Re: Turning off GPG-Agent on default install of GPG4Win 2.0.0

2009-09-09 Thread Mark Rousell
Hash: SHA1

Allen Schultz wrote:
 I think I figured ot what is acting as the gpg-agent in this newer
 install. Since they dropped WinPT and added Kleopatra, the interface
 changed to this (to me) annoying pinentry.exe asking for my passphrase.
 I think I will install component by component myself and try it out that

Let us know what you find out but as far as I am aware there is no way
to prevent GnuPG 2 from using gpg-agent/pinentry.exe. I asked about this
some time ago on the Enigmail list (I initially thought it was an
Enigmail problem) and Patrick Brunschwig told me that GnuPG 2 insists on
always using an external gpg-agent program of some sort.

Thus the solution, if you don't want to use gpg-agent, is to switch back
to using GnuPG 1 (which isn't included in Gpg4win any more, or at least
it wasn't included when I last looked at Gpg4win).

GnuPG 1 and 2 can co-exist perfectly happily in practice.

- --

PGP public key:
Key ID: C9C5C162

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Selecting cipher to generate a key pair

2009-09-09 Thread vedaal
From:   Smith, Cathy cathy.smith () pnl ! gov
Date:   2009-04-30 21:54:15
Message-ID: 255999BBAD1AEE4EA6AA193F66611642AEAA0A () EMAIL03 ! pnl 

Is it possible to select a specific cipher, such as Triple-DES or
Blowfish, to use to generate a key pair?


(temporarily) put the following options into your gpg.conf file;

s2k-cipher-algo Blowfish

(you can comment it out with a # in front of it after you generate 
the key, if you plan to use this often or change ciphers)


[1] if you do this, then if you encrypt anything symmetrically
(i.e. not to a public key), it will use the same cipher unless you 
specifically mention which cipher to use when you encrypt 

[2] might not need the option of 'expert', am not sure
(but if you want to do custom stuff, just leave it there anyway,
and more choices will show up at the gpg prompt ;-)  )


Gnupg-users mailing list

How do I use gpg to decrypt encrypted files????

2009-09-09 Thread BosseB
I have a number of encrypted files, which I need to decrypt. I have
installed GPG 1.4.9 on my Windows XP-Pro SP3 PC. I have the necessary
keyrings and they work with Thunderbird and Enigmail.

But as I said I need to decrypt files that are on my hard disk, not in
an email

I tried this command in a command window:
 gpg -d asc filename
I got a prompt for my passphrase and as soon as I entered this the
window filled with large amounts of strange characters and the PC
speaker started to beep and never would stop.
I finally had to use ProcessExplorer and kill the cmd process to get
silence. :-(

What is the correct procedure to decrypt a file thta has been
encrypted with my public key?
And is there no way to use some kind of GUI tool to do this so the
masses of option codes are automatically used?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How do I use gpg to decrypt encrypted files????

2009-09-09 Thread Erik Lotspeich
Hash: SHA1


You'll likely want to redirect the decrypted output to a file.  I'm no
expert on the DOS/Windows command-line, so I don't know if this would
work there.  On Linux/Unix, I'd do this:

gpg -d asc filename  output_filename

Note the  redirection operator.



BosseB wrote:
 I have a number of encrypted files, which I need to decrypt. I have
 installed GPG 1.4.9 on my Windows XP-Pro SP3 PC. I have the necessary
 keyrings and they work with Thunderbird and Enigmail.
 But as I said I need to decrypt files that are on my hard disk, not in
 an email
 I tried this command in a command window:
  gpg -d asc filename
 I got a prompt for my passphrase and as soon as I entered this the
 window filled with large amounts of strange characters and the PC
 speaker started to beep and never would stop.
 I finally had to use ProcessExplorer and kill the cmd process to get
 silence. :-(
 What is the correct procedure to decrypt a file thta has been
 encrypted with my public key?
 And is there no way to use some kind of GUI tool to do this so the
 masses of option codes are automatically used?
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How do I use gpg to decrypt encrypted files????

