Re: [GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

2020-03-15 Thread David Cousens

Adrien has addressed point 2

For point 3. I dont' create top level account for each person. The structure
I use is much like you had in your original post 


with appropriate subaccounts under each of those headings. The reports all
have the ability to select in the Report Options which accounts are
presented in a particular report. SO it is possible to prepare Balance
sheets P and Loss, Cash flow for person 1, person 1 and  the joint accounts
if you need to. The main advantage is you can prepare a report which
contains all of them and includes as subtotals the person1, person2 and
joint sub-accountsacoounts of the top level Asset, Liability, Equity, Income
and Expense accounts.  If you have separate books, you cannot do this, you
would have to exporteach individuals reports and then combine them in a

There is no way to automatically sync the account heirarchy in the Gnucash
main program and a copy in the Android app. It may be that the Android app
can read the main program datafile and write to it but there is an enormous
risk in this as there ino guarantee that the Android app and the main
GnuCash app are data file compatible and if they are they will remain so
into the future as they are produced by the GnuCash development team for the
program and a separate developer. That developer will no doubt be trying to
maintain file compatability going forward the Android app v2.4.0 AFAIK is
only compatible with the versions up to 2.7 as it was released in June 2018.
There were some data file changes going to GnuCash v3.x. They may have been
incorporated in v2.7 as v2.7 ultimately became v3.0 and may have made it.
 into the Android app. I don.t know whether they did or not. You would need
to check the release notes for GnuCash 2.6.19 forward together with the
release notes for v2.4.0 of the Android app. My choice is to avoid any
possibility of corrupting my GnuCash data file by using the CSV export form
the Android app and import to GnuCash if I need to transfer data.

The optimal solution obviously depends on your individual requirements and
personal workflow. I make almost no use of the Android app now as I have
very few transactions, almost none other than a few cash transactions that
don't go through my credit or debit card accounts and I can download those
from the bank as fequently as I wish. e can really only illustrate how we
use GnuCash. You will have to adapt how you use i to your own situation.
Good luck


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Re: [GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

2020-03-14 Thread Maf. King
On Saturday, 14 March 2020 04:04:51 GMT Long wrote:
> It's many things to resolve if you :
> 1 - Changed Account's structure (open your eyes, edit your XML very careful
> to update your account's structure).

You can change the accounts structure inside gnucash easily and at any time - 
no need to edit XML by hand!


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Re: [GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

2020-03-13 Thread Long

More things for us :
I think i need to create 3 books, 1 for me, 1 for wife, 1 for family.
Why 1 book for family ? Why not included it in your book and your wife book
It's many things to resolve if you :
1 - Changed Account's structure (open your eyes, edit your XML very careful
to update your account's structure).
2 - What if You want to know "Total expenses" for your Family? It's complex
more and wasted your time, because more work to do with spreadsheet.

Create Expense's Structure for personal follow this :
"Expense:Give to your husband/wife"
"Income:Earning from your husband/wife"

Create Family's book with more details about expenses for your Family with
income's structure:

I spent my time to think about this. And now, i think if we want to use
GnuCash to manage our real "world". The best way is each things managed by 1

Please comment when you have difference or more idea, I will very happy to
hear. Thank for helping me and GnuCash's Users.


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Re: [GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

2020-03-13 Thread Long

That why i think we need to use each book for each "Thing".
1 - Retained Earnings = Previous Retained Earnings + (Income - Expenses)
2 - Equity = Assets - Liability OR Assets = Equity + Liability

When you are using multiple "legal entity" for 1 book like i assume in my
last comment. "We" usually transfer money from person to person by this way
: From "Assets:Me" To "Assets:Others". Which mean in the Balance Sheet
Report, Your Assets not equal to Equity + Liability When you only made it to
show your Accounts Report (Which mean : "Assets:Me" - "Equity"Me" -
"Expenses:Me" - "Income:Me" - "Liability:Me").

