Wind river

2014-10-23 Thread Michael Anders
  thanks for your earnest answer to my sloppy and somewhat provocative
> > This doesn't make any sense to me.
> Makes perfect sense to me, once you understand three things:
> (a) at one point all the good crypto came out of either the US, UK,
> or France,

I have to concede that I mostly agree with you.
While i think the most dangerous current threat to our freedom and
democracy is ubiquitous eavesdropping and spoofing by NSA, GCHQ and
their likes, I admit US scientists also gave us the means to defend
against it(strong cryptography).
After reading an Scientific American Article about asymmetric
cryptography by Adleman (not the original one in 1977, but a later one
from the 1990ies ;-) I was fascinated. Then I heard about the issues
around export restrictions and immediately sat down and coded it as an
act of a physicists self respect. For me the claim to "own some
mathematics" by an administration is pure hybris and ignorance. My
little exercise didn't get any momentum back then and I ceased to pursue
that any further.
And yes, if you want to discuss matters of cryptography seriously, there
are hardly any quality posts in german language.

I have some trust in the strength of the opposition against ubiquitous
government  surveillance within the US and hope they will overcome
current antidemocratic moves. Presumably and sadly the opposition
against such tendencies is weaker in germany. 

If you google "open source elliptic curve cryptography" you will find my
current activities regarding cryptography. You might notice that the
softwares menus as well as the documentation is held almost completely
in english language. One reason is to keep dumb german nationalistic
morons off. 
In my opinion the current behavior of the US soup letter agencies
nourishes dumb nationalistic anti-us tendencies in other countries
including mine! I don't want to be forced into an alliance with
nationalistic people.
The US judicial system should IMHO no longer let people, who lie to
congress under oath, go unharmed and pursue people, telling the truth,
with all might.
Please apologize me having gone somewhat off topic here

> (c) laws and regulations change so slowly they make glaciers look swift.

Probably my (the german) administration isn't any better in this aspect.
I respect you for defending your (the us) administration, yet in my
opinion both our administrations deserve some bashing once in a while
for excessive ignorance and/or sluggishness.

   Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Wind river

2014-10-21 Thread Michael Anders
On Tue, 2014-10-21 at 00:46 +0200, wrote:

> I just saw this news story yesterday, ...
This doesn't make any sense to me.
Either US administration has completely gone nuts and assumes others are
too stupid to implement strong crypto by themselves or else -and this
semms more probable to me- they go for a cheap short term advantage and
stage a theater to make others believe the software that was exported
would be secure while it is not...

  Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: It's time for PGP to die

2014-08-18 Thread Michael Anders

>> Once a crisp and nicely implementable asynchronous protocol with forward
>> secrecy comes up, however, we should have it implemented
>> immediately.(The synchronous ones are easy, of course.)

>Whispersystems has done a good job with Textsecure as ar as I read the
>opinions about it. In practice their application is very usable too,
>except that MMS does not work in some circumstances (but who uses that
>anyway in 2014?)


Think about implementing forward secrecy for a moment and imagine, you had to develop a "forward secret PGP"(actually in my opinion it should properly be called backward secrecy for that matter.)

You have to keep track of all one to one communications with their current status of shared secrets. This is much more data to be kept secret than without fs. In fact depending on your activity possibly so much more that simply enciphering the whole database would not be efficient anymore. You would have to use a random access cipher (like e.g. in truecrypt). You don't have it yet? Then you have to code it - a formidable task-  or get it from some other source. Just in case - do you trust the other source...?

And if you have a random access cipher, what amount of information is visible to the intruder just from viewing the outer structure and its reaction to activity of this random access database cipher?

How do you deal with simultaneously maintaining one to one communications that exchange messages 10 times a day as well as comms that talk to each other once every other year. This is a problem if you have a systen that changes public keys on a time basis.

You will have to delete info regarding dead communication strands to keep the database compact. What time do you set to declare a strand dead?
How do you recover if messages were lost or if a deleted strand suddenly is reanimated by your peer? How do you recover without opening a soft flank to attackers who want to highjack the strand?

