Re: post-quantum computing in GnuPG

2014-04-02 Thread Robert J. Hansen
 Or someone builds a working quantum computer with many bits and
 demonstrate a working decryption of RSA-2048 in a few seconds. :-)

Well, you'd need 4096 qubits in the ensemble, representing a state space
of something like 10^1233 (not a typo).

At that point I'm going to just give up and offer my services to our new
Space Overlords from Zarbnulax Prime.  Maybe if I help round up pesky
humans they'll give me a ride in their FTL spaceships!


Gnupg-users mailing list

post-quantum computing in GnuPG

2014-04-01 Thread ------ ------
Hi, is there any plan to include post-quantum cryptography ciphers such as
McEliece and NTRU in GnuPG?

I know that NTRU is patented until 2020, but I found some C
implementations. It says that modifying the code it is possibile to have it
patent-free in 2017.

This is there officiale implementation by Security Innovation.

In any case there is McEliece.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: post-quantum computing in GnuPG

2014-04-01 Thread Robert J. Hansen
 Hi, is there any plan to include post-quantum cryptography ciphers such
 as McEliece and NTRU in GnuPG?

I am not a GnuPG developer: they will have the official word.

Unofficially, no.  GnuPG tracks the RFCs published by the IETF Working
Group.  If you want to see this, make a case for it to the WG and get
algorithm numbers, etc., assigned.  Then implement it as a patch to a
GnuPG tree and let people beat on it for a while.  If it survives,
you've got an excellent chance of getting it adopted into GnuPG.

I know, I know -- I didn't mean 'how do *I* implement it,' I meant 'are
*you* going to implement it.'  And the answer there is probably not,
not unless someone like you gets the ball rolling in the above fashion.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: post-quantum computing in GnuPG

2014-04-01 Thread Johan Wevers
On 02-04-2014 1:43, Robert J. Hansen wrote:

 I know, I know -- I didn't mean 'how do *I* implement it,' I meant 'are
 *you* going to implement it.'  And the answer there is probably not,
 not unless someone like you gets the ball rolling in the above fashion.

Or someone builds a working quantum computer with many bits and
demonstrate a working decryption of RSA-2048 in a few seconds. :-)

ir. J.C.A. Wevers
PGP/GPG public keys at

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2014-01-05 Thread Johan Wevers
On 4-1-2014 13:31, micha137 wrote:

 A spoofing organization is no fertile ground for true innovation. The
 real scientists, not the NSA are going to make progress in quantum
 computing. And it is not going to be as cheap as some tens of megabucks.
 Progress to get it practical will be painfully slow.
 You IT people can sit back and relax.

Not really, whoever builds a quantum computer doesn't really matter. As
soon as the technology becomes widely available QC-resistant crypto
becomes necessary anyway.

Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,
Johan Wevers

PGP/GPG public keys at

Gnupg-users mailing list

Quantum computing

2014-01-04 Thread micha137
They cheat, they bribe, they lie, they blackmail, they take polygraph tests on 
each other but they don't invent.
A spoofing organization is no fertile ground for true innovation. The real 
scientists, not the NSA are going to make progress in quantum computing. And it 
is not going to be as cheap as some tens of megabucks.
Progress to get it practical will be painfully slow.
You IT people can sit back and relax.

  Michael Anders
(a dedicated physicist)

Von Samsung Mobile gesendet___
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2014-01-04 Thread Lev Serebryakov
Hello, micha137.
You wrote 4 января 2014 г., 16:31:44:

m They cheat, they bribe, they lie, they blackmail, they take polygraph
m tests on each other but they don't invent.
 As far as I know, NSA is biggest employer of mathematicians in the world. I
don't know about physics and quantum computing, but they CAN invent
something, that depends on number theory.

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-25 Thread Sven Radde

Anders Breindahl schrieb:
 So please restate that --
 even in the face of quantum computers -- we won't ever factor 256 bit
Apart from the fact that 256bit is about symmetric keys (a 256bit number
would be factored quite easily -- that's why we have 4096 bit RSA keys),
possible advances in cryptology are nothing that would require key
lifetimes. Once you do not feel comfortable enough with your current
keylength anymore, you can simply revoke the key manually.
Actually, predicting possible advances in fields like quantum computing
is very hard, so it would be far easier to follow the news on this topic
rather than decide *today* when your current key might become insecure
(to make a sensible decision about the expiry-date). Consequently, your
choice would have to be over-conservative (which is not necessarily a
bad thing).