I had read some topics from GnuCash. In fact, When you Transfer your money
from "Current Assets" to other your assets (IN ASSETS TOP LEVEL ACCOUNT).
Which mean your money are still your Assets. (More details: GnuCash
Documents : Loan to a friend).

So, to resolve it, you need to transfer that money to "Expenses:Give to
other", and make a revenua transaction for that person.
And that things told us (gnucash's users) that (Of course, included GnuCash
Wiki - Documents) we (gnucash's users) only use 1 book for 1 legal entity
(Person - Thing - Business ...). Because we are doing the same things, We
just included the other book into one book and made it more complex. Right ?

Thank you for sharing your experience. Please Tell me if i'm keep going


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Re: [GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

2020-03-13 Thread Adrien Monteleone

> On Mar 13, 2020 w11d73, at 9:33 PM, Long  wrote:
> Hello,
> 2 - What if my wife transfer some money to me ? in GnuCash, you will make a
> transfer from "Assets:Wife" to "Assets:Me".
> My assets will increase, Wife's Assets will decrease.
> Balance sheet will show you your current assets balance, equity, liability.
> By that way, my wife will wonder why her "Retained earnings" and Equity are
> not Balance with Assets. She will ask herself : am i forgot to enter
> transactions ? Remember what you said in the last comment, you choose only
> "Person" for Balance Sheet Report.
> So, To know what going on, i need to setting up Balance Sheet report for
> whole persons, to get exactly report.

Addressing this part only, a transfer of assets doesn’t affect Retained 
Earnings. "Retained Earnings = Income - Expenses", so an asset transfer isn’t 
even part of the equation.

If assets decrease then either Liabilities decreased as well, or Equity 
decreased. Retained Earnings are not the only component of Equity.

The Balance sheet would still work out.

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Re: [GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

2020-03-13 Thread Long

2 - What if my wife transfer some money to me ? in GnuCash, you will make a
transfer from "Assets:Wife" to "Assets:Me".
My assets will increase, Wife's Assets will decrease.
Balance sheet will show you your current assets balance, equity, liability.
By that way, my wife will wonder why her "Retained earnings" and Equity are
not Balance with Assets. She will ask herself : am i forgot to enter
transactions ? Remember what you said in the last comment, you choose only
"Person" for Balance Sheet Report.
So, To know what going on, i need to setting up Balance Sheet report for
whole persons, to get exactly report.

1 - it is a way to know, not a way to resolve problem. 
What if, i need to export it to spreadsheet ? every month, i need to export
(or copy) 2 tables to know what exactly how much i spent ? More work for
each month.
What if, i need to keep P Report open to update my INCOME and EXPENSE
(Start & End for this month) ? I will see the incorrect value for whole
money i have spent, of course included my net income. and everyday i want to
know how much money left on my wallet, the first, look into my P, and
then, Look into Transactions Report, and then, take a calculator up, enter
the number, oh ... this is what exactly left on my wallet.

3 - Why you created every TOP ACCOUNTS for each Person, But don't want to
create each book for each person ? It's the same, but you included book 2
into book 1. By your way, that absolutely make your book more extreme
I assume that I (maybe everyone), Who controling their family finances will
know that, each person will have their "expenses - account - income"
hierarchy account. Which mean everytime they want to change it (Name or Add
or Delete), That mean you need to export and edit that XML everytime they
changed. Your solutions make we more busy and spend more time to play with
How about enter transactions ? What if we need to enter transactions into
GnuCash Desktop at the same time ? YES. you can not open your file at the
same time, you will going to READ ONLY if you do that.

1 - you will have more work to do to know exactly how much money left on
your assets. 
Balance sheet or income statement or ... = Wrong if you only choose which
person included in that report. For expenses, You need to use 2 tables to

2 - you will have more work after import your report into spreadsheet.

