Re: OpenPGP digital signature query

2009-04-21 Thread Robert J. Hansen
David Shaw wrote:
> "Sure.  They told me some stuff, and I treated it as anecdote until I
> got confirmation from an attorney."

The correct answer is "yes".  On cross-examination you're not allowed to
give exposition.  So now you've just admitted that your first resource,
the group you went to first rather than talking to an attorney, is a
group that would fail to meet the standards of the law -- and from that,
the lawyer argues your pattern of behavior has been similarly slipshod,
etc., etc.

> There is nothing wrong with asking questions.  It's what you do with the
> answers that matters.

This is a statement about we wish was true about the world, not what is
actually true about the world.  Walking up to one's boss and asking, "so
why did you screw up this project so badly, and why did you ignore all
of our warnings of impending doom, and when are you going to turn around
your managerial style?" is the sort of thing that tends to lead to
conversations about unemployment benefits.

I agree with you that questions can and should be answered in a
dispassionate manner.  I just disagree about that being the way the
world actually _is_.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: OpenPGP digital signature query

2009-04-21 Thread David Shaw

On Apr 21, 2009, at 7:38 AM, Robert J. Hansen wrote:

David Shaw wrote:

"Sure.  They told me some stuff, and I treated it as anecdote until I
got confirmation from an attorney."

The correct answer is "yes".  On cross-examination you're not  
allowed to

give exposition.

"Your Honor, I object.  Assuming facts almost comically not in  
evidence."   The original poster says nothing about using this list as  
a "first source of information" (your words), or even any words to  
that effect.  In fact, allow me to repost the entire post:

> Can OpenPGP digital signature be used to comply to FDA's 21 CFR  
Part 11 , or does it mandatorily require X.509 or PKI based signatures

That's it.  One line.  You seem to be concluding from this that he has  
somehow done something wrong by merely asking the question, but I see  
no actual facts to base that on: merely a guess as to the situation  
underlying the question, and then scolding the questioner based on  
your guess.  Maybe it would be better let the questioner be  
responsible for the questioner?

I'm happy to continue this discussion offline if you like, but as this  
no longer has any bearing on GPG or OpenPGP, it seems inappropriate  
for this list.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Keyserver doesn't honour signature removal

2009-04-21 Thread David Shaw

On Apr 21, 2009, at 1:31 AM, Sven Radde wrote:


David Shaw schrieb:
With PKA, you can even get automatic key retrieval without a  

That's not quite right.  PKA records in DNS can point to a keyserver,
but you still need the keyserver in the mix somewhere (though, like  
"preferred keyserver" feature, that "keyserver" might be a key  
stored on

a web server).

True, you still need some kind of server (one might argue that even
using CERT, you have a 'keyserver' - the DNS server itself).
The notable difference, however, is that a web server presents my key
exactly as *I* desire, allowing for removed signatures, replacing the
key by a new one etc.
PKA is the way to get somebody to use my web server already for  
key retrieval (although this might not be the primary purpose of  
PKA) so

that the (synchronizing merge-only) keyserver network is avoided.

Absolutely.  I do the same thing, just using CERT.  CERT has two  
modes: "PGP" (where the whole key lives in DNS), and "IPGP" for  
Indirect PGP, where you give a URL as in PKA.  IPGP and PKA are  
basically the same thing from the find-a-key perspective.

It's sort of questionable how practical PGP mode is, with the whole  
key stuffed in to DNS.  You'd get into DNS over TCP fairly quickly,  
and then (poor) firewalls can start being cranky.  GnuPG does support  
getting keys this way, and I suppose it could be useful with a  
stripped down key (no 3rd party signatures, or even the output of  
"minimize") and expect that people will eventually learn the rest of  
the key info from a full keyserver.  I suspect the basic idea is more  
useful for distributing other OpenPGP objects like revocations, as  
they are quite small and the DNS check for a revocation is quite cheap.

IPGP, though, is very handy.

CERT is a standardized way (RFC-4398) to put OpenPGP keys in DNS.

Unfortunately, my provider does not allow me to set CERT type DNS
records. TXT is possible (for, e.g., SPF and PKA).
I will ask whether they can do it (since it appears to be natively
supported in BIND 9, right?)

Ugh, that's a problem.  CERT has been supported since mid BIND 8 (and  
arguably longer since you can do stuff like "TYPE37" and raw  
encoding), but if your provider doesn't let you set arbitrary records,  
then you're stuck.  I've seen providers that do DNS through a web GUI  
with a drop-down menu that allows you to choose A, CNAME, or TXT.  I  
suppose we should be grateful they at least allow TXT!


