Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2024-08-15 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2024 15 Aug 11:42 -0500, Gere Kiss Zsolt wrote:
> Can you please elaborate?

As I noted in my first reply on this topic, a bug report submitted to
Ubuntu so the package maintainer can check to see if there is an error
with the packaging may be useful. 22.04 is stated to be an LTS so Ubuntu
should respond as it is supported until 2027.

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
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[GNC] (no subject)

2024-08-15 Thread Gere Kiss Zsolt
> Is that the full list or did you truncate the *.py files?

Not the full list. That is:

$ ls -l /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gnucash
total 1532
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 581 aug1  2021
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root4271 aug1  2021
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   16059 szept 26  2021
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   14464 aug1  2021
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1040712 febr   9  2022 _
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  277919 febr   9  2022
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   39185 aug1  2021
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 493 aug1  2021
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root4096 aug   11 15:47 __pycache__
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   59848 febr   9  2022 _
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   89640 febr   9  2022 _

I'm still leaning toward an issue specific to the Ubuntu 22.04 packages.

Can you please elaborate?



„We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one.”
-- Confucius
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[GNC] (no subject)

2024-05-28 Thread Peter Klassen
Hi Derek

Once again your response was excellent. I have a combined tax table but how
do I split the tax to show separately at the end of the invoice for all the
pardon my ignorance.

Peter Klassen
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[GNC] (no subject)

2023-12-16 Thread was698002 via gnucash-user
 Can confirm that error persists as of 12/16/2023 and says- 
>We're unable to complete your request. To download USAA account transactions 
>into Quicken, you'll need to verify your information. Get Access ID and PIN 
and that clicking that address results ib-
error    "invalid_request"
error_description    "Validation error"

  1. Re:  USAA OFX Direct Connect stopped working (john)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 09:23:32 -0800
From: john 
To: John Haiducek 
Cc: GNU Cash User 
Subject: Re: [GNC] USAA OFX Direct Connect stopped working
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=us-ascii

> On Dec 14, 2023, at 20:43, John Haiducek  wrote:
> Downloading transactions from USAA accounts stopped working for me today.
> In the past I've been able to restore access by following the instructions
> at and
> getting an accessid from or
> However, now both of
> those websites redirect to a page that returns the following in JSON:
> {
> "error": "invalid_request",
> "error_description": "Validation error"
> }
> Does anyone know a workaround for this? Is there an updated URL I can use?

I had the same problem yesterday. I worked around it by downloading a CSV of 
the transactions from the account and importing that instead.

It's possible that it's just a glitch that will get corrected in a few days. If 
not we'll need someone with Quicken and Wireshark to snarf the new secret 

John Ralls


|  | |

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[GNC] (no subject)

2023-08-01 Thread Paras Desai
Hello sirs

I am using GNUcash, i have encountered two problems

1. Posting of share purchase through stock assist not working. After I enter 
all details, i get no errors. Then i press apply, and when i check back the 
stock ledger or Bank account, no transaction is posted. I have to post the 
share purchase ttadrional ways with split account

2. Stock prices are not updating regularly. It updates randomly. Some times 
only few stock updates,some time nothing happens.

I am from India and i have configured PROPERLY the online quote.

Are these bugs? Or am I missing something?

Will appreciate your kind support



>From India
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[GNC] (no subject)

2022-10-22 Thread WD
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[GNC] (no subject)

2022-04-26 Thread Fred Tydeman
I would like to produce reports that show:
  money spent on meals, hotels, ...
  money spend on various trips

In Quicken, the transactions were coded as:
using both Categories (what) and Classes (which trip, if any).
I understand the Classes are not currently supported in gnucash.

In gnucash, I can see two ways to do the setup:
But, there might be a better way.  Suggestions?

If I do either of those two setups, will I be
able to produce all the reports I want?
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2022-02-22 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

On 2/22/2022 1:31 PM, Steve Butler wrote:

Please plan a compressive backup strategy for your entire system.  Include
email, Libre Office documents, other misc files and not just GnuCash.

That way it won't matter where files are "hidden" as you will have a
complete backup strategy that isn't specific to any particular application.

I second that. Your problem is not how to back up all of your gnucash 
data but ALL of your user data. You need a comprehensive plan. As for 
where your user data is, going to be somewhere in your user directory. 
If you make a backup of that, you have made a backup of all your user data.

Your real decisions should be things like "how often do I make backups" 
and how long each type kept. Thus I keep "year end" backups forever, the 
monthly backups for more than a year.  If you are also making more 
frequent backups think in terms of when they would be have been 
duplicated by one of the longer term backups.

Give serious consideration to making copies of the longer term backups 
that can live off site (at least in another building). In 2006 I had a 
house fire. Everything i the room that burned was of course toast, but 
devices and medium in other parts of the house were damaged by smoke and 
water. Only about half  back-up data could be recovered (and my 
insurance DID have coverage to pay a data recovery lab to try). :Learned 
my lesson. Now a second copy (another external drive) "lives" in a fire 
box inside a dead fridge in the barn-garage.


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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2022-02-22 Thread davidcousens49
On Tue, 2022-02-22 at 10:49 -0700, Mario Nigrovic wrote:
> Many years ago, I had used gnucash, and was pretty happy with it. I was
> very careful to make regular backups of my data, and so, when my disk
> inevitably crashed, I was not too worried. However, I was mortified to
> discover that, although all my transaction data had been saved, all my
> custom reports were lost, as they had been stored separately in a secret
> undisclosed location, I later discovered to be elsewhere in my home
> directory.

The locations are neither secret or undisclosed although they may not have
been documented when you last used GnuCash.  

User preference settings however are stored in a different manner on the various
OSs that GNucash runs on.,machine%20to%20migrate%20your%20preferences.&text=On%20Unix%20and%20macOS%20%2C%20these,display%20in%20the%20file%20manager

The location of the data file is a matter of your own choice. Would suggest a
directory/folder for each separate data file/set of books you operate keeping
the backups and log files in the same directory. I have a directory which is the
parent of the separate directories for each set of books which simplifies
backups to NAS and cloud and synchronizing desktop and laptop without having to
specify the individual sub directories.

A full backup would also need to backup the above locations as well as the data
file. Easily done with bash scripts run by cron jobs in Linux.
> Recently, I have decided to try again to use gnucash, but I would like very
> much to ensure ALL my data is backed up. So I hit upon the idea of running
> the tool under a custom value of $HOME, but I was then shocked to discover
> that even with this method, gnucash was able to remember previous locations
> of my database file, which suggests that the tool is also using some kind
> of other mechanism to save historical data, and that makes me very nervous
> about actually being able to do proper backups of everything related to the
> tool.
GnuCash remembers the last location of the last data file opened. This is
intentional behaviour primarily for the convenience of the majority of users. It
is stored as a path to the last file opened and no financial data is stored
anywhere else but in the data file.  You can always use the menu File->Open
dialogue to override and change between different sets of books if you deal with
multiple financial entities.  If you backup the datafile and its local backups
and log files, you can restore to any point in the date range covered. I also
backup to an onsite NAS and off site cloud storage periodically as well as
synchronizing between several computers. This is fairly easy to setup either
with utilities like Unison or with cron jobs running Bash scripts in Linux and
likely with similar utilities on Windows and MacOSX.

> Doing some sleuthing using strace, I was able to find the previous database
> location delivered through some socket connection, and that really scares
> me, since it is now possible critical data is stored via some other Linux
> service and I will have no way to trace out where this may be to avoid
> future nasty surprises.
> I have not seen any documentation about backup strategies other than the
> aromatic saving of previous data files, yet I do see that there was data
> being stored at least in ~/.local, so I'm hoping someone on this list may
> be able to point me to some more thorough discussion of ALL the places user
> data from gnucash may be stored.
See the above links.