How do you detect it when a strand was highjacked by a MITM-Attack?

How do you deal with highly asymmetric communication strands, once a year into one direction, twice a day into the other direction?

How about a busy strand where one strand sends two messages in rapid succession and resets his timer in between and the messages arrive in reversed order? How do you recover in this case?

How do you synchronize databases if a user wants to sustain the one to one communication using different systems(e.g. office PC - netbook-smartphone) intermittingly.

I can go on and on and on. To me this IS like opening a can of worms. And I seriosly doubt if the pain is worth the reward(forward secrecy).


Matthew Green mentions the Axolotl protocol and TextSecure(which you refer to in your post as well) as a product that uses it. Well if TextSecure/Axolotl -which I haven't used and don't seriously know yet- solved all these problems satisfactorily and securely I bow in humble adoration(seriously).

You should have a look at the Axolotl protocol

First look at the humongous state variable!
Then it takes about 60 lines of description where a standard public key protocol would take about 5. From studying the protocol, you can see that some of the above mentioned problems might be solved, yet we don't know how it stands against a brilliant attacker. The sheer complexity makes me feel very uneasy.

In my view, the axolotl protocol has the elegance of transporting water in a bucket with twenty something holes, where each hole got a cork plugged into it. I wouldn't want to code it.

By the way - Green (rightfully) critizises PGP for bad defaults (e.g. using SHA1) yet he praises TextSecure which heavily relies on SHA1. This leaves me baffled.



  Michael Anders



Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Fwd: It's time for PGP to die.

2014-08-17 Thread Michael Anders
I share most of Greene's arguments agaist PGP to a limited extent,
however, he seems strongly biased against it.
There are two points, in which I strongly disagree with Greene:

A) For me forward secrecy is not of utmost importance for asymmetric end
to end mail encryption. Your private key is compromized if your system
has been hacked(if you don't live in a police state where authorities
can force you to reveal it). Most likely the important private messages
will still reside on your system then, so they are leaked anyways in
this case. So there is limited gain by implementing forward secrecy. So
the complaint about lacking forward secrecy is exaggerated in my eyes.

Nevertheless, there do exist solutions for asynchronous message exchange
with forward secrecy and we need to have an eye on them and watch out
for new publications on these. At present IMHO they are awkwardly
difficult to implement and maintain and just keeping a watchful eye on
them seems perfectly reasonable today. 
Once a crisp and nicely implementable asynchronous protocol with forward
secrecy comes up, however, we should have it implemented
immediately.(The synchronous ones are easy, of course.)

B) A minor point.
Greene complains, that in PGP securing ciphers with a MAC is not
enforced in the standard. For an asymmetrically enciphered message IMHO
it does not make any sense whatsoever, to secure message authenticity
with a MAC. A correct MAC is proof that the message has not been altered
by someone not knowing the symmetric key. But knowledge of the symmetric
key doesn't prove anything since it is essentially a random number
selected by the unauthenticated sender. So a correct MAC in a RSA cipher
just proves that the sender is the sender - so what? (I know that many
people disagree with me on this point, yet I have never heard a
convincing argument for the MAC in an asymmetric cipher.)
If you want authenticity, you have to have the message or cipher be
digitally signed by the sender.
For me the critcism of PGP is clearly unfair regarding this second

  Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Gnupg-users Digest, Vol 131, Issue 15

2014-08-13 Thread Michael Anders
>  I'm not sure, but didn't discrete-logarithm keys scale
> roughly equivalently to RSA? I think so, but I'm not sure...


> The guidance from NIST is:
> [1] shannons of entropy needed
> [2] bits of symmetric key
> [3] bits of RSA/DSA/ELG
> [4] bits of ECDSA/ECetc.
> [1] [2] [3] [4]
> 80  80  1024160
> 112 112 2048224
> 128 128 3072256
> 256 256 ~15k512
> The entropy of symmetric and ECDSA/ECetc. keys scales linearly with key 
> length; the entropy of RSA/DSA/ELG keys scales logarithmically with key 
> length.