2009-09-09 Thread David Shaw

On Sep 9, 2009, at 5:07 PM, BosseB wrote:

I have a number of encrypted files, which I need to decrypt. I have
installed GPG 1.4.9 on my Windows XP-Pro SP3 PC. I have the necessary
keyrings and they work with Thunderbird and Enigmail.

But as I said I need to decrypt files that are on my hard disk, not in
an email

I tried this command in a command window:
gpg -d asc filename
I got a prompt for my passphrase and as soon as I entered this the
window filled with large amounts of strange characters and the PC
speaker started to beep and never would stop.
I finally had to use ProcessExplorer and kill the cmd process to get
silence. :-(

Take away the -d.  Just plain gpg my-file-to-decrypt.asc will do  
what you want, and save the result in my-file-to-decrypt (it removes  
the .asc).  If you want to control the name that the file is saved  
under, do:

  gpg -o file-to-save-the-decrypted-data-in my-file-to-decrypt.asc

What is the correct procedure to decrypt a file thta has been
encrypted with my public key?
And is there no way to use some kind of GUI tool to do this so the
masses of option codes are automatically used?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How do I use gpg to decrypt encrypted files????

2009-09-09 Thread Faramir
Hash: SHA256

BosseB escribió:
 But as I said I need to decrypt files that are on my hard disk, not in
 an email
 I tried this command in a command window:
  gpg -d asc filename

  I have never encrypted or decrypted from command line, so I can't tell
where was the error...
 And is there no way to use some kind of GUI tool to do this so the
 masses of option codes are automatically used?

  Sure, there are several GUIs that can help you. I like a lot GPGShell
(it is not opensource, but it is free -as free beer-), you can download
it from

   Last time I installed it, it required gpg.exe to be in Path windows
global environment variable, otherwise it couldn't locate it.

   Another one (which I have not tried) is WinPT. There are more GUIs,
you just need to google...

  Best Regards
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How do I use gpg to decrypt encrypted files????

2009-09-09 Thread BosseB
On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 17:29:47 -0400, David Shaw

On Sep 9, 2009, at 5:07 PM, BosseB wrote:

 I have a number of encrypted files, which I need to decrypt. I have
 installed GPG 1.4.9 on my Windows XP-Pro SP3 PC. I have the necessary
 keyrings and they work with Thunderbird and Enigmail.

 But as I said I need to decrypt files that are on my hard disk, not in
 an email

 I tried this command in a command window:
 gpg -d asc filename
 I got a prompt for my passphrase and as soon as I entered this the
 window filled with large amounts of strange characters and the PC
 speaker started to beep and never would stop.
 I finally had to use ProcessExplorer and kill the cmd process to get
 silence. :-(

Take away the -d.  Just plain gpg my-file-to-decrypt.asc will do  
what you want, and save the result in my-file-to-decrypt (it removes  
the .asc).  If you want to control the name that the file is saved  
under, do:

   gpg -o file-to-save-the-decrypted-data-in my-file-to-decrypt.asc

This worked but is not mentioned in the help (gpg -h) at all even
though it seems to be the most important command one needs in order to
use GPG... (hint, hint)

 What is the correct procedure to decrypt a file thta has been
 encrypted with my public key?
 And is there no way to use some kind of GUI tool to do this so the
 masses of option codes are automatically used?

I tried installing gpg4win last week on my PC but had to uninstall it
afterwards because it invaded my Outlook 2003 to such an extent that
it became unusable for normal email use. :-(

So I had to revert to installing GPG instead and then I don't have any
integration with Outlook anymore so I have to start using Thunderbird
for encrypted correspondence (with Enigmail). Sigh

Funnily I only found GPG 1.4.9 on the GnuPG site even though Gpg4Win
came with some version 2.0.x, why is this?

And might my problems with Gpg4Win stem from its use of a GPG ver 2

Several years ago I had installed a Gpg4Win on a PC, which integrated
OK with Outlook, not at all like the one I found last week.

I also seem to recall that back a few years there was a piece of
software that after installation offered a rightclick menu item in
Windows Explorer for encrypting/decrypting a file depending on the
file type clicked on. If it was an ASC file it offered decrypt and
otherwise encrypt.
But I have failed to find such software now. Maybe I am only dreaming
or possibly it was part of PGP7, which I used at one time?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How do I use gpg to decrypt encrypted files????

