using private key on removable media

2007-04-29 Thread Alex L. Mauer
This is mostly a wishlist comment, I guess:

It would be great if gnupg would look at all information (keys)
available to it before deciding whether it could perform a given operation.

For example, using my key:
$ gpg --secret-keyring /media/disk/.gnupg/secring.gpg --list-secret-keys
sec#  1024D/51192FF2 2002-03-22
[some subkeys, not including the smartcard ones]

sec   1024D/51192FF2 2002-03-22
[some subkeys, not including the smartcard ones]

sec#  1024D/51192FF2 2002-03-22
[some subkeys]
ssb  1024R/4A1C1224 2005-06-27
ssb  1024R/F40CACBA 2005-06-27
ssb  1024R/694C9CA5 2005-06-27

first, when trying to sign a key using this setup, gnupg decides by
looking only at the first keyring that 'secret key parts are not
available'. even though they are available from the second keyring.

second, when trying to use the smartcard keys from the second keyring,
gpg decides from the first keyring that those keys are not available either.

This is with gnupg 2.0.3.

-Alex Mauer hawke
Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient
flesh-eating beetles.
OpenPGP key id: 51192FF2 @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: external pinpad, gnupg, SPR532 PinPad SmartCard Reader

2007-02-12 Thread Alex L. Mauer
Werner Koch wrote:
 I am pretty sure that this is a problem of the distribution.  The most
 common problem is that pcscd has been started and thus gained
 exclusive access to the reader.

I'd agree, except that mine is now prompting, and accepting input from
the keyboard, for the PIN.  That's a symptom of the problem you describe
above, correct?

The previous pinpad problem I had was that it would prompt to use the
pinpad but then would fail after entering the PIN.  That's a separate
problem, correct?

-Alex Mauer hawke
Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient
flesh-eating beetles.
OpenPGP key id: 51192FF2 @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: external pinpad, gnupg, SPR532 PinPad SmartCard Reader

2007-02-11 Thread Alex L. Mauer
Michael Parker wrote:
  I tried to setup an external smartcard reader with a pinpad and on gentoo I 
 don't get it to work. 
  On an ubuntu-installation the pin isn't enterd by the external pinpad but by 
 the regualar keyboard and that works fine. 
  On gentoo I'm asked to enter the pin on the pinpad of the reader. After 
 entering it doesn't find the secret key. 

For what it's worth, the external pinpad did start to work for me on
Ubuntu for awhile.  But then I changed something and it stopped (it may
have been enabling ssh support in the scdaemon -- I changed a few things
and didn't keep track of exactly what it was).  So the external pinpad
is very very close to working in Ubuntu.

-Alex Mauer hawke
Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient
flesh-eating beetles.
OpenPGP key id: 51192FF2 @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: deleting signatures from uids

2006-11-02 Thread Alex L. Mauer
Peter S. May wrote:

 I would think that it's important for keyservers to widely distribute
 the revocation certificates of revoked signatures.  

Agreed.  But it's not important to distribute signatures that have been

 If the keyservers
 simply omitted revoked signatures from search results, how would a
 client know that this uid was revoked?  

Because the server could, and presumably would, still distribute
revocation signatures, but not the signatures they revoke.

 Stripping data that isn't
 particularly useful is a job better left to the client.

I disagree.  Downloading the data only to discard it is a waste of time
and bandwidth.

-Alex Mauer hawke
Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient
flesh-eating beetles.
OpenPGP key id: 51192FF2 @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Revokation of keys from smart card

2005-08-15 Thread Alex L. Mauer

Alex L. Mauer wrote:
Is it possible to revoke keys that have been stored on a smart card?  It 
seems to me that it is not.  Am I correct, or do I just need to do 
something other than revkey?

Oh right ... my bad on that one (it helps to have the secret key for the 
primary key on the keyring that's being edited.  But perhaps GnuPG 
should give an error of some kind indicating that it didn't work and why.

Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk 
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.

Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient 
flesh-eating beetles.

OpenPGP key id: 51192FF2 @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: OEM key loggers

2005-06-17 Thread Alex L. Mauer

Atom Smasher wrote:

does anyone know if this is true?

if it is...

It's not.

See for the source of the images, 
and If you do a search for dept. of homeland security's logo, it is a 
blue colour circular logo with an eagle in it. The one on the fake 
letter is a five-pointed star, which is commonly used for Sheriff's office.


Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk 
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.

Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient 
flesh-eating beetles.

gpg/gpg key id: 51192FF2 @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: OpenPGP Smartcard Advantages

2005-06-03 Thread Alex L. Mauer

Werner Koch wrote:

The only thing a malicious host can do is to lock the card (by sending
several times a wrong PIN) and to trick you into signing or decrypting

This just made me think.

Wouldn't it thus be trivial [for a malicious host] to destroy a smart
card (by sending the wrong admin pin repeatedly)?

