Re: hashed user IDs redux [was: Re: Creating a key bearing no user ID]

2012-01-26 Thread Peter Lebbing
On 26/01/12 12:07, Peter Lebbing wrote:
 I like it.

Maybe I should clarify that this is in no way a feature request; I just like the
pragmatic solution in itself.

I personally don't see a use case where one would be satisfied with an e-mail
address of the form but dissatisfied
with just handing the fingerprint for a key to someone. I wouldn't want to spell
out that e-mail address to someone. If I'm not going to give it verbally, why
not just give the key fingerprint?

You could print the fingerprint on your business card, and not enter your e-mail
address in the UID of the key.

And in e-mails, you have the header

OpenPGP: id=8FA94E79AD6AB56EE38CE5CBAC46EFE6DE500B3E


I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
My key is available at

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: hashed user IDs redux [was: Re: Creating a key bearing no user ID]

2012-01-26 Thread Robert J. Hansen
On 1/26/12 11:22 AM, Peter Lebbing wrote:
 If I'm not going to give it verbally, why not just give the key


I've not hidden my opinion that I think this is an exercise in quixotry,
but still, never let it be said I wasn't willing to make some
contribution to an idea.  Let's not talk about implementation details:
right now we don't have a good enough handle on the problem to talk
about how to solve it.  So let's see if we can't use a 'Problem',
'Goal', 'Requirements' and 'Constraints' model to focus the conversation
a little bit.

  * Some people want to make it possible to opt out of their email
addresses being harvestable on the keyservers.

  * Give users an optional way to make their user IDs resistant to

  * The solution must work within the OpenPGP framework without
requiring any extensions.
  * The solution must work with SKS without requiring any extensions.
  * The User ID must be searchable (otherwise the solution is trivial,
create a User ID with a name but no email address).  If a user
searches the keyserver for exactly a given email address, matching
certificates must be returned.

  * Key enumeration.  There are only roughly 10 million login names
five characters or less.  Searching those 10 million login names
over the top 100 email domains amounts to about a billion queries.
Split over a botnet of 100,000 elements, each bot would have to
make 10,000 queries.  Even if each query took one second (an
unreasonable number: it would substantially impact OpenPGP adoption
because people would be furious over the slow speed of lookups),
that means a spammer network could break any such blinded hashing
scheme in about three hours.
  * Utility.  One way to make a blinded hashing scheme enumeration-
resistant is to put a large amount of random data in there.
However, searching for '' is of comparable
complexity to searching for a certificate ID.  The system must
work for all reasonable User IDs, rather than requiring User IDs
to be unreasonable.

... Looking over this, I don't think that what MFPA wants is possible.
I just don't.  The key enumeration issue and the ease of getting past
it, *even if we require each search to take one second to execute*, is
the gorilla in the center of the room that's threatening to pound to a
pulp anyone who seriously tries to take on this problem.

If we discard the must conform to OpenPGP and must be compatible with
SKS requirements, then maybe we could make it work.  But as is, if I
was asked to evaluate this research project, I would call it extreme
risk for minimal reward.

Risk, in an engineering management context, usually means risk of
failure and wasting all the resources invested.  The risk level seems

Even if you succeed, how many people will join up?  How many people will
revoke their old User IDs and create new ones?  Few, I think, which
makes this minimal-reward.  Even if you succeed, you'll impact only a
very small fraction of OpenPGP users.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: RSA padding scheme

2012-01-26 Thread brian m. carlson
MFPA wrote:
 On Monday 23 January 2012 at 12:47:03 AM, in
 mid:20120123004703.GB10912 at, brian m. carlson
  This is not a problem with OpenPGP because the attacker
  never gets to see the value encrypted with RSA because
  it's the symmetric key.
 Isn't that the same thing as the session key, which can be viewed
 using --show-session-key?

