Re: [GNC] Reconciliation of accounts is not permanent

2023-09-27 Thread David Carlson

From this side of the Internet it almost appears that you are forgetting to
save the data file after reconciling, but always remembering to save other
times, which is not very likely.

Have you tried breaking down your procedure and inserting cross-checks?

ie, just before starting a reconciliation, save the file, then reconcile
one month, save the file, review the reconcile box of the freshly
reconciled transactions to verify that they are still reconciled on the
correct reconcile date, save again, rinse and repeat as needed?

I just tried the reconciliation report for the first time and found that it
shows mountains of information about reconciliation status down to split
details when they exist, so that may help you too.

If, as I suspect, you do indeed discover that some reconciliations are not
being properly recorded in your file, please both let us know here and also
file a bug report.

On Wed, Sep 27, 2023, 10:49 AM Mark Truelove  wrote:

> Hi again. Besides my tendency to be details-specific (given my professional
> background), I also had some college level accounting and understand
> double-entry, reconciliation, and the basics.  No, I am not an accountant,
> but I have been using GnuCash mostly successfully for more than twelve
> years now.  I am new to this list, but not to the topics we're discussing.
> Regarding using the wrong year for the reconciliation date, the program
> suggests an approximate date based on the last, and at the moment that
> recommendation is 9/24/22.  This is not in a vacuum, however, because all
> of the unreconciled transactions between August '22 and present are still
> in the ledger awaiting reconciliation against these 12 or so monthly
> statements that I just re-downloaded.  If I'd simply entered the wrong
> year, this would not be the case.
> I'd hoped this would have been something familiar to someone, only that I
> didn't know about because I hadn't been on the list previously.  Based on
> the responses, it's beginning to look a little obscure now.
> On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 10:52 AM Michael or Penny Novack <
>> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > The purpose of reconciliation is to verify that from the last closing
> > > date to the new closing date, the listed transactions cleared the
> > > account and thus explain the change from the opening balance (last
> > > closing balance) to the new closing balance listed on the statement.
> > >
> > > The actual balance, in your books, on a given day, or as of a given
> > > day, is irrelevant to that reconciliation.
> >
> >
> > Precisely. You EXPECT there to be a difference based on checks written
> > (appear in the gnucash account) that have not yet cleared. In other
> > words, the main part of the job (if no errors) is to verify that the
> > total of checks written but uncleared matches the difference between the
> > bank statement of the account and the gnucash account as of the date of
> > the statement.
> >
> > When it still doesn't match you then need to find the error, a check not
> > entered for the correct amount. Usually at your end but once I had one
> > of these at a bank end.
> >
> > Michael D Novack
> >
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Re: [GNC] frequent imports always requiring intervention

2023-09-28 Thread David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Sorry, first post: frequent imports always requiring intervention

2023-09-28 Thread David Carlson

The fact that some transactions appear in red during the matching and
account assignment step of the import process tells you that GnuCash has no
idea what to do with those transactions.

Your job is to assign the correct accounts during the import and GnuCash
may do better next time.
It is my experience that some banks or credit cards just make poor choices
of words that make it much harder for GnuCash to learn.

I get a few of those red transactions even after many months of
experience.  I just make sure that they are not still red when I finally
accept the batch.

On Thu, Sep 28, 2023, 9:00 PM Steve Freeman  wrote:

> Sorry, it was my first post in the listserv. I didn't know how exactly how
> it worked. Will not use default signature again and will use a fresh email
> to start a new thread.
> -original 
> When I import transactions (using csv) about 10% do not import, i.e. show
> up
> in red as requiring intervention. Some of these are repeated transactions,
> e.g. Apple.Com/Bill $5.32.
> Is there some way to teach GnuCash to accept these?
> Thank you for any help.
> Steve
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Re: [GNC] GnuCash_user: rounding errors and significant digits

2023-10-07 Thread David Carlson
According to my HP handheld calculator, 15,000.00 divided by 1,377.41
yields 10.8900.  According to my hp 49g+ scientific graphing calculator,
15,000.00 divided by 1,377.41 yields 10.8900037026.  I defy anyone to pay
that amount per share in U.S. currency.  I am sure the broker's report
showed $10.89 per share and $15,000.00 total  paid, which is what GnuCash
would show if the user selected the price to be calculated instead of the
total amount according to the attached illustration because GnuCash would
show the price to the nearest cent . If shares were expressed to three
decimal places as some brokers' statements do, I suspect the missing digit
would still be zero and the result would not change for this example  .
Where is the problem?

On Sat, Oct 7, 2023 at 11:55 AM Bruce McCoy via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> On Fri, Oct 6 at 1:02 PM John Ralls wrote:
> >Book out of balance, meaning that the trial balance
> >report doesn't balance with the Average Cost price
> >source, nearly always results from not computing
> >capital gains/losses correctly. Interpret that
> >broadly:...
> The books are out of balance when either the “Computing cost of goods
> sold” calculations or the “Average Cost price source” differ from the “the
> trial balance report” calculations. Both of these are more major points. Is
> our concern here about a relatively major point or about a relatively minor
> point?
> >GnuCash's rounding isn't likely to put books out of
> >balance because GnuCash forces transactions to be
> >balance in the transaction currency.
> “GnuCash's rounding isn't likely to put books out of balance” is certainly
> true. GnuCash's routines have a high degree of precision. I’d say John
> Ralls’ and Jim DeLaHunt’s work on rational numbers is excellent. GnuCash
> almost always displays an answer correct to two decimals. Can GnuCash ever
> put the books out of balance?
> >GnuCash forces transactions to be
> >balance in the transaction currency.
> In the transaction currency, GnuCash forces transactions to balance with a
> high degree of precision. This is certainly true. Does GnuCash force
> transactions, in the transaction currency, to balance in all cases?
> In previous posts, we have mentioned Jeff Earickson's experience and
> comment.
> We mentioned that on a certain day, Jeff entered the number of shares he
> purchased (1,377.41) and the price per share he paid (10.89). GnuCash
> calculated the Value of the transaction.
> Jeff expected the numbers in his transaction line to be as follows:
> # shares  Price-per-share  Value
> 1,377.4110.89  15,000.00
> has Shares_Price_Value_Calculate_gnu.png.
> Jeff wanted to see something similar.
> The numbers GnuCash calculated were as follows:
> # shares  Price-per-share  Value
> 1,377.4110.89  14,999.99
> Jeff Earickson observed the discrepancy and understood that his books were
> not in balance due to Ghucash’s calculations. So, Jeff contacted GnuCash.
> And Mike Novack noticed.
> On Sun Feb 23 10:15:34 EST 2014, Mike Novack mentioned Jeff Earickson's
> comment
> >"1377.41 x 10.89 = $14,999.99 (one penny off, arrrgh...)"[1].
> Jeff seems to want GnuCash to calculate the value of his transaction
> correctly to, using the convention that ignores the first digit if it is a
> one, at least 6 significant digits. In this case, GnuCash’s approximations
> are almost correct.
> Jeff wants his transaction line to balance. Jeff states the difference in
> pennies and also states his reaction to GnuCash’s calculations.
> Jeff’s situation is the specific example cited for our discussion of a
> general situation with GnuCash. This example illustrates the question for
> consideration.
> Our question for discussion is as follows:
> >What are the plans to help our users whose
> >books are out of balance by a cent or so?
> Footnotes:
>  [1]
> .
> |  | |
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] GnuCash_user: rounding errors and significant digits

2023-10-07 Thread David Carlson
What you do not understand is that John Ralls and GnuCash recommend
entering the total amount and the total number of shares and letting
GnuCash calculate the price. THEN there is no error in the account running
balance.  This is not going to change.

On Sat, Oct 7, 2023 at 8:07 PM Bruce McCoy via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> On Oct 7, 2023, at 12:39, Bruce McCoy via gnucash-user wrote:
> >If I have missed it, please help me.
> On Sat Oct 7 15:52:28 EDT 2023 John Ralls wrote:
> >What you missed is my explanation that if
> >user's books are out of balance it's their
> >fault, not GnuCash's. The trial balance
> >report will help them discover the imbalance
> >but it's up to the user to decide whether
> >to spend time tracking it down or to create
> >a simple correcting transaction to fix it.
> >There are no plans to change that.
> Thank you for helping me. It is quite possible I missed something in your
> explanation. I do that a lot. It is one reason I appreciate Jim DeLaHunt so
> much.
> Let me explain what I think I understand. It was my impression that you
> were saying that when either the “Computing cost of goods sold”
> calculations or the “Average Cost price source” differ from the “the trial
> balance report” calculations the books would be out of balance. I’d agree
> with that and that GnuCash should not make any changes in these cases. If
> the user's books are out of balance it's their fault, not GnuCash's.
> What I do not yet understand is if GnuCash considers a price per share of
> 10.89 to be a precise figure, why GnuCash does not calculate 1,377.41 *
> 10.89 = 15,000.00 for Jeff. If GnuCash doesn’t, would we consider making a
> change to GnuCash to allow it?
> Best Regards,
> Bruce McCoy
> |  | |
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] GnuCash_user: rounding errors and significant digits

2023-10-08 Thread David Carlson
Because the broker charged 15,000.00 for 1,377.41 shares?

On Sun, Oct 8, 2023, 2:32 AM Fred Bone  wrote:

> On 08 October 2023 at 1:06, Bruce McCoy said:
> [...]
> > What I do not yet understand is if GnuCash considers a price per share of
> > 10.89 to be a precise figure, why GnuCash does not calculate 1,377.41 *
> > 10.89 = 15,000.00 for Jeff. If GnuCash doesn’t, would we consider making
> > a change to GnuCash to allow it?
> There is no good reason to think that 1377.41 * 10.89 = 15000, so why
> would anyone want Gnucash to say it?
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Re: [GNC] GnuCash_user: rounding errors and significant digits

2023-10-08 Thread David Carlson
Perhaps the broker overcharged his client.

On Sun, Oct 8, 2023 at 4:44 AM Fred Bone  wrote:

> On 08 October 2023 at 4:13, David Carlson said:
> > Because the broker charged 15,000.00 for 1,377.41 shares?
> Then the effective price paid per share wasn't the stated 10.89 but
> slightly more (approx 10.890003702601258884)
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Stock quotes hung

2023-10-09 Thread David Carlson
Not sure exactly what happened in your case.  But usually, if you can put
the focus on the "frozen" process, then Alt-F4 will kill it.

There are other ways as well in Linux, for example with htop.

On Mon, Oct 9, 2023, 10:13 AM Fred Tydeman  wrote:

> I am back home and stock quotes is working fine.
> So, my problem must have been a very slow internet connection.
> It would be nice if there were some way to cancel a stock quote fetch
> in progress.  I had to reboot the entire Linux system before.
> On Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 3:25 PM Fred Tydeman 
> wrote:
> > I was wrong.  The gnucash-cli command, after a couple of minutes, did
> > finish.
> > And looking at the price history, it did get the AT&T price for
> yesterday.
> > So, it looks like things are very slow for some reason.
> > Perhaps the internet at this airbnb is causing problems.
> >
> > On Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 5:19 PM Fred Tydeman 
> > wrote:
> >
> >> I have removed Get Quotes for all of my stocks and have just GBP
> currency
> >> getting quotes.
> >> Doing the gnucash-cli command works.
> >>
> >> If I add in just one stock (T == AT&T), gnucash-cli hangs.
> >>
> >> I tried adding in --debug to that gnucash-cli, but nothing stood out as
> a
> >> problem.
> >>
> >> Suggestions?
> >>
> >
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Re: [GNC] columns

2023-10-10 Thread David Carlson
Nearly all of the columns just summarize information that is sourced from
other parts of the Database.   Several show information that comes from the
Account editor, so that information can be edited there.  If you have a
question about certain columns, ask the question here.  Many of us are glad
to help.

On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 9:36 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> No there is not an easy way to rename them. If it is a translation
> issue, consider looking into how to go about suggesting an improvement.
> Otherwise, you'd have to change the label(s) in the source and build it
> yourself.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 10/10/23 1:45 PM, Jose Fuenzalida wrote:
> > I just learnt that I can add more columns to the account page by
> clicking on
> > the triangle on the right top of the account page, is there a way to
> rename
> > any column and how do I access the info if I need to change it .
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Urgent Help - Toolbar Icons/Buttons stop working!

2023-10-14 Thread David Carlson
The possibility suggested by another user that the focus has been
'hijacked' by a window that is out of view is real.  One way to detect that
is to press the Windows key and see what appears.  I actually use
Windows+Tab frequently to navigate around the screen.

On Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 3:05 PM Gyle McCollam  wrote:

> Can't say what your issue is, but I have been running GnuCash since 2015
> and many versions and have never seen the issue you describe.  I am
> currently running version 5.3 with Windows 11.  Hopefully, someone will be
> able to help, but it might be something local to your system.
> Thank You,
> Gyle McCollam
> Gyle McCollam
><>   email
> From: gnucash-user  on
> behalf of Mitch 
> Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2023 4:00 AM
> To: 
> Subject: [GNC] Urgent Help - Toolbar Icons/Buttons stop working!
> I have been using gnucash now for 6 months and the following issue has
> increased in frequency. Program works fine for short period.
> The Toolbar icons /buttons do not work when selected (crash) and unable
> modify, edit, delete etc in any of the windows - Accounts, Reports, Budget
> etc etc.
> I have checked all resources, mail lists and not found any reference to
> this issue. The only way I have been able to resolve this is to completely
> removed the program from the computer/registry and reinstall to a different
> folder!
> This is now the fourth time this has occurred, very frustrating.
> Greatly appreciated if you can advise on this issue?
> Running Windows 11 & Gnucash 5.4, Please contact me if you need any
> further info?
> Thank you,
> Mitch
> [cid:C3E73E18514D575161C80A4A9884DCC665FE7DE0@1]William (Mitch)
> Mitchell
> Villa #8 Gg Wisata Bch Inn, JL Padma Utara
> Legian, Kuta, Badung Regency, Bali Indonesia 80361
> Whatsapp/Au: +61 410 316507 I Mob +62 821 4767 6018
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Having issues with gsettings, dconf, gsettings-dconf-backend and GnuCash

2023-10-21 Thread David Carlson

Have you considered breaking down your project into smaller projects with
simpler milestones and goals?

For example, first, install a prebuilt older release of Gnucash and see if
it works with a data file in the conventional XML format stored either in a
subdirectory under your Home folder or on a USB stick.

Second, are you able to install, set up and use other software such as
Libre Office or VLC?

Third, can you build and run some other program that uses some of the same

Do you have access to a virtual machine where it easy to go back and start
over when you find yourself in another rabbit hole?

Best of luck with your project.

On Sat, Oct 21, 2023, 12:19 AM Bryan B.  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm new to GnuCash. Making the switch from Quicken. I'm excited about being
> able to access my raw data!
> Background info:
> My OS is Ubuntu 23.10.
> Running gnucash --version in the terminal returns:
> GnuCash 5.3
> Build ID: 5.3+(2023-06-26)
> I installed it through the Software Center.
> I did spend a great deal of time trying to get GnuCash to build via the
> Wiki "Building on Ubuntu" page. However, I kept getting errors when running
> the build script. I figured it was because I am running Ubuntu 23.10, so I
> gave up and went with the software center instead. If desired, I am willing
> to work with a dev who would like to troubleshoot.
> While working this week, I had two separate issues that popped up. As I
> researched the answers, I learned from JRalls on #gnucash IRC that the two
> issues are likely related.
> Regarding the issue that is related to GnuCash, in short, while working in
> GnuCash I cannot get my settings to persist. If I delete a transaction and
> the modal pops up asking me if I'm sure, and then I click the checkbox that
> states that I do not want to be asked again, this setting does not persist
> during the session.
> Furthermore, if I quit and log back in, my file is not saved and I get the
> New User "Import QIF" options pop up.
> For more information about this first issue, read the conversation I had
> with GnuCash dev JRalls here.
> Link to Bug 799107 
> The other issue I have, that could be related, is that I am not able to use
> gsettings in the console to change my desktop background image.
> I can get the background image to change by opening the dconf GUI, although
> I had to play around with some dir perms for ~/.config/dconf/ to make that
> happen. However, I still cannot get any changes reliably for my terminal
> commands.
> JRalls informs me that GnuCash uses gsettings, dconf, and
> gsettings-dconf-backend to make settings persist, and we thought it would
> be best to ask here on #gnucash-user to see if anyone has any ideas.
> Thanks.
> B
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Re: [GNC] New Balance entry

2023-10-25 Thread David Carlson
What is missing from comments so far is, if I understand correctly, the
intended purpose of that button is for when a user wants to correct the
reconciled balance of the account for that date without trying to find and
correct previous errors, this will create a transaction to complete the
reconciliation for that purpose.

