Unusual (unintended?) behavor upon decryption of a message

2013-11-19 Thread fuzzykitties
Upon decryption of the attached message, the program requests a new
passphrase. Then after any arbitrary string is entered (or nothing),
decryption of the message fails. It does not matter if any private keys
are held in gnupg (including the key of the intended recipient).

Here is the message in question. How is this possible?

Comment: GPGTools - https://gpgtools.org


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Unusual (unintended?) behavor upon decryption of a message

2013-11-19 Thread Laurent Jumet

Le 19/11/2013 08:28, fuzzykitt...@riseup.net a écrit :

Upon decryption of the attached message, the program requests a new
passphrase. Then after any arbitrary string is entered (or nothing),
decryption of the message fails. It does not matter if any private keys
are held in gnupg (including the key of the intended recipient).

Here is the message in question. How is this possible?

	In my opinion, this is a symetric crypted message. You need the exact password 
(called passphrase as well) to decrypt it, but it's not a double key cipher.

Laurent Jumet
KeyID: 0xCFAF704C

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] [liberationtech] BitMail.sf.net v 0.6 - Secure Encrypting Email Client

2013-11-19 Thread grarpamp
 I don't think that's possible at the moment. There are no
 deterministically built operating systems yet.

This is rather sad. I think FreeBSD has
a project somewhere trying to move that way.
Hopefully all of the unix-likes are at least aware of
the concept, if not having an actual project for it.
Also, none of the BSD's have any built-in integrity
in their repositories, they just insist their infrastructure
and committers are infallible among other escuses.
(Excepting DragonFly which uses git, don't know if they
sign it though. Monotone seems better at that sort of
embedded pki thing.).

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Unusual (unintended?) behavor upon decryption of a message

2013-11-19 Thread Peter Lebbing
On 19/11/13 10:15, Laurent Jumet wrote:
 In my opinion, this is a symetric crypted message. You need the exact
 password (called passphrase as well) to decrypt it, but it's not a double key

You're only partly correct. Letting 'gpg2 --list-packets --list-only' inspect
the message, I see:

:pubkey enc packet: version 3, algo 1, keyid CB0669F10BD2393E
data: [2048 bits]
:symkey enc packet: version 4, cipher 3, s2k 3, hash 2, seskey 256 bits
salt 8813f6959e774f45, count 9437184 (210)
gpg: CAST5 encrypted session key
:encrypted data packet:
length: unknown
mdc_method: 2
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
gpg: encrypted with RSA key, ID 0BD2393E

So it can be decrypted either with the mentioned RSA key, or by some passphrase.
There are two ways to get at the data. If you don't have that RSA key, programs
will likely query you for the passphrase. If you do have the secret key for that
RSA key, I suppose it will ask that first, although I'm not sure. It will ask
for the passphrase for the RSA key, but I'm unsure if it will be the first
passphrase it asks for.



I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
My key is available at http://digitalbrains.com/2012/openpgp-key-peter

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: article about Air Gapped OpenPGP Key

2013-11-19 Thread adrelanos
Pete Stephenson:
 1. If you set the keyprefs in your gpg.conf configuration file before
 you generate a new key it will generate new keys with these stronger
 defaults rather than having you need to edit them later. See
 http://www.debian-administration.org/users/dkg/weblog/48 for details
 and examples.

I also thought about recommending a gpg.conf with specific settings.
Maybe this one:

Not sure... What makes the page less complex and confusing? Explain how
to set such options using command line or creating a gpg.conf?

When one uses a Live system for its air gapped OpenPGP key, one would
have to constantly remember re-creating this that gpg.conf. (Gone after

 I'd like to call your attention to the cert-digest-algo SHA256 line --
 this means that your primary key will make stronger signatures on other
 keys (e.g. your subkeys and other people's public keys). This is
 probably a Good Thing.

This is important. Can this be set without using gpg.conf?

 2. Have you considered adding TWOFISH and BLOWFISH to the list of
 ciphers? I put TWOFISH after AES256 and before AES192, and I put
 BLOWFISH after AES but before CAST5. I like having diverse, strong
 ciphers available to those who might elect to use them. Since the
 versions of GnuPG I use support those ciphers and they're generally
 well-regarded I see no reason to exclude them, but your mileage may vary.