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: OpenPGP digital signature query

2009-04-21 Thread Bhushan Jain
Thanks all for your wise advice. I am basically an engineering student and I
wanted the information for my studies. Affording a lawyer for it is beyond
my pocket :-), but I highly appreciate your valued advice. Most of the
references I read kind of state PKI based digital signatures , but since
OpenPGP is so popular, i was wondering if even that can be deployed.
Gnupg-users mailing list

GNUPG CLI endless loop when using --batch and --decrypt on detached signature file

2009-04-21 Thread Harakiri

When automatically processing files, i found that gnupg has an endless loop 
from stdin expecting something but no matter what you enter, it will never quit.

1. using -verify

gpg --no-options --batch --status-fd 2 --yes --output out.out --verify
gpg: no signed data
gpg: can't hash datafile: file open error

this is fine, gpg exits, and returns an error (i need to supply the signed data 

2. using -decrypt without batch on detached signature file

gpg --no-options --status-fd 2 --yes --output out.out --decrypt
Detached signature.
Please enter name of data file: 
No such file, try again or hit enter to quit.

OK i should enter something and can quit with .

3. now using -decrypt with batch on detached signature file 

gpg --no-options --status-fd 2 --batch --yes --output out.out --decrypt

i can enter what i want - gnupg will never quit - adding --debug-all or -v 
doesnt reveal anything, only control c will quit - but this doesnt help in a 
batch processing cronjob or similar.

I know that --decrypt is not suited for detached signature files but im talking 
about batch processing here and i dont have control what files are were - at 
the very least GPG should quit with an error because of --status-fd 2. 
According to DETAILS.txt this would be the best case for

Unexpected data has been encountered
0 - not further specified   1


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Keyserver doesn't honour signature removal

2009-04-21 Thread David Shaw

On Apr 21, 2009, at 1:44 AM, Faramir wrote:

Sven Radde escribió:

PKA is the way to get somebody to use my web server already for  
key retrieval (although this might not be the primary purpose of  
PKA) so

that the (synchronizing merge-only) keyserver network is avoided.

 But if somebody, by mistake or on purpose uploads your key to a
"normal" keyserver...

If your preferred keyserver field points to the web server, that would  
tend to (eventually) remove the normal keyserver from the equation.   
That way, if they find your key via the keyserver, then they'll still  
(assuming they haven't changed the default configuration) end up at  
your web site at refresh time.

Personally, I don't worry too much about it.  Given the client-centric  
design of OpenPGP, there will always be ways to get the key from the  
wrong place.  When I update my key, I send it to the keyservers, and  
stick it on my web site.  Whichever the person hits is fine with me  
(or put another way, it's not as if I have a choice in the matter, so  
I may as well be fine with it).

What does worry me about the keyserver situation is that it is  
confusing for the newcomer to OpenPGP: there are several different  
round-robin keyserver setups (with different semantics between them!),  
there are some servers that still can't cope with subkeys, there is  
confusion on whether a syncing server is necessary or not, etc.  This  
is visible every time someone asks a keyserver question on this list:  
each response gives a different recommended server.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GNUPG CLI endless loop when using --batch and --decrypt on detached signature file

2009-04-21 Thread Werner Koch
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 17:25, Harakiri said:

> 2. using -decrypt without batch on detached signature file

> i can enter what i want - gnupg will never quit - adding --debug-all or -v 
> doesnt reveal anything, only control c will quit - but this doesnt help in a 
> batch processing cronjob or similar.

You must use --batch in unattended mode unless you write the necessary
code to control gpg via --command-fd.



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Auschnahme regelt ein Bundeschgesetz.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GNUPG CLI endless loop when using --batch and --decrypt on detached signature file

2009-04-21 Thread Harakiri

--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Werner Koch  wrote:

> From: Werner Koch 
> Subject: Re: GNUPG CLI endless loop when using --batch and --decrypt on 
> detached signature file
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 1:27 PM
> On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 17:25, Harakiri said:
> > 2. using -decrypt without batch on detached signature
> file
> > i can enter what i want - gnupg will never quit -
> adding --debug-all or -v doesnt reveal anything, only
> control c will quit - but this doesnt help in a batch
> processing cronjob or similar.
> You must use --batch in unattended mode unless you write
> the necessary
> code to control gpg via --command-fd.

could you please be a bit more specific?

Im using --batch in unattended mode but when i use --decrypt on a detached 
signature file there is no way to quit the program except control + c - what am 
i supposed to do? status-fd does not indicate that this is a signature file 
(not encrypted) - so i cant do anything


Gnupg-users mailing list

New to list - though lurking for a bit :)

2009-04-21 Thread david
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

I don't have any issues running gnupg - at least not on suse 11 with gpa
and kde.

