Re: budget with ytd difference option and ?improved? readability

2017-10-07 Thread Steve
Fred Bone wrote
> Perhaps it's objecting to the MS-DOS-style line endings, that Notepad 
> will have helpfully put there for you?
> If you put a file there with one line containing just a semicolon and it 
> still won't run, then that's the problem.

Thanks, Fred. The file that's causing the problem is the
"stylesheet-budget-plus.scm" file. When it's in the target directory,
GnuCash will not run; when I remove it, it will. I've played with removing
the ";;" lines in that file, with no success. Have tried re-creating the
file a couple of times, to make sure I didn't make an error in the copy,
etc. But appreciate the help.

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Re: budget with ytd difference option and ?improved? readability

2017-10-05 Thread Fred Bone
On 3 October 2017 at 19:16, Steve said:

> Color me clueless, well, almost...
> Using Windows 10, latest release of GnuCash.
> So the two scm files, I installed them in the standard-reports
> sub-directory as indicated in the above posts. I got them there, by
> opening up each one, copying the contents, then pasting the contents to a
> new file I created with Notepad, and saving it with the original name with
> the scm extension, eg
> budget-plus.scm
> stylesheet-budget-plus.scm
> In the .gnucash directory, I created a config.user file using Notepad,
> then copied the 2 lines calling the scm files into that file.
> But then when I try and start up GnuCash, it won't start, eg program won't
> run.  When I remove the above files from the referenced directories, it
> runs fine.  So obviously I'm doing something wrong (not the first time).
> Hints... ? Be gentle... :)

Perhaps it's objecting to the MS-DOS-style line endings, that Notepad 
will have helpfully put there for you?

If you put a file there with one line containing just a semicolon and it 
still won't run, then that's the problem.

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Re: budget with ytd difference option and ?improved? readability

2017-10-04 Thread Steve
Color me clueless, well, almost...

Using Windows 10, latest release of GnuCash.

So the two scm files, I installed them in the standard-reports sub-directory
as indicated in the above posts. I got them there, by opening up each one,
copying the contents, then pasting the contents to a new file I created with
Notepad, and saving it with the original name with the scm extension, eg


In the .gnucash directory, I created a config.user file using Notepad, then
copied the 2 lines calling the scm files into that file.

But then when I try and start up GnuCash, it won't start, eg program won't
run.  When I remove the above files from the referenced directories, it runs
fine.  So obviously I'm doing something wrong (not the first time).

Hints... ? Be gentle... :)

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Re: budget with ytd difference option and ?improved? readability

2017-10-03 Thread gbguy

The author provided the key missing piece of information.

When running the Budget+ report you have to specify in its "General" report
option which "Stylesheet" to use.  Specify the "Budget" stylesheet and
everything is golden.

Once I was told what to do it made perfect sense :-)

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Re: budget with ytd difference option and ?improved? readability

2017-10-03 Thread gbguy
I'd greatly appreciate any assistance.  I looked to see if the stylesheet
was misnamed or if the "load" directive had a syntax error, but could see
nothing wrong.

I also looked at the stylesheet .scm file but I don't know what to look for. 
I will say the author very clearly identified the changes that he made to
the stylesheet.

I've just sent him an email to see if he has an idea of what is happening.

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Re: budget with ytd difference option and ?improved? readability

2017-10-02 Thread Larry

I am new too and don't have gnucash on my tablet. I was able to create a new 
style with borders that makes it easier to read the tables in the report. I 
can't tell you how for a day or two due to being quite tied up but if you look 
up styles you may be able to figure it out.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab® S

 Original message 
From: gbguy <> 
Date: 2017-10-02  16:02  (GMT-08:00) 
Subject: Re: budget with ytd difference option and ?improved? readability 

Well, idiot here figured out the primary problem. I had File Explorer's View
option inadvertently set to hide file extensions. The two files I downloaded
actually had .txt extensions (e.g., budget-plus.scm.txt). Yet another reason
to dislike Windows :-) 

I renamed the files and successfully ran a Budget+ report. However, I have
an issue. (I'm providing details in case anyone has questions on how to run
this report). 