No, I haven't considered it, don't feel I am competent for such a
discussion. I am ignorant about the nuances which ciphers are
better/worse/when/etc. and following recommendations from here:

 3. When generating the key and you're prompted to pick a key type, I
 recommend selecting #4 (RSA (sign only)). This generates only the
 primary signing/certification key but does not generate an encryption
 subkey at the same time. Later you can add the encryption and signing
 subkeys. This can be useful if you want to mix-and-match algorithms and
 expiration dates.

Implemented this suggestion.

 4. Are there any known issues with your air gapped system being the
 same physical hardware as your everyday system even if you use a LiveCD?
 I don't know if there'd be the potential for hardware compromises.
 Depending on one's security needs, it might be useful to get a separate,
 isolated, never-connected-to-the-internet computer specifically for
 high-security needs. (See
 https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/10/air_gaps.html for some

I added this:

 You can boot a Live DVD or an operating system installed on external
media such as USB (recommendation: use full disk encryption). Using a
separate physical hardware is better than just booting another operating
system, but still, using another operating system is better than nothing.

 5. Smartcards are also useful, as you can generate keys on your isolated
 computer, back them up safely, then copy the keys to the smartcard. You
 can then use the smartcard on your everyday system without risk of
 exposing the private keys.

I added this suggestion as well.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: article about Air Gapped OpenPGP Key

2013-11-19 Thread adrelanos
Hauke Laging:
 Am Mo 18.11.2013, 17:21:22 schrieb adrelanos:

 An article about air gapped OpenPGP keys has been written by me:

 Please leave feedback or hit the edit button.
 By default GPG creates one signing subkey (your identity) and one encryption
 That's wrong. The default is a mainkey for signing and a subkey for 

Fixed that.

 This new subkey is linked to the first signing key.

Fixed that.

 Your master keypair is the one whose loss would be truly catastrophic.
 I would not put it that way. If it is just lost then the key will expire (if 
 it has an expiration date as it should) as you cannot extend its validity 
 time. So you need a new key. That is unpleasant but usually not as unpleasant 
 as compromised decryption or signature keys. If you state something like that 
 I think you should explain it.

I agree with that. Originally intended to write compromise instead of
loss. When I write compromise, that sentence should be correct.

 Using the highest possible value for key length helps protect you from that
 scenario. Don’t use GPG’s default of 2048!
 That argument doesn't make any sense for a key copied to your every day 
 operating system.

The whole context is:

 When you create your new keypair, use the highest possible values for
key length. As computers get more powerful and storage gets cheaper,
it’s conceivable that a nasty person could archive a message that’s
unbreakable today, then in the future break it using a more powerful
computer. Using the highest possible value for key length helps protect
you from that scenario. Don’t use GPG’s default of 2048!

Why doesn't tbhat make sense?

 If your master keypair gets lost or stolen, this certificate file is the
 only way you’ll be able to tell people to ignore the stolen key. This is
 important, don’t skip this step!
 I have never understood why people seem to believe that they cannot safely 
 store a key backup (including the passphrase if necessary) but can safely 
 store a revocation certificate.

I don't understand.

 Clean up our temporary file.
 rm subkeys
 Why should one remove this file?

Probably not that important. It's not required anymore. When later new
subkeys are created, that file would have to be updated. Removing it to
avoid confusion.

 And it it really a good idea to use the same passphrase for both mainkey and 

From a security perspective, clearly no. From a usability perspective,
yes. Above I am suggesting to store the key backup on a fully encrypted
disk, so the passphrase for the mainkey doesn't matter if you assume,
the full disk encryption of that disk is safe.

 The pound sign means the signing subkey is not in the keypair located in the
 No, it means that the mainkey has been replaced by a stub.

I added this as a footnote.

 Securely wiping of data is a difficult issue. We believe it is safer to
 create a new keypair (a new secring.gpg) than trusting gpg to remove the
 private master key from secring.gpg.
 We are talking about a secring.gpg in RAM as the key is generated on a secure 
 system running some live Linux CD/DVD?

