Re: GnuPG::Interface

2007-04-22 Thread Stef Caunter
I do this but don't use the module, just the shell.

You have to confirm the environment for the user. I reset HOME.


.gnupg directory permission has to be 0700 owned by the webserver user, with 
0600 on the files.

Plaintext is encrypted to the key and then securely deleted; I'm sure I just 
didn't know what to do with the perl module, but I need gpg to work, not perl.

$gpg_result=system(/usr/local/bin/gpg --batch --armor -er nobody 
$DIR/$gpg_file  /bin/rm -P $DIR/$gpg_file );

# didn't work
# do what you think is appropriate

# worked
 # note that file gets .asc appended to its name
 open GPG, $DIR/$gpg_file\.asc or warn $! asc open\n;
 close GPG or warn $! asc close\n;
# email the ciphertext, or whatever you want to do with it.


On Sun, 22 Apr 2007, Linda Jen wrote:

 I am trying to run a CGI application that uses GnuPG::Interface
 in perl.  The application runs fine from the command line but not from
 CGI.  Of course, the CGI is running as user httpd and I have now changed the
 homedir path to be owned by httpd also.  The application creates a
 temporary files for encrypting and signing.  I have followed coding exactly
 like that in examples.  I have included a relevant snippet of
 code below:
 my $gnupg = GnuPG::Interface-new();
$gnupg-options-hash_init( armor   = 1,
   recipients = $data{'gpg_user'},
   homedir = $data{'gpg_home'});
 my $input = IO::Handle-new();
 my $output = IO::Handle-new();
 my $handles = GnuPG::Handles-new(  stdin = $input,
 stdout  = $output);
 $gnupg-encrypt(handles = $handles);
 open(unENCR,/tmp/$prefix) || die You are pissing me off!;
 @alltext = unENCR;
 print $input @alltext;
 close $input;
 my @ciphertext = $output;
 print @ciphertext ;
 close $output;
 open(ENCR,/tmp/$prefix2)|| die Cannot open file to encrypt;
 print ENCR @ciphertext;
 print @ciphertext;
 # *** obtain the GnuPG signature data
 open (ENCR, $encryptedfile) or die Unable to open encryptedfile -
$message .= $_;

 $base64message = encode_base64($message);
 $url = $eacportal.'?sg='.$base64message.'comp='.$pm_shortname;

 print \n$url\n;
 I get the following messages in my apache server log:

 [Fri Apr 20 14:10:45 2007] [error] [client 852.12.22.138] gpg: WARNING:
 unsafe permissions on homedir
 //.gnupg, referer:
 [Fri Apr 20 14:10:45 2007] [error] [client 852.12.22.138] gpg: failed to
 create temporary file
 Permission denied, referer:
 [Fri Apr 20 14:10:45 2007] [error] [client 852.12.22.138] gpg: fatal:
 can't create lock, referer:
 [Fri Apr 20 14:10:45 2007] [error] [client 852.12.22.138] secmem usage:
 1408/1408 bytes in 2/2 blocks of pool 1408/16384, referer:
 One suggestion I read was to chmod u+s on the executable.  None of these
 worked.   Does anyone have an idea of a workaround for this or does
 anyone have any suggestions or working examples including proper
 permissions on directories and programs?  Changing owners to
 root or the server (httpd) doesn't seem to help.  Thanks in advance.

 Gnupg-users mailing list

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Re: Using GNUPG with php scripts and webserver

2007-04-06 Thread Stef Caunter
Check error_log for the problem (if you can) - permissions on ~/.gnupg files 
will cause things to not work and you must have environment exported for the 
nobody user. I reset $ENV{'HOME'} in perl... there must be something 
similar in php. If you can view the environment the server provides in the 
browser you can see if you have what gpg requires. I assume the binary is in 
$PATH for the webserver. 
Keys must be readable and implicitly trusted for the webserver user and 
this user must have somewhere to write if you are using temporary files.


On Fri, 6 Apr 2007, womble wrote:

 Hi I cant get php scripts from Apache to execute GNUPG comands.

 If I run cmds or execute php scripts from the cmd line that works fine.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Help understanding gnupg needed!

2006-04-17 Thread Stef Caunter
get over it, publishing your email results in spam; I don't think that this 
suprises anyone anymore - deal with it in your own way and move on. The rage 
against spam has resulted in excellent filtering software, but the 
energy on both sides amounts to equilibrium.


Is it true that if i publish it there
my email address (which comes in the user id) may
become a target for spammers?

Yes, a far as I know. Anyway, damage done, you can't delete the key
AFAIK. I hear that Thunderbird's spam filters are very good, so you
shouldn't have too much trouble.

Is it possible to show an existing webmail address in the user id
which is not the email address i am going to use with encryption

This could be awkward for your email partners. For example, my mail
program automatically looks for the key based on the email address.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Passphrase on the command line

2006-03-22 Thread Stef Caunter

Here is my idiom; checking for success is vital.

See openssh documentation for details on key-based shell access. Test for 
transparent access, if using gpg, test for undisturbed encryption with --batch.

You can pipe the dump (or tar) to gpg instead of gzip. File size will be 
reduced. The dd command can also hit a tape, though this isn't always practical 
with nightly cron stuff.

OK=`/sbin/dump -0 -f - / | gzip | /usr/bin/ssh x.x.x.x dd of=/path/ok.gz 
2/dev/null;echo $?`
if [ $OK != 0 ]
echo `date` `hostname` backup failed $OK | mail you

echo `date` `hostname` backup $OK | mail -s `hostname` backup $OK you

Stef Caunter

Is there any documentation on how to do that?

Gnupg-users mailing list

batch mode lack of randomness FreeBSD

2006-03-15 Thread Stef Caunter
I'm sure I have just missed this in the archives, but I cannot see mention of a 
way to get sufficient randomness when running gpg remotely in a shell account 
to batch generate key pairs, i.e.

gpg --gen-key --batch tmp

where tmp is populated according to doc/DETAILS example. Here is what I've done 
to help randomness. I'm just a user on this system so my options for IRQ 
mapping to acquire randomness are limited:

I've started a child process that continually writes to a disk file during 
the --gen-key --batch job...

I have populated ~/.gnupg/random_seed with 600 bytes from /dev/urandom

I have asked the admin to add IRQs to rndcontrol.

Is this just the way it is on FreeBSD (4.11-RELEASE)? There is plenty of 
randomness in /dev/urandom, and none in /dev/random...


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