2009-09-09 Thread Laurent Jumet

Hello BosseB !

BosseB wrote:

 I have a number of encrypted files, which I need to decrypt. I have
 installed GPG 1.4.9 on my Windows XP-Pro SP3 PC. I have the necessary
 keyrings and they work with Thunderbird and Enigmail.
 But as I said I need to decrypt files that are on my hard disk, not in
 an email
 I tried this command in a command window:
  gpg -d asc filename
 I got a prompt for my passphrase and as soon as I entered this the
 window filled with large amounts of strange characters and the PC
 speaker started to beep and never would stop.
 I finally had to use ProcessExplorer and kill the cmd process to get
 silence. :-(

If you don't specify the final file, GPG writes it to stdout (the screen); 
and if the file contains non ASCII carachters, you'll get full of garbage.
You should use instead:
gpg --yes --output finalfile encrypted.asc
(The -D is not mandatory as GPG assumes you want to decrypt).

But there is an easier way: install GPGShell and you only need to 
rightclick on the file and call the appropriate decrypting menu:

Laurent Jumet
  KeyID: 0xCFAF704C

Gnupg-users mailing list

howto secure older keys after the recent attacks

2009-09-09 Thread Philippe Cerfon

Now something more realistic and pracitcal.

I'm using gpg for anonymous but secured communication together with some of
my friends for some years now
Recently I've read on severa attacks on SHA1 and AES256 that could also
affect gpg and its keys.

So waht I'd like to see is some step by step howto on securing older keys
(written by some expert probably ;-) ).

I have two keys a the moment one is a 4096 bit RSA key, the oder (for daily
use) has 1024 bits.

Using the pgpdump tool I found out that it has these settings:
Old: Signature Packet(tag 2)(567 bytes)
Ver 4 - new
Sig type - Positive certification of a User ID and Public Key
Pub alg - RSA Encrypt or Sign(pub 1)
Hash alg - SHA1(hash 2)
Hashed Sub: key flags(sub 27)(1 bytes)
Flag - This key may be used to certify other keys
Flag - This key may be used to sign data
Hashed Sub: preferred symmetric algorithms(sub 11)(5 bytes)
Sym alg - AES with 256-bit key(sym 9)
Sym alg - AES with 192-bit key(sym 8)
Sym alg - AES with 128-bit key(sym 7)
Sym alg - CAST5(sym 3)
Sym alg - Triple-DES(sym 2)
Hashed Sub: preferred hash algorithms(sub 21)(2 bytes)
Hash alg - SHA1(hash 2)
Hash alg - RIPEMD160(hash 3)
Hashed Sub: preferred compression algorithms(sub 22)(2 bytes)
Comp alg - ZLIB RFC1950(comp 2)
Comp alg - ZIP RFC1951(comp 1)
Hashed Sub: features(sub 30)(1 bytes)
Flag - Modification detection (packets 18 and 19)
Hashed Sub: key server preferences(sub 23)(1 bytes)
Flag - No-modify
Hashed Sub: signature creation time(sub 2)(4 bytes)
Time - Fri Oct 28 20:48:23 CEST 2005
Hashed Sub: primary User ID(sub 25)(1 bytes)
Primary - Yes
Sub: issuer key ID(sub 16)(8 bytes)

and a more recent User ID has these:

Old: Signature Packet(tag 2)(566 bytes)
Ver 4 - new
Sig type - Positive certification of a User ID and Public Key
Pub alg - RSA Encrypt or Sign(pub 1)
Hash alg - SHA1(hash 2)
Hashed Sub: signature creation time(sub 2)(4 bytes)
Time - Fri Apr 25 01:23:36 CEST 2008
Hashed Sub: key flags(sub 27)(1 bytes)
Flag - This key may be used to certify other keys
Flag - This key may be used to sign data
Hashed Sub: preferred symmetric algorithms(sub 11)(5 bytes)
Sym alg - AES with 256-bit key(sym 9)
Sym alg - AES with 192-bit key(sym 8)
Sym alg - AES with 128-bit key(sym 7)
Sym alg - CAST5(sym 3)
Sym alg - Triple-DES(sym 2)
Hashed Sub: preferred hash algorithms(sub 21)(3 bytes)
Hash alg - SHA1(hash 2)
Hash alg - SHA256(hash 8)
Hash alg - RIPEMD160(hash 3)
Hashed Sub: preferred compression algorithms(sub 22)(3 bytes)
Comp alg - ZLIB RFC1950(comp 2)
Comp alg - BZip2(comp 3)
Comp alg - ZIP RFC1951(comp 1)
Hashed Sub: features(sub 30)(1 bytes)
Flag - Modification detection (packets 18 and 19)
Hashed Sub: key server preferences(sub 23)(1 bytes)
Flag - No-modify

As far as I understand thise means:
- The signatures on them are created with SHA1
- The differ in preferred algorihtms for hashes and compression

- It seems that I can easily change these preferences via gpg --edit-key,..
so I could simply remove e.g. SHA1
-But I'd also like to have the signatures themselves using e.g. SHA256 or
SHA512,... but they're alread using SHA1
Can this be changed?
Or can I simply add new self signatures?
And if I do so the old ones would still be on the keyservers, right? And no
way to delete them.
So does this mean any harm to me? At some day SHA1 might be fully broken,
and then an attacker could use simply these older self signatures instead of
the newer ones, or not?
Or should I better start with a fresh key without any old signatures?

Another thing I've read about is, that gpg keys are using SHA1 hard coded in
some places with no way to use another algortihm... which places are these
so one could avoid them perhaps?

Thanks for your insight,
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How do I use gpg to decrypt encrypted files????

2009-09-09 Thread David Shaw

On Sep 9, 2009, at 5:50 PM, BosseB wrote:

Funnily I only found GPG 1.4.9 on the GnuPG site even though Gpg4Win
came with some version 2.0.x, why is this?

There are two versions of GPG.  One, the 1.4.x line is a self- 
contained GPG that builds on many platforms.  It only does OpenPGP.   
The other, 2.x line, is a more modular version that builds on fewer  
(but still all of the common) platforms.  It uses libraries for its  
crypto and other things, and is somewhat harder to build.  It does  
OpenPGP and x509 and has some other nice features that aren't in 1.4.x.

Of course, when you download a prebuilt binary, you don't need to  
worry about building it.

I also seem to recall that back a few years there was a piece of
software that after installation offered a rightclick menu item in
Windows Explorer for encrypting/decrypting a file depending on the
file type clicked on. If it was an ASC file it offered decrypt and
otherwise encrypt.
But I have failed to find such software now. Maybe I am only dreaming
or possibly it was part of PGP7, which I used at one time?

I wonder if you are thinking of Windows Privacy Tray?
Or possibly GPGShell?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: howto secure older keys after the recent attacks

2009-09-09 Thread Robert J. Hansen
 So waht I'd like to see is some step by step howto on securing older
 keys (written by some expert probably ;-) ).

Add these lines to your gpg.conf file:

personal-digest-preferences SHA256 SHA224 SHA384 SHA512 RIPEMD160
personal-cipher-preferences AES128 3DES

... This will tell GnuPG that you'd much rather use a newer SHA than you
would SHA-1; and if for some reason GnuPG has to use a 160-bit hash, to
use RIPEMD160 instead of SHA-1.  It will also tell GnuPG to use AES128
for message encryption.  If for whatever reason your recipient can't
read AES128, it should fall back to 3DES.

Some people will tell you that 3DES is an old, antique and outdated
cipher.  This is true.  Some will tell you it's slow.  This is an
understatement.  3DES is ugly, crude, and inelegant.  It has all the
aesthetics of the Soviet Socialist Realism school of art.  It has also
been turning brilliant cryptanalysts into burned-out alcoholic wrecks
for three decades straight, and that reputation is solid gold.