That would be advisable.

 Our every day operating system never gets to see our OpenPGP master key
 But it sees the mainkey's passphrase...


 It will take me some time to translate this in English but I have written a 
 bash script which creates a new key with two subkeys and outputs a set of 
 files (with different passphrases) and two directories and even allows you to 
 easily certify other keys and create mainkey signatures immediately after key 
 explained here:
 Or download the whole script collection here and run ./start.sh:

This is most interesting.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: article about Air Gapped OpenPGP Key

2013-11-19 Thread adrelanos
Robert J. Hansen: Please leave feedback or hit the edit button. Maybe
it's useful for
 someone. It's under public domain.

 A major omission:

 What is this, why should I care, and what security risks does it

 Without that, the article is useful only to people who have already been
 convinced of the importance of an airgapped certificate.  If you can
 address those three questions the page will become much more useful to
 people who don't know what an airgapped certificate is or in which
 circumstances it might be useful.

I agree with that, I've never been good at explaining the why, so this
time I omitted it.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Unusual (unintended?) behavor upon decryption of a message

2013-11-19 Thread vedaal
On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 3:51 AM, fuzzykitt...@riseup.net wrote:

Upon decryption of the attached message, the program requests a new
passphrase. Then after any arbitrary string is entered (or 
decryption of the message fails. It does not matter if any private 
are held in gnupg (including the key of the intended recipient).

Here is the message in question. How is this possible?


As Peter answered, this is message encrypted both to a Public Key and also 
symmetrically to a passphrase only.

If, after gnupg asks for the message, any string other than the correct 
passphrase is entered,
then there will be an error message.
(The interesting part is that the error message changes with the string used as 
a passphrase.)

Here is my recreation of this type of encrypted message, both to my public key, 
and conventionally, to only a passphrase, using the following command:

V:\gnupggpg -a -c -e -r D35FB186 e:\de1.txt

Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (MingW32)
Comment: Acts of Kindness better the World, and protect the Soul


(the passphrase is: sss)

Here is what gnupg  does when I enter the wrong passphrase for my key, but the 
correct one for the symmetrically encrypted part:

V:\gnupggpg --list-packets e:\det1.txt.asc

gpg: armor header: Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (MingW32)
gpg: armor header: Comment: Acts of Kindness better the World, and protect the S
:pubkey enc packet: version 3, algo 1, keyid 506F4FA1D35FB186
data: [4095 bits]
gpg: public key is D35FB186

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: vedaal nistar (previous addresses were spam flooded) ved...@nym.hush.com

4096-bit RSA key, ID D35FB186, created 2008-01-22

gpg: Invalid passphrase; please try again ...

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: vedaal nistar (previous addresses were spam flooded) ved...@nym.hush.com

4096-bit RSA key, ID D35FB186, created 2008-01-22

gpg: Invalid passphrase; please try again ...

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: vedaal nistar (previous addresses were spam flooded) ved...@nym.hush.com

4096-bit RSA key, ID D35FB186, created 2008-01-22

:symkey enc packet: version 4, cipher 10, s2k 3, hash 8, seskey 256 bits
salt 4d55b202f01ee267, count 65536 (96)
gpg: TWOFISH encrypted session key
:encrypted data packet:
length: 71
mdc_method: 2
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
gpg: encrypted with 4096-bit RSA key, ID D35FB186, created 2008-01-22
  vedaal nistar (previous addresses were spam flooded) ved...@nym.hush.com

gpg: public key decryption failed: bad passphrase

:symkey enc packet: version 4, cipher 10, s2k 3, hash 8, seskey 256 bits
salt 4d55b202f01ee267, count 65536 (96)
gpg: TWOFISH encrypted session key
Enter passphrase:

gpg: TWOFISH encrypted data
:compressed packet: algo=1
:literal data packet:
mode b (62), created 1384876034, name=de1.txt,
raw data: 11 bytes
gpg: decryption okay
gpg: session key: `10:549F3BBBA12DD79C0019854AED854964931A9C2349870785130B0E863F

Now, here is what gnupg does when the 'incorrect' passphrase is given for the 
symmetric part:

V:\gnupggpg e:\de1.txt.asc

gpg: armor header: Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (MingW32)
gpg: armor header: Comment: Acts of Kindness better the World, and protect the S
:pubkey enc packet: version 3, algo 1, keyid 506F4FA1D35FB186
data: [4095 bits]
gpg: public key is D35FB186

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: vedaal nistar (previous addresses were spam flooded) ved...@nym.hush.com

4096-bit RSA key, ID D35FB186, created 2008-01-22

gpg: Invalid passphrase; please try again ...