> However, I've also been cautioned by some big names in crypto that I 
> shouldn't put too much stock in this: we know DLP must be at least as 
> hard as integer factorization, but we don't have precise numbers for how 
> much harder it has to be, and the tendency over the years has been for 
> the two to slowly converge in difficulty.
> As of now the best guidance is to think DLP is at least as hard as IFP, 
> but to be skeptical about how much harder.

No witchcraft, just some simple math.
Baltimore published:

symm.   RSA ECC
80  1024160
112 2048224
128 3072256
192 7680384
256 15360   521
The generalized number field sieve(->RSA factoring) scales with
bitlength to the 1/3
(, new
improvements by Joux et al ( set it
to 1/4 but this so far seems limited to smaller numbers.
ECC security scales with bitlength to the 1/2 (General DLP methods) 

If you set the scale to 160 bit ECC being at the same security level as
1024 bit RSA (presently considered marginal security) you arrive at the
formula for  the generalized number field sieve:
n(RSA) = ((n(ECC)^1/2)/1.25)^3

The resulting table would look like this

ECC(bitlength)   RSA/elGamal
  160  1024
  256  2072
  384  3807
  512  5862
  768 10769
 1024 16579

If you presume Joux's results would apply to RSA factoring, the formula
would look like:
n(RSA) = ((n(ECC)^1/2)/15.9)^4

Now the resulting table would look like this

ECC(bitlength)   RSA/elGamal  
  160  1024
  256  2621
  384  5898
  512 10486
  768 23593
 1024 41943

Interestingly "NIST" arrives at an estimate even in excess of the second
table! So we might speculate that they either know of some improvement
compared to the publicly known methods to factor RSA moduli, expect such
improvement from other sources or else just want to push ECC.
(I like ECC -> google "open source elliptic curve cryptography".))

  Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: how to do

2014-07-14 Thread Michael Anders

> >Please can you elaborate on how it is incorrect to say that somebody
> >who knows the passphrase to a secret key can make changes to that key.
> >Would this maybe be the case when using an encryption subkey with an
> >offline main key?
> If you make encryption and signing subkeys you can export them (i.e. the 
> secret subkeys), create a new gnupg home directory, 
> import the subkeys, change the password on them, and finally, export
> and distribute them to the people who are supposed to use them.
> By doing this you can have a person who manages the master key separately 
> under another password and the authorized users can 
> use the encryption and signing secret subkeys without being able to
make changes to them

I think we are in danger of working with different concepts of what "not
being able to" means.

On a first level, if you have read/write access to the key-file, it is
just a file and you can do pretty much anything with it.

On a second level, proper cryptographic protection may prevent you from
doing anything sensible with it, if you don't have access to the
protecting secret(e.g.the GnuPG access passphrase).

On a third level you may know the secret access key but within the small
world of a particular cryto tool (GnuPG in this case) you "cannot do".
You may sit down and code it yourself, however.

This third level of "cannot do" is usually disregarded by cryptographers
and IT-security people, yet I think this is probably the kind of "cannot
do" we are talking about here.
I have to admit I don't know much about the way the subkey structure is
organized internally in OpenPGP, so if there is some true cryptographic
protection of the subkey relationships, may someone who knows about it
please tell me. 
If there were true cryptographic protection, it would have to work
without a password. This might be very interesting crypto stuff
then :-)..

My gut feeling makes me believe this protection is impossible with
cryptographically independent keys, however, and that you could always
at least embed the exported subkey into a newly created parent key
structure and newly design whatever sub/super-key structure you like
around the exported key. 

So unless there is convincing cryptographic reasoning about why you
cannot do something to the key you have the access password to, I would
not rely on the "cannot do".

   Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Gnupg-users Digest, Vol 128, Issue 24

2014-05-17 Thread Michael Anders
> nt-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> > Now where did you calculate that from?
> $dS = \frac{\delta Q}{T}$
> Second Law of Thermodynamics, which you just broke.  Have a nice day.
The (cold) system where the calculation is done and the (hot) system the
result is transferred only exchange negligible energy and entropy.
No oceans to be boiled off.
Citing the second law of thermodynamics in this context is wrong. 
Besides, just citing a physical law and selling that as reasoning is not
the way we argue in physics.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GPG's vulnerability to quantum cryptography

2014-05-16 Thread Michael Anders
On Wed, 2014-05-14 at 22:26 +0200, wrote:
> If you want to run the temperature lower than the ambient
> temperature  
> of the cosmos (3.2K), you have to add energy to run the heat pump --  
> and the amount of energy required to run that heat pump will bring  
> your energy usage *above* that which you would've had if you'd just  
> run it in deep space at 3.2K.

Now where did you calculate that from?
In fact arriving at a realistic estimate for the energy needed to brute
force AES is really hard work. (Besides: Who can say for sure that we
cannot get some bits from cryptoanalytic progress(two bits already
crumbled). The cracking of DES was indeed a combination of analyzing
some bits and the finishing up the rest by brute force.)

IMHO you can run the calculations entirely at low temperature, whatever
technology you use to get there. Then you only need contact to the warm
world once to transmit the result(for negligible effort!).

Look at it this way: A hypothetical nuclear organism in the sun might
communicate with us about a result we calculate for it in order to crack
some stellar cryptosystem. 
This doesn't force us to heat our computers to 1 K and burn all this
energy needed for calculating at high temperature. We could e.g.
communicate the result to that being via pulsed gamma rays

These discussions tend to get an interesting quasi-religious setting:

1.) We don't have anything other than AES (At least many people think

so one type of character says: We don't have anything else so it must be
safe and we must defend that conviction against heresy.

the other type (me) is equally mazed and says: They don't want to give
us anything else, so it must be unsafe. Relying on them is heresy...

May be I should switch sides entirely and go with the very practical
asbestos longjohns. I really like the picture :-)

Gnupg-users mailing list

GPG's vulnerability to quantum cryptography

2014-05-14 Thread Michael Anders

> GPG encrypted data (using RSA) can be collected today and easily decrypted
> after 50-100 years using a quantum computer. See:

Well let's see. Usually in a new technology, once you are really going
to apply it in the real world, new problems not thought of before are
going to pop up. (Think of fusion energy from the tokamak, which is
always predicted to be here in 20 years from "now" - since more than 40

> For this reason, what I do today is share long keys with people I know *in
> person*. We then use regular AES-256 to encrypt/decrypt our messages back
> and forth. Every 6 months we meet in person to renew our keys. (To be more
> secure, we actually create the keys in portions via in-person at different
> places, OTR, SMS, landline phone, mobile phone, and snail mail.)
> AES-256 is not vulnerable to quantum cryptography as RSA is, so we feel
> much safer this way.
There is another quantum algorithm called Grovers Algorithm that would
reduce the effort to crack 256 bit key AES to the effort necessary to
crack 128 bit key AES. 
Since the well known agency from Baltimore uses its influence to have
crypto standards coast close to the limit of the brute-forceable, 128
bit AES will be insecure not too far in the future.
So if you are worried about the quantum computer, using AES as is
directly won't help you a lot. You'd also need symmetric algorithms with
at least 512 bit keys and at least 256 bit block size to retain the same
security margin as in the pre quantum computer era. Large block and key
size algorithms surely do exist.

50 years from now, I'm going to be 105. So if I 'll be alive then, I'll
be grateful to be able to ask quantum computer equipped Baltimore for
help on recovering my old secrets which might have slipped from my
memory by then ;-)

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Multiple Subkey Pairs

2014-03-17 Thread Michael Anders
I apologize for having triggered the emotionally agitated exchange in
this thread culminating in someone bringing up the German-Jew trauma. 
I did not intend this and will try to make future points in a more
moderate language. I acknowledge the outburst of true emotion by the
person I responded to initially.

Unfortunately my initial contribution was held for moderation and
finally has been withheld for reasons unknown to me. All that was left
is a belated, empty response under my name in the last digest.