David Cousens
> Thanks for your help!
> -- Mario
> -- Mario
> ___
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2022-02-22 Thread Stephen M. Butler

On 2/22/22 11:24, Thomas Boerner wrote:


under Linux Gnucash stores its settings using dconf. You can view them with the 
dconf-editor). Inside dconf you will find your gnucash settings, including the 
file history, under org/gnucash/GnuCash (Older versions of GNC used 
In the filesystem it's in ~/.config/dconf/user, so this is the file you are looking for. 
Since nearly all applications store their user related settings under ~/.config/, it's 
worth a thought to backup this folder entirely (including "hidden" files with 
names starting with a period).
But I agree Steve that it's an even better idea to backup your whole home 
directory on a regular base.


I added these commands to my .profile file so the backup will even get a 
list of current installed packages:

dpkg --get-selections > .BackupInfo/Package.list
rm -rf .BackupInfo/etc-apt/*
cp -R /etc/apt/* .BackupInfo/etc-apt
apt-key exportall > .BackupInfo/Repo.keys 2> /dev/null

So those run every time I log into my user account.  The nightly backup 
(deja vu) sends it's output to a NAS sitting on the network. That NAS is 
backed up regularly to off-line storage in one of my out-buildings.

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2022-02-22 Thread David Carlson

The GnuCash developers are not keeping any secrets about where your data is
stored.   If you read your help manual and refer to the very detailed FAQ
on the website you will find out that GnuCash stores some "user" type
information in a location separate from your data.

Your custom report settings and other settings that could apply to multiple
data sets if you have any  and seldom change after you set them up are

It is not a secret location known only to Linus Pauling and a few of his

Over the years the details have evolved and they vary depending on the
operating system environment and GnuCash release schedule.

There are instructions on what is stored,  where it is stored and how to
back it up.

There are also instructions for migrating the settings from one OS to
another  should you ever need them.

I don't think they suggest a specific backup schedule,  but if you rarely
change your saved report settings,  then once a month would probably work
fine.  For me, twice a year and after I change my datakeeping habits is

On Tue, Feb 22, 2022, 12:32 PM Steve Butler  wrote:

> Please plan a compressive backup strategy for your entire system.  Include
> email, Libre Office documents, other misc files and not just GnuCash.
> That way it won't matter where files are "hidden" as you will have a
> complete backup strategy that isn't specific to any particular application.
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2022, 09:51 Mario Nigrovic  wrote:
> > Many years ago, I had used gnucash, and was pretty happy with it. I was
> > very careful to make regular backups of my data, and so, when my disk
> > inevitably crashed, I was not too worried. However, I was mortified to
> > discover that, although all my transaction data had been saved, all my
> > custom reports were lost, as they had been stored separately in a secret
> > undisclosed location, I later discovered to be elsewhere in my home
> > directory.
> >
> > Recently, I have decided to try again to use gnucash, but I would like
> very
> > much to ensure ALL my data is backed up. So I hit upon the idea of
> running
> > the tool under a custom value of $HOME, but I was then shocked to
> discover
> > that even with this method, gnucash was able to remember previous
> locations
> > of my database file, which suggests that the tool is also using some kind
> > of other mechanism to save historical data, and that makes me very
> nervous
> > about actually being able to do proper backups of everything related to
> the
> > tool.
> > Doing some sleuthing using strace, I was able to find the previous
> database
> > location delivered through some socket connection, and that really scares
> > me, since it is now possible critical data is stored via some other Linux
> > service and I will have no way to trace out where this may be to avoid
> > future nasty surprises.
> > I have not seen any documentation about backup strategies other than the
> > aromatic saving of previous data files, yet I do see that there was data
> > being stored at least in ~/.local, so I'm hoping someone on this list may
> > be able to point me to some more thorough discussion of ALL the places
> user
> > data from gnucash may be stored.
> > Thanks for your help!
> >
> > -- Mario
> >
> > -- Mario
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
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> >
> > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> > for more information.
> > -
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> >
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2022-02-22 Thread Thomas Boerner

under Linux Gnucash stores its settings using dconf. You can view them with the 
dconf-editor). Inside dconf you will find your gnucash settings, including the 
file history, under org/gnucash/GnuCash (Older versions of GNC used 
In the filesystem it's in ~/.config/dconf/user, so this is the file you are 
looking for. Since nearly all applications store their user related settings 
under ~/.config/, it's worth a thought to backup this folder entirely 
(including "hidden" files with names starting with a period).
But I agree Steve that it's an even better idea to backup your whole home 
directory on a regular base.


Am Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022, 18:49:42 CET schrieb Mario Nigrovic:
> Many years ago, I had used gnucash, and was pretty happy with it. I was
> very careful to make regular backups of my data, and so, when my disk
> inevitably crashed, I was not too worried. However, I was mortified to
> discover that, although all my transaction data had been saved, all my
> custom reports were lost, as they had been stored separately in a secret
> undisclosed location, I later discovered to be elsewhere in my home
> directory.
> Recently, I have decided to try again to use gnucash, but I would like very
> much to ensure ALL my data is backed up. So I hit upon the idea of running
> the tool under a custom value of $HOME, but I was then shocked to discover
> that even with this method, gnucash was able to remember previous locations
> of my database file, which suggests that the tool is also using some kind
> of other mechanism to save historical data, and that makes me very nervous
> about actually being able to do proper backups of everything related to the
> tool.
> Doing some sleuthing using strace, I was able to find the previous database
> location delivered through some socket connection, and that really scares
> me, since it is now possible critical data is stored via some other Linux
> service and I will have no way to trace out where this may be to avoid
> future nasty surprises.
> I have not seen any documentation about backup strategies other than the
> aromatic saving of previous data files, yet I do see that there was data
> being stored at least in ~/.local, so I'm hoping someone on this list may
> be able to point me to some more thorough discussion of ALL the places user
> data from gnucash may be stored.
> Thanks for your help!
> -- Mario
> -- Mario
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
> for more information.
> -
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2022-02-22 Thread Adrien Monteleone


The wiki describes all locations used by GnuCash for each OS. You can 
use that info to fine tune your backups.


On 2/22/22 11:49 AM, Mario Nigrovic wrote:

Many years ago, I had used gnucash, and was pretty happy with it. I was
very careful to make regular backups of my data, and so, when my disk
inevitably crashed, I was not too worried. However, I was mortified to
discover that, although all my transaction data had been saved, all my
custom reports were lost, as they had been stored separately in a secret
undisclosed location, I later discovered to be elsewhere in my home

Recently, I have decided to try again to use gnucash, but I would like very
much to ensure ALL my data is backed up. So I hit upon the idea of running
the tool under a custom value of $HOME, but I was then shocked to discover
that even with this method, gnucash was able to remember previous locations
of my database file, which suggests that the tool is also using some kind
of other mechanism to save historical data, and that makes me very nervous
about actually being able to do proper backups of everything related to the
Doing some sleuthing using strace, I was able to find the previous database
location delivered through some socket connection, and that really scares
me, since it is now possible critical data is stored via some other Linux
service and I will have no way to trace out where this may be to avoid
future nasty surprises.
I have not seen any documentation about backup strategies other than the
aromatic saving of previous data files, yet I do see that there was data
being stored at least in ~/.local, so I'm hoping someone on this list may
be able to point me to some more thorough discussion of ALL the places user
data from gnucash may be stored.