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: vedaal nistar (previous addresses were spam flooded) ved...@nym.hush.com

4096-bit RSA key, ID D35FB186, created 2008-01-22

gpg: Invalid passphrase; please try again ...

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: vedaal nistar (previous addresses were spam flooded) 

Unusual (unintended?) behavor upon decryption of a message // follow-up correction

2013-11-19 Thread vedaal
vedaal at nym.hush.com vedaal at nym.hush.com
wrote onTue Nov 19 18:14:31 CET 2013 :

gpg: public key decryption failed: bad passphrase
gpg: encrypted with unknown algorithm 163
gpg: decryption failed: unknown cipher algorithm

(the passphrase used was: 12345)

Now here is the last part of the error message when a 'different incorrect' 
passphrase ( boo)  is used:

gpg: public key decryption failed: bad passphrase
gpg: encrypted with unknown algorithm 231
gpg: decryption failed: unknown cipher algorithm

The above happens 'only' on windows ( the box I used for Testing was Windows 7 
and even then, doesn't happen on Cygwin.

The error message on Ubuntu, or on Cygwin in Win 7  is just:

gpg: decryption failed: unknown cipher algorithm

This is still unusual, as gnupg already identified it as TWOFISH, not as an 
unknown algorithm,
so the expected error message would be:   decryption failed: bad passphrase  



Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Unusual (unintended?) behavor upon decryption of a message

2013-11-19 Thread Peter Lebbing
On 19/11/13 18:14, ved...@nym.hush.com wrote:
 Why does gnupg give these types of error message, as opposed to simply
 stating  'decryption failed: bad passphrase' ??
 What kind of relationship is there between the number listed for the
 'unknown algorithm' and the passphrase string that was given

The passphrase is used to decrypt the concatenation of an octet specifying
what cipher was used for the symmetrically-encrypted data packet and the key
for that data packet. If you give the wrong passphrase, this comes out as
random rubbish, and that first octet specifying the cipher for the data is
rubbish as well. This is what GnuPG reports. There is no check if the
decryption was succesful; it just results in garbage. After a few tens of
tries, I suppose you can actually hit the case where the algorithm
identifier is something usable, and GnuPG will probably try to decrypt the
data packet with the rubbish it got from the symmetrically encrypted session
key packet :).

 and might
 this be used in any way to try attack gnupg by determining the length of
 the passphrase or the correctness of any character in the string ?

This line of reasoning is wrong. You are thinking of a system that knows the
passphrase, and through its error messages, leaks data about it. But GnuPG
knows as much as you. The security of the system is in the encrypted file,
not in the program you use to access that file[1]. If GnuPG gave error
messages that leaked data and this problem was fixed, you could simply write
your own program that gives leaky error messages to you and use that to
crack the key. Obviously it doesn't work that way.



[1] Actually, DRM borders on exactly this: it gives you everything, but then
tries to prevent your use of it. Which is why it has been called Broken By

I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
My key is available at http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~lebbing/pubkey.txt

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Unusual (unintended?) behavor upon decryption of a message // follow-up correction

2013-11-19 Thread Peter Lebbing
On 19/11/13 20:47, ved...@nym.hush.com wrote:
 This is still unusual, as gnupg already identified it as TWOFISH, not as an 
 unknown algorithm,

TWOFISH was used to encrypt the session key. What was used to encrypt the
data is still unknown, since that knowledge is encrypted. (With TWOFISH. Are
you still following? ;P)

There are potentially two symmetric ciphers at play, one to encrypt the
session key, and one to encrypt the data.



