Re: key generation: paranoia mode - explicit random input

2014-02-27 Thread Michael Anders
The discussion on what to do in a partially compromized system is IMHO
If a private key has been accessed on a system some adversary might have
had a chance to tamper with(e.g. with the PRNG or generally if it is an
NSA friendly OS connected to the web ;-) , there could have been a
keylogger in place and security of the key is gone.
If you consider the NSA to be a benevolent organization, you might make
a distinction between security against criminals and security against
the NSA, but that is politics and not cryptography.

   Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: key generation: paranoia mode - explicit random input

2014-02-27 Thread Werner Koch
On Wed, 26 Feb 2014 22:07, said:

 I had a look at that but I am not sure what you want me to read. Could 
 you be more precise about that?

Below and also Peter Gutmann's book (see footnote in the text below).



16.6 Random-Number Subsystem Architecture

Libgcrypt provides 3 levels or random quality: The level
`GCRY_VERY_STRONG_RANDOM' usually used for key generation, the level
`GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM' for all other strong random requirements and the
function `gcry_create_nonce' which is used for weaker usages like
nonces.  There is also a level `GCRY_WEAK_RANDOM' which in general maps
to `GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM' except when used with the function
`gcry_mpi_randomize', where it randomizes an multi-precision-integer
using the `gcry_create_nonce' function.

There are two distinct random generators available:

   * The Continuously Seeded Pseudo Random Number Generator (CSPRNG),
 which is based on the classic GnuPG derived big pool
 implementation.  Implemented in `random/random-csprng.c' and used
 by default.

   * A FIPS approved ANSI X9.31 PRNG using AES with a 128 bit key.
 Implemented in `random/random-fips.c' and used if Libgcrypt is in
 FIPS mode.

Both generators make use of so-called entropy gathering modules:

 Uses the operating system provided `/dev/random' and
 `/dev/urandom' devices.

 Runs several operating system commands to collect entropy from
 sources like virtual machine and process statistics.  It is a kind
 of poor-man's `/dev/random' implementation. It is not available in
 FIPS mode.

 Uses the operating system provided Entropy Gathering Daemon (EGD).
 The EGD basically uses the same algorithms as rndunix does.
 However as a system daemon it keeps on running and thus can serve
 several processes requiring entropy input and does not waste
 collected entropy if the application does not need all the
 collected entropy. It is not available in FIPS mode.

 Targeted for the Microsoft Windows OS.  It uses certain properties
 of that system and is the only gathering module available for that

 Extra module to collect additional entropy by utilizing a hardware
 random number generator.  As of now the only supported hardware
 RNG is the Padlock engine of VIA (Centaur) CPUs.  It is not
 available in FIPS mode.

16.6.1 Description of the CSPRNG

This random number generator is loosely modelled after the one
described in Peter Gutmann's paper: Software Generation of Practically
Strong Random Numbers.(1)

   A pool of 600 bytes is used and mixed using the core RIPE-MD160 hash
transform function.  Several extra features are used to make the robust
against a wide variety of attacks and to protect against failures of
subsystems.  The state of the generator may be saved to a file and
initially seed form a file.

   Depending on how Libgcrypt was build the generator is able to select
the best working entropy gathering module.  It makes use of the slow
and fast collection methods and requires the pool to initially seeded
form the slow gatherer or a seed file.  An entropy estimation is used
to mix in enough data from the gather modules before returning the
actual random output.  Process fork detection and protection is

   The implementation of the nonce generator (for `gcry_create_nonce')
is a straightforward repeated hash design: A 28 byte buffer is
initially seeded with the PID and the time in seconds in the first 20
bytes and with 8 bytes of random taken from the `GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM'
generator.  Random numbers are then created by hashing all the 28 bytes
with SHA-1 and saving that again in the first 20 bytes.  The hash is
also returned as result.

   -- Footnotes --

   (1) Also described in chapter 6 of his book Cryptographic Security
Architecture, New York, 2004, ISBN 0-387-95387-6.

16.6.2 Description of the FIPS X9.31 PRNG

The core of this deterministic random number generator is implemented
according to the document NIST-Recommended Random Number Generator
Based on ANSI X9.31 Appendix A.2.4 Using the 3-Key Triple DES and AES
Algorithms, dated 2005-01-31.  This implementation uses the AES

   The generator is based on contexts to utilize the same core functions
for all random levels as required by the high-level interface.  All
random generators return their data in 128 bit blocks.  If the caller
requests less bits, the extra bits are not used.  The key for each
generator is only set once at the first time a generator context is
used.  The seed value is set along with the key and again after 1000
output blocks.

   On Unix like systems the `GCRY_VERY_STRONG_RANDOM' and
`GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM' generators are keyed and seeded using the rndlinux
module with the 

Re: key generation: paranoia mode - explicit random input

2014-02-27 Thread Doug Barton

Hash: SHA256

Someone else made this argument already, which I thought should have
shut down the thread, but it didn't, so I'll try repeating it. :)

If I am Mal, I am going to make sure that my implementation does the
right thing when you add the --verify-my-binary-is-safe flag. But when
you're not using that flag I'm still free to do whatever I want with
your stuff.

In other words, we're right back to the same thread we had about 6 weeks
ago. You cannot Trust a binary, for sufficiently Secure definitions
of Trust. You can't even Trust the binary if you compiled it
yourself because you're not smart enough to go over every line of code
for your binary, all of the libs it links against, the compiler, etc.
etc. (And that's not an ad hominem attack, no one person has the
requisite combination of knowledge and experience to do this.)

So if you're an average user at some point you have to put your little-t
trust somewhere. If you're part of an organization where lives depend on
getting the crypto right you're going to allocate additional resources
for making things more Secure as appropriate of course. But that's not
going to involve command line options.

... and BTW, if you think I'm being paranoid or exaggerating the problem
on the OS side just look at the recent flap with Apple software (iOS and
OS X 10.9 both) regarding their own personal SSL/TLS implementation. One
single misplaced 'goto' caused everyone using those systems to be
vulnerable to a certain type of MITM. Linux has had similar issues, and
don't get me started on Windows 

So Hauke, creative idea, but a non-starter IMO.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: key generation: paranoia mode - explicit random input

2014-02-27 Thread Robert J. Hansen
 I just got asked: How do I know that GnuPG in distro XY is not 

You don't.

At some point you have to choose to trust something.  This is usually
your operating system provider.  If you can't trust your operating
system provider, then you're completely screwed and there's nothing
anyone can do to change this.

The question is not, has GnuPG in distro XY been compromised?

The question is, should I trust distro XY?

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: key generation: paranoia mode - explicit random input

2014-02-27 Thread Robert J. Hansen
 Trivial to prevent in comparison to the task of verifying a distro.

There are literally thousands of vectors.  Defending against *all* of
them is a deeply nontrivial task.  Sometime take a look at the
requirements for a SCIF: they're eye-opening.

 This attitute doesn't help though considering that we meanwhile face a 
 situation in which it has become more or less impossible to build a 
 system which is known non-compromised.

It was always impossible.

If you really want a known non-compromised system, you have to set up
your own chip fab plant churning out low-transistor-count, hand-verified
IC designs made from six-nines silicon you personally smelted from sand
you personally mined off a beach.  It has always been this way.  It will
always be this way.

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