On Wed, Oct 25, 2023, 2:42 PM David Cousens 

> Finbar,
> Not sure what you mean by new balance entry. The reconcile dialogue comes
> up
> requesting the following:
> Statement date - enter the closing date on the statement from the bank. It
> will
> supply a closing date based on the statement date at which the last
> reconciliation was doneand usually adds one month.
> The Starting Balance is calculated and displayed - This is the total
> balance of
> all splits in the account which have already been reconciled. This should
> be
> equal to the Opening Balance indicated on the statement from the bank. If
> not it
> indicates that a previous reconciliation is incorrect eithr in your books
> or the
> banks statement - rare but it can happen
> The Ending Balance This requires you to enter the value of the closing
> balance
> from the bank statement.
> Some banks add their interest payment (or interest charge for a credit card
> account) at the end of the statement and it may not have been enetered
> into your
> books. If this is the case use the "Enter Interest Payment" button to add a
> transaction to include the interest payment  without halting the
> reconciliation.
> Then press the "OK" button to continue.
> David Cousens
> On Wed, 2023-10-25 at 15:21 +0200, Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > After my previous experiences on here, I am almost afraid to ask a new
> > question, but, here goes.
> >
> > When Reconciling, what exactly is the effect of introducing a "new
> > balance entry" as is available as the first option on the bar.
> >
> > There is nothing under the help that I could identify.
> >
> > Thanks, Finbar
> >
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Re: [GNC] Struggling with column width

2023-10-30 Thread David Carlson

You can adjust the register for each account separately.  Just use the
mouse to grab the right edge at the top of any column except the
Description column and move it as desired.  If the total width exceeds the
width of your window, a scrollbar will appear near the bottom of the
window.  Then you can grab the right edge of the description, drag it
leftward until the scrollbar disappears.  Double clicking any column header
wil auto-size it to fit whatever is in the column.  Then drag the right
header edge leftward as desired.

On Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 3:17 PM Donna F via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> I can see from all the information, posts and forums I've been reading
> that the problem of not being able to stop the Name/Description column
> from taking up half the space on the ledger has been going for 15
> years or more. Every time I read about a solution, I try it and it
> doesn't work. Like double-clicking on the Balance Header, which made
> the column smaller. Double-clicking again made it so small it
> disappeared. Dragging the column header from the right hand side made
> it smaller. In fact, anything I did made it smaller. Once I've got an
> unreadable ledger on my hands, I have to close it and then use an
> earlier version of the accounts in which the columns are readable,
> even though I have now read that it's not possible to make the
> Description column smaller no matter how wide it chooses to get. It's
> like it has a life of its own! The other solutions I've read about
> mean messing with the code, which I don't feel able to do at all! Yes,
> I know that open source means you mess with the code, but all I want
> to do is keep my freelance accounts. I love this program and nothing
> I've seen is as good as this. But I can't live in fear of losing
> columns I can't get back. Can anyone help?
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Dealing with escrow account

2023-11-01 Thread David Carlson
Your GnuCash mortgage related accounts should be given the same account
type as the various accounts at your lender's location.  Follow the
recommendation of Michael or Penny Novack earlier in this thread.

For the principal and interest payments review the examples in the help
manual for suggestions.

On Wed, Nov 1, 2023 at 4:06 PM Anthony Della Cioppa 

> I set up two saving account, one taxes, one for insurance and my one for
> my Lian. When that gets paid I pull it from the corresponding savings
> account. Would that be wrong?
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Re: [GNC] Additional 'Accounts' columns not being saved on closing program

2023-11-04 Thread David Carlson

Do you remember whether that ever happened before you updated to release
5.4?  I presume that Gnucash is not forgetting recently entered

On Sat, Nov 4, 2023 at 4:48 PM G R Hewitt  wrote:

> Hi Stan,
> Yes I am closing using the red dot (MacOS) and sometimes Gnucash>Quit, with
> the ame result.
> Yes the .gcm file show 'Today' on close
> G
> On Sat, 4 Nov 2023 at 15:32, Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) <
> wrote:
> > On 2023-11-04 03:36, G R Hewitt wrote:
> > > Gnucash 5.4
> > > MacOs High Sierra 10.13.6
> > >
> > > I have been unable to find a reason as to why, in the
> > > 'Accounts' tab, the additional column 'Total (Period)', in this
> > > case - or any other I choose - will not save when I close
> > > GnuCash, meaning I have to re-select them for each session.
> > >
> > > Whilst this is not the end of the world - obviously, it is
> > > annoying and any help in solving it would be appreciated.
> >
> > > On Sat, 4 Nov 2023 at 11:36, Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
> > >  wrote:
> > >Check permissions on your .gcm file, and on the folder or
> > >directory that contains it. For instance, if your main database
> > >file is XYX.GnuCash, the .gcm file is XYX.GnuCash.gcm. It
> > >contains the geometry of the Accounts panel, among other things.
> > >
> > >According to
> > ><>
> > >your .gcm
> > > file is located in USER_DATA_HOME/GnuCash/books, and according to
> > ><>
> > >USER_DATA_HOME is /Users//Library/Application Support.
> > >(On OS X 10.6 and older, replace Application Support with
> > >Applications Defaults.)
> >
> > On 2023-11-04 05:49, G R Hewitt wrote:
> > > Thanks Stan, I checked that and I have read and write permissions,
> > > folder and file.
> > > Just for fun I enabled W/R for 'everyone' - still no change.
> >
> > Sorry, I don't know Macs, so I can't help with detailed troubleshooting.
> > Two things to check and report as a starting point for someone else:
> >
> > (1) Are you closing GC from the GC window, as opposed to using some sort
> > of operating-system feature to close it?
> >
> > (2) Does the last-modified date on your .gcm file change when you close
> GC?
> >
> > Stan Brown
> > Tehachapi, CA, USA
> >
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Re: [GNC] Account reconciliation -- Gnucash's beginning balance is incorrect.

2023-11-07 Thread David Carlson

If you review which transactions you are marking as reconciled while you
perform the reconciliation, you will note that the list does not exactly
match the list on your bank statement.  The transactions that do not match
will make up the difference, which could be missing from either list,
depending on the source of the error.  That information should aid in
finding the error.

It is possible that some old transactions in your data are no longer marked
as reconciled or more recently marked transactions are, or worse yet, some
transactions or split lines have disappeared or been added as a result of
some other error.

You can make the effort to find and correct whatever caused the discrepancy
or allow GnuCash to create a correcting transaction if necessary to offset
an error that is too difficult to track down.

On Tue, Nov 7, 2023, 12:04 PM John Reagan  wrote:

> Thanks for replying.  However, it doesn't work out as being okay.  When
> I use the */actions/reconcile/ *menu choice to reconcile my account,
> that false beginning balance is factored into the final balance.  Where
> it should be zero difference between cleared and reconciled balances,
> there is a false number.
> How is that beginning balance calculated?  If I can check on the numbers
> that are used to calculate the beginning balance, I should be able to
> find the mistake that is generating that error.
> John
> On 11/7/23 9:39 AM, Gyle McCollam wrote:
> > AS long as the ending balance is correct, you are good.  Delete the
> > correction transaction and procedd as normal.
> >
> > Thank You,
> >
> > *Gyle McCollam*
> >
> > Gyle McCollam
> >
> > email
> >
> > 
> > *From:* gnucash-user
> >  on behalf of John
> > Reagan 
> > *Sent:* Tuesday, November 7, 2023 12:26 PM
> > *To:* 
> > *Subject:* [GNC] Account reconciliation -- Gnucash's beginning balance
> > is incorrect.
> > Hello!
> >
> >
> >  I have been using Gnucash for years to keep track of my personal
> > finances and it has always done a good job for me. However, recently I
> > was trying to reconcile my checking account and the starting balance in
> > Gnucash's reconciliation popup window was not only wrong, but showed a
> > negative balance.  (I attached a screenshot of that popup window FYI.)
> > I'm reconciling my August 2023 statement that shows an ending balance of
> > $1378.00 (the correct amount, so this should have just been a slam-dunk
> > reconciliation) but the starting balance for that period was $299.46
> > which is the reconciled balance at the end of July. Instead, Gnucash is
> > showing a starting balance of $ -200.54.
> >
> >  I tried entering a correction transaction of $200.54, but it didn't
> > change anything.
> >
> >  So, any ideas as to what went wrong and how to fix this? Thanks.
> >
> > John
> >
> >
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Re: [GNC] Reconciliation with a strange opening balance

2023-11-13 Thread David Carlson
One of several complications that you can run into when searching for a
reconciliation error by using the reconciliation tool is that GnuCash
leaves all previously reconciled split lines assigned to the target account
reconciled.  Thus if there are reconciled split lines dated after the
reconciliation date, they remain reconciled during your search and will be
included in the beginning balance calculation.

Recent releases of GnuCash do include a reconciliation report, but I have
never used it, so I cannot say how useful it might be in a search for

On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 9:41 AM Maf. King  wrote:

> On Monday, 13 November 2023 15:20:28 GMT Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user
> wrote:
> >
> > I set off to see where, but, in the course of my search, I tried to find
> > the number 10,443.43 in the account, as a baseline, but didn't find one.
> >
> > If I understand the process of reconciliation the number should be
> > somewhere in the account, should it not??
> >
> or possibly ~5221.70 as a CR when it should be a DR (etc). or several
> smaller
> errors which total the ~10k discrepancy you are seeing
> Maf.
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Reconciliation with a strange opening balance

2023-11-13 Thread David Carlson
If you remember that the reconciliation endting balance was correct in
GnuCash fairly recently a process that will actually work would be to
unreconcile all transaction splits after a given date, then re-reconciling
each month after that date with your bank statements handy.  To go back
more than a few months would be incredibly tedious.  If you try this it
would be wise to make a working copy of your data file rather than use your
real data file.

Remember that it is possible that one or more transaction splits having any
date may have been deleted, changed  or re-assigned to a different account,
and those may be rather hard to find.

Another possibility would be if there are months when the running balance
matches the bank statement exactly...

On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 2:56 PM john  wrote:

> > On Nov 13, 2023, at 07:20, Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > The recent discussion on reconciliation was helpful in trying to sort
> out some anomalies I have.
> >
> > When I do the latest reconciliation of one of my accounts the opening
> balance is 10,448.43 and gives me an amount of inbalance which is way off.
> >
> > Following the advice in the recent posts I tried working backwards to
> see if I could find any errors.
> >
> > I got close to 0.00 from time to time and was satisfied enough to
> consider a balancing entry, but was intrigued on where the 'error' might
> have been.
> >
> > I set off to see where, but, in the course of my search, I tried to find
> the number 10,443.43 in the account, as a baseline, but didn't find one.
> >
> > If I understand the process of reconciliation the number should be
> somewhere in the account, should it not??
> >
> > Just tell me I am barking up the wrong tree, if I am making an error.
> The reconcile info dialog that comes up when you click the reconcile
> button has two balances: Starting balance and Ending balance. The first is
> the reconciled balance for the account, that is the sum of all of the
> splits in the account marked as reconciled. That's different from the
> opening balance, which is the amount in the account when you created it in
> GnuCash. The starting balance should match the starting balance on your
> statement. If it doesn't then there's a mistake in reconciling a previous
> statement and you need to either make a correcting entry in your account to
> get it to match or dig through previous statements to try to find the
> discrepancy. The Ending balance is what you should enter from your account
> statement or your bank's website. It defaults to the balance of the last
> transaction on the date you entered in the Reconciliation date entry.
> When you finish that dialog the reconcile window opens and in the lower
> left it shows the balances from the info window followed by Reconciled
> balance and Difference, which update as you tick off transactions in the
> two panes of the window; you should tick off the transactions that match
> your statement, paying close attention to the amounts: Reconciliation is
> all about making sure that there aren't any differences. Fix any
> differences in the register and press enter to commit the change and it
> will be immediately reflected in the  reconcile window. Once you have
> marked all of the transactions the Ending and Reconciled balances should
> match, Difference should be 0, and the Finish button in the toolbar should
> be enabled.
> You might not have a transaction balance matching the reconciled balance
> if you have unbalanced transactions previous to the last reconciled one.
> The "R" column between Transfer Account and Debit/Deposit shows each
> transaction's reconciled status: y for reconciled, n for unreconciled, c
> for cleared, and v for voided. You can use the the Status page of
> View>Filter By... to hide transactions by status.
> Finding reconciliation discrepancies from previous statements can be
> extremely tedious and GnuCash doesn't have any tools to help. There's not
> even a way to display historical reconciled balances.
> When it comes to fixing discrepancies remember that banks can make errors
> too, but you need documentation and time to get the bank to make
> corrections. It's up to you to decide whether to pursue getting the bank to
> fix their mistake or to take the hit and adjust your accounts to match the
> bank's.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
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Re: [GNC] Unreconciling

2023-11-14 Thread David Carlson

It is almost that simple!  If you click on any of the "y" letters, they
will change to "n" after warning you.  After that just start a new
reconciliation for whichever month is next.  You can mark them "c" or not
nextt if it helps you match transactions to the bank statements.

On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 3:46 PM Phyllis Bruce  wrote:

> David Carlson wrote:
> "If you remember that the reconciliation ending balance was correct in
> GnuCash fairly recently a process that will actually work would be to
> *unreconcile* all transaction splits after a given date, then
> re-reconciling
> each month after that date with your bank statements handy.."
> David, I was unaware I could safely unreconcile statements!  Is it a simple
> matter of changing the "y" to a "c" and does that take the
> reconciliation screen back to a previous reconciliation?
> I have a $219 discrepancy on a bank record and of course there is no single
> transaction that got me there.  I don't mind doing one account.
> Thanks much!
> Phyllis Bruce
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Re: [GNC] Reconciliation with a strange opening balance

2023-11-15 Thread David Carlson
My bank just this morning went through another iteration of fine tuning
their procedures, which I have yet to process.  However, I hope they still
have monthly statements, whether mailed or only online to reconcile
against.  They may be identified only by account number and month, but so
far they have been sufficiently immutable to be  positively identified
years later with an identifiable date interval for reconciliation


On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 9:41 AM R Losey  wrote:

> I don't get statements with numbers to use - my checkbooks are reconciled
> monthly to whatever the current online balance is, so what GnuCash does now
> is just what I need.
> On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 8:27 AM Christopher Lam  >
> wrote:
> > A bit tangential to the issue of reconciliation is that fundamentally IMV
> > reconciliation means to marry up (aka reconcile) the physical periodic
> > (monthly/quarterly/annually) bank statements *against* your own books
> which
> > carry the canonical data which hopefully supports your financial
> activity.
> >
> > Gnucash reconciliation only stores, for each reconciliation:
> >
> >- an account's last Reconciliation date
> >- each split's reconciliation status n/c/y,
> >- each split's reconciliation date (which is the same as the last
> >Reconciliation date).
> >
> > It doesn't store other info such as: starting balance, statement number;
> > and doesn't store the reconciled starting and ending balances.
> >
> > It *could* be transformed to store all these additional data:
> >
> >- statement ID number
> >- statement's start and ending date
> >- statement's start and ending balance
> >- list of splits identified within the statement
> >
> > And would be somewhat more robust (ie you could ask gnucash to display
> the
> > contents of the feb2014 statement), and we would potentially be able to
> > re-reconcile a previous statement (e.g. I deleted an old reconciled split
> > in error and wish to re-reconcile its statement) but this would require a
> > complete backward-incompatible upgrade in the internal data schema, there
> > doesn't seem to be a demand of it, nor manpower to implement it, and I
> > think it's simply overkill.
> >
> > Thus the reconciliation is currently limited to the state that exists
> > currently.
> >
> > E&OE
> >
> > On Mon, 13 Nov 2023, 11:21 pm Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user, <
> >> wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > The recent discussion on reconciliation was helpful in trying to sort
> > > out some anomalies I have.
> > >
> > > When I do the latest reconciliation of one of my accounts the opening
> > > balance is 10,448.43 and gives me an amount of inbalance which is way
> > off.
> > >
> > > Following the advice in the recent posts I tried working backwards to
> > > see if I could find any errors.
> > >
> > > I got close to 0.00 from time to time and was satisfied enough to
> > > consider a balancing entry, but was intrigued on where the 'error'
> might
> > > have been.
> > >
> > > I set off to see where, but, in the course of my search, I tried to
> find
> > > the number 10,443.43 in the account, as a baseline, but didn't find
> one.
> > >
> > > If I understand the process of reconciliation the number should be
> > > somewhere in the account, should it not??
> > >
> > > Just tell me I am barking up the wrong tree, if I am making an error.
> > >
> > > Finbar
> > >
> > > ___
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> _
> Richard Losey
> Micah 6:8
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Re: [GNC] Reconciliation with a strange opening balance

2023-11-15 Thread David Carlson

I agree that the reconciliation date is assigned to each transaction split
as it is reconciled.