I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
My key is available at http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~lebbing/pubkey.txt

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: article about Air Gapped OpenPGP Key

2013-11-19 Thread Johan Wevers
On 19-11-2013 7:07, Robert J. Hansen wrote:

 Even then, scrubbing data is usually a sign you've misunderstood the
 problem you're trying to solve.  If you're concerned about sensitive
 data lurking on your hard drive the solution isn't to scrub the drive,
 it's to use an encrypted filesystem.

That depends on your threat model. If you fear juridical problems (say,
for example, some encrypted mails have been intercepted by the police
but they can't decrypt them), destroying the key will prevent you from
having to hand it over. In some jurisdictions this may be seen as
contempt of court, and even be punishable, but in most EU countries
you're safe when you do this.

ir. J.C.A. Wevers
PGP/GPG public keys at http://www.xs4all.nl/~johanw/pgpkeys.html

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Unusual (unintended?) behavor upon decryption of a message

2013-11-19 Thread Peter Lebbing
On 19/11/13 22:37, ved...@nym.hush.com wrote:
 But this isn't the way hybrid gnupg messages work.
 Gnupg does not use one symmetric algorithm to encrypt the session key, and
 then another to encrypt the message. The user can choose 'which' symmetric
 algorithm to use, but it will be the same for both.

I only did a quick check of RFC 4880, and that (section 5.3) clearly states
there is an octet for the symmetric algo used inside the encrypted part:

 The decryption result consists of a one-octet algorithm identifier that
 specifies the symmetric-key encryption algorithm used to encrypt the
 following Symmetrically Encrypted Data packet, followed by the session key
 octets themselves.

So even if GnuPG always picks the same algo for both, the format of an OpenPGP
message still separately specifies the algo for the data.

 My question is, is there oracle behavior on gnupg's part which will allow an
 attack on the string-to-key part of the symmetric encryption?

 If an attacker knows which symmetric algorithm was used, then concentrating
 of the first few characters of the passphrase, and trying variations of
 those, until gnupg identifies the correct algorithm, then gnupg may 'leak'
 the first few characters of the passphrase when the correct algorithm is
 identified, even if the message is not yet decrypted.

How is this different from just writing your own implementation for decrypting
the symmetrically-encrypted session key packet? Why would you abuse the GnuPG
binary for this? The GnuPG binary doesn't provide the security, the encryption
on the file does that.

Furthermore, since the password is iteratively hashed with a salt, I don't think
it would be possible to leak anything about the first few characters of the
password. A hash evenly spreads all characters over the key (I'm oversimplifying
a bit here).

You just know the first octet of the plaintext of the symmetrically encrypted
session key packet; the rest is utterly random. This is even a better situation
than with Monthly results.doc.gpg where you probably know a lot of the header
of a Microsoft Word document; it would be a lot easier to immediately attack the
symmetrically-encrypted data than to first attack the session key packet and
then try that on the data.

When I say a lot easier, I still mean utterly impossible, though ;).



I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
My key is available at http://digitalbrains.com/2012/openpgp-key-peter

Gnupg-users mailing list

Unusual (unintended?) behavor upon decryption of a message // follow-up correction

2013-11-19 Thread vedaal
If the message is encrypted to one public key, and also encrypted 
symmetrically instead of to a second public key, then the symmetric algorithm 
used by gnupg is the same for the encryption of the session key to the public 
key, as well as the session key to the symmetrically encrypted part, as well 
as the encryption of the plaintext.

Sorry, was not writing clearly ;-((

Meant to say that the session key together with the prefix denoting which 
symmetric algorithm was used to encrypt the plaintext, is encrypted to the 
public key (using either RSA, DH, (or, hopefully soon, ECC),
and also as a symmetrically encrypted packet containing the session key and 
identifying algorithm prefix,
and then the symmetrically encrypted plaintext packet.

These two latter symmetrically encrypted packets, while the could  
'theoretically' be using two different symmetric algorithms,
in fact use the same one, and that is the one identified as the algorithm used 
to encrypt the plaintext.