Some people will undoubtedly advocate much more complex schemes.  I
suggest avoiding them.  Simple and effective solutions are usually much,
much better than complex and effective solutions.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: howto secure older keys after the recent attacks

2009-09-09 Thread David Shaw

On Sep 9, 2009, at 6:43 PM, Philippe Cerfon wrote:


Now something more realistic and pracitcal.

I'm using gpg for anonymous but secured communication together with  
some of my friends for some years now
Recently I've read on severa attacks on SHA1 and AES256 that could  
also affect gpg and its keys.

So waht I'd like to see is some step by step howto on securing older  
keys (written by some expert probably ;-) ).


As far as I understand thise means:
- The signatures on them are created with SHA1
- The differ in preferred algorihtms for hashes and compression

- It seems that I can easily change these preferences via gpg --edit- 
key,.. so I could simply remove e.g. SHA1

Yes, but it won't actually go away completely.  SHA1 is special in  
OpenPGP.  Unlike the other hashes, SHA1 is required to be supported.   
Removing SHA1 from an OpenPGP preference list doesn't actually remove  
it, but instead effectively puts it at the end of the list (so it is  
the lowest ranked choice).

-But I'd also like to have the signatures themselves using e.g.  
SHA256 or SHA512,... but they're alread using SHA1

Can this be changed?
Or can I simply add new self signatures?


And if I do so the old ones would still be on the keyservers, right?  
And no way to delete them.


So does this mean any harm to me? At some day SHA1 might be fully  
broken, and then an attacker could use simply these older self  
signatures instead of the newer ones, or not?

Well, yes and no.  Old signatures are certainly available to both  
friend and foe, but the real question is: use them for what?  What  
attack are you concerned about here?

Or should I better start with a fresh key without any old signatures?

No need.  If you had a DSA key, I might suggest changing keys, but you  
have an RSA key, and are thus free to use whatever hash you please.

To change the hash you sign with, stick this in your gpg.conf file:

personal-digest-preferences sha256

Feel free to list whatever hashes you like here.  GPG will rank them  
in that order.

Another thing I've read about is, that gpg keys are using SHA1 hard  
coded in some places with no way to use another algortihm... which  
places are these so one could avoid them perhaps?

You pretty much can't.  The key ID itself is derived from SHA1.

There was a very long discussion of the SHA1 issue a few months back  
on this list.  See, for example, 

In short, I wouldn't worry all that much about it.

With regards to AES256, I doubly wouldn't worry about it.  See

This sort of question tends to cause long threads where everyone  
throws in their own cipher preferences.  Instead of giving my  
preferences, allow me to point at the wonderful defaults in GPG.   
They're the default algorithms for a reason.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How do I use gpg to decrypt encrypted files????

2009-09-09 Thread BosseB
On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 00:08:30 +0200, Laurent Jumet wrote:

Hello BosseB !

BosseB wrote:

 I have a number of encrypted files, which I need to decrypt. I have
 installed GPG 1.4.9 on my Windows XP-Pro SP3 PC. I have the necessary
 keyrings and they work with Thunderbird and Enigmail.
 But as I said I need to decrypt files that are on my hard disk, not in
 an email
 I tried this command in a command window:
  gpg -d asc filename
 I got a prompt for my passphrase and as soon as I entered this the
 window filled with large amounts of strange characters and the PC
 speaker started to beep and never would stop.
 I finally had to use ProcessExplorer and kill the cmd process to get
 silence. :-(

If you don't specify the final file, GPG writes it to stdout (the screen); 
 and if the file contains non ASCII carachters, you'll get full of garbage.
You should use instead:
gpg --yes --output finalfile encrypted.asc
(The -D is not mandatory as GPG assumes you want to decrypt).

But there is an easier way: install GPGShell and you only need to 
 rightclick on the file and call the appropriate decrypting menu:

I found GPGShell and tried it but it did not offer a context menu in
Windows Explorer just a rather strange regular program window which is
not intuitive to use for a Windows user at least. It starts up with a
list of the keyring, which is of little use, and no file browser.
Not what I was looking for...