In Gmail I am unable to see where you found that conflicting information in
this thread, as I am sure that I made no suggestion otherwise.

On Wed, Nov 15, 2023, 2:55 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> On 11/15/23 10:07 AM, David Carlson wrote:
> >>> - each split's reconciliation date (which is the same as the last
> >>> Reconciliation date).
> I could be reading your comment oddly, but I'm pretty sure that this
> date sticks. That is, it doesn't change for *every* already reconciled
> split in the account each reconciliation. Otherwise the Reconciliation
> Report would show all the same date, (making that column useless) and it
> does not.
> But if you re-reconcile a split, then that date will change to whatever
> new date you reconciled to, but just for those re-reconciled splits.
> Regards,
> Adrien
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Re: [GNC] Change the default "Find" from "Description" to "Value"?

2023-11-15 Thread David Carlson
I agree that everyones' favorite search terms will be differrnt.  However
if there is a table of the terms previously used that might go a long way,
especially if the terms used for the current search were displayed with the
results so we could see where those search results are coming from.  I
think there is already a bug report about that.

On Wed, Nov 15, 2023, 3:47 PM Derek Atkins  wrote:

> I think if you ask 100 people what their default "search" is, you'll get
> 120 different answers.  I don't think any solution is going to work for
> everyone.
> IMHO, the most reasonable solution would be remembering the last used
> search criteria and default to that next time.
> -derek
> On Wed, November 15, 2023 4:03 pm, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > Probably 99.23% of my searches, 96.81% of the time, are the same.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> >
> > On 11/15/23 2:57 PM, David H wrote:
> >> Good suggestion, I'd like that as well, every time I do a Find I always
> >> change it to "Description, Notes or Memo" to cover all the bases :-)
> >
> > ___
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> --
>Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
>Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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Re: [GNC] Reconciliation with a strange opening balance

2023-11-15 Thread David Carlson

On Wed, Nov 15, 2023, 3:55 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> Sorry David, I messed up the quotation when trimming. That was Chris'
> explanation of how GnuCash stores reconciliation info.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 11/15/23 3:50 PM, David Carlson wrote:
> > I agree that the reconciliation date is assigned to each transaction
> split
> > as it is reconciled.
> >
> > In Gmail I am unable to see where you found that conflicting information
> in
> > this thread, as I am sure that I made no suggestion otherwise.
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Re: [GNC] Transaction not showing as reconciled when it should be.

2023-11-20 Thread David Carlson
That image does not appear to be from the reconciliation tool.  If it is
from the reconciliation report, it probably cannot actually reconcile a
transaction, but I have never used that report and I dont know how it works.

On Mon, Nov 20, 2023, 1:28 PM David Kirkby 

> I've reconciled my accounts. To do that I would have needed to include a
> particular transaction of £107.29 to Digikey, but not the one of £176.20 to
> Digikey on the same day. However, the £107.29 is not marked as reconciled.
> If I try to reconcile to any later date, I'm always presented with the
> option to reconcile that transaction. But the accounts will not reconcile
> unless I ignore that one.
> It seems the "n" in the reconciliation status needs to be changed to a "y",
> but why this is happening I don't have a clue.
> [image: image.png]
> --
> Dr David Kirkby Ph.D
> Kirkby Microwave Ltd
> Email:
> Web:
> Telephone 07910 441670 (UK) or +44 7910 441670 (international)
> Registered in England and Wales, company number 08914892.
> Registered office: Stokes Hall Lodge, Burnham Rd, Althorne, Essex, CM3 6DT
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Re: [GNC] Transaction not showing as reconciled when it should be.

2023-11-20 Thread David Carlson
Your persistence paid off!  Glad that you found the problem.

On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 4:14 PM David Kirkby 

> On Mon, 20 Nov 2023 at 21:14, Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
> > Your ending balance is £98.00 more than your starting balance. That's
> > why only that one Debit gets you to zero.
> >
> > Are you saying the £107.29 transaction appears on this statement and
> > needs to be reconciled? If so, either you have a duplicate as Steve
> > mentioned, or you are missing an offsetting £107.29 Debit transaction.
> >
> Thank you. The transaction had been entered twice. One was reconciled and
> the other was not. I just deleted the one that was not reconciled.
> ___
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Find what was in Accounts Payable some date in the past.

2023-11-27 Thread David Carlson

While I am not conversant with your basic issue, I have not seen where you
account for the fact that every time money is exchanged from one currency
to another, there is a specific exchange rate and possibly fees that apply
only to that specific transaction.  Then the next transaction most likely
will have a different exchange rate.  You will have to document those
details separately each time there is an actual transaction.

Good luck with getting things figured out.

On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 8:11 PM David Kirkby 

> On Tue, 28 Nov 2023 at 02:01, kirk abbott  wrote:
> > I just took another look at the PNG's, and it looks like you might not be
> > using the A/P module correctly. To ascertain this, I would like to ask if
> > you have setup vendor accounts. They would be the normal way for entering
> > A/P expenses.
> >
> > Kirk
> >
> Yes, each vendor has an account.. Here's one for eBay.
> [image: image.png]
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Re: [GNC] Enhancement suggestion

2023-11-30 Thread David Carlson
Have you looked at, which
was reported 13 years ago?

On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 12:27 PM Glenn Fowler  wrote:

> Hi that is expected behavior with xml, have you tried the database format?
> On Thu, Nov 30, 2023, 1:05 PM David G. Pickett via gnucash-user <
>> wrote:
> > One problem with gnucash is inadvertently uncommitted modified
> > transactions.  It's be nice if the tab lit up if that account included
> > such, so I can commit it before wandering off.  If the system is rebooted
> > or gnucash is killed for batch stock price updates, these modifications
> are
> > lost, even with timed save configured.
> >
> > Alternately, find a way to save the modified transaction so when you
> > reopen gnucash, you can approve it.
> > ___
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Re: [GNC] Navigation through chart of accounts: shortcuts or bookmarks?

2023-12-01 Thread David Carlson
I have assigned account numbers to the commonly used accounts so I can sort
by number and find the one I want quickly.

On Fri, Dec 1, 2023, 7:15 PM R Losey  wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 5:08 PM Art Chimes  wrote:
> > I have a pretty large number of accounts, and there is name
> > duplication. For example, I might have  a S&P 500 index fund in my
> > brokerage account and another one in a traditional IRA and maybe yet
> > another one in a trust account.  My usual strategy is to open up the
> > Accounts tab and type <500>. That brings me to the first account with
> > "500" in its name. As far as I know, however, there is no magic way to
> > advance to the NEXT account with "500" in its name.  Is there a way to
> > do that?
> >
> > Or are there a better ways (tips and tricks?) to quickly and
> > efficiently access an account that might be at the bottom of the list?
> >
> > Thanks for any helpful hints, and thanks also to the geniuses who keep
> > working on GnuCash!
> >
> > Art Chimes
> > GnuCash user since ~2019
> >
> I don't know of a way to do this, but I give the accounts different names;
> using your situation above, I call the brokerage account that holds S&P 500
> Index shares "BRK-S&P 500", and the IRA entry would be "IRA-S&P500". I
> don't know if this helps on the account page or not. I never really use the
> account page in that way. A Roth fund with S&P 500 shares would be
> "Roth-S&P 500", to continue the examples. I don't know if this will help or
> not, but I provide it for what it's worth.
> _
> Richard Losey
> Micah 6:8
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[GNC] Strange error in OFX import

2023-12-04 Thread David Carlson
New to me, anyway.  Using release 4.8 in Linux importing to existing
account which worked with a previous import last March with today's import
I receive the error message "OFX File '/media...' 2 transactions processed,
no transactions to match

Why did it not proceed with the import?

David Carlson
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[GNC] Addendum to Strange error...

2023-12-04 Thread David Carlson
There is one new factor in this case.  It is my first time to do an import
in a brand new virtualbox instance of Lubuntu 22.04, but I have done all of
this previously on other computers, except this particular OFX download
file from the same credit card website.

David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Strange error in OFX import

2023-12-05 Thread David Carlson
That bug may be a different symptom of the same problem or it may be a
different bug altogether.  Interestingly, my file does have the 

I attached my file to that bug report in case it helps with the diagnosis.

On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 9:56 PM john  wrote:

> On Dec 4, 2023, at 18:47, David Carlson 
> wrote:
> New to me, anyway.  Using release 4.8 in Linux importing to existing
> account which worked with a previous import last March with today's import
> I receive the error message "OFX File '/media...' 2 transactions processed,
> no transactions to match
> Why did it not proceed with the import?
> ?
> Regards,
> John Ralls

David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Strange error in OFX import

2023-12-06 Thread David Carlson
David R: Clever observation.  I think that in this case
1425 appears because there are two different credit cards
using the same parent account and those transactions were charged with the
card ending in 1425. However, the card used information did not get posted
in GnuCash. I think the importer probably can handle that at least
partially because, as you point out, it did for you in the past, and I know
that it also did for me with a certain bank.

That bank used to allow multi bank account downloads in several different
formats before they 'modernized' their website to look nice and work
efficiently on smartphones. Today they post information including which
debit card within an account was used for each transaction of that type,
and that is shown in GnuCash.  I have not checked to see how that appears
in the OFX files from that bank.

On Wed, Dec 6, 2023 at 9:52 AM David Reiser  wrote:

> I think your problem arises from there being multiple  flags. The
> main data stream is coming from 8320, but each of the
> transactions within that account has 1425 within the
> transaction. So each of the transactions is a transfer from one credit card
> account to another. I’m guessing that the OFX importer is having trouble
> parsing multi-account transactions.
> Multiple accounts within a single QFX/OFX file have always created
> problems. PNC Bank handled it in a way that gnucash could successfully
> import, at least for collections of checking and savings accounts. But I
> don’t have those accounts anymore, and I don’t have any of my downloaded
> files, so I can’t see how they handled it.
> --
> Dave Reiser
> On Dec 6, 2023, at 1:47 AM, David Carlson 
> wrote:
> That bug may be a different symptom of the same problem or it may be a
> different bug altogether.  Interestingly, my file does have the 
> tag.
> I attached my file to that bug report in case it helps with the diagnosis.
> On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 9:56 PM john  wrote:
> On Dec 4, 2023, at 18:47, David Carlson 
> wrote:
> New to me, anyway.  Using release 4.8 in Linux importing to existing
> account which worked with a previous import last March with today's import
> I receive the error message "OFX File '/media...' 2 transactions processed,
> no transactions to match
> Why did it not proceed with the import?
> ?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> --
> David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] UI Problem with 4.14

2023-12-07 Thread David Carlson

Once you get used to it, this method is about as hser friendly as possible
given the overall register design.

I have found that for the size and resolution of the monitors that I
currently own, I first need to adjust the display setting to default to a
smaller font size to get more text into the register width, then I might
double click in the headers of some columns to show the widest entry
completely.  Then I drag the right edge of the description column to the
left to remove the scrollbar at the bottom.  I need to repeat for each
account that I use regularly, then close the Gnucash program with those
registers still open to save those settings in the .gcm file for that data
file, as mentioned by others.

One mor litle gem, if a window opens too big to see a button at the bottom,
for example, hold down the Alt key and grab anywhere in the window with the
mouse and you can drag it around as needed.

On Thu, Dec 7, 2023, 4:18 PM Robert Heller  wrote:

> At Thu, 7 Dec 2023 15:09:13 -0600 wrote:
> >
> > On 12/7/23 2:07 PM, Robert Heller wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > At Thu, 7 Dec 2023 13:46:19 -0600
> wrote:
> > >
> > >>
> > >> The Description column always fills the remaining width of the window.
> > >>
> > >> You adjust the other columns to your liking, then reduce the window
> > >> width to shrink the Description column. Otherwise, you can after
> setting
> > >> the other columns, drag the right handle of the Description column to
> > >> the left and let it bounce back to fill the remaining space.
> > >
> > > So how do a make the columns to the right of the Description column
> wider?  Do
> > > I drag them off the window?  This actually makes no sense.
> >
> > Yes, that's how you do it, sort of. And if you try, it does make sense
> > as you see it happen.
> >
> > For example, to widen the Account column, drag its right border to the
> > right. (up in the header) The column will widen accordingly, and you
> > will get a left-right scroll bar at the bottom of the window. Resize all
> > columns *other than* the description to your liking, *first*.
> >
> > Then, to remove the scroll bar and size the Description to take up the
> > remaining space of the window, (Window Width - Sum of all *other* Column
> > Widths) drag its right-border to the left and let it snap back into
> > place. (hence it auto-sizes)
> >
> > > OK, I am totally confused. How do I make a column to the right of the
> > > Description wider *without* draging the right handle of the
> Description column
> > > to the left?
> >
> > See above.
> >
> > I don't want to *shrink* the columns to the right of the
> > > Description, I want to make one of them wider. How does one do that
> without
> > > shrinking the Description column? Where does the space come from? How
> does one
> > > add space?
> >
> > You are 'adding width' as you resize the other columns which triggers a
> > scroll bar. You then snap the Description column back and the scroll bar
> > goes away.
> >
> > What is happening is that there is some total window width W, which
> > > is the sum of widths of all of the columns (plus the margin space). If
> one
> > > wants to make some column Cx wider, some other collumn Cy needs to
> shrink, but
> > > this is impossible if the only column that is "shrinkable" (Cy) is the
> > > Description column. I can make columns to the *left* of the
> Description wider
> > > or narrower, but not the columns to the right of the Description. Any
> attempt
> > > to make any of them wider ends up making them all narrower until
> eventually
> > > one (or more) of them end up with a width of 0. As far as I am
> concerned, this
> > > is a bug (and a serious one at that). This makes no sense.
> >
> > Yes it does - try it and stop thinking about it.
> >
> > >
> > > I have the source code and will go hunting...
> >
> > No need for that rabbit hole. Just follow the above. Note, this behavior
> > is described in the Help manual and as Stan noted, there is also an FAQ
> > entry about it. If you really want to see the code, go right ahead, but
> > you're just going to discover what I've described above and is already
> > documented behavior.
> All I can say is *no other application* with a resizable column UI that I
> have
> ever used works that way.  AFAIK, this is unique to Gnucash...  It was
> totally
> unexpected and *unfriendly* behaviour [to me].
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> >
> > ___
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> >
> >
> --
> Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
> Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services
> http://www.deepsof

Re: [GNC] Nice to Have?

2023-12-14 Thread David Carlson
Don't hold your breath, but I believe the default behavior of the Since
Last Run assistant will change with the next GnuCash update in a few days
to be more user friendly.

The comments from others about the various settings being confusing may
still apply afterward, but there should be less clutter from SX"s that are
not doing anything today.

On Thu, Dec 14, 2023, 11:49 AM Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) <> wrote:

> On 2023-12-14 08:49, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > If I'm not mistaken, that is part of the setting for each Scheduled
> > Transaction. You set how many days in advance you want it to remind you.
> > If you would only want same-day, I'm hazarding a guess that "0" days
> > would work. If that doesn't, try "1" day.
> >
> > I don't think this is configurable for all transactions together. It is
> > a case-by-case basis.
> It is indeed on a case-by-case basis. However, when you create a new
> scheduled transaction, "Create ___ days in advance" and "Remind ___ days
> in advance" are both unchecked (unticked), so that the transaction is
> not created before its assigned date, and there's no advance reminder.
> I suppose it's possible to tick either or both boxes and leave the
> number of days at zero, the default, but since they're not ticked by
> default it seems simpler to leave them unticked.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Size of description column not shrinkable?

2023-12-17 Thread David Carlson
The description column has a minimum width of whatever it takes to fill the
entire width of the GnuCash window after all the other fields are in
place.  If you want to reduce it to less than that, you need to reduce the
width of the entire GnuCash window or increase the default font size on
your display.

On Sun, Dec 17, 2023, 11:15 AM Elmar  wrote:

> I think this has been addressed somewhere before, but for some reason, I
> cannot shrink the size of the description column.  May I have a clue
> given?  thanks. - elmar
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Re: [GNC] Size of description column not shrinkable?

2023-12-17 Thread David Carlson
I suppose you could also change the GnuCash layout to put the tab bar on
the side instead of on top.