-Alex Mauer hawke
Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient
flesh-eating beetles.
gpg/gpg key id: 51192FF2 @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: OpenPGP Smartcard Advantages

2005-06-03 Thread Alex L. Mauer

Jan Niehusmann wrote:

I wondered if the card couldn't just erase itself completly when the
wrong Admin-PIN is entered three times. This would at least save the
card itself, which is worth some euros. But OTOH, just locking the card
is probably easier to implement in a safe way (it's an atomic operation
which can't be aborted by just turning of power, for example).

That's a good idea.  I think you could implement it safely, by making
the card treat the locked status (zeroed pin retry counter?) as a flag
that it should erase itself.  Then, when it had erased itself and
verified the erasure it could reset the pin retry counter (and possibly
reset the admin PIN to default)

That way, even if you abort it by turning off power, as soon as you
apply power again the card either resumes or restarts the erasure
process (depending on which is the best combination of speed and security).

It seems to me that this is just as good as becoming permanently locked
from a security standpoint, and better from a convenience stand point
(if you forget/lose/corrupt the admin PIN, all you have to do is enter
it wrong three times.)  And in the case of a malicious host, you're
better off in that you don't have to shell out for another card.

Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient
flesh-eating beetles.
gpg/gpg key id: 51192FF2 @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Sign my key - Was (no subject)

2005-06-03 Thread Alex L. Mauer

Francis Gulotta wrote:

How do we know it's really yours or that you are really you? I'll accept
that this message was signed with it, but by signing you key it means I
have no doubt that it really does indeed belong to Dan Mundy. And I've
nver met him.

I know this is rather controversial, but for a lot of people it doesn't
matter if the person really is Dan Mundy, since Dan Mundy is just a
string, and doesn't really have any inherent meaning attaching it to a
physical entity.

You can be *somewhat* sure that if you send an encrypted email to some
address, and they respond to its contents, that someone who has access
to that mailbox also knows the passphrase to the relevant key.

Physically meeting someone doesn't prove that the keyholder hasn't
shared the passphrase and private key.

If there's a picture UID on the key and it matches the person that you
physically meet, it doesn't prove that the person you met has the
passphrase to the key, or that they have access to the mailbox
associated with the key.

With a photo ID, it can prove (to the extent that they have proven it to
the ID issuer, i.e. not a whole lot) that the name on the key matches
the person you've physically met.  But if you interact primarily over
the net, that doesn't really matter.  There's a major missing link
between the email address and the physical person at the meeting.

For purposes of network addresses, I mostly couldn't care less if the
person who uses the email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] *actually* goes
by the name, or is known to some government by the name Dan Mundy.  What
I do care about is that the same keyholder who signed this message, also
signed that one, and I have some basis for believing they both came from
the same person. And *that* is the important step.  I can build up a
level of trust based on the contents of messages signed by that key.  If
he starts spouting crap that is inconsistent with prior messages, I can
lower my trust on the determination that his key has been compromised,
or he's gone nuts, or he's changed his mind.  But what he's actually
named by his parents is totally irrelevant to that.

If I was entering into some sort of contract with him, validating the
government ID might start to matter so I could enlist some governmental
aid in enforcing it, if it became necessary.  But the more risk I'm
taking in some contract, the less likely I am to trust any middle-men to
have verified someone's identity.

Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient
flesh-eating beetles.
gpg/gpg key id: 51192FF2 @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: IBM to Provide Security w/o Sacrificing Privacy Using Hash Functions

2005-05-25 Thread Alex L. Mauer

Florian Weimer wrote:

* Sean C.:

The I.B.M. software would convert data on a person into a string of seemingly
random characters, using a technique known as a one-way hash function. No
names, addresses or Social Security numbers, for example, would be embedded
within the character string.

For most applications, this is just a speed bump because the search
space is rather small.  It's even worse for the no-fly list because
you have to apply some data reduction first (think SOUNDEX): a lot of
the names on them have varying transliteration.

Can you expand on this?

How could the Name/address/ssn be retrieved from a hash of the same?

How would data reduction be necessary?  Couldn't everything be
represented in Unicode?  Of course, that doesn't solve the
transliteration problem, but then again it's no different than the
status quo in that respect (Alex Mauer != Aleks Mauer)

Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient
flesh-eating beetles.
gpg/gpg key id: 51192FF2 @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

GPG error code with successful signing operation

2005-04-27 Thread Alex L. Mauer
When GPG is set to use the gpg-agent but the gpg-agent is not available
(error message gpg-agent is not available in this session or can't
connect to `/path/to/non-existent-pipe': No such file or directory), it
produces a fatal error code of 2 even if the passphrase is successfully
entered at the prompt.  This strikes me as incorrect behavior.

-Alex Mauer hawke
Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient
flesh-eating beetles.
gpg/gpg key id: 51192FF2 @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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