Yes, it is.  However, decrypting a message does not automatically
provide the session key to the user (outside of the internal
functionality of the OpenPGP implementation).  So what I'm saying is
that even if you have an oracle that will decrypt messages on demand and
provide them to the attacker, that doesn't mean that the oracle is going
to provide the session key used to decrypt that message, which you need
to conduct the attack.

Also, please, please, please don't ever CC me.  This resulted in a major
delay as I deleted the message which I am now replying to and had to
cobble it together based on the archive.  Please respect my
Mail-Followup-To and post replies only to the list.

brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 832 623 2791 | | My opinion only
OpenPGP: RSA v4 4096b: 88AC E9B2 9196 305B A994 7552 F1BA 225C 0223 B187

Description: Digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: hashed user IDs redux [was: Re: Creating a key bearing no user ID]

2012-01-26 Thread MFPA
Hash: SHA512


On Thursday 26 January 2012 at 5:03:14 PM, in, Robert J. Hansen wrote:

 So let's see if we can't use a 'Problem',
 'Goal', 'Requirements' and 'Constraints' model to focus the conversation
 a little bit.

   * Some people want to make it possible to opt out of their email
 addresses being harvestable on the keyservers.

   * Give users an optional way to make their user IDs resistant to

The use of the word harvesting in this context suggests to me a
concern about spamming rather than about privacy. And I would like the
ability to protect my name as well as (or instead of) my email

   * The solution must work within the OpenPGP framework without
 requiring any extensions.
   * The solution must work with SKS without requiring any extensions.
   * The User ID must be searchable (otherwise the solution is trivial,
 create a User ID with a name but no email address).  If a user
 searches the keyserver for exactly a given email address, matching
 certificates must be returned.

Is without requiring any extensions a necessary requirement?
If a solution were feasible that required an extension or a local
proxy to handle the keyserver queries, why should it be discarded?

   * Key enumeration.  There are only roughly 10 million login names
 five characters or less.  Searching those 10 million login names
 over the top 100 email domains amounts to about a billion queries.
 Split over a botnet of 100,000 elements, each bot would have to
 make 10,000 queries.  Even if each query took one second (an
 unreasonable number: it would substantially impact OpenPGP adoption
 because people would be furious over the slow speed of lookups),
 that means a spammer network could break any such blinded hashing
 scheme in about three hours.

Why would a spammer network bother to generate email addresses and
submit them as keyserver queries, rather than just sending spam out to
them all?

I guess the day *could* arrive when we start receiving spam that is
encrypted to the right key(s) for the email address(es) it goes to,
but I currently see that more as a possibility than a probability.

 ... Looking over this, I don't think that what MFPA wants is possible.
 I just don't.  The key enumeration issue and the ease of getting past
 it, *even if we require each search to take one second to execute*, is
 the gorilla in the center of the room that's threatening to pound to a
 pulp anyone who seriously tries to take on this problem.

I think that what you say is impossible, is more than I am looking for
from this scheme. That strength of protection would be brilliant but
rather pointless in the context.

Lets assume for a moment the goal you have stated above has been
reached, including an airtight solution to the key enumeration issue.
What do we really have? I have names and email addresses in blinded
User IDs on my key and they are believed to be safe for a long time
given the current technology.

For want of a better analogy, the names and email addresses readable
from User IDs on the keyservers are akin to listings in the phone
book. The names and email addresses that cannot be read because they
are obscured in blinded User IDs are akin to unlisted phone numbers.
There is a certain level of protection afforded by choosing not to have
your number listed, but you can still tell anybody the number yourself
and they might accidentally or deliberately pass it on.

 Even if you succeed, how many people will join up?

I don't know.