But I finally found it, it is called GPGee and it gives me a Windows
Explorer pop-up menu entry for Verify/Decrypt if I click on an ASC
file and Sign/Encrypt alternatives if I click another file type.
Just what I remembered!
The problem here is that the top Google result for gpgee is softpedia
and their download link is broken. But I got it from here:

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How do I use gpg to decrypt encrypted files????

2009-09-09 Thread BosseB
On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 19:53:10 -0400, David Shaw

On Sep 9, 2009, at 5:50 PM, BosseB wrote:

 Funnily I only found GPG 1.4.9 on the GnuPG site even though Gpg4Win
 came with some version 2.0.x, why is this?

There are two versions of GPG.  One, the 1.4.x line is a self- 
contained GPG that builds on many platforms.  It only does OpenPGP.   
The other, 2.x line, is a more modular version that builds on fewer  
(but still all of the common) platforms.  It uses libraries for its  
crypto and other things, and is somewhat harder to build.  It does  
OpenPGP and x509 and has some other nice features that aren't in 1.4.x.

Of course, when you download a prebuilt binary, you don't need to  
worry about building it.

But it seems like my Outlook 2003 and GPG 2.0.x does not like each
other. I will try to install an older gpg4win version using the GPG
1.x version then. I have an old setup for gpg4win 1.0.8 saved among my
downloads. It is from beginning of 2007

 I also seem to recall that back a few years there was a piece of
 software that after installation offered a rightclick menu item in
 Windows Explorer for encrypting/decrypting a file depending on the
 file type clicked on. If it was an ASC file it offered decrypt and
 otherwise encrypt.
 But I have failed to find such software now. Maybe I am only dreaming
 or possibly it was part of PGP7, which I used at one time?

I wonder if you are thinking of Windows Privacy Tray?
Or possibly GPGShell?

Found what I was looking for. It is called GPGee and I downloaded from

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How do I use gpg to decrypt encrypted files????

2009-09-09 Thread Faramir
Hash: SHA256

BosseB escribió:
But there is an easier way: install GPGShell and you only need to 
 rightclick on the file and call the appropriate decrypting menu:
 I found GPGShell and tried it but it did not offer a context menu in
 Windows Explorer just a rather strange regular program window which is
 not intuitive to use for a Windows user at least. It starts up with a
 list of the keyring, which is of little use, and no file browser.
 Not what I was looking for...

  It has a context menu in Windows Explorer, I use it all the times...
  The list of keys you talk about, is GPGKeys component, the keymanager.
There is also a tray tool named GPGTray, and a utility named GPGTools.
But what I use the most to work with files, is the contextual menu.

 But I finally found it, it is called GPGee and it gives me a Windows
 Explorer pop-up menu entry for Verify/Decrypt if I click on an ASC
 file and Sign/Encrypt alternatives if I click another file type.

  GPGShell does that too.

  Best Regards
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How do I use gpg to decrypt encrypted files???? (0/1)

2009-09-09 Thread BosseB
On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 01:08:18 -0400, Faramir

Hash: SHA256

BosseB escribió:
But there is an easier way: install GPGShell and you only need to 
 rightclick on the file and call the appropriate decrypting menu:
 I found GPGShell and tried it but it did not offer a context menu in
 Windows Explorer just a rather strange regular program window which is
 not intuitive to use for a Windows user at least. It starts up with a
 list of the keyring, which is of little use, and no file browser.
 Not what I was looking for...

  It has a context menu in Windows Explorer, I use it all the times...
  The list of keys you talk about, is GPGKeys component, the keymanager.
There is also a tray tool named GPGTray, and a utility named GPGTools.
But what I use the most to work with files, is the contextual menu.

 But I finally found it, it is called GPGee and it gives me a Windows
 Explorer pop-up menu entry for Verify/Decrypt if I click on an ASC
 file and Sign/Encrypt alternatives if I click another file type.

  GPGShell does that too.

So I have installed both GPGShell and GPGee and all I see in my
Windows Explorer shell is GPGee.
How can I make GPGShell appear?
And how does it look like?

I attach two screenshots showing my context menu when selecting an ASC
file and a regular file. Can't see GPGShell

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

Gnupg-users mailing list