On Sun, Dec 17, 2023, 3:13 PM David Carlson 

> The description column has a minimum width of whatever it takes to fill
> the entire width of the GnuCash window after all the other fields are in
> place.  If you want to reduce it to less than that, you need to reduce the
> width of the entire GnuCash window or increase the default font size on
> your display.
> On Sun, Dec 17, 2023, 11:15 AM Elmar  wrote:
>> I think this has been addressed somewhere before, but for some reason, I
>> cannot shrink the size of the description column.  May I have a clue
>> given?  thanks. - elmar
>> ___
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Re: [GNC] Import issue

2023-12-17 Thread David Carlson

I have sometimes had GnuCash fail to match transactions with equal amounts
and dates.  I do not know why but I suspect either there is insufficient
matching text in the description or there is a different reason blocking
the match.  In those cases I just import the transaction unmatched, but It
would be nice to have a way to force those matches.

On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 5:51 PM Gyle McCollam  wrote:

> I'm importing a credit card statement and matching to transactions already
> entered.  I have a transaction recorded on 11/08/2023 that was processed by
> the credit card company on 11/12/2023, 4 days later.  It is not matching
> with the entered transaction even though the amount is identical.  I've
> looked at the preferences for importing and attached a screenshot.  I don't
> know what I'm doing wrong.  Is there a way to select the item in the import
> screen and tell it to match to the 11/08/2023 transaction?
> Thank You,
> Gyle McCollam
> Gyle McCollam
><>   email
> ___
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Import issue

2023-12-18 Thread David Carlson
You forgot to cc to users.  I did it for you this time.

My point was that, like the OP, sometimes GnuCash does not present the
correct, or any existing transaction to match an incoming transaction to
during the import, so the only option left is to import as new.
There is no option to create a match to an arbitrary existing transaction
that GnuCash did not offer.

This is a sticky wicket anyway, because there is always the possibilty of
many very similar existing transactions to choose from in some cases.

For OFX imports there is the extra possibility that the UUID may have been
previously used or re-used inadvertantly,  but I know I see a few cases
where that is not the reason that there is no match offered.

On Mon, Dec 18, 2023, 1:30 PM Kalpesh Patel  wrote:

> In case you didn’t see the email, for " In those cases I just import the
> transaction unmatched, but It would be nice to have a way to force those
> matches." you'll need to set the transaction as either 'U+C' or 'C' and
> then double-clicking that transaction will bring up 'Select matching
> existing transaction' window where you can set the correct match.
> -Original Message-
> From: David Carlson 
> Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2023 11:01 PM
> To: Gyle McCollam 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Import issue
> Gyle,
> I have sometimes had GnuCash fail to match transactions with equal amounts
> and dates.  I do not know why but I suspect either there is insufficient
> matching text in the description or there is a different reason blocking
> the match.  In those cases I just import the transaction unmatched, but It
> would be nice to have a way to force those matches.
> On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 5:51 PM Gyle McCollam  wrote:
> > I'm importing a credit card statement and matching to transactions
> > already entered.  I have a transaction recorded on 11/08/2023 that was
> > processed by the credit card company on 11/12/2023, 4 days later.  It
> > is not matching with the entered transaction even though the amount is
> > identical.  I've looked at the preferences for importing and attached
> > a screenshot.  I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  Is there a way to
> > select the item in the import screen and tell it to match to the
> 11/08/2023 transaction?
> >
> >
> > Thank You,
> >
> > Gyle McCollam
> >
> > Gyle McCollam
> >
> ><>   email
> > ___
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> >
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> --
> David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Ver 5.5 for Windows import issue

2023-12-23 Thread David Carlson
Just for the record, was that a qif import or ofx?

On Sat, Dec 23, 2023, 11:09 AM Gyle McCollam  wrote:

> Just downloaded 5.5 for win 11.  Tried to import my cc info and the import
> wanted to add EVERY transaction as new.  When I clicked on (c)lear it found
> the matching transaction, but still was importing as new, which caused it
> to double everything.  I am reinstalling 5.3 until I can find out what is
> wrong.
> Thank You,
> Gyle McCollam
> Gyle McCollam
>   email
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Ver 5.5 for Windows import issue

2023-12-23 Thread David Carlson
There is a bit of a learning curve with the process of importing files into
GnuCash, and a major part of it is learning how GnuCash reacts to the
particular text that the financial institution uses in the file.  I have
found that I need to treat files from different banks quite differently.
One FI even reverses the signs of purchases vs payments compared to the
rest of the world (even from other merchants using the same credit card
servicer) in their OFX files.

OFX/QFX, and QIF files all use the generic importer for the bulk of the
import process and CSV imports use a different process depending the
purpose of the import.

If you find that there are any quirks that appear to be wrong or strange
come back here with specific questions.

On Sat, Dec 23, 2023 at 12:37 PM Gyle McCollam  wrote:

> When I reached the end of the import file and continued to the
> reconciliation it eliminated all the duplicates and left only the original
> transactions.  So, I don't know what was going on, but the end result was
> normal?
> Thank You,
> *Gyle McCollam*
> Gyle McCollam
> gmccol...@live.comemail
> ------
> *From:* David Carlson 
> *Sent:* Saturday, December 23, 2023 12:25 PM
> *To:* Gyle McCollam 
> *Cc:* Gnucash Users 
> *Subject:* Re: [GNC] Ver 5.5 for Windows import issue
> Just for the record, was that a qif import or ofx?
> On Sat, Dec 23, 2023, 11:09 AM Gyle McCollam  wrote:
> Just downloaded 5.5 for win 11.  Tried to import my cc info and the import
> wanted to add EVERY transaction as new.  When I clicked on (c)lear it found
> the matching transaction, but still was importing as new, which caused it
> to double everything.  I am reinstalling 5.3 until I can find out what is
> wrong.
> Thank You,
> Gyle McCollam
> Gyle McCollam
><>   email
> ___
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Import Matcher Comments and Questions

2023-12-30 Thread David Carlson
It would be helpful to know what release pf GnuCash you are on, which
import format you are using, and possibly which financial institution is
providing the import files.

If there is other informstion, possibly if you are using a certain report
or have a specific accounting structure, that may slso help.  Sorry about
my fat finger problem, my smartphone keyboard has tiiny keys and my cat is
tryong to help me.

On Sat, Dec 30, 2023, 12:18 PM Dale Alspach  wrote:

> Recently there was some restructuring of some of my retirement accounts
> (still under control of my former employer). This caused problems with
> importing because the parent accounts of the securities were altered.
> This led to a lot of questions from the importer. This entailed a tedious
> process of selecting the correct "new" account. One particular difficulty
> is that the same security may be used in more than one branch of the
> account tree. Fortunately the importer actually supplies some detailed
> information which greatly helps identify the correct branch.
> 1. I discovered that the importer does not require uniqueness. That is,
> multiple accounts in the import file can be mapped to the same gnucash
> account. My accounting is strictly personal so the restructuring just meant
> creating an appropriate branch for each investment and reparenting the
> account. The nonuniqueness allowed me to point transactions corresponding
> to the old and new versions of the investment to the new one. *Thus for me
> the nonuniqueness is a desirable feature.*
> 2. The account selection process seems to make some unwarranted assumptions
> that resulted in extra steps and in some cases a difficult to resolve
> ambiguity.
> i. After I selected one branch for a matching account, the importer kept
> suggesting that same branch for all subsequent selections. This resulted in
> extra steps to select the correct branch. It  would have been better for
> the importer to suggest the branch of the last selection and not the very
> first one.
> ii. The ambiguity arose when the importer asked what income account to
> associate with a security. In my setup, the assignment of any income
> attributable to an investment depends on which branch of the accounts this
> particular investment occurs. (taxable or not?, IRA, 403b, brokerage?) The
> name/symbol of the security does not uniquely determine the branch. What I
> needed was that more detailed information that appears when the account
> corresponding to the investment is selected.
> Before I add a formal request for enhancement, I would be interested in
> knowing whether others have the same or similar concerns. I checked
> bugzilla and did not find anything.
> Dale
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Ver 5.5 for Windows import issue

2023-12-30 Thread David Carlson
Is it possible that any of the settings on the Edit Preferences Import page
have changed from your previous settings?

On Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 2:11 PM Gyle McCollam  wrote:

> Just tried importing information into my checking account and it exhibits
> the same strange behavior I mentioned with my cc account (different
> financial institutions).  Namely, it wants to add all the transactions as
> new, but when I click on (c)lear it finds the matching transaction.  I
> don't know what changed in the importer, but it was functioning correctly
> before the upgrade to 5.5.  However, going back to 5.3 doesn't solve the
> issue.  It was working fine for years and I thought the problem was with
> Citi Bank, but now that it is functioning the same with a different
> institution, I think it must be GC related.  I'll be curious, now that we
> are at the end of a month, if other users are experiencing the same issue.
> Thank You,
> *Gyle McCollam*
> Gyle McCollam
>    email
> --
> *From:* David Carlson 
> *Sent:* Saturday, December 23, 2023 4:36 PM
> *To:* Gyle McCollam 
> *Cc:* Gnucash Users 
> *Subject:* Re: [GNC] Ver 5.5 for Windows import issue
> There is a bit of a learning curve with the process of importing files
> into GnuCash, and a major part of it is learning how GnuCash reacts to the
> particular text that the financial institution uses in the file.  I have
> found that I need to treat files from different banks quite differently.
> One FI even reverses the signs of purchases vs payments compared to the
> rest of the world (even from other merchants using the same credit card
> servicer) in their OFX files.
> OFX/QFX, and QIF files all use the generic importer for the bulk of the
> import process and CSV imports use a different process depending the
> purpose of the import.
> If you find that there are any quirks that appear to be wrong or strange
> come back here with specific questions.
> On Sat, Dec 23, 2023 at 12:37 PM Gyle McCollam  wrote:
> When I reached the end of the import file and continued to the
> reconciliation it eliminated all the duplicates and left only the original
> transactions.  So, I don't know what was going on, but the end result was
> normal?
> Thank You,
> *Gyle McCollam*
> Gyle McCollam
> gmccol...@live.comemail
> --
> *From:* David Carlson 
> *Sent:* Saturday, December 23, 2023 12:25 PM
> *To:* Gyle McCollam 
> *Cc:* Gnucash Users 
> *Subject:* Re: [GNC] Ver 5.5 for Windows import issue
> Just for the record, was that a qif import or ofx?
> On Sat, Dec 23, 2023, 11:09 AM Gyle McCollam  wrote:
> Just downloaded 5.5 for win 11.  Tried to import my cc info and the import
> wanted to add EVERY transaction as new.  When I clicked on (c)lear it found
> the matching transaction, but still was importing as new, which caused it
> to double everything.  I am reinstalling 5.3 until I can find out what is
> wrong.
> Thank You,
> Gyle McCollam
> Gyle McCollam
><>   email
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Re: [GNC] Help

2024-01-08 Thread David Carlson

Those log files are usually very small and they get deleted at the same
time as the automatic backup files.  I have GnuCash configured to keep them
for several days and I find them very handy when GnuCash crashes to
re-enter whatever I had entered after my last manual file save, which is
not very much since I save every few minutes.  I use compressed XML
format.  If you use one of the database formats, it may work differently,
but I have no experience with that to share.

If you are saving your GnuCash data file(s) in dedicated folder(s) in your
userland as recommended, they aren't cluttering up your hard drive to speak

On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 3:40 PM David T. via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> I don't really know. I don't pay any attention to the log files. They're
> there if I ever need them, and seem to disappear after a reasonable time.
> ⁣David T.​
> On Jan 8, 2024, 10:18 PM, at 10:18 PM, Max Crystal <
>> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >David,
> >
> >As you can see, I checked never for backup log to never.  Am I doing
> >something wrong?  It is still posting to my hard drive files every
> >time.  I Have version 5.5
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >From: David T. 
> >Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 12:55 PM
> >To: Max Crystal 
> >Cc:
> >Subject: Re: [GNC] Help
> >
> >
> >
> >That's handled in settings. You can disable by setting the log file
> >retention to 0.
> >
> >David T.
> >
> >On Jan 8, 2024, at 9:05 PM, Max Crystal  ><> > wrote:
> >
> >Every time I open and close the register it creates a notepad log entry
> >on
> >my hard drive.  Can I disable this so I will not have multiple entries
> >every
> >day.
> >
> >Max
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> >
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Re: [GNC] Idiot 101 question

2024-01-09 Thread David Carlson
Maybe we should take a lesson from you and put that surge protected power
strip next to our pc or entertainment center inside a very sturdy box if it
isn't already in it's own container.

On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 1:06 AM Jeff  wrote:

> After a surge protector blew up in my face and fried my server and
> workstations I am trying to catch up. I assume the update to 5.5 is
> compatible on Ubuntu and Windoze?  It's tax time and I am down to 0
> workstations, from 4, until I can locate a station strictly for taxes.
> And yes, you will soil your pants no matter how many surge protectors
> you have explode in your face.  Thankfully this one was only a 15 amp
> one and not the 10 KW inverter that exploded in my face at work.
> --
> --JEffrey Black M.B.A.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Idiot 101 question

2024-01-09 Thread David Carlson
Oh, release 5.5 has a couple of bugs, the Windoze version especially.  You
may want to revert to release 5.4, but that has it's own issue, so check
the history here and choose your poison.

On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 1:42 AM David Carlson 

> Maybe we should take a lesson from you and put that surge protected power
> strip next to our pc or entertainment center inside a very sturdy box if it
> isn't already in it's own container.
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 1:06 AM Jeff  wrote:
>> After a surge protector blew up in my face and fried my server and
>> workstations I am trying to catch up. I assume the update to 5.5 is
>> compatible on Ubuntu and Windoze?  It's tax time and I am down to 0
>> workstations, from 4, until I can locate a station strictly for taxes.
>> And yes, you will soil your pants no matter how many surge protectors
>> you have explode in your face.  Thankfully this one was only a 15 amp
>> one and not the 10 KW inverter that exploded in my face at work.
>> --
>> --JEffrey Black M.B.A.
>> ___
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> --
> David Carlson

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Re: [GNC] Maddening!!!!!!!!

2024-01-11 Thread David Carlson
Sounds like you were trying to import too much data in one shot.

On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 11:20 AM Jack Slater  wrote:

> 90 minutes of reconciling down the drain with a crash near the end of the
> final account. Oddly, even though GnuC auto saves periodically, it seems
> none of any add/delete/balance transactions were saved in any account! Why
> would that be
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Re: [GNC] Template Transactions Behavior in Scheduled Transaction Editor

2024-01-11 Thread David Carlson
I think that we need to see how SX's will work after the Since Last Run
druid is fixed before proposing more improvements.  If I understand
correctly, there is an unresolved issue preventing nightly builds, so it
will be difficult to test anything right now anyway.

As for balancing SX's, I often resort to entering each value on both sides,
using plus [or minus] signs instead of summing multiple values.

A long time ago I submitted a feature request to provide the ability to
manually enter a SX.  I think that would help in some cases.

On Thu, Jan 11, 2024, 1:50 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> That sounds like you have an SX to autocreate. Perhaps turn that off and
> it won't fire.
> Otherwise, perhaps turn off the preference to execute the Since Last Run
> dialog on startup. You can still run it manually to fire any pending
> SXs, but otherwise, not have it bother you if you just want to pop in
> and out to check a balance.
> Another option (which I use for other reasons) is to simply leave
> GnuCash open 24/7. That lets me see and do whatever I want, and I just
> run the SLR periodically to fire my SXs. (Oddly, there is no 'watcher'
> that fires them when the system date should otherwise trigger them)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 1/11/24 3:36 PM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> > I've found the "Prompt for value" option with SXes to be downright
> annoying.
> >
> > I go to Gnucash to check the balances in a savings account, and the SX
> dialog pops up asking me for a dollar amount for my electric bill (and
> won't seem to let me just click past). Inevitably, I just put in any old
> number-- defeating the whole purpose of that feature.
> >
> > So, I've opted to have balanced transactions that may be off, which I
> correct when I reconcile the account. But then, I had to change some
> figures in one complex SX, and it didn't supply the balancing split.
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Re: [GNC] Maddening!!!!!!!!

2024-01-11 Thread David Carlson
A comment about possible mechanisms that can appear to cause data loss:
Stuff that is saved in the GCM files is only updated when the program is
completely closed.

Saved reports, import configurations, register column widths and several
other items fall in that category.

Those items are not included in the log files or the automatic backups.

