How does gnupng create keys?

2014-04-02 Thread Barnet Wagman
I'd like to know something about how gnupng create keys (for symmetric 
encryption).  I'm not looking for details, just an overview of how it's 
done.  Does anyone know of any documentation on this?  I haven't found 
any yet.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: post-quantum computing in GnuPG

2014-04-02 Thread Christopher J. Walters

On 4/2/2014 2:50 AM, Robert J. Hansen wrote:

Or someone builds a working quantum computer with many bits and
demonstrate a working decryption of RSA-2048 in a few seconds. :-)

Not likely in the near term...  Maybe in 5000 years or so, but by then I 
suspect computing as we know it will be ancient history (actually it *would* be)...

Well, you'd need 4096 qubits in the ensemble, representing a state space
of something like 10^1233 (not a typo).

That's a LOT of zeroes.  Maybe my initial estimate was off by several dozen 
orders of magnitude...

At that point I'm going to just give up and offer my services to our new
Space Overlords from Zarbnulax Prime.  Maybe if I help round up pesky
humans they'll give me a ride in their FTL spaceships!

LMAO!  I got a good laugh out of this one.  Thanks, I needed that...



Gnupg-users mailing list

gpg: NOTE: trustdb not writable

2014-04-02 Thread Konrad Vrba

I am using gpg on a system, which is mounted read-only. When I do the

echo "hello" | gpg --lock-never --no-verbose -e -s -a -r

I get an error:

gpg: NOTE: trustdb not writable

I don't understand why gpg should need write access inside user home,  for
normal operation.

Is thre a way to stop this error message?

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Encrypted file-size approximation with multiple recipients

2014-04-02 Thread Tim Chase
On 2014-04-02 00:37, David Shaw wrote:
> This can change pretty significantly given different key lengths,
> different algorithms, and perhaps most significantly, how
> compressible the original document is (by default GPG compresses
> data before encryption).  An input file of text will compress very
> differently than an input file that's a jpeg (as jpegs are already
> compressed, and so do not benefit much from a second layer of
> compression).

Thanks both to David & Sam for their replies.  While not exact
answers/formulas, they were both quite helpful:

1) I'd missed that GPG conveniently compresses the data before
encrypting which would explain some of the differences I saw.

2) getting a rough worst-case bound (larger RSA keys and algorithm
choice can impact) for per-recipient overhead.

It also helps come to terms with the fact that, in more than half of
my use cases (small plain-text/JSON messages), the multi-recipient
overhead will swamp the size of the actual compressed+encrypted
content.  A fact that I can live with, but is nice to know up front.

Given that the recipients are in pre-defined groups would it make
more sense to multi-recipient-encrypt a single unique group-key, and
then encrypt all messages for that group with the given key?  I do
see the possibility of a trust-leak where a group member could
decrypt the group key and then provide it to other non-group members,
but if that's the case, the untrustworthy group member could just
decrypt the messages and provide those directly.  That's a risk I'm
willing to accept.  Since it's wrapped in my program/code, I can
automate the group-key fetching from a UI perspective.  I'm mostly
interested in things like regenerating the group key when group
members are removed, or adding additional group members to an
existing key, as well as any "good golly, man, that's idiotic because
of XYZ" warnings it might entail.



Gnupg-users mailing list

Using an RSA GnuPG key for RSA ?

2014-04-02 Thread vedaal
Is it possible to generate an RSA key in GnuPG, and then use it (not in GnuPG, 
but in other systems using RSA keys), to encrypt and decrypt RSA messages?

If so, what portion of the GnuPG generated RSA key functions as a 'pure' RSA 
(Is it isolatable by using --list-packets on the key?)



Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How does gnupng create keys?

2014-04-02 Thread Werner Koch
On Wed,  2 Apr 2014 10:02, said:
> I'd like to know something about how gnupng create keys (for symmetric
> encryption).  I'm not looking for details, just an overview of how
> it's done.  Does anyone know of any documentation on this?  I haven't
> found any yet.

The Libgcrypt manual has a description of its architecture [1].  GnuPG
uses Libgcrypt and thus that library is responsible for creating RSA
keys.  Libgcrypt is actually code stripped from an older version of
GnuPG, but the basic operation is even the same in the old versions
(i.e. GnuPG <= 1.4).




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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Using an RSA GnuPG key for RSA ?

2014-04-02 Thread Leo Gaspard
On Wed, Apr 02, 2014 at 01:55:21PM -0400, wrote:
> Is it possible to generate an RSA key in GnuPG, and then use it (not in 
> GnuPG, but in other systems using RSA keys), to encrypt and decrypt RSA 
> messages?
> If so, what portion of the GnuPG generated RSA key functions as a 'pure' RSA 
> key?
> (Is it isolatable by using --list-packets on the key?)
> TIA,
> vedaal

If you are not to use the key in gnupg, why make gnupg generate it in the first
place? Why not use the program with which you'll use the key to generate it? Or,
if the program does not offer this functionality, why not use openssl, which
provides this capability on purpose?

Were you to use the key both for gnupg and other systems, I would understand,
but doing things this way...?



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