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2022-02-22 Thread Steve Butler
Please plan a compressive backup strategy for your entire system.  Include
email, Libre Office documents, other misc files and not just GnuCash.

That way it won't matter where files are "hidden" as you will have a
complete backup strategy that isn't specific to any particular application.

On Tue, Feb 22, 2022, 09:51 Mario Nigrovic  wrote:

> Many years ago, I had used gnucash, and was pretty happy with it. I was
> very careful to make regular backups of my data, and so, when my disk
> inevitably crashed, I was not too worried. However, I was mortified to
> discover that, although all my transaction data had been saved, all my
> custom reports were lost, as they had been stored separately in a secret
> undisclosed location, I later discovered to be elsewhere in my home
> directory.
> Recently, I have decided to try again to use gnucash, but I would like very
> much to ensure ALL my data is backed up. So I hit upon the idea of running
> the tool under a custom value of $HOME, but I was then shocked to discover
> that even with this method, gnucash was able to remember previous locations
> of my database file, which suggests that the tool is also using some kind
> of other mechanism to save historical data, and that makes me very nervous
> about actually being able to do proper backups of everything related to the
> tool.
> Doing some sleuthing using strace, I was able to find the previous database
> location delivered through some socket connection, and that really scares
> me, since it is now possible critical data is stored via some other Linux
> service and I will have no way to trace out where this may be to avoid
> future nasty surprises.
> I have not seen any documentation about backup strategies other than the
> aromatic saving of previous data files, yet I do see that there was data
> being stored at least in ~/.local, so I'm hoping someone on this list may
> be able to point me to some more thorough discussion of ALL the places user
> data from gnucash may be stored.
> Thanks for your help!
> -- Mario
> -- Mario
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information.
> -
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> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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[GNC] (no subject)

2022-02-22 Thread Mario Nigrovic
Many years ago, I had used gnucash, and was pretty happy with it. I was
very careful to make regular backups of my data, and so, when my disk
inevitably crashed, I was not too worried. However, I was mortified to
discover that, although all my transaction data had been saved, all my
custom reports were lost, as they had been stored separately in a secret
undisclosed location, I later discovered to be elsewhere in my home

Recently, I have decided to try again to use gnucash, but I would like very
much to ensure ALL my data is backed up. So I hit upon the idea of running
the tool under a custom value of $HOME, but I was then shocked to discover
that even with this method, gnucash was able to remember previous locations
of my database file, which suggests that the tool is also using some kind
of other mechanism to save historical data, and that makes me very nervous
about actually being able to do proper backups of everything related to the
Doing some sleuthing using strace, I was able to find the previous database
location delivered through some socket connection, and that really scares
me, since it is now possible critical data is stored via some other Linux
service and I will have no way to trace out where this may be to avoid
future nasty surprises.
I have not seen any documentation about backup strategies other than the
aromatic saving of previous data files, yet I do see that there was data
being stored at least in ~/.local, so I'm hoping someone on this list may
be able to point me to some more thorough discussion of ALL the places user
data from gnucash may be stored.
Thanks for your help!

-- Mario

-- Mario
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2021-12-19 Thread davidcousens49

It would appear that you are trying to setup the accounts to reflect the entry
for part 3D of the Statement of Business Activities in the tax form. This is not
the right way to go about setting up a process for obtaining the desired

The opening and closing Inventory values will be derived from the
Assets:Inventory: accounts. The purchase information will Ccome from an Expense
account associated to purchases of inventory. The wage costs will come form an
Expense account for wages associated with the production of your goods for sale.

These accounts should be in their normal positions under the top level accounts
Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income and Expense. Setting up the appropriate
account structure for a manufacturing business is a very specialized endeavour
which will depend upon the structure and operational aspects of the business and
is highly dependent of business taxation rules in your jurisdiction. This is
something you will need professional accounting advice to setup appropriately
for a manufacturing business preferrably from an accountant specialized in cost
management accounting. If you do wish to learn more about it yourself something
like Cost Management - Accounting and Control by Hansen and Mowen is an
appropriate starting point but it starts from an assumption of a good basic
 knowledge of general Financial Accounting (usually comes up 2nd - 3rd year in
an accounting degree course).

Instead of rearranging the accounts,the way to do this is to create a custom
report which extracts the required information from the necessary accounts in
the CoA.

David Cousens 

On Sun, 2021-12-19 at 10:05 -0800, Jesse MacDougall wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Mike.  After reading your message I realize I should
> have shown what I am building this set of Financial Statements(FS) from.
> I am making this set of FS congruent to Canada Revenue Agency's GIFI codes
> for self employment tax payers.
> The .pdf shows the estic I am trying to achieve.
> Does that make sense?
> On Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 7:53 AM Michael or Penny Novack <
>> wrote:
> > On 12/19/2021 2:11 AM, Jesse MacDougall wrote:
> > > I am trying to add a "label"(not sure if that is the right word) on
> > Income
> > > Statement "Cost of Goods Sold" and put accounts under COGS.  Like there
> > is
> > > with "Total Revenue".  What is happening is COGS is a parent account with
> > > sub accounts but I want to make COGS a label.
> > >I am trying to achieve a bolded "COGS" on the IS.  I don't see
> > anywhere
> > > to achieve this.  Been stuck on this a few hours.  I have COGS as a
> > > placeholder currently.  Here is what I see:
> > 
> > You really need to start with a "fundamentals of bookkeeping, an
> > "accounting 101" sort of text.
> > 
> > a) You seem to have some sort of "business" embedded in a set of
> > personal books. I can understand WHY you might want to do that (they
> > share a bank account)
> > 
> > b) I have no idea what your (tax) reporting requirements might be and
> > how that affects "a real business" vs a very much side operation liable
> > to be classed as a "hobby" << important for over here as while both
> > businesses and hobbies pay tax on profits, only businesses can deduct
> > losses from other income >>
> > 
> > c) Inventory should be under assets, expensed as used, not as bought.
> > 
> > d) Because a CoA can have only one structure (one tree hierarchy) when
> > you choose to embed the business books into your personal books you will
> > NOT be able to produce a simple "Statement of Revenues and Expenses".
> > Same with the "Balance Sheet". In other words, you will probably want to
> > run multiple using account selection to disentangle accounts.
> > 
> > Michael D Novack
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >
> > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> > for more information.
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> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> > 
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2021-12-19 Thread R. Victor Klassen
What most people have found - and someone would be sure to say eventually - is 
that to get reports formulated exactly as you want them, you pretty much need 
to export them to a spreadsheet or even a word processor table, and manipulate 
them from there.   GnuCash will handle the numbers, and even give you a number 
of reports, but it won’t give you all the options you need/want regarding 

Regarding the inventory in/out if you have inventory as an asset, then running 
a balance sheet at the start and end of the year will give you the two numbers 
you want.  Not all in one report matching Form T2125, but you need to fill that 
out by hand in the end anyhow.  