Since followers of this discussion cannot possibly understand the heated
responses without the trigger, I'll try it again. Hopefully this will
end the emotional part and will get the discussion back onto the
appropriate technical track.
This time I'll slightly redact my initial contribution so as to avoid it
being held by a moderator. 
Here we go ->Quote:

> So far there's no credible reporting that any government is doing mass
> surveillance of email content. Instead, mass surveillance focuses on
> metadata: who's talking to whom, when, with what for a subject line,
> routed through which mail servers, and so on.
The YYY (->a famous three letter agency) e.g. denies to archive content
of YYY citizens mails. It is thus perfectly reasonable to assume it does
so with all other ones. They can easily do it, thus they do it. I am
german, so I am free game for them anyways.
Besides, you believe their denials - are you kidding?
> GnuPG does not and
> cannot protect against that.
This is as regrettable as it is true.
Worse still, it is much more cumbersome to protect your "metadata" than
to protect content with e.g. GnuPG. You could achieve it easiest with
Y(->We all would know how to do this).
A public key infrastructure is difficult to reconcile with anonymity.

> If your concern is mass surveillance -- which is to say, metadata --
sorry again, if we are speaking about the YYY, only metadata if
recipient and sender are YYY citizens and if we believe what the agency
Regarding the the security of the content, I share the view that
lighting a firework of a dynamic subkey structure is not going to help.
IMHO one properly kept key is enough and its security should last for
decades. After all the "all or nothing" principle is at the core of
cryptography in many contexts. There is no such thing as attrition of
security by heavy usage of a public RSA or ECC key.
When it comes to system compromise leading to broken security. This is
not kind of an aging process smoothly proceeding with time and
eventually leading to death. They target you or they don't.
   Michael Anders
(a reference to my project page)
End of quote.
The reference to my crypto project homepage which also contains a
political statement, might also have been the problem. Those who are
interested and dont't feel offended by a positive reference to a
controversial person can find it via my homepage
following the link to Academic Signature.

Best regards,
Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Multiple Subkey Pairs

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Anders

> So far there's no credible reporting that any government is doing mass
> surveillance of email content. Instead, mass surveillance focuses on
> metadata: who's talking to whom, when, with what for a subject line,
> routed through which mail servers, and so on.


The NSA e.g. denies to archive content of us-american citizens mails. It is thus perfectly reasonable to assume it does so with all other ones. They can easily do it, thus they do it. I am german, so I am free game for them anyways.

Besides, you believe their denials - are you kidding?


> GnuPG does not and
> cannot protect against that.


This is as regrettable as it is true.

Worse still, it is much more cumbersome to protect your "metadata" than to protect content with e.g. GnuPG. You could achieve it easiest with temporary anonymous e-mail accounts.

A public key infrastructure is difficult to reconcile with anonymity.

> If your concern is mass surveillance -- which is to say, metadata --


sorry again, if we are speaking about the US, only metadata if recipient and sender are us citizens and if we believe what the agency says.

Regarding the the security of the content, I share the view that lighting a firework of a dynamic subkey structure is not going to help. IMHO one properly kept key is enough and its security should last for decades. After all the "all or nothing" principle is at the core of cryptography in many contexts. There is no such thing as attrition of security by heavy usage of a public RSA or ECC key.


When it comes to system compromise leading to broken security. This is not kind of an aging process smoothly proceeding with time and eventually leading to death. They target you or they don't.



   Michael Anders


Gnupg-users mailing list

Encrypting File with passphrase,

2014-03-13 Thread Michael Anders
Hi Vikash

On Thu, 2014-03-13 at 10:36 +0100, wrote:
> Encrypting File with passphrase

>Now I am trying to encrypt the file on server B using this public key,
>I am able to do so without any matter I pass the passphrase or not.
>So my ask is, if a key pair is generated with passphrase it won't
>restrict the encryption incase incorrect passphrase or no passphrase is
>passed? Also I was able to encrypt the file on server B by providing
>any random passphrase, but decryption is possible with correct
>passphrase only.

You do not need a passpharase for operations with a public key
(encryption or signature verification) because the key is not secret.
Everyone is allowed to access it, so there is no need to protect it with
a passphrase. This is the essence of asymmetric cryptography.

