Re: hashed user IDs [was: Re: Security of the gpg private keyring?]

2011-03-10 Thread chr0n0

If one really wanted to overthrow the People's Republic of Berkeley, using
obfuscated e-mail addresses with the proposed methods outlined in this
thread would be akin to inventing a solution for a problem that doesn't
exist.  There are already numerous methods for off-the-record encrypted
communications.  Indeed, OTR was to devised as a protocol that allows
encrypted and authenticated communications without having to be a slave to
an interminable digital signature that might come back to haunt you.

As for remaining anonymous, one can merely connect to the IM server via Tor
or some other similar method.  Or one could even run their own P2P IM
software like XMPP thus cutting out the middle man.  Another option is a
hidden .onion IRC service or a SILC chat conference.  If one is really bent
on using e-mail, one can merely create a throw-away address using Tor and
then create a throw-away GPG key.  There are numerous ways to do this

OpenPGP's goal is not anonymity or deniability.  If you want that, there's
better protocols and methods as Robert Hansen has hinted at already.
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Re: Default hash

2011-03-01 Thread chr0n0

I believe that within the next five years someone will discover an academic
attack against Rijndael. I do not believe that anyone will ever discover an
attack that will allow someone to read Rijndael traffic. So while I have
serious academic reservations about Rijndael, I do not have any engineering
reservations about Rijndael.  -- Bruce Schneier, Cryptogram Newsletter,
October, 2000.

From Schneier/Ferguson's 2003 book, Practical Cryptography:

We don't quite trust the security...No other block cipher we know of has
such a simple algebraic representation. We have no idea whether this leads
to an attack or not, but not knowing is reason enough to be skeptical about
the use of AES.

However, even though he has reservations about Rijndael, he has said
publicly numerous times that he prefers everyone to use AES instead of the
other finalists, no doubt because it has had undeniably more analysis thrown
its way.

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GPG.conf Cipher Preference

2008-11-11 Thread chr0n0

I am trying to get gpg to encrypt files with a certain cipher preference.  I
am using Gentoo Linux, btw.  I have my gpg.conf set-up like so:

default-preference-list S10 S9 S8 S4 S2 S7 S3 H10 H9 H8 H11 H3 H2 H1
personal-cipher-preferences S10 S9 S8 S4 S2 S7 S3
personal-digest-preferences H10 H9 H8 H11 H3 H2 H1
personal-compress-preferences Z3 Z1 Z2

I am using a DSA2 (3072 bit) pub key along with an Elgamal sub-key (4096).

My problem: Whenever I encrypt a file it always uses 3DES.  I have noticed
that I can change the order of 3DES and CAST5 and it will encrypt with
whichever comes first.  However, it totally ignores TWOFISH, AES(all of
them) and BLOWFISH, even if they come in front of 3DES and CAST5.  

I have already checked and I have all of the above algorithms compiled into
my kernel.

Now, if I add:

cipher-algo TWOFISH

it WILL use TWOFISH to encrypt files.  

So, my question is, if I use this flag to always make it encrypt with
TWOFISH, will that allow me to communicate with those who are not using
TWOFISH on their machine?  Can I add more than one cipher to the
--cipher-algo flag?

What is the difference in cipher-preferences and cipher-algo?  I take it
that cipher-algo only allows one cipher, thus my question.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: GPG.conf Cipher Preference

2008-11-11 Thread chr0n0

Hmmm.  I figured it out just after I posted this.  

It's odd.  I went and uncommented the cipher-algo flag, then suddenly it
started encrypting in the order I had them set in the cipher-preferences
flag.  It wasn't doing this before.  It was only after I added cipher-algo
and then removed it that it worked.
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