There’s a certain amount if creative accounting required for inventory anyhow, 
since you can take raw materials at the price you paid for them and finished 
goods at the price you expect to sell them for, but goods in process is not so 
cut and dried.  If none of your end of year inventory remains by the time you 
file a few months later, you will have real values for everything, but in the 
more likely case, you don’t know how much of that inventory really is worth its 
original value.   I expect GnuCash for things that can really be measured - 
cash, funds in the bank - and treat inventory as something for spreadsheets.  
It’s not that you can’t  do what you’re setting out to do, it’s that GnuCash 
isn’t designed to do full inventory management for you, and if that’s what you 
need, you should find something that is.  If it isn’t what you need, it’s a 
once a year thing to satisfy the CRA, and not worth the detailed tracking that 
following inventory through every transaction would give you.   But that’s a 


> On Dec 19, 2021, at 1:05 PM, Jesse MacDougall  
> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Mike.  After reading your message I realize I should
> have shown what I am building this set of Financial Statements(FS) from.
> I am making this set of FS congruent to Canada Revenue Agency's GIFI codes
> for self employment tax payers.
> The .pdf shows the estic I am trying to achieve.
> Does that make sense?
> On Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 7:53 AM Michael or Penny Novack <
>> wrote:
>> On 12/19/2021 2:11 AM, Jesse MacDougall wrote:
>>> I am trying to add a "label"(not sure if that is the right word) on
>> Income
>>> Statement "Cost of Goods Sold" and put accounts under COGS.  Like there
>> is
>>> with "Total Revenue".  What is happening is COGS is a parent account with
>>> sub accounts but I want to make COGS a label.
>>>   I am trying to achieve a bolded "COGS" on the IS.  I don't see
>> anywhere
>>> to achieve this.  Been stuck on this a few hours.  I have COGS as a
>>> placeholder currently.  Here is what I see:
>> You really need to start with a "fundamentals of bookkeeping, an
>> "accounting 101" sort of text.
>> a) You seem to have some sort of "business" embedded in a set of
>> personal books. I can understand WHY you might want to do that (they
>> share a bank account)
>> b) I have no idea what your (tax) reporting requirements might be and
>> how that affects "a real business" vs a very much side operation liable
>> to be classed as a "hobby" << important for over here as while both
>> businesses and hobbies pay tax on profits, only businesses can deduct
>> losses from other income >>
>> c) Inventory should be under assets, expensed as used, not as bought.
>> d) Because a CoA can have only one structure (one tree hierarchy) when
>> you choose to embed the business books into your personal books you will
>> NOT be able to produce a simple "Statement of Revenues and Expenses".
>> Same with the "Balance Sheet". In other words, you will probably want to
>> run multiple using account selection to disentangle accounts.
>> Michael D Novack
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>> for more information.
>> -
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -- 
> * Please consider adding to your address book.  This
> will be my new address.  This gmail address is being retired.
> ___
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> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
> for more information.
> -
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gnucash-user mail

Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2021-12-19 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

On 12/19/2021 2:11 AM, Jesse MacDougall wrote:

I am trying to add a "label"(not sure if that is the right word) on Income
Statement "Cost of Goods Sold" and put accounts under COGS.  Like there is
with "Total Revenue".  What is happening is COGS is a parent account with
sub accounts but I want to make COGS a label.
   I am trying to achieve a bolded "COGS" on the IS.  I don't see anywhere
to achieve this.  Been stuck on this a few hours.  I have COGS as a
placeholder currently.  Here is what I see:

You really need to start with a "fundamentals of bookkeeping, an 
"accounting 101" sort of text.

a) You seem to have some sort of "business" embedded in a set of 
personal books. I can understand WHY you might want to do that (they 
share a bank account)

b) I have no idea what your (tax) reporting requirements might be and 
how that affects "a real business" vs a very much side operation liable 
to be classed as a "hobby" << important for over here as while both 
businesses and hobbies pay tax on profits, only businesses can deduct 
losses from other income >>

c) Inventory should be under assets, expensed as used, not as bought.

d) Because a CoA can have only one structure (one tree hierarchy) when 
you choose to embed the business books into your personal books you will 
NOT be able to produce a simple "Statement of Revenues and Expenses". 
Same with the "Balance Sheet". In other words, you will probably want to 
run multiple using account selection to disentangle accounts.

Michael D Novack

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[GNC] (no subject)

2021-12-18 Thread Jesse MacDougall
I am trying to add a "label"(not sure if that is the right word) on Income
Statement "Cost of Goods Sold" and put accounts under COGS.  Like there is
with "Total Revenue".  What is happening is COGS is a parent account with
sub accounts but I want to make COGS a label.
  I am trying to achieve a bolded "COGS" on the IS.  I don't see anywhere
to achieve this.  Been stuck on this a few hours.  I have COGS as a
placeholder currently.  Here is what I see:

* Please consider adding to your address book.  This
will be my new address.  This gmail address is being retired.
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[GNC] (no subject)

2021-07-18 Thread ennio maresca
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2021-05-20 Thread DaveC49

The Locations for saved reports changed between V2 and V3 of GnuCash.
Details are given in the Wiki page,gnucash.
I think they relate to Windows 8/10 but not sure about Win 7.  There are
links there  to open diagrams which illustrate the changed locations a bit
more clearly than the text on that page.

David Cousens

Sent from:
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2021-05-20 Thread D. via gnucash-user
So, perhaps you could send a screen shot of your non-working chart of accounts? 
Someone might be able to see what the problem is.

For the record, there is/was a *folder* in windows that was called ".gnucash", 
and the default extension for a gnucash data file is ".gnucash". The former 
included a number of files that controlled the software (such as 
saved-reports.x.x, which contains your saved report settings), while the latter 
is a simple file ("myaccounts.gnucash", for example) stored in a location of 
your choosing. For what it's worth, the location of the settings folder was 
changed between 2.6 and 3.0, I believe. 


 Original Message 
From: Roger Oliver 
Sent: Thu May 20 18:22:13 EDT 2021

Thanks David T.

Puzzling to me too. It dawned on me that the only indication we saw that
the check and repair function was working was that the menus and icons at
the top of the page were grayed out and unavailable. Probably need to give
it more time until those come back to life.

Examining the file without check and repair shows the arrows to the left of
the accounts on the chart of accounts page but they do not respond to a

You are correct, saved reports means adjustments to the existing reports.
We did move the .gnucash file from the old computer to the new before
installing the 3.11 and opening the GnuCash data file. The reports didn't
show up. Wonder if the .gnucash file in Windows 10 has a different name,
maybe GnuCash. At any rate, saved reports were not there when we opened the
data file in 3.11


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 18 May 2021 17:05:58 -0400
From: "D." 
Cc: GnuCash 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Migrating and updating 2.6.21 in Windows 7 to 3.11
in Windows 10 No sub-accounts
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


Your experience is exceptional,? insofar as I've never heard that
particular problem before. Your description is puzzling to me; how is it
that your top level accounts show correct balances, if the subaccounts are
not there? Something is off there...

Here are some ideas:

I'll assume that you closed gnucash after the Check & Repair and restarted
it. I know sometimes that helps unstick things.

Since you're having trouble with the canonical upgrade process, what
happens if you examine the file without performing the Check & Repair?

I am going to assume that your statement that the saved reports are not
important implies that you haven't actually written Scheme-based custom
reports (because if you'd gone down THAT rabbit hole, those reports would
be important to you), but that you have saved a number of standard reports
with basic customization, such as a subset of accounts on an income report,
or a special date range, etc. If that is the case, you could simply copy
{yourfile}.gnucash from the Windows 7 box to the new machine, and open that
with 3.11. Later, you could try to find your saved-reports.2.x fileand copy
it over to the new machine (in the new folder for version 3 and above).

If none of those fix your problem, perhaps you can send a screen shot of
the Chart of Accounts. Maybe that will shed some light...

David T.

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[GNC] (no subject)

2021-05-20 Thread Roger Oliver
Thanks David T.

Puzzling to me too. It dawned on me that the only indication we saw that
the check and repair function was working was that the menus and icons at
the top of the page were grayed out and unavailable. Probably need to give
it more time until those come back to life.