Here is the PGP Dump results for the ciphertext I originally posted:

PGPdump Results

Old: Public-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet(tag 1)(524 bytes) New version(3) 
Key ID - 0x506F4FA1D35FB186 Pub alg - RSA Encrypt or Sign(pub 1) RSA m^e mod 
n(4095 bits) - 5a 2d 7a e3 f9 99 af 2d 88 c1 ef 3b 8b 30 bf 94 d2 9f 68 ab 30 
04 73 2e a2 7e 68 04 3a 00 6b 59 66 46 47 00 ec e8 6f e1 a8 40 5b b0 d9 87 ab 
a0 b2 23 4e 66 88 26 70 dc 74 d8 14 da 94 07 86 ce dd 48 37 0b cc d4 3d dd 5e 
b6 82 fb 04 47 13 fd fd b6 0c 7b 0e c2 c3 2b c8 1b c2 d4 e3 6b 68 85 85 b5 92 
b2 1f c1 a7 1c ad f3 ed fb c3 2e 9e 4b a3 58 89 64 45 b1 b8 bb ba 7c 5b 2a 47 
cd 42 d4 60 59 0b 9f 3a 16 1c 49 8d 92 ca d5 ba c4 fc 42 d1 56 bf 09 34 98 23 
cf be 44 73 96 79 94 4b 55 6f 3d 8a bb f8 f1 4e b4 bd 94 0e 1f 1d 71 43 72 41 
dc 7a b9 3e c2 5e 30 09 81 5e bf d6 e9 be e2 bd 85 a5 13 1a f1 31 d8 85 f0 07 
ae 1a cc 4e cd aa d5 88 0c d8 51 83 ff 71 de cc d4 72 38 82 96 0a 0e d4 38 64 
84 fe c7 a0 56 42 68 9b 04 88 79 cb 64 74 66 81 89 2c 41 d2 b1 2e af 31 5e 68 
5e 20 79 c3 cc 13 30 55 16 8f 41 ca 16 56 fc 9c f8 07 7
 c 64 7b 07 61 3a 44 f5 49 f1 51 4e 84 e8 4b 91 e3 9f ee f2 5c e0 5b 40 40 25 
2f 13 39 d5 8a a8 60 ae c2 5a fa 2b 3b a5 c0 66 17 6f e7 cb bf 1f 37 da d8 28 
71 90 74 35 f2 bb 85 8e 3b 3f a0 79 c7 43 ab a1 fb 4b 01 5a a9 ed 21 1a cd 1b 
0f 1f fc 14 7e 3f f6 ae 30 1c 8a fb 2b ea d8 bc 63 98 84 6c 1e b5 48 0d 74 f4 
da 7e 44 dd 5c 25 28 68 f9 46 c4 6d ed 39 b7 d4 73 85 2d 3f eb fe 17 21 c3 7e 
42 7d a7 01 e2 b6 ce 4f 3b 83 f3 af e9 04 ef 5a 20 cc e6 de d7 6e dc af 64 f0 
d9 52 62 ca 27 80 58 78 53 47 9f 53 da 95 d6 21 f6 f3 98 0d 7e 7b ec 8c 1d 47 
5a 57 55 e0 cb 34 30 04 69 46 6d b8 b9 32 c0 1c 29 da 6b 37 c4 a0 79 24 d1 07 
fd 55 77 d4 6b af 88 91 91 8a 0d b8 f4 c8 50 21 21 7f 5a 3a c5 d3 97 a4 12 63 
2f a2 4f 5f 7b - m = sym alg(1 byte) + checksum(2 bytes) + PKCS-1 block type 

Old: Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet(tag 3)(46 bytes) New version(4) 
Sym alg - Twofish with 256-bit key(sym 10) Iterated and salted 
string-to-key(s2k 3): Hash alg - SHA256(hash 8) Salt - 4d 55 b2 02 f0 1e e2 67 
Count - 65536(coded count 96) Encrypted session key - sym alg(1 bytes) + 
session key 

New: Symmetrically Encrypted and MDC Packet(tag 18)(71 bytes) Ver 1 Encrypted 
data [sym alg is specified in sym-key encrypted session key] (plain text + MDC 
SHA1(20 bytes))