On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 10:10 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> David, see that bug report John linked.
> Something is amiss. Where, remains to be found.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 1/11/24 9:57 PM, David Cousens wrote:
> > Jack,
> >
> > What do you mean by a rogue transaction? Is this by any chance a
> transaction
> > which has one split to an IMbalance" account?  If this is the case then
> it may
> > be that you are not assigning the transfer account  befor committing the
> > transaction with the return key. If no account has been assigned to th
> seoncd
> > line of the transaction it will be automatically assigned to the
> Imbalance
> > account, the purpose of which is to alert you that nyou need to assign an
> > appropriate account to that second split.
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Re: [GNC] Template Transactions Behavior in Scheduled Transaction Editor

2024-01-11 Thread David Carlson
By "manually enter" I mean to trigger the entry into the register of the
next scheduled instance of a single scheduled transaction [SX] without
invoking the Since Last Run druid.  I would expect that to be an action
available in the SX editor.

Since one SX may contain more than one separate register transaction, I
would expect the entire contents of the SX to be executed, including all
the register transactions therein.

I guess there would need to be some logic to detect that there were no
pending edits, invalid arguments, to update the SX status and whatever to
remain valid for the Since Last Run druid


On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 9:14 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> What do you mean by "manually enter a SX?"
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 1/11/24 4:19 PM, David Carlson wrote:
> > I think that we need to see how SX's will work after the Since Last Run
> > druid is fixed before proposing more improvements.  If I understand
> > correctly, there is an unresolved issue preventing nightly builds, so it
> > will be difficult to test anything right now anyway.
> >
> > As for balancing SX's, I often resort to entering each value on both
> sides,
> > using plus [or minus] signs instead of summing multiple values.
> >
> > A long time ago I submitted a feature request to provide the ability to
> > manually enter a SX.  I think that would help in some cases.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Template Transactions Behavior in Scheduled Transaction Editor

2024-01-12 Thread David Carlson
I beg to differ.  Executing code while editing it would be an invitation to

On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 10:25 AM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> Indeed, I should have tested it prior to commenting.
> Apologies for the noise.
> At the very least, being able to do math here with a result would be a
> good RFE.
> I would only expect formulas to remain as formulas if they contain
> variables which require a prompt for value.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 1/12/24 12:18 AM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> > I am pretty sure I tried that, but it didn't actually do the calculation
> in the SX window. Which makes sense, I think, because that window allows
> formulas that get processed at runtime.
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Re: [GNC] Maddening!!!!!!!!

2024-01-12 Thread David Carlson
It sounds like you are entering new transactions while part way through
performing a reconciliation process.

I suspect that could confuse the reconciliation.

On Fri, Jan 12, 2024, 11:22 AM Jack Slater  wrote:

> Windows 11
> Was on 5.4 when problems started. Updated to 5.5 and finally slugged my
> through doing exactly what you suggested - saving page and then transaction
> at a time.
> On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 5:08 AM Liz  wrote:
> > On Thu, 11 Jan 2024 11:11:13 -0600
> > Jack Slater  wrote:
> >
> > > 90 minutes of reconciling down the drain with a crash near the end of
> > > the final account. Oddly, even though GnuC auto saves periodically,
> > > it seems none of any add/delete/balance transactions were saved in
> > > any account! Why would that be
> >
> > Please give your OS and your version of Gnucash. It will make it easier
> > for others to help.
> >
> > Personally I always save repetitively when reconciling. If its an
> > account with a lot of transactions I may do a page at a time, and
> > sometimes less. Every finalised reconciliation I save immediately.
> >
> > Liz
> > ___
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Re: [GNC] Template Transactions Behavior in Scheduled Transaction Editor

2024-01-12 Thread David Carlson
I consider the SX to be a graphical form of a script, and so I am not sure
how the editor could detect what is safe to call an expression that could
be evaluated while it is being edited.

On Fri, Jan 12, 2024, 11:36 AM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> What I meant was it would indeed be nice that the SX Template entry
> allowed you to do math like a register does.
> I never meant to imply that one could edit the code from within the app!
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 1/12/24 11:27 AM, David Carlson wrote:
> > I beg to differ.  Executing code while editing it would be an invitation
> to
> > disaster.
> >
> > On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 10:25 AM Adrien Monteleone <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Indeed, I should have tested it prior to commenting.
> >>
> >> Apologies for the noise.
> >>
> >> At the very least, being able to do math here with a result would be a
> >> good RFE.
> >>
> >> I would only expect formulas to remain as formulas if they contain
> >> variables which require a prompt for value.
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Re: [GNC] Template Transactions Behavior in Scheduled Transaction Editor

2024-01-12 Thread David Carlson
Scheduled transactions [SX's] are only executed when the Since Last Run
assistant is triggered, and then only when they meet several criteria such
as the calendar date matching the scheduled execution date but the SX is
not postponed or ignored.  Some users, like myself, have as many as
hundreds of these, and we don't want them going off when we start GnuCash,
because it might take a long time to get through the distraction, so we
turn off the trigger to run when the program starts and only run it when we
are ready.  Then, we might want to edit one or two SX's without being
bothered with the other 98 possibly taking off while we are focussed on
that one or two.  There has been a lot of discussion about the Since Last
Run assistant being rather unwieldy and there was an attempt to start
making it work more smoothly in release 5.5, but it hit a speed bump.  That
has not been fixed yet for general release, it is probably very complex
coding that we mortals do not comprehend.

On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 1:22 PM Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) <> wrote:

> On 2024-01-12 08:17, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > I am not unsympathetic to that conundrum!
> >
> > On 1/12/24 12:23 AM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> >> if I have to remember to run the SLR in order to have them created,
> >> then I've just changed the work, not reduced it.
> I'm confused. I'm not having a problem, but I would like to understand
> the issue raised.
> When has it ever been necessary to run the "Since Last Run" menu
> selection? When I create a transaction, it fires when it's supposed to.
> I've just tried one now. I imagine "Create automatically" is necessary,
> but that's ticked by default so I don't have think about it.
> It's true that the transaction doesn't run immediately, but it does run
> the next time I reopen GC. Is that what's being referred to, that a new
> transaction, created on the same day as the first desired occurrence,
> doesn't fire in the same GC session unless you select "Since Last Run",
> though it _does_ fire automatically in the next GC session? (As I say,
> I've just tried this.) Or is there some change in behavior between 4.x
> and 5.x, and that's what's being referred to?
> Can someone clarify the issue, please?
> P.S. Someone referred to not being able to have formulas in a Scheduled
> Transaction. I just tried that too, with 100+100-50 in a debit split and
> 800-650 in a credit split. As I would have expected, when the
> transaction fired, the debit and credit splits both showed 150.00. (My
> currency is US dollars.) So it sure looks like formulas work. Again,
> maybe I'm misunderstanding the issue the person was talking about.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Maddening!!!!!!!!

2024-01-12 Thread David Carlson
...except when something happens after 90 minutes of that sort of activity
that creates a huge mess.

On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 2:11 PM Jack Slater  wrote:

> I'd certainly agree.
> On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 11:57 AM Patrick James  >
> wrote:
> > My personal experience is that this "phantom transaction" problem began
> in
> > 5.X.
> >
> > Using 4.X, I experienced no problems changing/adding/deleting
> transactions
> > during a reconciliation.
> >
> >
> > > On 01/12/2024 9:44 AM PST David Carlson 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > It sounds like you are entering new transactions while part way through
> > > performing a reconciliation process.
> > >
> > > I suspect that could confuse the reconciliation.
> > >
> > ___
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Re: [GNC] Template Transactions Behavior in Scheduled Transaction Editor

2024-01-12 Thread David Carlson

Since you asked, I think that is a good idea.  We could have both a test
run while editing that did not crash anything if it failed and when looking
at the SX but not editing it, have a button that triggers the creation of
the next instance.  That would probably work regardless of the SLR settings
such as ignore, postpone, etc.

On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 9:14 PM Liz  wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Jan 2024 12:08:14 -0600
> David Carlson  wrote:
> > I consider the SX to be a graphical form of a script, and so I am not
> > sure how the editor could detect what is safe to call an expression
> > that could be evaluated while it is being edited.
> >
> So would you like a button which gives an option to make a test run?
> Liz
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Re: [GNC] End of Year?

2024-01-13 Thread David Carlson
Dumb question.  The original topic was about unreconncciled transactions
from the pervious year.  If they are not copied over to the new file
wouldn't that mess up the next reconciliation?

On Sat, Jan 13, 2024, 3:07 PM Liz  wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Jan 2024 11:19:26 -0600
> R Losey  wrote:
> > But the larger issue is that I believe this email list could benefit
> > from a FAQ that is posted monthly or every other month to this group.
> > The wiki has some neat ideas about tracking year to year equity
> > growth.
> You will need to convince me, because I would get to implement it.
> Liz
> (Moderator Hat)
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Re: [GNC] Budget car payment

2024-01-13 Thread David Carlson
I just tried opening a GnuCash report saved in Html format with Libre
Office writer and found that it would offer to save in ODT format as soon
as I tried to save anything.  I am sure that it would also save in csv or
other common formats.

On Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 3:14 PM Michael or Penny Novack <> wrote:

> On 1/13/2024 1:34 PM, Dennis Powless wrote:
> > Are there other options to export besides HTML?  Say to excel in csv or
> txt?
> >
> If you open an HTML document, do you know how to get the content saved
> as .xlsx or .cvs or .txt?  The point here is that asking the developers
> to add the option of adding export to format X just kicks the can down
> the road to "how about format Y:.
> Michael D Novack
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[GNC] A bit of an irritation.

2024-01-15 Thread David Carlson
I am not sure if this is new behavior or if it is an artifact of a recent
change of my habits.  I am currently using release 4.8 in a couple of
different computers running various flavors of Linux, mostly variations on
Ubuntu 22.04.  I sometime multitask on the same computer while leaving
GnuCash running in the background, leaving it set to remind me if I forget
to do an interim save after so much time, but never letting GnuCash
actually do the save because it might save something that my cat entered
while walking across the keyboard.

Anyway, now when GnuCash reminds me to save it interrupts whatever I am
doing in whatever program, be it Libre Office or a Zoom meeting.  Has it
always been that odtrusive?

David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Idiot 101 question

2024-01-15 Thread David Carlson
I would recommend taking a few weeks learning how VM's work before doing it
yourself,but for a person knowledgeable about VM's it would be
straightforward if you can install or otherwise attach a physical drive to
your computer then configure a VM to use it as it's primary drive.  I
recommend having a knowledgeable friend do it.  I have been 'playing' with
VM's for a couple of years now and I have been burned several times while
learning how they work.  I still do not do anything serious solely in a VM.

On Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 9:48 PM Jeff  wrote:

> On 1/11/24 10:10 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > If their drives with OS installations are intact, perhaps converting
> > them to VM images might suffice for now.
> >
> > As for Windows software, have you given the latest Wine a spin with
> > it? It may not work 100% out of the box, but you might get close
> > enough with some fiddling.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> >
> > On 1/11/24 2:15 AM, Jeff wrote:
> >> I'm just trying to get back to gnc and unfortunately a windows
> >> program, H@r Block.  Without at least 2 computers this almost
> >> difficult task unless you have a way to run H@r Block windows version
> >> 2023 under ubuntu?
> >>
> >> And right now I have only one computer.  A surge supseror exploded
> >> and fried all of my computers.  I have a temporary replacement for
> >> the network server but not any workstations.
> >
> > ___
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> Adrien:
> I do not fully understand yet what has happened.  My "NEW" old tower
> recognized all of my drives I pulled from the blown up computers, then
> poof, the new computer suddenly doesn't recognize them anymore (all of
> the ssd boot drives).  I got lucky tonight and found the drive for my
> Ubuntu server or I would not be responding.
> If I cannot get the sata drive from my laptop back up and running then I
> am screwed for taxes (Stupid me I forgot to backup 2022). I can still do
> the book keeping from here if I can keep Ubuntu up and running (except
> that some of the financial institution ID an passwords that are on a
> windowze drive).  Much easier under__Ubuntu and a work station.
> Unfortunately for me, the tax software is on a windozs drive that I can
> no longer access.
> _
> _I have not tried using a VM, as this tower suddenly decided that
> several of my drives no longer exist.
> How would I move it to a VM?
> --
> --JEffrey Black M.B.A.
> _______
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Re: [GNC] Feature request: Import assistant, room for big improvements

2024-01-15 Thread David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Enhancement: Future sched txn update if updated template.

2024-01-17 Thread David Carlson
An SX can be constructed to have at least two separate register
transactions, and probably as many as 12 register transactions but they may
be limited to firing on the same schedule and date.  I have one SX wth two
register transactions that has been in service for several months.

On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 1:09 AM David H  wrote:

> * think * not honk - spellcheck? Fat fingers ?
> On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 at 5:07 pm, David H  wrote:
> > I honk he’s talking about having 1 template but the transactions have
> > already been created 12 months in advance. I.e. he wants to update the
> > created tens based on an updated template after the fact.
> >
> > Regards David H.
> >
> > On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 at 10:43 am, Gyle McCollam 
> wrote:
> >
> >> Instead of having 11 or 12 sx templates, why not have one that fires
> >> monthly?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Sent from Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  Original message 
> >> From: "David G. Pickett via gnucash-user" 
> >> Date: 1/16/24 6:18 PM (GMT-05:00)
> >> To: Gnucash Users 
> >> Subject: [GNC] Enhancement: Future sched txn update if updated template.
> >>
> >> I schedule my periodic transactions a year in advance, but with constant
> >> inflation, often the amount goes up.  It'd be nice to have a way to, by
> >> interactive option after I update the template, have gnucash update the
> >> already generated future transactions to match an updated template
> >> transaction, so I do not need to update 11 or 12 more places.
> >> ___
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Re: [GNC] Enhancement: Future sched txn update if updated template.

2024-01-17 Thread David Carlson
I just never tried more than two.  You did!

On Wed, Jan 17, 2024, 9:36 AM Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) <> wrote:

> On 2024-01-17 04:41, David Carlson wrote:
> > An SX can be constructed to have at least two separate register
> > transactions, and probably as many as 12 register transactions but they
> may
> > be limited to firing on the same schedule and date.  I have one SX wth
> two
> > register transactions that has been in service for several months.
> I'm wondering about the significance of your "probably as many as 12".
> My end-of-month SX, which contains deprecation of physical assets and
> amortization of prepayments such as insurance, property tax, HOA
> assessments, and subscriptions, has 29 transactions of two splits each.
> There are no formulas, however.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Windows x64 release builds are missing

2024-01-19 Thread David Carlson
 >>>>> -
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Re: [GNC] SX

2024-01-31 Thread David Carlson
What release of GnuCash are we discussing here?  I believe that the current
release (5.5) has other issues with SX's that are more serious, hence we
might  as well wait for these issues to be resolved first.

On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 9:23 AM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> It works when I right click on the calendar and then as I move around a
> pop-up that follows the mouse changes to show SX info, or none,
> accordingly.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 1/31/24 8:27 AM, Gyle McCollam wrote:
> > IIRC the calendar in SX used to show what transactions were due on each
> day when you moved the mouse to a date in the calendar, but it doesn't do
> that anymore.  Is that correct or am I remembering wrong?  It doesn't do
> that anymore.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] GNC UI problem...

2024-02-10 Thread David Carlson
The quick trick is to double-click the header for the desired column to
expand it to the widest item in that register.  Then, if a horizontal
scrollbar appears at the bottom, grab the right edge of the description
with the mouse and move it to the left.

On Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 1:06 PM Tommy Trussell 

> On Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 11:48 AM Robert Heller 
> wrote:
> > How do I get the collumns past the Description to be wider (readable)?
> > Everything I have tried only makes it worse.
> >
> see the FAQ
> > -
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] GNC UI problem...

2024-02-10 Thread David Carlson
In my Gmail these threads are getting disconnected.  Gmail doesn't seem to
know what thread view is.

On Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 1:49 PM Kalpesh Patel  wrote:

> I believe it should work for Linux as well as they all use the standard
> framework underneath across all platforms. Experiment and let us know the
> results so others on other platforms can benefit. Double clicking the
> header
> or dragging the vertical bar between the column headers are your friends
> for
> resizing those columns.
> -- Original Message --
> Received: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 02:44:21 PM EST
> From: Robert Heller 
> To: "Kalpesh Patel" Cc: Tommy Trussell
> ,Kalpesh Patel ,
> Cash User 
> Subject: Re: [GNC] GNC UI problem...
> > At Sat, 10 Feb 2024 14:36:39 -0500 "Kalpesh Patel" <
> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > My bad... both instances should be double left clicks for Windows
> platform...
> > >
> >
> > I'm using Linux...
> >
> > >
> > > If you can get the cursor on top of the vertical bar between the column
> > > headers, then you can adjust columns individually but by double left
> clicking
> > > the header label it will resize to largest text size in that column
> except
> for
> > > the description column which will shrink to remove the horizontal
> scroll
> bar
> > > at the bottom by the double left clicks.
> > >
> > > The list is cc'ed on the replies...
> > >
> > > -- Original Message --
> > > Received: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 02:14:10 PM EST
> > > From: Tommy Trussell 
> > > To: Kalpesh Patel Cc: Robert Heller
> > > , GNU Cash User 
> > > Subject: [GNC] GNC UI problem...
> > >
> > > > If you find Kalpesh Patel's procedure useful, let the list know. I
> think
> > > > the FAQ could be worded a bit more helpfully
> > > >
> > > > On Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 1:08 PM Kalpesh Patel
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Double click the left button on the label of each column from right
> to
> > > left
> > > > > direction. And then lastly go back to the heading 'Description" and
> > > double
> > > > > click right button to shrink it so that scroll bars go away.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Date:   Sat, 10 Feb 2024 12:47:28 -0500 (EST)
> > > > > From:   Robert Heller 
> > > > > To: 
> > > > > Subject:[GNC] GNC UI problem...
> > > > > I am using Version: 4.14 Build ID: 4.14+(2023-03-25)
> Finance::Quote:
> > > 1.50,
> > > > > built from source on a RPi 2 running bullseye Raspbian GNU/Linux
> 11.
> > > > >
> > > > > How do I get the collumns past the Description to be wider
> (readable)?
> > > > > Everything I have tried only makes it worse.
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
> > > > > Deepwoods Software -- Custom Software Services
> > > > > -- Linux Administration Services
> > > > > -- Webhosting Services
> > > > >
> > > > > ___
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> > > > > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> > Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
> > Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services
> >  -- Linux Administration Services
> >   -- Webhosting Services
> >
> ___
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Repeatable crashes with 4.14 on 32-bit arm Linux

2024-02-10 Thread David Carlson
If GnuCash crashes once then runs fine after restarting, then that isn't

Or do you mean that you cannot reconcile one or more credit card accounts?

I would suggest opening that account register and do a check and repair all
transactions operation.  If you were to try that from the accounts screen
you might be waiting all night for GnuCash to finish.

Good luck!

On Sat, Feb 10, 2024, 7:19 PM Robert Heller  wrote:

> Always when hitting the reconcile button on a credit card account:
> Could not determine the accessibility bus address
> **
> gnc.gui:ERROR:/home/heller/gnucash-4.14/gnucash/gnome-utils/dialog-transfer.c:2297:gnc_xfer_dialog_run_until_done:
> assertion failed: (count == 1)
> Bail out!
> gnc.gui:ERROR:/home/heller/gnucash-4.14/gnucash/gnome-utils/dialog-transfer.c:2297:gnc_xfer_dialog_run_until_done:
> assertion failed: (count == 1)
> Could not determine the accessibility bus address
> **
> gnc.gui:ERROR:/home/heller/gnucash-4.14/gnucash/gnome-utils/dialog-transfer.c:2297:gnc_xfer_dialog_run_until_done:
> assertion failed: (count == 1)
> Bail out!
> gnc.gui:ERROR:/home/heller/gnucash-4.14/gnucash/gnome-utils/dialog-transfer.c:2297:gnc_xfer_dialog_run_until_done:
> assertion failed: (count == 1)
> Things work fine after restarting...
> --
> Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
> Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services
>  -- Linux Administration Services
>   -- Webhosting Services
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Repeatable crashes with 4.14 on 32-bit arm Linux

2024-02-11 Thread David Carlson
Look under Edit > Preferences > Register for Reconciling > Automatic Credit
Card Payment, be sure that is unchecked.

On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 10:23 AM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> Under Preferences > Register > Reconciling there is "Automatic Credit
> Card Payment"
> For some other accounts (Liability type I think) in the account Edit
> screen there is an "Auto Interest Transfer" checkbox.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 2/11/24 8:02 AM, Robert Heller wrote:
>   Can these dialogs be disabled?
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Matching multiple duplicates for the same amount

2024-02-11 Thread David Carlson
Please provide more information.  The version of GnuCash with source of
download from the About screen, your OS,and the type of import that you are
using.  Also, your bank is very unusual to offer to only download
transactions that you have not downloaded earlier.

On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 11:23 AM Rich Stanton  wrote:

> Hi, I wondered if I've found a bug, or am doing something wrong. I import
> QIFs to GNUCash, my bank gives me the option to 'download everything since
> the last download', however it often duplicates the last transactions from
> the previous download and the first ones from the new download. GNUCash
> handles that fine by taking me to a dialog where I can match duplicates.
> However it doesn't seem to work properly when I have two transactions for
> the same amount. Here I get two entries as the new transactions, each of
> which has two duplicates it can potentially match with. I should be able to
> match the first entry to the first duplicate, and the second to the second.
> However if I check off the first entry to match the first duplicate, when I
> then check the second entry to match the second duplicate, the first entry
> changes to also match the second duplicate. If I change the first entry
> back (to match the first duplicate), then the second changes to also match
> the first duplicate. Essentially, I cannot choose two different matches for
> the two entries - when I change one of them, the other changes too, so they
> always both match the same duplicate. Or I can uncheck one of them, do the
> import, and delete the spurious duplicate afterwards - so there is a
> solution, but clearly this is not how the system is meant to work?
> Thanks!
> Rich
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Re: [GNC] How to reimport an ofx file?

2024-02-19 Thread David Carlson

My regular procedure involves intentionally deleting some OFX imported
transactions after I have replaced them with transactions that have more
detailed descriptions and I have found that if I re-run an old OFX import
file, those transactions will import again.  So in your case, I would
expect missing transactions to re-appear without any special editing of the
import files.  Because I have the room on my backup devices, I never delete
old OFX files, I just move them to different folders.

On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 11:23 PM jeffrey black 

> I'm not going into great detail here but I had a surge suppressor  strip
> explode when I turned it off.  It is way out of its warranty period so no
> help there. It fried my server, laptop, printer, 3 external drives, 3 USB
> Backuo drives, and 2 SSD drives ( which i just found out are
> non-recoverable , period).  But thankfully not the drives my GNC datafiles
> were on.
> Anyways, my question to the GNC community is that I imported an account
> via OFX and forgot to reconcile it.  Know I find out that there are several
> hundred transactions that were never imported.
> How can I convince  GNC to import the missing transactions via OFX?  And
> do not ask me which version of GNC I was running because I do not remember
> and cannot access that drive.  98% of the time I was running GNC under
> Ubuntu (I hate  WindoZe and very seldom use it).
> --  Jeffrey  Black, M.B.A.
> (Forgive my poor spelling and explanation. These little keyboards on a
> phone are too small for my fumble fingers.  And spell check cannot spelll
> any better than I can.  I'm still trying to setup a new server and a new
> network.)
> -- Jeffrey Black, M.B.A.
> Get Outlook for Android<>
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Re: [GNC] ANNOUNCE: gnucash-5.5-1.setup.exe

2024-02-21 Thread David Carlson
Was there an annoumcement about who should try this and whrre to find it?

On Wed, Feb 21, 2024, 2:52 PM hc.stoellinger  wrote:

> How is a Linux version doing? I suppose you don't  plan a pre-compiled
> version?Von meinem/meiner Galaxy gesendet
>  Ursprüngliche Nachricht Von: John Ralls <
>> Datum: 21.02.24  06:46  (GMT+01:00) An:
> Cc: Gnucash-devel <
>>, Gnucash Users 
> Betreff: ANNOUNCE: gnucash-5.5-1.setup.exe Having finally beaten WebKitGtk
> on Windows into submission so that it runs JavaScript without crashing, at
> least in my not very extensive tests, I've built a new Windows
> gnucash-5.5-1.setup.exe and uploaded it to the usual places.The sea-256 is
> 720a60dca57e4199f28b5449158ddc89e62012f042a62c43b16c569fa0890275.Regards,John
> Ralls___gnucash-announce
> mailing listgnucash-announce@gnucash.orghttps://
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Re: [GNC] ANNOUNCE: gnucash-5.5-1.setup.exe

2024-02-22 Thread David Carlson
I did not receive the initial announcement unless it was the one posted to
the dev thread,  I did not see if it was posted to the nightly builds
location or to the main release location.

Gmail does not show me the announcement that this thread follows.

On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 9:35 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> I thought John made that pretty clear in the initial post of this thread.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 2/21/24 6:00 PM, David Carlson wrote:
> > Was there an annoumcement about who should try this and whrre to find it?
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Re: [GNC] Removing Scheduled Transaction From a Closed Year

2024-02-23 Thread David Carlson
I am not at my computer right now so I can't try, but you may be able open
the file in read only mode.  It may still run the SLR though.

On Fri, Feb 23, 2024, 3:03 PM Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) <> wrote:

> On 2024-02-23 10:46, Grace wrote:
> > I am needing to revisit my GNUCash records for 2022. I forgot to erase
> > all the scheduled transaction before I "archived" it, so now when I open
> > the app, it applies all the scheduled transaction for 2023 and 2024! Did
> > not think about that!!
> >
> > Is there a way of stopping GNUCash from doing that before I open the
> > app?
> Not as far as I'm aware. I'm pretty sure that the scheduled transactions
> are part of the .gnucash file, not some external file.
> > Are the scheduled transactions in a file some where that I could
> > delete?
> Sure.
> 1. Click Action » Scheduled Transactions » Scheduled Transaction Editor.
> 2. Click one of the scheduled transactions you want to delete, and click
> the Delete button.
> 3. Repeat step 2 as many times as necessary.
> As for the transactions that have already fired, you're going to have to
> delete them one at a time.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Opening a particular register

2024-02-26 Thread David Carlson
Just leave the desired register open when you close GnuCash.  If more than
one register is left open, GnuCash will go to the last used register.

I imagine there is a command line option as well, but I have never tried

On Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 8:53 AM Kalpesh Patel  wrote:

> Hi GNC user community -
> Is there a way to open a specific account register when GNC is launched?
> I have created a top level account that are "Notes and other reminders"
> which I would love to see it open up when launched. They are mostly "no
> value" transactions. While it is unusual use of it, it works for its
> intended purposes, hence the query. The Scheduled Transaction is probably
> an
> overkill for this purpose, besides being requiring multiple steps get it to
> schedule it up and most of the transactions are a one time event that takes
> place in the future so dropping it in the register is great holding place,
> and it doesn't clutter real registers.
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Re: [GNC] split transaction description field length limit

2024-03-03 Thread David Carlson
Whatever the actual character count limit is for the memo field in a
transaction line, I have found the practical limit is what can be printed
in reports that show that field.  On the computer screen you cannot
directly see anything that is after a linefeed character unless you scroll
past that character since the 'window' is one line tall.

I do not use business features so I don't have invoices or vendors.
Another possibility would be to use spreadsheets and refer to them in the
document link field.  I don't remember if that is associated with
individual lines or to the entire transaction.

On Sun, Mar 3, 2024 at 9:13 PM Alan Johnson via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> I suggest you put your handyman in as a vendor. Then you can create a bill
> with long descriptions per item, and then pay the bill with a check. If you
> want to see what was paid, right click on the payment entry in the register
> and choose jump to invoice/bill. You can also run a vendor report.
> Mar 3, 2024 18:39:49 Tim via gnucash-user :
> > The descriptions that I enter in GNU cash for split items get truncated.
> Is
> > there a way to change this or is this a hard limit?
> >
> >
> >
> > To provide some context, I pay a handyman to work on various projects.
> When
> > I write the check to pay him I split the amount among the various
> projects
> > (which correspond to line items on his timesheet)that he worked on to
> > allocated it to the different expense accounts associated with those
> > projects. I like to enter a fairly long description which includes things
> > like the date the work was done, the location, and a brief description of
> > what was done but GNU cash truncates it when producing reports or when I
> go
> > back and look at data that I entered earlier.
> >
> >
> >
> > Should I be setting up an account for the handyman in which the line
> items
> > of his timesheet would be entered as individual transactions which add
> up to
> > the amount he gets paid? I get the impression that I'm probably trying to
> > misuse GNU cash again as I was when I paid my credit card bills with long
> > split transactions. I was able to fix that by entering the transactions
> in
> > an account for the credit card and then having a single transaction from
> my
> > bank account to pay off the credit card. I'm not adept enough at
> accounting,
> > to put it mildly, to know if there's something analogous I should be
> doing
> > in this case. Can you explain it in a way that a newbie would understand?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
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Re: [GNC] split transaction description field length limit

2024-03-04 Thread David Carlson
I think you are right, the notes field also is limited to one line tall in
the register view.

On Sun, Mar 3, 2024 at 11:05 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> That log file can also be attached to the transaction in GnuCash.
> Also, explore using View > Double Line as that exposes a Notes field for
> the entire transaction.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 3/3/24 7:08 PM, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
> > I suggest a workaround: write in separate log document your detailed
> > description, with date, location, and description of work. Make a
> > concise tag or label for each entry in the log.  Put that tag or label
> > in the GnuCash transaction record.
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Re: [GNC] I'm getting started in Gnucash and want to list each item that I buy from one merchant

2024-03-09 Thread David Carlson

By chance are you using the enter key during your editing?

That triggers the full transactiion calculatkions.  Use arrow keys, ta b
key or mouse buttons until you are ready to see the transaction calculation.

I think calculztions within individual amount fields happen as soon as you
move out of that field unless you are creating a scheduled transaaction.

On Sat, Mar 9, 2024, 8:36 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> I'm not certain what you are describing, but I'll hazard a guess that
> you are seeing GnuCash auto-balance the transaction. That is normal.
> Every transaction has to be balanced. (Debits *must* equal Credits)
> You are free to enter the transaction however you like, as long as that
> holds true. If your self-entered amounts do not result in equal Debits &
> Credits, GnuCash will create a split initially not assigned to any
> account, but when you commit the transaction and that split remains, it
> will be assigned to the account labeled: 'Imbalance-XXX' (where XXX is a
> currency code) for the difference.
> Please read the GnuCash Help Manual and the Tutorial & Concepts Guide
> available in the Help Menu, or online, as you are learning the software.
> Then if you get stuck, come back and ask for help here.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 3/9/24 8:18 PM, W. Neal Lewis wrote:
> > When I do the View > Transaction and put in individual numbers for each
> item in the Withdrawal column, it starts to mess with my figures. It puts
> in a number at the very top. It adds deposits to other entries. What I end
> up with is a mish-mash of costs that the program seems to think that I need
> for some mythical number it has come up with.
> >
> > That's exactly what happened previously. I don't want it adding numbers,
> or changing numbers. I just want to put in the correct values for each
> line, including tax, hit return and have the final value show up on the
> first line of the transaction.
> >
> > I obviously don't know what I am doing.
> >
> > Help!
> > Neal
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Re: [GNC] Updating gnucash

2024-03-27 Thread David Carlson
I agree with Adrien wholeheartedly.  It is important to note that the Check
and Repair function has a different scope of operation depending on which
type of window has the current focus when it is invoked, and that if
started from a window that allows access to the entire inventory of
transactions, such as the chart of accounts window (I think), the process
may take a considerable amount of time, possibly an hour or longer in some
cases, so it would be desirable to have a task manager running in your OS
to help determine when the action is complete.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 11:47 AM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> In addition to the advice given by the other replies, it is advised to
> run Actions > Check & Repair > Check & Repair All when first opening a
> file after an upgrade between major releases.
> These checks and repairs are supposed to run automatically, but that
> doesn't always go smoothly or completely for everyone, hence the
> recommendation to do so manually.
> The only other concern with an upgrade would be if you had custom
> reports that use deprecated code in the new version. But this is rare.
> By 'custom' I mean either you, or someone for you, coded them in Scheme.
> I'm not referring to merely Saved Configurations of included reports.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 3/24/24 11:37 AM, Nathan Rosenthal wrote:
> > I am currently running version 4.12 for two different organizations.
> >
> > If I was to update to 5.12 would I just download it and install it into
> > the same folders or would I need to transfer the data files?
> ___
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Re: [GNC] CSS GTK Register padding/spacing

2024-04-01 Thread David Carlson
You do not tell us which OS you are using, which desktop, which display
renderer, and, uh, by the way, which release of GnuCash from which source.