Examining the file without check and repair shows the arrows to the left of
the accounts on the chart of accounts page but they do not respond to a

You are correct, saved reports means adjustments to the existing reports.
We did move the .gnucash file from the old computer to the new before
installing the 3.11 and opening the GnuCash data file. The reports didn't
show up. Wonder if the .gnucash file in Windows 10 has a different name,
maybe GnuCash. At any rate, saved reports were not there when we opened the
data file in 3.11


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 18 May 2021 17:05:58 -0400
From: "D." 
Cc: GnuCash 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Migrating and updating 2.6.21 in Windows 7 to 3.11
in Windows 10 No sub-accounts
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


Your experience is exceptional,? insofar as I've never heard that
particular problem before. Your description is puzzling to me; how is it
that your top level accounts show correct balances, if the subaccounts are
not there? Something is off there...

Here are some ideas:

I'll assume that you closed gnucash after the Check & Repair and restarted
it. I know sometimes that helps unstick things.

Since you're having trouble with the canonical upgrade process, what
happens if you examine the file without performing the Check & Repair?

I am going to assume that your statement that the saved reports are not
important implies that you haven't actually written Scheme-based custom
reports (because if you'd gone down THAT rabbit hole, those reports would
be important to you), but that you have saved a number of standard reports
with basic customization, such as a subset of accounts on an income report,
or a special date range, etc. If that is the case, you could simply copy
{yourfile}.gnucash from the Windows 7 box to the new machine, and open that
with 3.11. Later, you could try to find your saved-reports.2.x fileand copy
it over to the new machine (in the new folder for version 3 and above).

If none of those fix your problem, perhaps you can send a screen shot of
the Chart of Accounts. Maybe that will shed some light...

David T.
gnucash-user mailing list
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[GNC] (no subject)

2020-08-18 Thread Frederick Bambrough
The 'GnuCash Guide' and 'GnuCash Help' files are missing from Resources in
GnuCash 4.1-2, macOS.

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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2020-02-16 Thread varda241 via gnucash-user
Gnucash 2.6 .19Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
 Original message From: David Carlson 
 Date: 2/16/20  6:15 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: varda241 
 Cc: Subject: Re: [GNC] (no subject) 
What version of GnuCash are you using and how did you install it?What folder 
did you use for your data file?David Carlson On Sun, Feb 16, 2020, 4:55 PM 
varda241  wrote:Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy 
Tablet Original message From: David Carlson 
 Date: 2/16/20  2:52 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: Varda 
Rotenberg  Cc: Subject: Re: [GNC] 
(no subject) The setting sticks for each account once set.  The setting in 
preferences applies the first time the account is opened.David Carlson On Sun, 
Feb 16, 2020, 1:49 PM Varda Rotenberg via gnucash-user 
 wrote:Once in a while, I loose the double line on 
account. The option is checked at register default ,but I still get the single 
lines only. I use the double line for memos. What can be done?thanks, Varda
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Thank you. So far, I saved the settings, closed the app, rebooted the computer, 
clicked on gnucash and when it came up, there no double line. I work in ubuntu 

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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2020-02-16 Thread varda241 via gnucash-user
Gnucash 2.6 .19Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
 Original message From: David Carlson 
 Date: 2/16/20  6:15 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: varda241 
 Cc: Subject: Re: [GNC] (no subject) 
What version of GnuCash are you using and how did you install it?What folder 
did you use for your data file?David Carlson On Sun, Feb 16, 2020, 4:55 PM 
varda241  wrote:Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy 
Tablet Original message From: David Carlson 
 Date: 2/16/20  2:52 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: Varda 
Rotenberg  Cc: Subject: Re: [GNC] 
(no subject) The setting sticks for each account once set.  The setting in 
preferences applies the first time the account is opened.David Carlson On Sun, 
Feb 16, 2020, 1:49 PM Varda Rotenberg via gnucash-user 
 wrote:Once in a while, I loose the double line on 
account. The option is checked at register default ,but I still get the single 
lines only. I use the double line for memos. What can be done?thanks, Varda
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Thank you. So far, I saved the settings, closed the app, rebooted the computer, 
clicked on gnucash and when it came up, there no double line. I work in ubuntu 

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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2020-02-16 Thread David Carlson
What version of GnuCash are you using and how did you install it?

What folder did you use for your data file?

David Carlson

On Sun, Feb 16, 2020, 4:55 PM varda241  wrote:

> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy Tablet
>  Original message 
> From: David Carlson 
> Date: 2/16/20 2:52 PM (GMT-05:00)
> To: Varda Rotenberg 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] (no subject)
> The setting sticks for each account once set.  The setting in preferences
> applies the first time the account is opened.
> David Carlson
> On Sun, Feb 16, 2020, 1:49 PM Varda Rotenberg via gnucash-user <
>> wrote:
>> Once in a while, I loose the double line on account. The option is
>> checked at register default ,but I still get the single lines only. I use
>> the double line for memos. What can be done?thanks, Varda
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
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>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>> for more information.
>> -
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>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> Thank you. So far, I saved the settings, closed the app, rebooted the
>> computer, clicked on gnucash and when it came up, there no double line. I
>> work in ubuntu 18.4
> Varda
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2020-02-16 Thread varda241 via gnucash-user
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy Tablet
 Original message From: David Carlson 
 Date: 2/16/20  2:52 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: Varda 
Rotenberg  Cc: Subject: Re: [GNC] 
(no subject) The setting sticks for each account once set.  The setting in 
preferences applies the first time the account is opened.David Carlson On Sun, 
Feb 16, 2020, 1:49 PM Varda Rotenberg via gnucash-user 
 wrote:Once in a while, I loose the double line on 
account. The option is checked at register default ,but I still get the single 
lines only. I use the double line for memos. What can be done?thanks, Varda
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Thank you. So far, I saved the settings, closed the app, rebooted the computer, 
clicked on gnucash and when it came up, there no double line. I work in ubuntu 
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2020-02-16 Thread varda241 via gnucash-user
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy Tablet
 Original message From: David Carlson 
 Date: 2/16/20  2:52 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: Varda 
Rotenberg  Cc: Subject: Re: [GNC] 
(no subject) The setting sticks for each account once set.  The setting in 
preferences applies the first time the account is opened.David Carlson On Sun, 
Feb 16, 2020, 1:49 PM Varda Rotenberg via gnucash-user 
 wrote:Once in a while, I loose the double line on 
account. The option is checked at register default ,but I still get the single 
lines only. I use the double line for memos. What can be done?thanks, Varda
gnucash-user mailing list
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Thank you. So far, I saved the settings, closed the app, rebooted the computer, 
clicked on gnucash and when it came up, there no double line. I work in ubuntu 
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2020-02-16 Thread David Carlson
The setting sticks for each account once set.  The setting in preferences
applies the first time the account is opened.

David Carlson

On Sun, Feb 16, 2020, 1:49 PM Varda Rotenberg via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> Once in a while, I loose the double line on account. The option is checked
> at register default ,but I still get the single lines only. I use the
> double line for memos. What can be done?thanks, Varda
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
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> -
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[GNC] (no subject)

2020-02-16 Thread Varda Rotenberg via gnucash-user
Once in a while, I loose the double line on account. The option is checked at 
register default ,but I still get the single lines only. I use the double line 
for memos. What can be done?thanks, Varda
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2020-01-10 Thread Derek Atkins

It's music to my ears!

Sent using my mobile device. Please excuse any typos.
On January 10, 2020 12:41:31 PM D via gnucash-user 

I like your thinking!

On January 10, 2020, at 10:26 PM, John Ralls  wrote:

A# ?

On Jan 8, 2020, at 11:42 PM, D via gnucash-user  

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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2020-01-10 Thread D via gnucash-user
I like your thinking!

