

I had old version of XCode which didn’t work with Monterey so updated to 
version 13.2.1 and then ran “sudo /Applications/Gnucash\ update”.  Terminal info from that run is 
attached, but basically it didn’t work since when I ran the gnc-fq-check again, 
I got the same message as above.

I’m well out of my depth with all this and not sure where to go from here.  The 
Terminal information does not really make sense to me but there were several 
statements like “missing xcrun at: 
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun “  and “the following files 
are missing in your kit: .travis.yml “ as well as others

It would seem that if I had all the FQ commands in 
/Applications/Gnucash\ xxx then I have FQ 
installed but the check says no.  Don’t know where to go from here.  Any help 
would be appreciated.

Most of the modules failed to install and it looks like it was because there 
was no `make` either on the path or in the command-line tools directory. You 
could install command-line tools by running
 xcode-select --install
but that should be superfluous if you've installed the full Xcode. Having 
installed it have you run it so that it can install it's "additional 
components"? On my mac xcrun and make are in /usr/bin.

John Ralls

Update4 FQ 2-9-22.pdf
Description: Update4 FQ 2-9-22.pdf
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[GNC] No Stock Quotes - OS Monterey, Gnucash 4.8(Build ID: 4.8a+(2021-09-28))

2022-02-09 Thread dennis adams
Upgraded to Monterey (V12.2) and got black screen for GC.  Read mailing list 
and saw  where I needed to get GC 4.8 which I did.  Installed 4.8 and GC came 
up and displayed correctly but am now unable to get stock quotes.  The Price 
Database Get Quotes button is greyed out.

Went to Applications, GC 4.8, Contents, Resources, bin and clicked on 
gnc-fq-check which said:

“Last login: Wed Feb 9 13:18:07 on ttys000
/Applications/Gnucash\ ; exit; 
dwa1@dwa1 ~ % /Applications/Gnucash\
; exit;
You need to install the following Perl modules: Finance::Quote
Use your system's package manager to install them, or run 'gnc-fq-update' as 
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files... ...completed.
[Process completed] “

I had old version of XCode which didn’t work with Monterey so updated to 
version 13.2.1 and then ran “sudo /Applications/Gnucash\ update”.  Terminal info from that run is 
attached, but basically it didn’t work since when I ran the gnc-fq-check again, 
I got the same message as above.

I’m well out of my depth with all this and not sure where to go from here.  The 
Terminal information does not really make sense to me but there were several 
statements like “missing xcrun at: 
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun “  and “the following files 
are missing in your kit: .travis.yml “ as well as others

It would seem that if I had all the FQ commands in 
/Applications/Gnucash\ xxx then I have FQ 
installed but the check says no.  Don’t know where to go from here.  Any help 
would be appreciated.

Update3 FQ 2-9-22.pdf
Description: Update3 FQ 2-9-22.pdf
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[GNC] Trial Balance Error

2021-05-23 Thread dennis adams
I recently ran a Trial Balance report for the first time.  Debits and credits 
different by tens of thousands.  Most problems were easy to find and got the 
difference down to about $161.50.  I walked the difference first by year, then 
by month and then by day until I found the day where it went from balanced 
(11/19/20) to unbalanced (11/20/20).  Then ran a transaction report for 
11/20/21.  There were only two, sale of a stock and a dividend for another 

The dividend entry had a debit with a corresponding credit in the correct 
accounts.The stock sale proceeds showed a debit for my sweep account 
(asset) but no credit for any other account although it showed a credit for the 
number of shares sold.  Checked the stock account and sweep account and 
everything looked good.  I ran a balance sheet for the day and assets minus 
liabilities equaled total equity.  Finally, I did a side by side, line by line 
comparison of the 11/19/20 and 11/20/20 Trial Balance reports.  Everything 
matched perfectly with the exception of the bank sweep account and the stock 
dividend account which reflected the transactions for 11/20/20.  The only other 
differences was the unrealized gains for stocks and the daily downloaded stock 
prices from 11/19/20 to 11/20/20.  I do not know what else to do to try to find 
the error.  Any thoughts or recommendations?

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