Apparently Gnupg just ignores a password given when it is not needed.
This seems reasonable to me.

  Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: key generation: paranoia mode - explicit random input

2014-02-27 Thread Michael Anders
The discussion on what to do in a "partially compromized" system is IMHO
If a private key has been accessed on a system some adversary might have
had a chance to tamper with(e.g. with the PRNG or generally if it is an
NSA friendly OS connected to the web ;-) , there could have been a
keylogger in place and security of the key is gone.
If you consider the NSA to be a benevolent organization, you might make
a distinction between security against criminals and security against
the NSA, but that is politics and not cryptography.

   Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Trying to understand the bond between master and subordinal key pairs

2014-02-12 Thread Michael Anders
On Wed, 2014-02-12 at 11:38 +0100, wrote:
> Am Mi 12.02.2014, 07:02:51 schrieb Faru Guredo:
> > This is suggested???as far as I understand???in order to keep
> > the original master key for signing in a secret place, because
> master
> > signing key = my genuine identity. But.
> Signing (data) is not the relevant aspect of a mainkey. Certification 
> (i.e. signing key components) is. You can create mainkeys which are
> not 
> capable (i.e: not allowed) of signing data at all.
> > Which public keys should be uploaded to the keyserver?
> All public keys must be available to the public. (You cannot even 
> prevent that from happening.) The public mainkey is necessary for the 
> verification that the subkeys belong to this mainkey. Furthermore it
> is 
> needed for the fingerprint check.
> > But what about gathering
> > signatures of other people on your own public key? Should I upload
> > public key of my master signing key along with the public key of the
> > subordinate keypair I am planning to use daily?
> These two components are not related at all. These should be two 
> distinct questions.
> > I don?t get the bond between master keys and subordinate keys. Does
> it
> > even exist?
> The mainkey binds the subkeys by signing them. Signature subkeys have
> to 
> sign the mainkey, too, in order to become valid.
> OpenPGP considers signatures by a subkey as equivalent to those by a 
> mainkey. But if everyone understand what this means (and how it can
> be 
> checked) then you can use the protected mainkey for more secure 
> signatures (if you do not have a more secure other key). You can use
> it 
> for more secure encryption, too (again: If everyone involved
> understands 
> how to do that).
> > To me they look like totally different keys.
> They are, technically. They could even be exchanged. But the OpenPGP
> key 
> format marks one as the mainkey and the other ones as subkeys.
> > Okay, when I
> > usually sign files with key  when I send them to Alice, and
> > eventually I want to sign her key (?which of her keys, actually? The
> > one she uses daily or the one she keeps like me? If she keeps it,
> how
> > did it get to me? Which public keys supposed to collect signatures
> of
> > other people ??of the master one or newly created subordinate one?),
> > I need to use my master key . How does she know that
> > is also my key if they have different IDs?
> That's not the way keys are used. You tell the application to use the 
> key 0x. That always refers to a mainkey. The OpenPGP
> subsystem 
> (GnuPG) then selects the appropriate key: either the mainkey of a 
> subkey. Your contacts only verify 0x. Possible subkeys are 
> verified automatically (you cannot prevent that). Signatures are
> shown 
> to be made by the mainkey.
> More precise: GnuPG does show you the subkey which made the signature 
> but I don't believe any GUI does (in a way useful to beginners). You
> can 
> even force GnuPG to use a certain subkey (if technically possible) or 
> the mainkey and thus override the automatic selection. But I have
> never 
> seen a higer-level application offering that.
> > (Let?s assume public key of the master pair is irrelevant,
> That is not a useful assumption.

I kept wondering about this too. 
Thanks a lot for the explanation of how it works.