On January 10, 2020, at 10:26 PM, John Ralls  wrote:

A# ?

> On Jan 8, 2020, at 11:42 PM, D via gnucash-user  
> wrote:
> Bb
> ___
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2020-01-10 Thread John Ralls
A# ?

> On Jan 8, 2020, at 11:42 PM, D via gnucash-user  
> wrote:
> Bb
> ___
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2020-01-10 Thread D via gnucash-user
Either it was connectivity issues, or I'm getting senile...

On January 10, 2020, at 11:32 AM, D via gnucash-user  

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[GNC] (no subject)

2020-01-09 Thread D via gnucash-user
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2019-11-27 Thread David Cousens

1. You would normally make the adjustment between the account for the mutual
fund and equity to bring the balance into agreement with a statement. Income
and Expense accounts are in accounting terms a temporary equity accounts
where temporary denotes pertaining to the current period. You would record
the adjustment when you become aware of the need for it, which would limit
the likelihood that the amount of any adjustment is likely to be material -
i.e. affect whether your accounts represent a true reflection of you
financial position. Corrections of a few cents are not likely to be material
but a $100 correction is definitely likely to be.

If the corrections pertain to only the current financial year, you could 
use an income or expense account as appropriate for the direction of the
correction. If the correction covers differences accumulated over over more
than the current financial period, then it would probably be more
appropriate to adjust to equity.  These would also be typical of the
adjustments made after forming a trial balance during the close books
procedure in accounting practice and would likely be made after combining
Income and Expenses to an Income Summary account (Income - Expenses) during
that procedure.  Main thing is to annotate the correction describing what it
is correcting and what period(s) it pertains to.

2. Really the same sort of considerations as in 1.

The usual disclaimer applies. This should not be considered as accounting
advice and you should consult an accountant in your jurisdiction for
specific advice where required.

David Cousens

David Cousens
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[GNC] (no subject)

2019-11-27 Thread Gilberto Reis Filho
Dear all. I am a long time GnuCash user (10+ years) and I use it to
track my personal finances.

The question I have is more related to accounting principles (I am no
accountant) and how specific situations should be recorded to comply
with "standards". I know there are no standards for personal finances
but what I am looking for is how people treat specific situations and
the general consensus (if there is any).

Situation 1
Tracking mutual funds (or other investments that rely on prices and
quantities) for a long time sometimes cause small diferences in
balances (presumably caused by rounding limitations) that I want to
correct. To correct those balances I either do a credit or debit
transaction to the investment account to adjust the balance. At the
other side of the transaction, in this case, should I credit or debit
an expense/revenue account or an equity account?

Situation 2
Sometimes there are errors in statements I receive (the nature of the
specific errors are not relevant to the discussion) and that causes
balance differences either in assets or liabilities accounts that I
would like to correct recording an adjustment transaction. At the
other side of the adjustment transaction should I credit or debit an
expense/revenue account or an equity account?

I tend to put an equity account at the other side of the adjustment
transaction on the above situations because I am correcting an error
and not actually generating revenue or expense, however I am uncertain
if this teh adequate way of recording adjustment transactions.

Thank you all for any comments.
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[GNC] (no subject)

2019-11-09 Thread Fran_3 via gnucash-user
 Ah Ha! Thanks Chris, I'll give this a try. Good tip.Thanks again.

On Saturday, November 9, 2019, 3:28:55 PM EST, Chris Good 
 Hi Fran,

Something I didn't realize you could do for a long time was to open 2 reports 
in separate side by side windows so you can easily visually compare them. I'm 
not at my computer now but I think the options to do this are under the Window 
or View menus.


Chris Good
> Message: 8
> Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2019 18:17:02 + (UTC)
> From: Fran_3 
> To: Gnucash Users ,  Adrien Monteleone
> Subject: Re: [GNC] How to compare 2 Transaction Reports to find orphan
>    transactions
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Adrian, you said... "instead do a Find operation then run an Account Report 
> instead of a Transaction Report. (since Find can filter on more fields)"
> My comment: 
> I did not know about the "Account Report"? option... It seems it only appears 
> under the Reports Menu if you are looking at a register (aka account)... like 
> the check register or AP or AR register... or after you do a Ctl F (Find) 
> operation... 
> This is very useful.
> Thanks for this tip Adrian !
> Fran3
>    On Saturday, November 9, 2019, 10:14:16 AM EST, Adrien Monteleone 
> wrote:  
> I would say consider the criteria you used to create the set of transactions 
> for each report, then try to craft a report using the options that gives you 
> only those that don?t lie in the joint set.
> If *every* transaction on both reports is between two and only the *same two* 
> accounts then you might do better with using regex and/or instead do a Find 
> operation then run an Account Report instead of a Transaction Report. (since 
> Find can filter on more fields)
> My personal mileage is better with running Find operations from the Accounts 
> tab rather than a particular register.
> If however, the two reports have transactions all sharing one account in 
> common (say checking) but not other splits, you might want to investigate the 
> Account Filter option. So while filtering on other data might appear to get 
> you what you want, sometimes filtering by the ?other? split narrows things 
> down much faster. With a Transaction Report (as opposed to Find then Account 
> Report) you can filter based on including or not including transactions which 
> have splits in other accounts.
> Otherwise, the spreadsheet approach is likely the simplest. If you know how 
> to use command-line tools, you could use the spreadsheet step just for saving 
> in CSV format, then using a cli `diff` tool to show you what is different 
> between the two files. (MacOS as well as most if not all BSD & Linux 
> distributions have this built-in. I?m not sure about Windows)
> Such tools are very fast and each one has its own features. The output takes 
> some getting used to as most are not super ?clean? on screen, but once you do 
> it enough, you?ll be able to use them more effectively.
> You could jump straight to using `diff` and get used to it, and it will help 
> get the job done, but the better option is to think carefully about what you 
> are trying to find and then crafting a Find or Report that gets you there 
> from within GnuCash.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Nov 9, 2019 w45d313, at 8:53 AM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user 
>>  wrote:
>> I want to compare Transaction Report A to Transaction Report B
>> and find transactions that appear on one report but not on the other... aka 
>> orphan transactions
>> In past I have either...
>> - Done a screen capture of each, pasted them side by side in PC Paint and 
>> marked off matching transactions one by one...
>> - Or printed them out and done the same with pen & paper
>> - Or exported the reports and then imported them into a spreadsheet and 
>> marked matching transactions one by one
>> All of this is a bunch of work...
>> Is there an easier way?
>> Thanks for any help - Fran3  
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2019-11-09 Thread David H

You are correct, highlight tab you want in a new window and click Windows
>> New Window with Page.

Cheers Dave H.

