Re: Big curiosity

2021-06-13 Thread Andreas Mattheiss

a bit of elaborating on this one.

Am Sun, 13 Jun 2021 18:58:54 +0200 schrieb Johan Wevers 
> On 13-06-2021 16:06, knighttemplar5--- via Gnupg-users wrote:
>> I have been contemplating subscribing to an email forwarding service
>> that will encrypt all the forwarded mails to me with my public key.
>> Lets imagine the country where the forwarding takes place can see all my
>> emails in plain text and at the same time the same emails PGP encrypted,
>> can enough of this data pose a threat to my private key?
> What you describe is in cryptography known as a known-plaintext attack.


> It can happen in a less obvious way. For example I remember the old Word
> Perfect 5 for DOS that had the option to encrypt its files. It did that
> by XORing the entire file with your password. However, because the first
> few bytes of a WP file were always the same it was trivial to deduct the
> password from a file that was encrypted with this method.

Yet let us keep in mind that gpg (or any practical assymetric encryption
kit out there) consists of two elements: an asymmetric encryption and
a symmetric encryption. The XOR is the symmetric part, and there is
a lot of discussion on the resilience of a symmetric cipher to chosen
plaintext attacks when it is being reviewed. XOR is a good example here
because it is so poor in this respect. Modern variants are thought to
be resilient against this type of attacs - typical reviews might tell
you that in order to break a 128 bit key one would need 2**90 or so
texts and their encrypted equivalent. The actual number for gpg security
is practically not relevant, since for gpg you'll get a different
symmetric key each time you encrypt another file.

This is because gpg actually only encrypts this symmetric key with the
assymetric code, like RSA - typically not more than 256 bit of arbitrary
nature. For the assymetric code the world is different - anybody who
has access to the public key can generate as many plaintext/ciphertext
pairs as he wants. Yet I am not aware of any (relevant) choosen plaintext
attacs against RSA & friends - this would immediately render it useless,
for any application.

> So, in short, the answer to your question is "no, it is not a threat".

Absolutely right. You should be more concerned to understand what
this type of incoming mail encryption is good for - and what it can't
prevent. It is not as useful as you may think; the mail provider could
still read your plaintext mail, even though he may promise you to encrypt
things directly after receiving. The link from your email provider to you
is, these days, already encrypted, so no benefit there neither. The one
benefit is that if someone hacks your mail provider he can't do anything
with your mails he may find there, since they are all encrypted. So yes
it is useful, but only in a specific way.

Hope this helps, regards

Lister: Everything?s really nice there. They even shampoo the rats.
Groom their tails and everything!

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: decryption failed: No pinentry

2021-05-31 Thread Andreas Mattheiss

Am Mon, 31 May 2021 07:59:35 +0200 schrieb Christopher Richardson via

> This is probably something very trivial, but Im building gpg for the
> first time since, apparently,  2013, according to my old binary. The build
> seems fine, but ...
a bit of a longshot, but if your pinintry is also as of 2013 there might
(might!) be incompatabilities with a modern gpg? The obvious thing would
be to also update pinentry, which is painless.

You can specify a pinentry program during the configure step when building
gpg. I haven't done this, and it still finds pinentry and works fine. I
could not spot that configure would do any other checks on pinentry on the
system (checking usability etc.). I don't have any pinentry defined in any
of my settings in .gnupg/ neither.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: CCID no longer working

2021-05-29 Thread Andreas Mattheiss via Gnupg-users
Hello Werner,

thanks for the feedback.

Am Wed, 26 May 2021 16:49:07 +0200 schrieb Werner Koch via Gnupg-users:

> pcscd grabbed the device and thus scdameon can't open it.  We don't have
> a fallback to PC/SC anymore thus you see this error instead of scdaemon
> silently switching from internal CCID to PC/SC.
I can confirm this, heuristically: I reenabled ccid for scdaemon,
terminated pcscd and scdaemon and tryed gpg --card-status again, which
duly prompted the expected information.


Gnupg-users mailing list

CCID no longer working

2021-05-26 Thread Andreas Mattheiss via Gnupg-users

for a few weeks now gpg has been unable to contact my smartcard. I have 
recently updated to gpg 2.3.1, so it *might* have to do with that, but I can't 
positively confirm.