On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 6:35 AM J R via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> I cannot apply the correct css tag in the register to increase the spacing
> between transaction lines...I'm getting oldIncreasing the font and other
> adjustments not a problem.I can do it to the font "padding top/bottom"
> system  wide but it just spaces everything too much, I have researched
> everything
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Re: [GNC] View Transactions After Importing from CSV

2024-04-02 Thread David Carlson

Take a look at your setting for Edit > Preferences > Import > Default
transaction status.  In earlier releases (Release 4.x) the explanation
suggested that only came into play for QIF imports but it may apply to CSV
imports as well in the new CSV importer, I am not sure.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2024 at 11:46 AM Tom Balazs  wrote:

> Yes, I see that.
> But I mean that GnuCash should take me to a tab that looks like how it
> displays the results of a Find Transaction. It opens a Register page and
> shows only the matching transactions.
> I think it already does that for the Scheduled Transactions. It says
> something like, oh some time has passed, would you like me to create these
> transactions which you created in the Scheduled Transaction window. Okay,
> here is a register page showing the transactions I just created.
> On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 12:35 PM Kalpesh Patel 
> wrote:
> > During the actual importation process, GNC always shows a confirmation
> > dialogue box to take an action on all transaction it found. This is where
> > you get a chance to select 'A' to add transaction, 'U+C' to update and
> > clear matched one, 'C' to clear existing matched one, or select nothing
> and
> > do nothing with that transaction. This is automatic -- ie there is
> nothing
> > needs to be done, either via setting or manually, to trigger it to come
> up
> > during every import. Note that if a transaction is matched incorrectly,
> you
> > can check either 'U+C' or 'C" and then double clicking on it will bring
> up
> > another dialogue box with a list of transactions it believe matches or
> are
> > similar from which you can select on that it should match with.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Tom Balazs 
> > Sent: Friday, December 22, 2023 7:02 AM
> > To: Post to GnuCash User 
> > Subject: [GNC] View Transactions After Importing from CSV
> >
> > I'm using Financisto+ on my Android phone. So I am often exporting
> > transactions from that, and importing them into GnuCash. Is there an
> option
> > where I can view the transactions I just imported? So they appear on one
> > page, as if I did a Find in GnuCash. I think I came across that once,
> but I
> > can't find it again.
> >
> > Tom
> >
> >
> >
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Re: [GNC] check printing

2024-04-05 Thread David Carlson
Years ago (before electronic payments and deposits) I recall that it was
possible to program GnuCash to print the MITRE line, as it used to be
called, but you needed to use special magnetic ink so that check readers
could read them reliably.  I imagine that it is still possible, but hardly
necessary in the United States, anyway.  I think that you used to get the
supplies from a company called Checksoft.  Back then banks weren't very
cooperative because mistakes could wreak havoc in the clearing houses, and
today they would be even less cooperative due to increased fraud concerns.
If you are really an alum of Southwest Bell, you are probably a U. S.
citizen and probably already using electronic deposits and payments, so I
suspect that your interest may be mostly academic to show your

On Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 5:08 AM Andrea Bryant 

> I was wondering if you need to use a pre-printed check or can you use
> blank check stock and have the routing and account numbers printed out
> by GnuCash.
> --
> */Andrea Bryant/*
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Re: [GNC] check printing

2024-04-05 Thread David Carlson
I was still using release 2.something the last time I printed a check, so I
don't know if release 5.whatever can still do it or how to correctly
position the MICR line.

On Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 10:02 PM Andrea  wrote:

> Actually, it’s not academic. There are still many workers in the US that
> want a check payment once the work is done. Right now I have a printer with
> MICR ink that does print routing and account numbers. I print from
> different bank accounts, so it is so easy to print checks on blank stock
> and have the different bank information printed in MICR. I would like to
> find a software that can do that or integrate with a check printing
> software.
> Andrea
> On Apr 5, 2024, at 10:15 AM, David Carlson 
> wrote:
> Years ago (before electronic payments and deposits) I recall that it was
> possible to program GnuCash to print the MITRE line, as it used to be
> called, but you needed to use special magnetic ink so that check readers
> could read them reliably.  I imagine that it is still possible, but hardly
> necessary in the United States, anyway.  I think that you used to get the
> supplies from a company called Checksoft.  Back then banks weren't very
> cooperative because mistakes could wreak havoc in the clearing houses, and
> today they would be even less cooperative due to increased fraud concerns.
> If you are really an alum of Southwest Bell, you are probably a U. S.
> citizen and probably already using electronic deposits and payments, so I
> suspect that your interest may be mostly academic to show your
> grandchildren.
> On Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 5:08 AM Andrea Bryant 
> wrote:
>> I was wondering if you need to use a pre-printed check or can you use
>> blank check stock and have the routing and account numbers printed out
>> by GnuCash.
>> --
>> */Andrea Bryant/*
>> ___
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> --
> David Carlson

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Re: [GNC] check printing

2024-04-05 Thread David Carlson
Try googling Checksoft.  it appears that they are still in business.

On Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 10:40 PM David Carlson 

> I was still using release 2.something the last time I printed a check, so
> I don't know if release 5.whatever can still do it or how to correctly
> position the MICR line.
> On Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 10:02 PM Andrea  wrote:
>> Actually, it’s not academic. There are still many workers in the US that
>> want a check payment once the work is done. Right now I have a printer with
>> MICR ink that does print routing and account numbers. I print from
>> different bank accounts, so it is so easy to print checks on blank stock
>> and have the different bank information printed in MICR. I would like to
>> find a software that can do that or integrate with a check printing
>> software.
>> Andrea
>> On Apr 5, 2024, at 10:15 AM, David Carlson 
>> wrote:
>> Years ago (before electronic payments and deposits) I recall that it was
>> possible to program GnuCash to print the MITRE line, as it used to be
>> called, but you needed to use special magnetic ink so that check readers
>> could read them reliably.  I imagine that it is still possible, but hardly
>> necessary in the United States, anyway.  I think that you used to get the
>> supplies from a company called Checksoft.  Back then banks weren't very
>> cooperative because mistakes could wreak havoc in the clearing houses, and
>> today they would be even less cooperative due to increased fraud concerns.
>> If you are really an alum of Southwest Bell, you are probably a U. S.
>> citizen and probably already using electronic deposits and payments, so I
>> suspect that your interest may be mostly academic to show your
>> grandchildren.
>> On Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 5:08 AM Andrea Bryant 
>> wrote:
>>> I was wondering if you need to use a pre-printed check or can you use
>>> blank check stock and have the routing and account numbers printed out
>>> by GnuCash.
>>> --
>>> */Andrea Bryant/*
>>> ___
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>>> -
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>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> --
>> David Carlson
> --
> David Carlson

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Re: [GNC] Forgotten Splits

2024-04-06 Thread David Carlson

I periodically assess, as you are doing now, whether there is a better
workflow to meet my personal needs.  My experience has been that the best
solution depends on specifics of the situation, which will change when the
bank changes their software, etc., hence it is very dynamic.  My solution
will be different than yours.

On Sat, Apr 6, 2024 at 5:35 PM Phyllis Bruce  wrote:

> Just wanting to vent for a moment.  I have my income with multiple splits
> in gnucash.  Works fine for a while but when they change, gnucash forgets
> the new splits and the old ones.  I don't typically open the imported
> transactions but noticed some missing from another account and I have three
> months of splits to recreate.  bummer!
> Something I've noticed in the import and reconciliation is that I spend
> time verifying some items before hitting finish. (what did I purchase on
> Amazon for X$?) However, then I have to look them up again to enter the
> info into my register.
> Has anyone found a better way to do this?  Should I import the transactions
> and just be sure I have zero variance?  Then deal with my notations?
> Thanks for you thoughts
> Phyllis B
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Re: [GNC] Forgotten Splits

2024-04-06 Thread David Carlson
I don't understand.  Are you saying that splits are disappearing from your
paycheck or from the record in GnuCash?

On Sat, Apr 6, 2024 at 7:27 PM Phyllis Bruce  wrote:

> Your electric bill splits will change every month.  Mine change once a
> year so no, though that’s a good idea.   My main concern is that the splits
> disappear. Hence gnu is not remembering them.  I would expect to need to
> change them once and be done for another year.
> > On Apr 6, 2024, at 7:11 PM, Liz  wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, 6 Apr 2024 17:34:26 -0500
> > Phyllis Bruce  wrote:
> >
> >> Just wanting to vent for a moment.  I have my income with multiple
> >> splits in gnucash.  Works fine for a while but when they change,
> >> gnucash forgets the new splits and the old ones.  I don't typically
> >> open the imported transactions but noticed some missing from another
> >> account and I have three months of splits to recreate.  bummer!
> >
> > For my electricity bill I have a scheduled transaction with four
> > splits. Each of the amounts is blank, and I fill them in once the bill
> > arrives.
> > Would that be a useful way for you to account for your income splits?
> >
> > Liz
> > ___
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Re: [GNC] Forgotten Splits

2024-04-06 Thread David Carlson
I think that the point Liz tried to make was a memorized transaction can be
designed to be a prototype that can be customized each time by edits that
are easy to make,
possibly more by deletions of unused splits than by adding splits.
Further, the memorized transactions can also be edited when they have
attributes that you don't expect to need again.

I also use the auto-competion feature frequently to fill in lines similar
to lines in previous transactions.

I don't have a problem with GnuCash failing to remember changes when I save
the file right away, or for certain user associated changes I need to close
the program to make those changes stick.

On Sat, Apr 6, 2024 at 9:39 PM David Carlson 

> I don't understand.  Are you saying that splits are disappearing from your
> paycheck or from the record in GnuCash?
> On Sat, Apr 6, 2024 at 7:27 PM Phyllis Bruce  wrote:
>> Your electric bill splits will change every month.  Mine change once a
>> year so no, though that’s a good idea.   My main concern is that the splits
>> disappear. Hence gnu is not remembering them.  I would expect to need to
>> change them once and be done for another year.
>> > On Apr 6, 2024, at 7:11 PM, Liz  wrote:
>> >
>> > On Sat, 6 Apr 2024 17:34:26 -0500
>> > Phyllis Bruce  wrote:
>> >
>> >> Just wanting to vent for a moment.  I have my income with multiple
>> >> splits in gnucash.  Works fine for a while but when they change,
>> >> gnucash forgets the new splits and the old ones.  I don't typically
>> >> open the imported transactions but noticed some missing from another
>> >> account and I have three months of splits to recreate.  bummer!
>> >
>> > For my electricity bill I have a scheduled transaction with four
>> > splits. Each of the amounts is blank, and I fill them in once the bill
>> > arrives.
>> > Would that be a useful way for you to account for your income splits?
>> >
>> > Liz
>> > ___
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Re: [GNC] Recording transactions (date)

2024-04-09 Thread David Carlson
I decided to report here why I think it is "ok" to import the transaction
list from a bank and to accept their "Posted Dates."  When I perform the
import operation I am using that tool to reconcile their record to an
imaginary list in my head representing what I would have written in my
checkbook.  Nearly every time their list doesn't match my list, the
difference is precisely the difference between when I wrote the check or
when I initiated a payment online or when I swiped a card and when they
posted the transaction to my account.  That is what we users often consider
to be the difference between accrual basis vs cash basis.

These days the fraud mitigation department at the bank is far better able
to catch fraud than I would be if I depended on a manual reconciliation
process to catch errors or, more likely, fraud. My banks are very
aggressively monitoring transactions and they will call me immediately when
they see a suspicious transaction.  I have even had restaurant transactions
declined from time to time when they could not contact me immediately.
That can be embarrassing when we go to a restaurant that charges more than
our average restaurant bill to celebrate a birthday or whatever, but it
beats the alternative.

I can still use the import process as my tool to look for errors or
fraudulent transactions that they might have missed.  My rationale for
accepting their posting dates is that my list then closely matches theirs
if ever a need arises to decide whether an overdraft charge is correctly
assessed or whether a valid payment was declined by the bank.  I would not
consider it wrong to instead use the dates that I initiate transactions,
it's just not my preference.

On Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 10:41 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> While there are other considerations, such as cash versus accrual and
> following the Recognition Principle, I see this as more of a general
> case of Your Books vs. the Bank's Books.
> You keep Your Books.
> The Bank keeps theirs.
> You then reconcile the two. (which does *not* involve changing dates)
> Simply copying what the bank has misses the opportunity to catch someone
> else's errors. (they *do* happen)
> This is a similar question of entering your own transactions as they
> occur, or just downloading from the bank and importing.
> It is a personal choice, but can have other implications as noted.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 4/8/24 5:11 PM, R Losey wrote:
> > Since I first learned about recording transactions, I have always dated a
> > transaction on the date I wrote the check; similarly, when entering
> credit
> > card transactions, I use the date that I actually used the credit card.
> >
> > Recently, however, I was having a discussion with a friend and he said
> that
> > he uses the bank or credit card date of entry for all of his
> transactions.
> >
> > I thought this was strange - probably because it is different from the
> > method I've used all of my life. Perhaps I am the odd one... or perhaps
> > it's merely a matter of choice, so I thought I'd bring it up to this list
> > to see what people think about it.
> >
> >  From (a very brief) research about this topic, perhaps this is the
> > difference between cash basis accounting and accrual accounting?
> >
> >
> > After thinking about it for a bit, one issue with using the date that the
> > transactions occur is the reports, especially if one has repeating
> > transactions.  For example, if the satellite service bill is paid each
> > month on the 28th, using my method, I record a transaction on the 28th.
> My
> > friend will see it on the 29th or 30th, but if the weekend or holiday
> hits
> > just right, it can be the 1st or 2nd before he sees it. In the long run
> > everything should be the same, but the monthly sub-totals can look odd.
> > Checks can be even worse... someone may hang onto one for weeks.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] GNC will not properly import .csv file from PayPal

2024-04-12 Thread David Carlson
I suggest that if you are up against a deadline revert back to the release
that works for you.

On Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 2:25 AM Jeffrey Black 

> I'm trying to import a  .csv file from PayPal into the latest stable
> version of GNC on Windoze 11 home and and/or Ubuntu 22.04 (snaphub
> version 5.6.1), and neither of them will properly..  Both refuse to
> import transactions properly when Notes and Memo are selected.  I need
> both of them so I can properly "split" transactions between my wife's
> schedule C and personal expenses.
> I can only  import one or the other, notes or memo, not  both, AND I
> need both in  the same transaction.  And I have always been able to in
> all previous versions of GNC.
> Can anyone suggest a solution?
> I am up  against the April 15th tax filing deadline, and I do not want
> to have to file an extension for both my wife and and our dependent sons
> separate return, so that I can manually edit every transaction manually
> from the .csv file to place everything in the right  account.  Our
> health insurance depends on it as does whether he gets the grants to
> continue his college education. They want more per semester now than I
> ever have made yearly in my life.  I never expected college tuition to
> exceed the income level of three working family members plus a Pell
> grant and scholarships.  His 529 account is not even adequate.
> Can anyone tell me why I cannot import a .csv file with both notes and
> memo?  Not one or the other.
> --Jeffrey Black M.B.A.
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[GNC] importing or pasting reports into spreadsheets

2024-04-13 Thread David Carlson
I have found that I can select the text of reports directly in GnuCash,
then paste it into a Libre Office Calc spreadsheet.  The problem then is
that values are preceded with a dollar sign in the US and it seems that
they are not currency numbers but some form of text, as numeric operators
do not recognize them.  It also looks like dates are in some form of text
as they have a format code "@" whatever that means.

I am not very proficient with these format issues.  Does someone know of an
elementary reference that is easier to understand than the spreadsheet help

Just in case it makes a difference I am using GnuCash release 4.8 in
Lubuntu 22.04 with a LXQT desktop.

David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Finance-Quote 1.60 released!

2024-04-16 Thread David Carlson
Did you set the API key per the instructions?