On Sun, 10 Nov 2019 at 06:24, Chris Good  wrote:

> Hi Fran,
> Something I didn't realize you could do for a long time was to open 2
> reports in separate side by side windows so you can easily visually compare
> them. I'm not at my computer now but I think the options to do this are
> under the Window or View menus.
> Regards,
> Chris Good
> ---
> >
> > Message: 8
> > Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2019 18:17:02 + (UTC)
> > From: Fran_3 
> > To: Gnucash Users ,  Adrien Monteleone
> >
> > Subject: Re: [GNC] How to compare 2 Transaction Reports to find orphan
> >transactions
> > Message-ID: <>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> >
> > Adrian, you said... "instead do a Find operation then run an Account
> Report instead of a Transaction Report. (since Find can filter on more
> fields)"
> > My comment:
> > I did not know about the "Account Report"? option... It seems it only
> appears under the Reports Menu if you are looking at a register (aka
> account)... like the check register or AP or AR register... or after you do
> a Ctl F (Find) operation...
> > This is very useful.
> > Thanks for this tip Adrian !
> > Fran3
> >
> >On Saturday, November 9, 2019, 10:14:16 AM EST, Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
> >
> > I would say consider the criteria you used to create the set of
> transactions for each report, then try to craft a report using the options
> that gives you only those that don?t lie in the joint set.
> >
> > If *every* transaction on both reports is between two and only the *same
> two* accounts then you might do better with using regex and/or instead do a
> Find operation then run an Account Report instead of a Transaction Report.
> (since Find can filter on more fields)
> >
> > My personal mileage is better with running Find operations from the
> Accounts tab rather than a particular register.
> >
> > If however, the two reports have transactions all sharing one account in
> common (say checking) but not other splits, you might want to investigate
> the Account Filter option. So while filtering on other data might appear to
> get you what you want, sometimes filtering by the ?other? split narrows
> things down much faster. With a Transaction Report (as opposed to Find then
> Account Report) you can filter based on including or not including
> transactions which have splits in other accounts.
> >
> > Otherwise, the spreadsheet approach is likely the simplest. If you know
> how to use command-line tools, you could use the spreadsheet step just for
> saving in CSV format, then using a cli `diff` tool to show you what is
> different between the two files. (MacOS as well as most if not all BSD &
> Linux distributions have this built-in. I?m not sure about Windows)
> >
> > Such tools are very fast and each one has its own features. The output
> takes some getting used to as most are not super ?clean? on screen, but
> once you do it enough, you?ll be able to use them more effectively.
> >
> > You could jump straight to using `diff` and get used to it, and it will
> help get the job done, but the better option is to think carefully about
> what you are trying to find and then crafting a Find or Report that gets
> you there from within GnuCash.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> >
> >
> >
> >> On Nov 9, 2019 w45d313, at 8:53 AM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user <
>> wrote:
> >>
> >> I want to compare Transaction Report A to Transaction Report B
> >> and find transactions that appear on one report but not on the other...
> aka orphan transactions
> >> In past I have either...
> >> - Done a screen capture of each, pasted them side by side in PC Paint
> and marked off matching transactions one by one...
> >> - Or printed them out and done the same with pen & paper
> >> - Or exported the reports and then imported them into a spreadsheet and
> marked matching transactions one by one
> >> All of this is a bunch of work...
> >>
> >> Is there an easier way?
> >> Thanks for any help - Fran3
> ___
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[GNC] (no subject)

2019-11-09 Thread Chris Good
Hi Fran,

Something I didn't realize you could do for a long time was to open 2 reports 
in separate side by side windows so you can easily visually compare them. I'm 
not at my computer now but I think the options to do this are under the Window 
or View menus.


Chris Good
> Message: 8
> Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2019 18:17:02 + (UTC)
> From: Fran_3 
> To: Gnucash Users ,  Adrien Monteleone
> Subject: Re: [GNC] How to compare 2 Transaction Reports to find orphan
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Adrian, you said... "instead do a Find operation then run an Account Report 
> instead of a Transaction Report. (since Find can filter on more fields)"
> My comment: 
> I did not know about the "Account Report"? option... It seems it only appears 
> under the Reports Menu if you are looking at a register (aka account)... like 
> the check register or AP or AR register... or after you do a Ctl F (Find) 
> operation... 
> This is very useful.
> Thanks for this tip Adrian !
> Fran3
>On Saturday, November 9, 2019, 10:14:16 AM EST, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:  
> I would say consider the criteria you used to create the set of transactions 
> for each report, then try to craft a report using the options that gives you 
> only those that don?t lie in the joint set.
> If *every* transaction on both reports is between two and only the *same two* 
> accounts then you might do better with using regex and/or instead do a Find 
> operation then run an Account Report instead of a Transaction Report. (since 
> Find can filter on more fields)
> My personal mileage is better with running Find operations from the Accounts 
> tab rather than a particular register.
> If however, the two reports have transactions all sharing one account in 
> common (say checking) but not other splits, you might want to investigate the 
> Account Filter option. So while filtering on other data might appear to get 
> you what you want, sometimes filtering by the ?other? split narrows things 
> down much faster. With a Transaction Report (as opposed to Find then Account 
> Report) you can filter based on including or not including transactions which 
> have splits in other accounts.
> Otherwise, the spreadsheet approach is likely the simplest. If you know how 
> to use command-line tools, you could use the spreadsheet step just for saving 
> in CSV format, then using a cli `diff` tool to show you what is different 
> between the two files. (MacOS as well as most if not all BSD & Linux 
> distributions have this built-in. I?m not sure about Windows)
> Such tools are very fast and each one has its own features. The output takes 
> some getting used to as most are not super ?clean? on screen, but once you do 
> it enough, you?ll be able to use them more effectively.
> You could jump straight to using `diff` and get used to it, and it will help 
> get the job done, but the better option is to think carefully about what you 
> are trying to find and then crafting a Find or Report that gets you there 
> from within GnuCash.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Nov 9, 2019 w45d313, at 8:53 AM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user 
>>  wrote:
>> I want to compare Transaction Report A to Transaction Report B
>> and find transactions that appear on one report but not on the other... aka 
>> orphan transactions
>> In past I have either...
>> - Done a screen capture of each, pasted them side by side in PC Paint and 
>> marked off matching transactions one by one...
>> - Or printed them out and done the same with pen & paper
>> - Or exported the reports and then imported them into a spreadsheet and 
>> marked matching transactions one by one
>> All of this is a bunch of work...
>> Is there an easier way?
>> Thanks for any help - Fran3
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2018-11-09 Thread David Carlson
I think that editing the FITID of a transaction in the OFX file will also
trigger a 'new' import.

David C

On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 10:38 AM Derek Atkins  wrote:

> Changing the date on the transaction is not sufficient; GnuCash stores the
> unique FITID to match against the OFX file, so it will detect that there
> are  no new transactions.  You would literally need to delete a
> transaction before the re-import to get the importer to see a new one.
> -derek
> On Fri, November 9, 2018 11:17 am, Ed Fields wrote:
> > Hi Folks,
> >
> > In answer to John and David, I don't use the on line banking feature.
> > I download the qfx file from Discover to my disk, then perform a file |
> > import operation.  The downloaded qfx file has several  newer
> transactions
> > than those in my gnuCash credit card account.
> >
> > Just for grins, I re-imported a qfx from several months ago, after first
> > changing a date for one of the gnu account entries to ensure that at
> least
> > one transaction would be viewed as new.
> > Got the same response, an unpopulated popup window titled 'generic
> > import transaction manager'
> >
> > The only structural difference I can see between the broken Discover qfx
> > files and other working qfx files from other credit card companies is
> that
> > the discover provides an additional field INTU.USERID in the preamble
> text
> >*myAccountName*
> >
> > my previous gnuCash version # is not known, I think it was the one before
> > the September update version.
> >
> > Are any readers tracking Discover Card expenses successfully importing
> > activity data into their account?
> >
> > thanks for your patience and your responses
> >
> > ed
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 7:06 PM David Reiser  wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> > On Nov 8, 2018, at 6:38 PM, John Ralls  >
> >> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >> On Nov 9, 2018, at 4:15 AM, Ed Fields  wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> Just installed Build ID: 3.3+ (2018-09-29) on a new Win 10 setup
> >> >>
> >> >> I find I can no longer import discover card activity, but can import
> >> other
> >> >> credit card activity files into their associated credit card
> >> accounts.
> >> >>
> >> >> Discover want me to contact Quicken.
> >> >>
> >> >> I would normally search the archives but don't see a way to access
> >> them
> >> >> here at
> >> >>
> >> >> Is there an easy fix for this issue?
> >> >> currently I get an unpopulated popup window titled 'generic  import
> >> >> transaction manager'.
> >> >
> >> > Are you using online banking? Was this working OK with the previous
> >> version of GnuCash (which version)?
> >> > It’s odd that you’re getting an empty match window, if there aren’t
> >> any
> >> transactions it’s supposed to put up a message box saying so.
> >> >
> >> > Regards,
> >> > John Ralls
> >> >
> >> I believe one way an empty matching window shows up is if there were
> >> transactions in the data stream, but all the transaction IDs matched
> >> already-imported transactions.
> >>
> >> Dave
> >> --
> >> Dave Reiser
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >
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> > -
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> --
>Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
>Computer and Internet Security Consultant
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2018-11-09 Thread Derek Atkins
Changing the date on the transaction is not sufficient; GnuCash stores the
unique FITID to match against the OFX file, so it will detect that there
are  no new transactions.  You would literally need to delete a
transaction before the re-import to get the importer to see a new one.