3 - you will have more work after someone or yourself modified its account's
For each person have their own book, just export, then going to Android,
delete old book, add new book. Your eyes need to relax instead look into
that XML, and find out where are your structure accounts (There are 5 TOP

I always thinking like this, Software created for do the jobs and resolve
the problems for me. Not me resolve or do the jobs for it.
Very clearly that it's only good for 1 legal entity = 1 book.

I actuly don't think your solutions resolve the problems by the bright ways.
If i'm going wrong somewhere, please tell me know.

Thank you so much for helping me.

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Re: [GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

2020-03-13 Thread David Cousens

2. If you display the Balance sheet then Edit Options in the options dialog
you can control what is displayed in the Balance sheet. If you have the
subaccounts for your wife and yourself and family at the second level in the
account heirarchy, you can choose to display that level and you will get
separate totals for each person for assets, liabilities, equity, income and

You can also create and save a custom balance sheet report which will only
list the accounts associated with 1 person the same way.

If you customize a report and save it you can use it whenever you need and
just adjust the dates as required

1. I assume for the expenses Family account, you wish to know how much each
person has paid for the expenses in that category.  If you use the
Transaction report you can display all of the transactions to the
Expenses:Family account which credited a particulargroup of asset asset
accounts ( either an individual asset account or a group of selected asset
accounts for the one person.

once you create a report

3. GnuCash cannot do anything about that as the Android version is not
produced by the GnuCash team but AFAIK it doesn't use the GnuCash program
data file and you have to import by either QIF or CSV from the app to your
main GnuCash file. In that case you can have an account structure just for
each individual on each person's mobile phone and then import the records
into the appropriate person's account in your main GnuCash file as required.

I would certainly separate any business in a separate books In most
jurisdictions for most business types that is likely to be a legal
requirement anyway.

David Cousens

David Cousens
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Re: [GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

2020-03-13 Thread Long

Thank for sharing your experience, i think i will create a book for each
person (or things, business). Because there are some "Things" wrong or not
good to use on 1 book.
i reread the wiki of GnuCash, and some threads on the internet, i saw :
1 - assume that : i have 2 assets for me and my wife, but expenses have 3
sub-accounts (me - my wife - family). By that way, i can't know exactly how
much net income for each person, Because "Expense:Family" have "Debit" from
2 persons.
2 - Like "Expense", Savings have the same problem, Balance sheet can not
"Balance" for each person.
=> for "1" and "2", the only way to get the correct report is you need to
include all person (or things) in the report.
3 - For "on the go", If one book for all things, there are a lot of accounts
to control. More work to do, and hard to choose account from GnuCash

Generally, 1 person = 1 book, 1 thing = 1 book, 1 business = 1 book. By that
way, i will know every things i want to know, and it's easier to have the
good look when i use Report funtions. I believe that there are much people
will thought like me.

By the way, I'm using spreadsheet for "Budget" and "Savings" (I think it's
the best, trust me, save your time, don't try to figure out how to use it in
GnuCash), Because there are some reasons, GnuCash can't manage good as i
thought. Of course i have posted some topics to ask about this, And no ways
to resolve.

If i'm going wrong, please tell me know, i will grateful for that.


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Re: [GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

2020-03-12 Thread Adrien Monteleone

> On Mar 12, 2020 w11d72, at 4:13 AM, Long  wrote:
> Hello,
> Explain : 
> I want to track how much i or my wife spent for our family. So, I had
> "Expense:Family" and "Assets:Family" account, we (me and my wife) will
> transfer money when i or her buy foods for our family.
> Example :
> *Assets:
> - Me
>  Checking
>  Cash
> - Her
>  Checking
>  Cash
> - Family
> *Expenses:
> - Family :
> --   Food :
> Step 1 : We transfer "Assets:Family" to "Expenses:Family:Food".
> Step 2 : If that bills are from me (pay with Checking), i will transfer my
> money to "Assets:Family" from "Assets:Me:Checking".
> That practice made easier to track how much money i (or my wife) spent for
> our family.
> 1 - Know how much money "each persons" pay for family
> 2 - Know Total "Family expenses".
> And 2 more questions :
> 1-  if i bought foods with my credit card, what should i do ?
> Should i transfer from "Credit Card" to "Foods" ? then i will make a payment
> to "Credit Card" from "Assets:Family", and then transfer my money from
> "Assets:Me:Checking" to "Assets:Family" ?