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Unusual (unintended?) behavor upon decryption of a message

2013-11-19 Thread vedaal

On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Peter Lebbing 
pe...@digitalbrains.com wrote:

On 19/11/13 18:14, ved...@nym.hush.com wrote:
 Why does gnupg give these types of error message, as opposed to 
 stating  'decryption failed: bad passphrase' ??
 What kind of relationship is there between the number listed for 
 'unknown algorithm' and the passphrase string that was given

The passphrase is used to decrypt the concatenation of an octet 
what cipher was used for the symmetrically-encrypted data packet 
and the key
for that data packet. If you give the wrong passphrase, this comes 
out as
random rubbish, and that first octet specifying the cipher for the 
data is
rubbish as well. This is what GnuPG reports. There is no check if 
decryption was succesful; it just results in garbage. After a few 
tens of
tries, I suppose you can actually hit the case where the algorithm
identifier is something usable, and GnuPG will probably try to 
decrypt the
data packet with the rubbish it got from the symmetrically 
encrypted session
key packet :).

There are potentially two symmetric ciphers at play, one to encrypt the
session key, and one to encrypt the data.


But this isn't the way hybrid gnupg messages work.

If a message is encrypted to two different keys,
gnupg will use the same symmetric algorithm to encrypt the session key to the 
public key, and also the plaintext to the ciphertext.

If the message is encrypted to one public key, and also encrypted symmetrically 
instead of to a second public key, then the symmetric algorithm used by gnupg 
is the same for the encryption of the session key to the public key, as well as 
the session key to the symmetrically encrypted part, as well as the encryption 
of the plaintext.

Gnupg does not use one symmetric algorithm to encrypt the session key, and then 
another to encrypt the message.
The user can choose 'which' symmetric algorithm to use, but it will be the same 
for both.

The symmetric algorithm is known, and is discoverable from gpg list-packets or 
from pgp-dump.

My question is, is there oracle behavior on gnupg's part which will allow an 
attack on the string-to-key part of the symmetric encryption?

If an attacker knows which symmetric algorithm was used, then concentrating of 
the first few characters of the passphrase, and trying variations of those, 
until gnupg identifies the correct algorithm, 
then gnupg may 'leak' the first few characters of the passphrase when the 
correct algorithm is identified, even if the message is not yet decrypted.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: article about Air Gapped OpenPGP Key

2013-11-19 Thread Leo Gaspard
On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 09:06:18PM +0100, Johan Wevers wrote:
 On 19-11-2013 7:07, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
  Even then, scrubbing data is usually a sign you've misunderstood the
  problem you're trying to solve.  If you're concerned about sensitive
  data lurking on your hard drive the solution isn't to scrub the drive,
  it's to use an encrypted filesystem.
 That depends on your threat model. If you fear juridical problems (say,
 for example, some encrypted mails have been intercepted by the police
 but they can't decrypt them), destroying the key will prevent you from
 having to hand it over. In some jurisdictions this may be seen as
 contempt of court, and even be punishable, but in most EU countries
 you're safe when you do this.

Especially knowing in most EU countries judges are not allowed to force you to
hand over your secret key, only to decrypt specific messages for them. (Don't
remember where I read that.)

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: article about Air Gapped OpenPGP Key

2013-11-19 Thread Robert J. Hansen

That depends on your threat model. If you fear juridical problems (say,
for example, some encrypted mails have been intercepted by the police
but they can't decrypt them), destroying the key will prevent you from
having to hand it over. In some jurisdictions this may be seen as
contempt of court, and even be punishable, but in most EU countries
you're safe when you do this.

Especially knowing in most EU countries judges are not allowed to  
force you to

hand over your secret key, only to decrypt specific messages for them. (Don't
remember where I read that.)

Most encrypted drive software doesn't actually work the way people  
seem to think they work.  The drive is encrypted with a random nonce.   
This nonce is written to disk in an encrypted format.  When you enter  
a passphrase to unlock the drive, the encrypted random nonce is read  
in and decrypted using the passphrase.  The newly-recovered random  
nonce is then used to do all further crypto operations.  To put the  
data forever beyond recovery, you generate a new nonce, encrypt it  
with the same passphrase, and write it over the old nonce.  If someone  
demands your cryptographic key you can honestly and genuinely give it  
up without any fear of your old data being compromised.  The  
investigator will be able to verify that you've complied with the  
court's order, and the investigator will also be able to verify that  
you never knew the original nonce.