On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 1:59 PM Adam Griffis  wrote:

> I installed the latest version of Finance::Quote (1.60), but I'm still
> getting the same issue when I run price retrieval from GnuCash. Is
> there something more I need to do?
> Thanks,
> Adam
> On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 2:36 AM Bruce Schuck 
> wrote:
> >
> > New version 1.60 of Finance-Quote is available with the following
> changes:
> >
> > * Removed not working modules. Issues #346, #366, and #368.
> >,,, and
> > * - Added code to retrieve cookies and a "crumb"
> required
> > to continue to utilize the v11 API. Issue #369.
> > The currency module was changed to use the
> v8 API.
> > * Added initial version of CONTRIBUTING.pod that
> utilizes.
> > It will completely replace the Hacker's Guide in the
> future.
> > * - Changed module to extract data from JSON
> structure embedded within the HTML - Issue #360
> > * - Eliminated need to use temp folders by storing
> file data from URL into a variable.
> >
> >
> > Authors:
> >   - Erik Colson 
> >   - Paul Fenwick 
> >   - Bruce Schuck 
> >   - Vincent Lucarelli 
> >   - David Hampton 
> >   - jvolkening 
> >   - Pawel Konieczny 
> >   - Mike Alexander 
> >   - AndreJ 
> >   - Vinay S Shastry 
> >   - Bradley Dean 
> >   - Brent Neal 
> >   - Jacinta Richardson 
> >   - e-dorigatti 
> >   - goodvibes2 
> >   - Paul Howarth 
> >   - Sam Morris 
> >   - Linas Vepstas 
> >   - Hiranya Samarasekera 
> >   - Manuel Friedli 
> >   - Achim Winkler 
> >   - Diego Marcolungo 
> >   - John Haiducek 
> >   - Rajan Vaswani <>
> >   - alex314159 
> >   - gregor herrmann 
> >   - Jalon Avens 
> >   - Sigve Indregard 
> >   - bgr22112 <>
> >   - goodvibes2 
> >   - Ben Hemming 
> >   - Caleb Begly 
> >   - CleanShed <>
> >   - Eelco Dolstra 
> >   - Emmanuel Di Pretoro 
> >   - Florian Schlichting 
> >   - Gabor Szabo 
> >   - GitGord <>
> >   - Gustavo R. Montesino 
> >   - Henrik Ahlgren 
> >   - Jean-Marie Pacquet 
> >   - Joseph Heron 
> >   - Lance Wicks 
> >   - Liviu Tinta 
> >   - Martin Kompf 
> >   - Pete Ratzlaff 
> >   - Ross Peachey 
> >   - Stephan Ebelt 
> >   - Stephan Gambke 
> >   - linas 
> >   - thinus 
> >   - x42x64 
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Re: [GNC] Import matching

2024-04-23 Thread David Carlson

Please provide more information.  Not only have the import functions
changed over recent releases, but there is more than one type.

Even without that information, I am sure that GnuCash cannot figure out how
Amazon split one transaction into two.  You would have to manually check
those and not expect a match.  My experience with matching in the OFX type
has never been perfect and I plan on taking extra time to manually match or
even just delete duplicates later for some transactions.  Results with some
banks or credit cards are worse than others.

On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 4:06 PM Gyle McCollam  wrote:

> Additional information.  Another credit card that can only import CSV, a
> fast-food establishment submits information the day after the actual
> transaction.  90% of the time it said there was no match, but on a few
> occasions, it actually did match the transaction.  Import information in
> preferences was not changed from the earlier submission.
> BTW, it would be nice to have a reset to defaults on these preferences.
> Thank You,
> Gyle McCollam
> Gyle McCollam
><>   email
> From: gnucash-user  on
> behalf of Gyle McCollam 
> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2024 3:49 PM
> To: 
> Subject: [GNC] Import matching
> I tried importing credit card transactions.  There were 2 with no match
> information.  Turns out Amazon split the order to 2 different
> transactions.  I changed the transaction in the account to 1 of the amounts
> and added a transaction for the other amount.  They were both dated
> 02/09/2024.  The transactions on the credit card account were 02/13/2024.
> When I tried double clicking on the transaction in the import window it
> said there were not matching transactions.  I checked the preferences and
> change the # of days to the attached information.  It still won't find
> these transactions.  I tried closing GC and then opened and tried to import
> them again, still no luck.  Obviously, I'm missing something, what am I
> doing wrong?[cid:9657ec02-19b5-48f1-a2e9-0393f5c44ecf]
> Thank You,
> Gyle McCollam
> Gyle McCollam
><>   email
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Please address broken QIF import

2024-04-23 Thread David Carlson

In my experience most financial institutions that offer QIF exports also
offer OFX format which will often go under a similar name.

I use the OFX downloads for several bank and credit card accounts.

If you need the QIF format then you will probably be stuck either waiting
for the 5.7 windows release or reverting either to an earlier 5 series or
maybe even 4 series if you have an older Linux based machine as I do.

On Tue, Apr 23, 2024, 2:32 PM Yann Salmon via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> Hello,
> in Gnucash 5.6, importing banking transactions from a QIF file no longer
> works.
> Browsing this mailing list, I discovered this has been corrected but is
> only available by compiling the latest source or using a "nightly
> build", both of which are too convoluted for Otto Normaluser (I have
> been dabbing at flatpak and I think I might have managed to install some
> build from a recent commit, but running it seems also not straightforward).
> Downgrading to 5.5 is convoluted too -- only advanced GUI/CLI allow this.
> This also means that the GnuCash version available from the front page
> "does not work" — not being able to import your bank statements is kind
> of breaking.
> Since there is, if I understand correctly, a fix to this major bug, I
> really think a 5.6.1 release would be helpful.
> --
> Cordialement,
> Yann Salmon
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Re: [GNC] Please address broken QIF import

2024-04-24 Thread David Carlson
I may not remember correctly which recent seeming regressions were actually
which, but I know some were caused by changes to software that is
maintained by other developers and that the GnuCash developers have no
control over.  Then they were stuck between a rock and a hard place because
it would have required a huge investment to fix or work around something
that they didn't even break.

I am very happy that they work as hard as they do, with what little thanks
that they are given.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2024, 5:13 PM Jim DeLaHunt  wrote:

> On 2024-04-23 14:31, Yann Salmon via gnucash-user wrote:
> > Since there is, if I understand correctly, a fix to this major bug, I
> > really think a 5.6.1 release would be helpful.…
> On 2024-04-24 15:24, Yann Salmon via gnucash-user wrote:
> > …the one thing I learned is : you do not break things, and if you do,
> > you unbreak them as quickly as possible.…
> >
> > …I would be interested to know the bigger picture that I am obviously
> > missing in the decision not to publish a .1 that fixes a regression
> > (especially on a stable release) and allows Otto Normaluser and his
> > Grandma to quickly get back on their feet by simpling doing what they
> > know and have been educated to do : upgrading their software.
> Oh, I think I can help you see the bigger picture.
> Please run a report on your financial records in GnuCash. Look for all
> the payments you made to the GnuCash developers, in order to have the
> use of GnuCash software.  If your records are like mine, the total
> amount will be:
> 0.00 EUR (approximately 0.00 CAD, 0.00 USD, 0.00 CNY, at current
> exchange rates)
> I suspect that the GnuCash team has spent at least double that amount,
> and applied it to making a 5.6.1 release. It was sufficient for them to
> reach 0% of the way to completion. (I am being sarcastic. I don't know
> the internals of the GnuCash project.)
> Putting aside sarcasm, please remember that the GnuCash developers are
> volunteers. They are donating their time and expertise to develop
> GnuCash. There are not many of them. Yet they deliver regular releases,
> complete with bug fixes, and ever-increasing capabilities.  The
> appropriate tone to take with them is one of gratitude.
> At the same time, the GnuCash developers have granted you a license to
> GnuCash's source code. You are permitted to see the source code, to
> diagnose the problem yourself, and to come up with a fix. If you wish,
> you can donate the fix back to the GnuCash developers. Or, you could
> make your own 5.6.1 release with the fix (but this is "forking", and you
> should give the new software a different name).  If you own skills do
> not extend to diagnosing and fixing the problem, you are free to hire a
> skilled software engineer, and have them diagnose, fix, and release a
> version of the software for you. If you want to pay the software
> engineer for an extended time, so that they can build up a relationship
> with the GnuCash developers, they might be able to take on the task of
> making bug-fix releases. It could be your contribution to GnuCash.
> Please, go right ahead!
> However, you may discover that this costs you more in time and money
> than the 0.00 EUR which you have paid for GnuCash so far.
> Best regards,
>   —Jim DeLaHunt
> On 2024-04-24 15:24, Yann Salmon via gnucash-user wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Le 23/04/2024 à 23:48, David Carlson a écrit :
> >> Sir,
> >>
> >> In my experience most financial institutions that offer QIF exports
> >> also offer OFX format which will often go under a similar name.
> >
> > Alas, a hundred times alas, not always. Not in France, at least. They
> > should…
> >
> > I was able, however, to use <>. I
> > had to reverse all transactions (which is easier to do in the QIF,
> > btw) because my bank seems to directly produce a QIF for my point of
> > view while GnuCash seems to expect a QIF with transactions from the
> > bank's point of view, but that is another story.
> >
> >
> >> If you need the QIF format then you will probably be stuck either
> >> waiting for the 5.7 windows release or reverting either to an earlier
> >> 5 series or maybe even 4 series if you have an older Linux based
> >> machine as I do.
> >
> > Even though the Gnucash team has been releasing new versions at a
> > steady and formidable rythm of one every 3 to 4 months, that still
> > makes 4 months of non-working QIF import — downgrading is really not a
> > straightforward route as software managers, for good reasons, make

Re: [GNC] Use 4.14 and 5.6 on same file (at different times)

2024-04-29 Thread David Carlson
Richard, it is the conventional wisdom to consider each major release to be
like the tire deflators at the parking garage exit.  However, John is one
of the primary developers and he would know if this was an exceptional time
when it would be ok to back over a major release barrier.  That said, there
are a variety of issues such that some features may not work correctly in
one release or another, as discussed at great length here.

On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 1:55 PM R Losey  wrote:

> I just a very similar question a little while ago (I ran 4.x on Linux and
> 5.x on Windows & iMac). At that time, they recommended that I use the same
> major version everywhere, so I used flatpack to bring my Linux system up to
> 5.x.
> On Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 11:07 AM Fred Tydeman 
> wrote:
> > Will I run into problems if I use both GnuCash 4.14 and 5.6 on the same
> > file / book?
> > That is, 4.14 is on my current production Linux system and where I use
> > Gnucash.
> > I have installed a later Linux system on a different disk partition and
> it
> > has Gnucash 5.6
> > If I were to use Gnucash 5.6 to enter some data, and then switch back to
> > 4.14, will the
> > data / book be OK?
> > ___
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> --
> _
> Richard Losey
> Micah 6:8
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Re: [GNC] Delay during data entry

2024-04-30 Thread David Carlson
The delay is much shorter in very recent releases such as 5.6.1.  The
horsepower of your computer and the size of your RAM pool affects it too.

On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 12:00 AM AC  wrote:

> Just as a curiosity what is going on under the hood that influences the
> delay after entering data into a register row? I notice that after I
> enter the details of a transaction into a register and commit the
> changes (pressing enter or tabbing to next row) there is a 5 to 7 second
> delay before I can enter the next transaction.
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Re: [GNC] Delay during data entry

2024-05-01 Thread David Carlson
Those of us who are still running versions as old as 4.8, possibly because
we are not ready to tackle setting up a flatpak in Linux still see horrible
response times.  It gets worse when the data file when loaded takes up over
half of the RAM in our machine or if we are running it in a virtual
machine.  My version 4.8 Gnucash instance takes about 11.3 Meg when saved
or 2.4 Gig of RAM when loaded in Linux Lite 6.6.  The entire virtual
machine has 8 Gig of RAM but every time I press enter it takes several
seconds before the curser returns, or 15 seconds or more when I execute
File >Save, which needs to be done every few minutes.  Some of the delay
comes from having too many registers open.  I realize most of my misery is
self inflicted, since I have now tried working on the same data in release
5.6.1 on a Windoze 10 machine with 32 Gig RAM, which almost keeps up with
my slow typing.  It is still going to take a while to revise my procedures
to get away from GnuCash release 4.8 and have the level of hardware and
software redundancy that I want to keep backups, etc.

On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 4:36 PM R Losey  wrote:

> I don't see any delays on either Windows (Win 10, 16G RAM), or my M1 iMac
> (Sonoma 14.4.1; 16G RAM), or or Linux (Ubunto 22.04LTS, 8G RAM). In all
> cases, the file is stored on my NAS with spinning hard drives (that is, not
> an SSD), and I am saving to a compressed file (I've not changed this since
> I started, so I assume that these are the default settings).  My file size
> is about 2.2M
> Could it be that you are saving to a SQL database? I remember reading here
> that (unlike the standard option) it saves after every transaction. Maybe
> the database is on a slowish drive?
> Otherwise, I don't know why there would be such a lengthy delay after doing
> an entry.
> I assume you've run the Check/Repair just to verify that there isn't some
> file problem?
> On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 12:00 AM AC  wrote:
> > Just as a curiosity what is going on under the hood that influences the
> > delay after entering data into a register row? I notice that after I
> > enter the details of a transaction into a register and commit the
> > changes (pressing enter or tabbing to next row) there is a 5 to 7 second
> > delay before I can enter the next transaction.
> > ___
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> --
> _
> Richard Losey
> Micah 6:8
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[GNC] Help Transferring saved reports to another computer

2024-05-04 Thread David Carlson
I am trying to copy saved reports from a computer running GnuCash 4.8 to a
windows computer running GnuCash 5.6.1.  I successfully copied the .gcm
files that I wanted but the saved-reports-2.8 file did not bring the saved
reports.  Is this a problem with release 5.6.1 or did I do something wrong?

David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Help Transferring saved reports to another computer

2024-05-04 Thread David Carlson
Aha!  I was careless and I put the reports file in the books subdirectory
by mistake.  It helps to take a break and look again.  All is well now.

On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 7:59 PM David Carlson 

> I am trying to copy saved reports from a computer running GnuCash 4.8 to a
> windows computer running GnuCash 5.6.1.  I successfully copied the .gcm
> files that I wanted but the saved-reports-2.8 file did not bring the saved
> reports.  Is this a problem with release 5.6.1 or did I do something wrong?
> --
> David Carlson

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Re: [GNC] [resolved, sort-of] Re: no drop-down accounts list in ledger Transfer column.

2024-05-08 Thread David Carlson
I think that I am in a somewhat similar position to Mike.  My Linux
machines happen to be virtual machines that are, for me, test cases for
older hardware with modest resources.  When I looked into flatpak it
appeared that it would use a lot more resources yet would be tricky to set
up some functions that involve interfaces for example to external hardware
such that I just wasn't ready to make the intellectual investment in
learning to use flatpak.  Someone would still have to sell me on using

On Wed, May 8, 2024, 7:17 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> Any opposition to using flatpak? You wouldn't have to wait.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 5/8/24 3:18 AM, wrote:
> > That could explain things. Unfortunately, I can't (readily) install 4.13
> > on mint - even the latest mint 21.3 has libraries too old for the deb's
> > off the website. But thanks for the info - at least I can look forward
> > to the next mint upgrade that should sort things. Meanwhile, I can
> > muddle through :-{
> >
> > Thanks to you and to Adrien for replying.
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Moving from GnuCash 4.8 to GnuCash 5.5 - any issues likely to bite me?

2024-05-13 Thread David Carlson

I have noticed that it is important to select the best starting point for
your purpose.  I would also save the file before starting.

If you start from an account rrgister and select check all, it only checks
all the transactions in that register.  To check the entire file, start
from the Account tree register or the General Ledger.

Then it is sometimes easy to miss the prigress bar in the lower right
corner of the window.  For a large file it could take several minutes, but
if it has already run, I think it will silently fail to run a second time.
I don't know if there is a way to force it to try again.

Finally, it does not check scheduled transactions or other
non-transactional data such as business features.

From a fellow user, I hope that helps.

On Mon, May 13, 2024, 9:41 AM Phyllis Bruce  wrote:

> Just when you thought you were done with this…..
> I’m running 4.13 on a windows 10 computer.  I have a big problem getting
> any reports to run properly but today it is the check and repair function.
> No option that I choose gives me a “working” indication.  I’m trying to be
> proactive before upgrading.  Couldn’t find anything in the manual.
> > On May 12, 2024, at 3:30 AM, Chris Green  wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, May 11, 2024 at 03:49:04PM -0500, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> >>> On 5/11/24 3:08 PM, Chris Green wrote:
> >>> So, given that I'm going up just one major release I shouls be OK, but
> >>> running "Check & Repair" before doing anything else is a good idea.
> >
> >> Correct. The Check & Repair should run silently automatically upon first
> >> opening your file with 5.5, but it doesn't hurt to do it intentionally.
> >>
> >> The biggest change I recall between 4 & 5 is the new type-ahead search
> >> method for the Description field. I personally prefer the change, but
> >> some folks didn't like it by how they use that field and their unique
> >> list of existing Descriptions.
> >>
> >> There is also an issue for some, but not others with respect to
> >> registers not auto-filling memos from previous session transactions.
> >> (I'm one so affected) Mileage may vary on that one.
> >>
> >> As always - keep a backup.
> >>
> >> And since you are not on the last 4.x release on the old machine, I
> >> wouldn't go back and forth with the same file. Once you migrate, stick
> >> to 5.5 or drop back to 4.8 and stay there until you decide to finally
> >> make the upgrade should you notice any problems.
> >>
> > Thanks Adrien, that's just the sort of information/confirmation I
> > wanted. :-)
> >
> ___
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