I do have some issues. Normally, when I deliver boats I have two laptops
- - one for navigation systems Professional 2000 and this linux dell
latitude - but my other laptop (ibm a21e) died sea water spray not too
good on repeated atlantic crossings. Lasted 10 years!

Anyway I can take hard disk out of the dell - leave linux at home
(cyprus) I've installed thunderbird on pro 2000 but not gnupg yet.

Are there any issues I should be aware of prior to or installing gnupg?
I want to add enigmail to thunderbird.

Is it all plain sailing under Microsoft O/S? recommended frontends would
be helpful.



- --
Confidentiality Statement

Wisdom is knowing what to do with what you know. This message and any
attachments are solely for the intended recipient and may contain
confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended
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Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: New to list - though lurking for a bit :)

2009-04-21 Thread John W. Moore III
Hash: SHA512

david wrote:

> Are there any issues I should be aware of prior to or installing gnupg?
> I want to add enigmail to thunderbird.

You should have no problems under W2K Pro.
> Is it all plain sailing under Microsoft O/S? recommended frontends would
> be helpful.

My personal favorite is GPGshell
[] but Others will surely differ.  :)

I also recommend that You acquire GnuPG from and then follow
the defaults.


Timestamp: Tuesday 21 Apr 2009, 16:03  --400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10-svn4987: (MingW32)
Comment: Public Key at:
Comment: Gossamer Spider Web of Trust:
Comment: Homepage:


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GNUPG CLI endless loop when using --batch and --decrypt on detached signature file

2009-04-21 Thread Werner Koch
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 20:29, Harakiri said:

> Im using --batch in unattended mode but when i use --decrypt on a detached 
> signature file there is no way to quit the program except control + c - what 
> am i supposed to do? status-fd does not indicate that this is a signature 
> file (not encrypted) - so i cant do anything

According to your problem description you are not using --batch:

  2. using -decrypt without batch on detached signature file
  gpg --no-options --status-fd 2 --yes --output out.out --decrypt

If there is a tty available gpg will ask the user.  This is a
consequence of the option to use gpg in a pipeline - then you need to
ask the user for additional data (e.g. the passphrase) without getting
into conflicts with the pipeline.  Because it is not easy to decide
whether a tty is available or not, unattended usage requires the use of
the --batch option.

Controlling gpg using --status-fd / --command-fd is an advanced method
and I can't give an introduction to this right now.  Check GPA to see
how to write such code (gpa/src/gpgmeedit.c).  However, I am pretty
sure that you don't want to do this - this is intended for user



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Auschnahme regelt ein Bundeschgesetz.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Further thoughts on Windows Install

2009-04-21 Thread david
Hash: SHA1

Hi All,

installing gnupg enigma on pro 2000 I have to import files from this
linux laptop - are file conventions the same?

(a) put linux hard drive on usb and scan for keys public and private via
enigmail or gui for gnupg

b) copy just the folder of gnupg to usb and scan that

(c) can I just copy directory to win 2000 hard drive?

Any advice copying/importing between microsoft o/s and linux would be
helpful :)



- --
Confidentiality Statement

Wisdom is knowing what to do with what you know. This message and any
attachments are solely for the intended recipient and may contain
confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended
recipient, any disclosure, copying, use, or distribution of the
information included in this message and any attachments is prohibited.
If you have received this communication in error email Thank you.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Further thoughts on Windows Install

2009-04-21 Thread John Clizbe
david wrote:
> Hi All,
> installing GnuPG Enigmail on pro 2000 I have to import files from this
> linux laptop - are file conventions the same?

At present. This may change in some future version of GnuPG

> (a) put linux hard drive on usb and scan for keys public and private via
> enigmail or gui for gnupg
> b) copy just the folder of gnupg to usb and scan that
> (c) can I just copy directory to win 2000 hard drive?
> Any advice copying/importing between microsoft o/s and linux would be
> helpful :)

Copy the files from ~/.gnupg on your linux box to USB. You should have
at minimum, pubring.gpg, secring.gpg, trustdb.gpg, and optionally gpg.conf.

On Windows machine, copy all of the above files to %APPDATA%\GnuPG.

APPDATA is an environment variable you may reference at a command
prompt.  You may also enter %APPDATA% into Explorer's Address bar and it
will handle expanding things. APPDATA mormally expands to
C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\

John P. Clizbe  Inet:John (a)
You can't spell fiasco without SCO. hkp://  or

Q:"Just how do the residents of Haiku, Hawai'i hold conversations?"
A:"An odd melody / island voices on the winds / surplus of vowels"

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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