Things had been working flawlessly until then. Running scdaemon with debug gave 
a telltale hint:

2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] DBG: chan_7 -> D 
2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] DBG: chan_7 -> OK
2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] DBG: chan_7 <- OPTION event-signal=12
2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] DBG: chan_7 -> OK
2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] DBG: chan_7 <- GETINFO version
2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] DBG: chan_7 -> D 2.3.1
2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] DBG: chan_7 -> OK
2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] DBG: chan_7 <- SERIALNO
2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] ccid open error: skip
2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] check permission of USB device at Bus 005 
Device 004
2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] DBG: chan_7 -> ERR 100696144 Kein passendes 
Gerät gefunden 
2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] DBG: chan_7 <- RESTART
2021-05-25 21:33:11 scdaemon[13946] DBG: chan_7 -> OK

I then put "disable-ccid" into scmdaemon.conf, and things started working again 
- I have pcscd running anyway. The system is not running udev, the device nodes 
are static. I had no trouble earlier, so I would assume permissions are not an 
issue - one would think 666 to be sufficient:

crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 189, 515 25. Mai 21:34 /dev/bus/usb/005/004

gpg 2.3.1 has been out for a month now, and I assume that if there were an 
issue with CCID there would be some related noise on the mailing list, but 
there isn't. Maybe it's worth a casual look from our esteemed developers.

Andreas Mattheiss

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Which keyserver

2020-09-18 Thread Andreas Mattheiss

>Is it possible to define multiple sources of keys with WKD, for example
>with a dns TXT record?

Well, yes, actually. This can be done with both X509 certificates (where it is 
called SMIMEA) and gpg keys. Obtaining a key basically involves quering the 
appropriate TYPE in the DNS record (53 for SMIMEA, 61 for openpgp). An 
additional step is to check the authenticity of this record. All this is 
completely seperate from WKD though.

That's the theory. In practise, alas, bugger all's using it. It's a shame, 
since this would really be a big step forward. The catch here is that it needs 
to be supported by the mail server where the addressee has his account. 
Needless to mention it is hardly deployed; in Germany has it, as do a 
number of paid email services. Plus, of course: before this goes big, the big 
email clients would have to support it. Of course you can hack something 
together using only command line tools (I've done that), but that's not the cup 
of tea for 99.9% of normal email users.

Vincent Breitmoser described this in this thread eloquently as being used by 
effectively nobody but a rounding error. Sigh.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Vanity Key@@sig

2013-04-03 Thread Andreas Mattheiss
Well, uhm, if it's really important to you:

The concept of hashes/fingerprints/etc. is that it is (next to) impossible
to find an entity-to-be-hashed (here a key) if you specify the hash. In
fact a hash function that allows you to do this would be cryptographically
frowned upon.

However, there is nothing that stops you from generation a gazillon of
keys, until you - by chance - get one with a hash you like. 

This brute force approach is what is behind bitcoin mining or hashcashing
email messages - the latter, sadly, an idea ignored by the general public.


LISTER: Me. No another one for you. Rear Admiral Lieutenant General Rimmer.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Information on a gpg encrypted file

2012-10-19 Thread Andreas Mattheiss

I wonder if there is a utility that, when fed a gpg-encrypted-message,
will tell me which key is needed, which compression/cipher/hash was used.


RIMMER: Lister, we'd be fools not to listen to him. When is he ever
wrong? Alright, he may have a head shaped like an inexplicably popular
fishing float but he does operate from a position of total logic and
we'd be fools to ignore his sage council.
KRYTEN:At least let me and Mister Rimmer go in your place. We are after
all merely electronic life forms and therefore expendable.
RIMMER: And what the smeg would you know, bog-bot from hell?

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Information on a gpg encrypted file

2012-10-19 Thread Andreas Mattheiss
Thanks for the reply.

Am Sat, 20 Oct 2012 00:18:40 +0200 schrieb Werner Koch:

 For an encrypted message
 the other information are only available after decryption.

I see. Looks like this basic handling info is also encrypted with the
unsymmetric key. 

In fact it needs gpg -vvv to elicit this information:

gpg: TWOFISH encrypted data
:compressed packet: algo=3

Reason for asking was because I played around a bit with the
compression/cipher preferences in my public key and wanted to see if it
actually uses say TWOFISH if I put it to the top of the queue of
acceptable ciphers. It does.

Thanks, regards

LISTER: But we don't loot space corp derelicts. We just hack our way in
and swipe what we *need*.
RIMMER: If this goes to trial, I demand seperate lawyers.

Gnupg-users mailing list