For telephone numbers, as I posted in a thread here in July 2010, the
owners of 78% of the non-business landline numbers in my address book
at the time had made the effort to not have their numbers listed in
the phone books. Mobile phone numbers are unlisted by default; not a
single person had arranged a listing for their non-business mobile.
Not scientific. Not representative. Just the contents of my address

- --
Best regards

Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: hashed user IDs redux [was: Re: Creating a key bearing no user ID]

2012-01-26 Thread Doug Barton
Hash: SHA256

On 01/26/2012 15:41, MFPA wrote:
 The use of the word harvesting in this context suggests to me a 
 concern about spamming rather than about privacy. And I would like
 the ability to protect my name as well as (or instead of) my email 

As I said the last time you brought this up  put whatever you like
in the name and e-mail fields, and notify the people you communicate
with of what's there, and the fingerprint of the key. They can then
set up rules in their e-mail client that when they communicate with
you via e-mail address foo that they should use key bar. You're done.

There is no software modification needed to accomplish what you want
to do.


- -- 

It's always a long day; 86400 doesn't fit into a short.

Breadth of IT experience, and depth of knowledge in the DNS.
Yours for the right price.  :)

Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (FreeBSD)


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: hashed user IDs redux [was: Re: Creating a key bearing no user ID]

2012-01-26 Thread John Clizbe
Doug Barton wrote:
 On 01/26/2012 15:41, MFPA wrote:
 The use of the word harvesting in this context suggests to me a
 concern about spamming rather than about privacy. And I would like
 the ability to protect my name as well as (or instead of) my email
 As I said the last time you brought this up  put whatever you like
 in the name and e-mail fields, and notify the people you communicate
 with of what's there, and the fingerprint of the key. They can then
 set up rules in their e-mail client that when they communicate with
 you via e-mail address foo that they should use key bar. You're done.
 There is no software modification needed to accomplish what you want
 to do.

DING! DING! DING! DING! We have a winner!

You do not wish your name or email address in a certificate's UID,
THEN DON'T PUT IT IN. Feed whatever text you wish through the hashing algorithm
of your choice and use that. Bang! You're done.

Just do it. OpenPGP and the software involved do not need any changes.
And as Rob pointed out, any changes would have a difficult time getting 

John P. Clizbe  Inet:John ( a ) Enigmail DAWT net
FSF Assoc #995 / FSFE Fellow #1797  hkp:// or

Q:Just how do the residents of Haiku, Hawai'i hold conversations?
A:An odd melody / island voices on the winds / surplus of vowels

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: hashed user IDs redux [was: Re: Creating a key bearing no user ID]

2012-01-26 Thread Robert J. Hansen
On 1/26/2012 6:41 PM, MFPA wrote:
 The use of the word harvesting in this context suggests to me a 
 concern about spamming rather than about privacy.

The use is correct.  Spamming is what someone does once they have your
private information: harvesting is the act of collecting.

 And I would like the ability to protect my name as well as (or
 instead of) my email address.

One windmill at a time, my ingenious gentleman of La Mancha.

 Is without requiring any extensions a necessary requirement?

Necessary is a strong word.  The consequence of extending it is you
get to be the one to write the extensions (both in RFC and source-code
form) and maintain them across a whole raft of other operating systems
and hardware configurations.

 If a solution were feasible that required an extension or a local 
 proxy to handle the keyserver queries, why should it be discarded?

A local proxy is not an extension.  An extension means we're going to
break conformance with the OpenPGP spec or we're going to break
compatibility with the SKS keyserver network.

If you break conformance with the OpenPGP spec, then you get to build
the new spec.  If you break compatibility with the SKS network, then you
get to build a new network to replace it.

 Why would a spammer network bother to generate email addresses and 
 submit them as keyserver queries, rather than just sending spam out
 to them all?

I have been waiting for you to realize this.

*Even if you solve the key enumeration problem, you solve nothing.*  It
doesn't get you anything, because the email enumeration problem is just
as bad.

 For want of a better analogy, the names and email addresses readable 
 from User IDs on the keyservers are akin to listings in the phone 
 book. The names and email addresses that cannot be read because they 
 are obscured in blinded User IDs are akin to unlisted phone numbers.

And yet, my two unlisted cell phones both routinely get robocalls and
telemarketers.  They, too, work by enumeration.

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