I am still puzzled, however. Can anyone explain the logical reason as to
why we need this jungle in OpenPGP, which thankworthily is usually more
or less hidden from the user anyways? 
A good reason would help the complicated workings to stick with my
memory :-) 
Why would we need more than one key and this hierarchy on top of it?
(Proper padding according to the standard to my knowledge removes even
the dangers of using the same RSA key for signatures as well as for

Is the necessity(given that it is there) for the subkey hierarchy
endemic to RSA or would such a structure also be needed for ECC or other

   Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Subject: openpgp card and basiccard RNG

2014-02-05 Thread Michael Anders

> Hello,
> Aparrently the OpenPGP card is based on BasicCard [1] and from the
> BasicCard FAQ [2] I read:
> "For Enhanced BasicCards, the card has no hardware generator. The Enhanced
> BasicCards contain a unique manufacturing number which cannot be read from
> outside the card. The Rnd function uses this number to generate random
> numbers which are different for each card.
> For Professional and MultiApplication BasicCards, the random number is
> generated by use of a hardware random number generator."
> Does anybody know which version of BasicCard is used for the OpenPGP cards
> distributed by If it is the Enhanced version, does the
> use of a pseudorandom generator pose a security risk?

In my opinion a (good) PRNG seeded properly under user control is no
If -as the FAQ seems to tell- it is primed during production, beyond
user control, this implies that normal users have to fully trust the
A malicious manufacturer would be able to completely break privacy based
on the "Enhanced BasicCard" without the user being able to detect this.
An instance is created here, deliberately and unnecessarily, which the
user has to trust. This pattern smells like a backdoor mechanism to
I would outrighly reject to use such a card.

   Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

cryptanalysis question: Does knowing some of the content of the message make the full message vulnerable to decryption?

2014-01-30 Thread Michael Anders
Short answer: No.
This would be a form of a (partially) known plaintext attack.
Semantically secure ciphers are safe against this attack and it is not
possible to extract information on the key. To be precise, you may of
course be able guess a lot in the plaintext domain: "Edward Snowden is a
%&@µ" does leak further information and could easily be "fully
deciphered". But this has nothing to do with cryptography.

However, in plain CBC ore counter mode(CTR) for the symmetric encryption
it would be possible to change the blocks of known content against
content of your liking. This is especially easy and undetectable to the
recipient for CTR-mode(just XOR it out). In CBC mode it is more
complicated and you would usually mess up some other parts of the
decrypted message to unreadable gobbledonk.
That is why you need special provisions to protect the authenticity of
the cipher in transit if you are using symmetric cryptography only. In
this case knowledge of the shared symmetric key is sort of proof that
you are a legitimate sender. I don't know how gpg does it, in academic
signature I use an hmac to protect solely symmetrically enciphered
messages. There are standardized modes you might use to achieve that
e.g. EAX or CCM.
In an asymmetrically enciphered message it makes sense only to use
digital signatures to protect the message or cipher(as opposed to the
EAX, CCM or other symmetrically authenticated modes). Here the symmetric
key is created on the fly for just this message and knowledge of the
symmetric key alone would be no proof of anything other than that the
sender is the sender. 
If you have a shaky system that might get disrupted by feeding it
maliciously crafted information, it would make sense to asymmetrically
sign the cipher and only decrypt if the signature is valid. Generally it
is logically more sound to sign the content and then symmetrically
encipher content and signature. Again I don't know how gpg does it. May
be someone knowing the gpg internals might supply the information.

Some people may disagree on the content of this last paragraph regarding
usefullness of authenticated symmetric encryption in combination with
asymmetric cryptography. There is even a proposed standard "ECIES" which
combines asymmetric cryptography with symmetrically authenticated
ciphers. I do not consider ECIES to be logically sound. 

If you are interested in this topic, you may have fun listening into Dan
Bonehs great lectures on cryptography in coursera (for free).

   Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Any way for two correspondents to set up gnupg within a few moments without having to become expert?