This drive was originally encrypted with a random nonce which the  
defendant never knew.  The defendant cannot be compelled to produce  
information the defendant never possessed.  This random nonce is  
irretrievably gone.  The defendant *can* be compelled to produce the  
key used to encrypt that random nonce, and the defendant seems to have  
complied with that order -- but the random nonce itself is gone, and  
with it, any hope of recovering the data on the encrypted drive.

I cannot think of a single use case for scrubbing plaintext storage  
devices.  In every use case I can come up with, the user would be  
better served by using an encrypted storage device.  That doesn't mean  
no such use case exists, mind you -- just that I can't think of one.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: article about Air Gapped OpenPGP Key

2013-11-19 Thread Chris De Young
On 11/19/2013 3:50 PM, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
 then used to do all further crypto operations.  To put the data forever
 beyond recovery, you generate a new nonce, encrypt it with the same
 passphrase, and write it over the old nonce.  If someone demands your
 cryptographic key you can honestly and genuinely give it up without any
 fear of your old data being compromised.  The investigator will be able
 to verify that you've complied with the court's order, and the
 investigator will also be able to verify that you never knew the
 original nonce.

I'd be surprised if this gets you very far in a US court. Technical
details aside, what the court will likely see is that you deliberately
took action intended to put the data beyond the reach of the court in
order to avoid whatever legal ramifications that access might have. The
results of that will probably not be very good (US judges have quite
broad powers when it comes to contempt of court).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: article about Air Gapped OpenPGP Key

2013-11-19 Thread Leo Gaspard
On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 02:50:20PM -0800, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
 That depends on your threat model. If you fear juridical problems (say,
 for example, some encrypted mails have been intercepted by the police
 but they can't decrypt them), destroying the key will prevent you from
 having to hand it over. In some jurisdictions this may be seen as
 contempt of court, and even be punishable, but in most EU countries
 you're safe when you do this.
 Especially knowing in most EU countries judges are not allowed to force
 you to
 hand over your secret key, only to decrypt specific messages for them. (Don't
 remember where I read that.)
 Most encrypted drive software doesn't actually work the way people seem to
 think they work.  The drive is encrypted with a random nonce.

Actually, I answered the encrypted mails part. Thanks anyway.

 I cannot think of a single use case for scrubbing plaintext storage devices.
 In every use case I can come up with, the user would be better served by
 using an encrypted storage device.  That doesn't mean no such use case
 exists, mind you -- just that I can't think of one.

Well... I can see one : the user used a plaintext storage device without
thinking about it, and then understands he needs an encrypted device and scrubs
his hard drive when the encrypted drive is set up with the necessary

Another one would be (paranoid) fear about the long long term : who knows some
three-letter agency would not steal your computer, and store its hard drive
content until decryption is available (say, 10 years from now, being quite
optimistic?). So scrubbing the already-encrypted data would help ensure data is
never recovered.

Maybe scrubbing a specific file, without need to reset files on full blocks,
block-based encryption being AFAICT the most frequent way of encrypting complete
hard drives.

That's all I can figure out.



Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: article about Air Gapped OpenPGP Key

2013-11-19 Thread Robert J. Hansen
On 11/19/2013 6:03 PM, Chris De Young wrote:
 I'd be surprised if this gets you very far in a US court.

Depends on when you did it and why.  Many businesses have document
retention policies (crafted with the assistance of counsel) that specify
old documents are to be put beyond recovery, and scrapping a crypto key
is generally seen as more cost-effective than shipping the drive off to
be shredded.  IronMountain charges $X per drive, but wiping a crypto key
is effectively free.

If you do this in response to an investigation then yes, you're likely
going to make the judge very unhappy.  If you do this as part of normal
business practices that were devised with the assistance of counsel,
you're likely to fare much better.

Gnupg-users mailing list