On Fri, November 9, 2018 11:17 am, Ed Fields wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> In answer to John and David, I don't use the on line banking feature.
> I download the qfx file from Discover to my disk, then perform a file |
> import operation.  The downloaded qfx file has several  newer transactions
> than those in my gnuCash credit card account.
> Just for grins, I re-imported a qfx from several months ago, after first
> changing a date for one of the gnu account entries to ensure that at least
> one transaction would be viewed as new.
> Got the same response, an unpopulated popup window titled 'generic
> import transaction manager'
> The only structural difference I can see between the broken Discover qfx
> files and other working qfx files from other credit card companies is that
> the discover provides an additional field INTU.USERID in the preamble text
> my previous gnuCash version # is not known, I think it was the one before
> the September update version.
> Are any readers tracking Discover Card expenses successfully importing
> activity data into their account?
> thanks for your patience and your responses
> ed
> On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 7:06 PM David Reiser  wrote:
>> > On Nov 8, 2018, at 6:38 PM, John Ralls 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> On Nov 9, 2018, at 4:15 AM, Ed Fields  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Just installed Build ID: 3.3+ (2018-09-29) on a new Win 10 setup
>> >>
>> >> I find I can no longer import discover card activity, but can import
>> other
>> >> credit card activity files into their associated credit card
>> accounts.
>> >>
>> >> Discover want me to contact Quicken.
>> >>
>> >> I would normally search the archives but don't see a way to access
>> them
>> >> here at
>> >>
>> >> Is there an easy fix for this issue?
>> >> currently I get an unpopulated popup window titled 'generic  import
>> >> transaction manager'.
>> >
>> > Are you using online banking? Was this working OK with the previous
>> version of GnuCash (which version)?
>> > It’s odd that you’re getting an empty match window, if there aren’t
>> any
>> transactions it’s supposed to put up a message box saying so.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > John Ralls
>> >
>> I believe one way an empty matching window shows up is if there were
>> transactions in the data stream, but all the transaction IDs matched
>> already-imported transactions.
>> Dave
>> --
>> Dave Reiser
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
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> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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   Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
   Computer and Internet Security Consultant

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2018-11-09 Thread Ed Fields
Hi Folks,

In answer to John and David, I don't use the on line banking feature.
I download the qfx file from Discover to my disk, then perform a file |
import operation.  The downloaded qfx file has several  newer transactions
than those in my gnuCash credit card account.

Just for grins, I re-imported a qfx from several months ago, after first
changing a date for one of the gnu account entries to ensure that at least
one transaction would be viewed as new.
Got the same response, an unpopulated popup window titled 'generic
import transaction manager'

The only structural difference I can see between the broken Discover qfx
files and other working qfx files from other credit card companies is that
the discover provides an additional field INTU.USERID in the preamble text

my previous gnuCash version # is not known, I think it was the one before
the September update version.

Are any readers tracking Discover Card expenses successfully importing
activity data into their account?

thanks for your patience and your responses


On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 7:06 PM David Reiser  wrote:

> > On Nov 8, 2018, at 6:38 PM, John Ralls 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >> On Nov 9, 2018, at 4:15 AM, Ed Fields  wrote:
> >>
> >> Just installed Build ID: 3.3+ (2018-09-29) on a new Win 10 setup
> >>
> >> I find I can no longer import discover card activity, but can import
> other
> >> credit card activity files into their associated credit card accounts.
> >>
> >> Discover want me to contact Quicken.
> >>
> >> I would normally search the archives but don't see a way to access them
> >> here at
> >>
> >> Is there an easy fix for this issue?
> >> currently I get an unpopulated popup window titled 'generic  import
> >> transaction manager'.
> >
> > Are you using online banking? Was this working OK with the previous
> version of GnuCash (which version)?
> > It’s odd that you’re getting an empty match window, if there aren’t any
> transactions it’s supposed to put up a message box saying so.
> >
> > Regards,
> > John Ralls
> >
> I believe one way an empty matching window shows up is if there were
> transactions in the data stream, but all the transaction IDs matched
> already-imported transactions.
> Dave
> --
> Dave Reiser
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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2018-11-08 Thread David Reiser via gnucash-user

> On Nov 8, 2018, at 6:38 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> On Nov 9, 2018, at 4:15 AM, Ed Fields  wrote:
>> Just installed Build ID: 3.3+ (2018-09-29) on a new Win 10 setup
>> I find I can no longer import discover card activity, but can import other
>> credit card activity files into their associated credit card accounts.
>> Discover want me to contact Quicken.
>> I would normally search the archives but don't see a way to access them
>> here at
>> Is there an easy fix for this issue?
>> currently I get an unpopulated popup window titled 'generic  import
>> transaction manager'.
> Are you using online banking? Was this working OK with the previous version 
> of GnuCash (which version)?
> It’s odd that you’re getting an empty match window, if there aren’t any 
> transactions it’s supposed to put up a message box saying so.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
I believe one way an empty matching window shows up is if there were 
transactions in the data stream, but all the transaction IDs matched 
already-imported transactions.

Dave Reiser

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Re: [GNC] (no subject)

2018-11-08 Thread John Ralls

> On Nov 9, 2018, at 4:15 AM, Ed Fields  wrote:
> Just installed Build ID: 3.3+ (2018-09-29) on a new Win 10 setup
> I find I can no longer import discover card activity, but can import other
> credit card activity files into their associated credit card accounts.
> Discover want me to contact Quicken.
> I would normally search the archives but don't see a way to access them
> here at
> Is there an easy fix for this issue?
> currently I get an unpopulated popup window titled 'generic  import
> transaction manager'.

Are you using online banking? Was this working OK with the previous version of 
GnuCash (which version)?
It’s odd that you’re getting an empty match window, if there aren’t any 
transactions it’s supposed to put up a message box saying so.

John Ralls

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[GNC] (no subject)

2018-11-08 Thread Ed Fields
Just installed Build ID: 3.3+ (2018-09-29) on a new Win 10 setup

I find I can no longer import discover card activity, but can import other
credit card activity files into their associated credit card accounts.

Discover want me to contact Quicken.

I would normally search the archives but don't see a way to access them
here at

Is there an easy fix for this issue?
currently I get an unpopulated popup window titled 'generic  import
transaction manager'.

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[GNC] (no subject)

2018-09-06 Thread Barry Nichol via gnucash-user
Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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[GNC] (no subject)

2018-09-06 Thread Barry Nichol via gnucash-user

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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