Correct. You pay for expenses with the Credit Card account. Then pay the Credit 
Card account separately. Wether you choose to pay from the Family checking 
account or your own is up to you. If this is a shared expense and the personal 
accounts are not real (just for tracking) then yes, transfer from your personal 
checking tracking account to the real family checking account for tracking your 
share of the payment.

> 2 - Should i place "Family" account to make expense in Assets or in
> Liability ?

If the account is a family checking account for example, it belongs in Assets, 
just like any other bank account.

If the account is a family credit card, then it belongs in Liabilities just 
like any other credit card.

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Re: [GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

2020-03-12 Thread David Cousens

Unlike Maf, I track my wife'smy personal and our joint assets, liabilities,
equity,income and expenses in a single GnuCash file. You just create sub
accounts for each person and joint activities under each of the top level
headings. Advantage is it is all in one place and i don't have complex
transfers between separate books. i also have to track income streams which
are taxatble and income streams which are not taxable, a further level of
sub accounts under each of the above subaccounts for each person and joint


David Cousens
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Re: [GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

2020-03-12 Thread Maf. King
I have different GC files for me, wife and family.  it can be more work in data 
entry, especially if I use a different credit card (not the one "reserved" for 
family spending), but it avoids a lot of the confusion about things. 

 I am an income account in the family file, and family is a single expense 
account in my personal books.


On Thursday, 12 March 2020 09:13:39 GMT Long wrote:
> Hello,
> Explain :
> I want to track how much i or my wife spent for our family. So, I had
> "Expense:Family" and "Assets:Family" account, we (me and my wife) will
> transfer money when i or her buy foods for our family.
> Example :
> *Assets:
> - Me
>  Checking
>  Cash
> - Her
>  Checking
>  Cash
> - Family
> *Expenses:
> - Family :
> --   Food :
> Step 1 : We transfer "Assets:Family" to "Expenses:Family:Food".
> Step 2 : If that bills are from me (pay with Checking), i will transfer my
> money to "Assets:Family" from "Assets:Me:Checking".
> That practice made easier to track how much money i (or my wife) spent for
> our family.
> 1 - Know how much money "each persons" pay for family
> 2 - Know Total "Family expenses".
> And 2 more questions :
> 1-  if i bought foods with my credit card, what should i do ?
> Should i transfer from "Credit Card" to "Foods" ? then i will make a payment
> to "Credit Card" from "Assets:Family", and then transfer my money from
> "Assets:Me:Checking" to "Assets:Family" ?
> 2 - Should i place "Family" account to make expense in Assets or in
> Liability ?
> Regards.
> --
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> ___
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Maf. King
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[GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

2020-03-12 Thread Long

Explain : 
I want to track how much i or my wife spent for our family. So, I had
"Expense:Family" and "Assets:Family" account, we (me and my wife) will
transfer money when i or her buy foods for our family.

Example :
- Me
- Her
- Family
- Family :
--   Food :

Step 1 : We transfer "Assets:Family" to "Expenses:Family:Food".
Step 2 : If that bills are from me (pay with Checking), i will transfer my
money to "Assets:Family" from "Assets:Me:Checking".
That practice made easier to track how much money i (or my wife) spent for
our family.
1 - Know how much money "each persons" pay for family
2 - Know Total "Family expenses".

And 2 more questions :
1-  if i bought foods with my credit card, what should i do ?
Should i transfer from "Credit Card" to "Foods" ? then i will make a payment
to "Credit Card" from "Assets:Family", and then transfer my money from
"Assets:Me:Checking" to "Assets:Family" ?
2 - Should i place "Family" account to make expense in Assets or in
Liability ?


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