2014-01-21 Thread Michael Anders
On Tue, 2014-01-21 at 14:19 +, Steve Jones wrote:

> How do I prevent gnupg from using SHA1? Also how do I update my key to not 
> use SHA1 digests which it appears to be using, as well as listing SHA1 as my 
> second favourite algorithm.
I found a description in the
 that told me to do the following:

You locate the file "gpg.conf" 
On my ubuntu it is in the directory ~/.gnupg/
In this file you can add the three lines at the bottom

personal-cipher-preferences AES256 TWOFISH AES192 AES
personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256
personal-compress-preferences ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP

to set the preferences. GnuPG is supposed to pick the leftmost possible
in the respective lists.
But backup before editing! I remember some recent posts on problems
editing GnuPG config files and tranferring to and fro windows and linux.
There seems to be a danger to mess up things using wrong editor

I don't know if hash preference information is additionally attached to
keys. I would guess it is not, it wouldn't make sense to me.

   Michael Anders 

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Any way for two correspondents to set up gnupg within a few moments without having to become expert?

2014-01-21 Thread Michael Anders

> You mean what you personally consider insecure defaults. Please let's not
> confuse people by stating opinions as facts. You're entitled to your opinion,
> though.
> HTH,
> Peter.

My opinion is that SHA1 should no longer be used.

A link on SHA1 security:

   Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Any way for two correspondents to set up gnupg within a few moments without having to become expert?

2014-01-21 Thread Michael Anders

>> Any way for two correspondents to set up gnupg within a few moments
>> without having to become expert?
>> The usual gnupg materials are very dense.
>Ask an "expert" to do the setup. After that usage is simple.

In my opinion public license software is about empowering people.
If you need an "expert" to install a software for you, the dependency on
a software vendor is replaced by the dependency on an "expert", which
might be even worse in some circumstances.
Experts should also see their role in empowering people.
Yes, there is a necessity to have good GUI based installers that don't
need an experts assistance to get things right (and eventually change
the insecure gpg defaults for that matter...)
gpg4win works just fine.(So does Truecrypt or Academic Signature if you
look at other crypto)

The users must invest some minutes in understanding what asymmetric
cryptography is about, however. That should be well within the scope of
people with normal intelligence.
Without that very basic understanding, using GnuPG(or other public key
crypto) would be reckless nonsense anyways. Becoming a console wizard
should definitely not be necessary. 

   Michael Anders 

Gnupg-users mailing list

for GnuPG GUI, force gpg response in english language?

2013-12-30 Thread Michael Anders
I am maintaining a program that features a minimalistic GnuPG GUI as an
Now I encountered a problem with other than english versions of GnuPG:
a) The verification of a signature (--verify) always returns false,
regardless of the result of the verification.(May be someone can give me
a rationale for this behavior.)
b) as a workaround I have my interface analyze the comments gnupg
returns. It so happens that the comments on --verify are returned in the
error channel. So I checked for the keyword "good signature" in the
error channel to use it as a flag that verfication succeeded. That works
nicely. When I install my software on a german language ubuntu, however,
the response is given in german language and is not "good signature" but
a german tranlation. The GUI obviously fails to recognize the success of
the verification then.
I presume you can see it would be awkward to check for "good signature"
in all languages from afrikaans to zulu. A GnuPG option to force the
response to be in english would solve the problem elegantly. Can anyone
give me a hint on how to do that? 

I wish you all had a Merry Christmas and will have a Happy New Year,
   Michael Anders

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: ECC curves used in gnupg?

2013-12-18 Thread Michael Anders
On Tue, 2013-12-17 at 13:01 -0600, Anthony Papillion wrote:
> I know that gnupg is experimenting with ECC and I'm wondering which
> curves the team has decided to use. I know there are some curves that
> are now suspected of being tainted by the NSA through NIST. Has the
> gnupg team ruled using those curves out?

Wouldn't it be nice to include ecc curves up to 1024 bit(ecc brainpool
gives you 512 bit at most, maryland 521). 
I calculated the parameters last year(no ties to maryland) and they are
free for noncommercial use ;-)

They can be found here:

In the ECC software "Academic Signature" -which contains a minimalistic
GnuPG GUI by the way- you can check their sanity, including the MOV

There has been a thread on insecure GnuPG defaults lately. (SHA1
h) Please keep in mind that (to my knowledge) maryland does
allow the export of ecc software up to 256 bit if in the "interest of
national security". So why not exclude bit sizes smaller than 256 from
the very beginning.


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