I created a budget, which had a Budget Period beginning on 01/01/2017 and 12
Periods, via Actions -> Budget -> New Budget. I then opened (Action ->
Budget -> Open Budget) the newly created budget . 

I then did Reports -> Budget -> Budget+ Report while the budget was open and
chose these report options:
General: Yearly Budget option. Display: Show Budget, Show Actual, Show
Difference, YTD Difference, Show Column with Totals. 

Things look good at a cursory glance. /However, there aren't any cell colors
or borders/.

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Re: budget with ytd difference option and ?improved? readability

2017-10-02 Thread gbguy
Well, idiot here figured out the primary problem. I had File Explorer's View
option inadvertently set to hide file extensions. The two files I downloaded
actually had .txt extensions (e.g., budget-plus.scm.txt). Yet another reason
to dislike Windows :-) 

I renamed the files and successfully ran a Budget+ report. However, I have
an issue. (I'm providing details in case anyone has questions on how to run
this report). 

I created a budget, which had a Budget Period beginning on 01/01/2017 and 12
Periods, via Actions -> Budget -> New Budget. I then opened (Action ->
Budget -> Open Budget) the newly created budget . 

I then did Reports -> Budget -> Budget+ Report while the budget was open and
chose these report options:
General: Yearly Budget option. Display: Show Budget, Show Actual, Show
Difference, YTD Difference, Show Column with Totals. 

Things look good at a cursory glance. /However, there aren't any cell colors
or borders/.

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Re: budget with ytd difference option and ?improved? readability

2017-10-02 Thread gbguy
Well, idiot here figured out the major part of the problem.  I unknowingly
had File Explorer's View set to hide "file name extensions" and my files
were actually named with a .txt extension (e.g., budget-plus.scm.txt).  Yet
another reason to dislike Windows :-)I changed the file names and have
successfully displayed a Budget+ report.  However, there is no separate
background color, everything is white.I'll report later with details.  I
just wanted to let people know that the primary problem had been solved.

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Re: budget with ytd difference option and ?improved? readability

2017-10-02 Thread gbguy
Well, idiot here figured out the primary problem.  I had File Explorer's View
option inadvertently set to hide file extensions.  The two files I
downloaded actually had .txt extensions (e.g.,  budget-plus.scm.txt).  Yet
another reason to dislike Windows :-)

I renamed the files and successfully ran a Budget+ report.  However, I have
an issue.  (I'm providing details in case anyone has questions on how to run
this report).

I created a budget, which had a Budget Period beginning on 01/01/2017 and 12
Periods, via Actions -> Budget -> New Budget.  I then opened (Action ->
Budget -> Open Budget) the newly created budget .

I then did Reports -> Budget -> Budget+ Report while the budget was open and
chose these report options:
/General/: Yearly Budget option.
/Display/: Show Budget, Show Actual, Show Difference, YTD Difference, Show
Column with Totals.

Things look good at a cursory glance.  /However, there aren't any cell
colors or borders./

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Re: budget with ytd difference option and ?improved? readability

2017-10-01 Thread gbguy
Your report addresses many of the issues I've had as a new user of the
gnucash budget reports.  However, I have not been able to successfully
install your report.  I'm assuming that it will show up under Reports ->
Budget as "Budget+ Report", but I cannot see it there or anywhere else under

I'm running Windows 10 (64-bit), GnuCash 2.6.18, and followed the
instructions under  Custom Reports
  .  I tried two ways to
install your report:
1) creating a config.user file in my .gnucash directory (C:\Documents and
Settings\/MyName/\.gnucash) that contained your two "load" directives. 
Within the same .gnucash directory I put the two .scm files.  I started
GnuCash and could not see your report.

2) putting the two .scm files into C:\Program Files
(x86)\gnucash\share\gnucash\scm\gnucash\report\standard-reports.  I started
GnuCash and could not see your report.

Any help would be appreciated.


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