Key expiry, to my understanding, is more of an automatic fallback
mechanism to limit the possible damage/inconvenience in the case that
you cannot take care of revoking the key yourself.
This does very well justify the short lifetimes that we see on keys today.

cu, Sven

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-21 Thread Anders Breindahl
On 200704201113, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
  Yeah, again. I completely agree on the practical aspect of it, but
  would nevertheless like to see proofs of complexity that weren't
  dependent on the current models of computations.
 I don't mean to sound flip, but as soon as you invent a hypercomputer
 I would love to revisit this issue with you.

I realise(d). See below.

 For now, all our  computational theoretic proofs will be limited by
 the the lambda  calculus.  I don't mean to sound blunt there, but our
 current model  of computation is extraordinarily robust, and there are
 very strong  arguments that hypercomputation is both physically and
 mathematically  impossible.  (If any problem in UNDECIDABLE can be
 solved by an  oracle, then math goes from incomplete and inconsistent
 straight into  pervasively self-contradictory and broken.  That's the
 rationale for  hypercomputation being physically and mathematically

A pretty good one, too.

In any case, if I want a model-of-computation-unbound proof of
difficulty, you'll simply invent a new model-of-computation that handles
my problem efficiently.

The point that you're telling me and I'm telling you is that such proofs
can't exist and aren't feasible to pursue.

 So yeah, I'm not sure why you want flawless perfect proofs of
 security when reality shows that provably secure systems never are.

``never'' is in this case based on one case of provable secure scheme
(that was notably difficult in implementation)?

  Though it sounds sweet, it's beyond the scope of cryptography to
  ensure such protection (to some extent, though, security should
  limit room  for personnel ``breakage'').
 It's beyond the realm of mathematical cryptography, but not the field
 as a whole.
 My day job involves security analysis of electronic voting machines
 for the National Science Foundation [*].  We spend far, far more time
 scrutinizing the human side of the cryptography than the mathematical
 side.  Probably an order of magnitude.

I could easily imagine. Also, I assume that your systems limit room of
human control.

Regards, skrewz.

Description: Digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-21 Thread Robert J. Hansen
Hash: SHA512

 ``never'' is in this case based on one case of provable secure scheme
 (that was notably difficult in implementation)?

I wouldn't be so quick to place blame on the difficulty of  
implementing the one-time pad.  Implementing the OTP is really pretty  
simple: use each pad once and burn it when you're done.  The  
difficulty lies in trying to make fallible human nature rise to the  
level of competency required to use the OTP.

Anyway, to answer your question, no.  It's based on a couple of things.

1.  Many provably secure schemes are isomorphic to the one-time pad.   
This means that the other provably secure schemes share the same  
flaws as the OTP.

2.  The provably secure schemes that aren't isomorphic to the OTP  
typically get broken pretty quickly.

As an example of #2, look at IBM's Atjai-Dwork, which was released at  
CRYPTO97.  Atjai-Dwork was some nice work, really, with a beautiful  
mathematical proof of security.  I emphasize this: _proof_.  It  
wasn't built on conjecture.

Within a year there were three different breaks against Atjai-Dwork.   
Turns out the axioms Atjai and Dwork used to build the algorithm  
weren't quite as robust as they thought.

Moral of the story: proofs of security are nice.  They give us  
something to point and laugh at.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-20 Thread Anders Breindahl
On 200704191925, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
 While I agree that commercial development _may_ lead to developments  
 in QC, I think it's equally likely that the engineering difficulties  
 will be insurmountable.  Which means that, from where I sit, we  
 should just shrug and say we really can't say with any confidence  
 what the future will or will not hold.

Well. Yeah. But the thing that was and is fascinating about cryptography
is that it -- assuming some model of computing -- is ``provable too
hard'' to bypass. I'm worried that the future holds in store revolutions
in computability that will shake those assumptions on ``too hard''.

This is in contrast to quantum cryptography, which, IINM, is provably
uninterceptable (but, unlike traditional cryptography, has many
weaknesses beyond the purely theoretical ones).

  found -- this pragmatism causes me to ponder the scenario in which
  something like Rice' theorem could be established for quantum  
  ability (or traditional computers' inability):
 What do you mean?  Rice's theorem applies to QC.

Again, if I got it correctly, Rice' theorem came into a world where
science was occupied with proving that this and that property was
undecidable. Something ``like'' Rice' theorem would in a similar way
alter the way that the scientific field is on.

 It's true that in mathematics there could always be a proof delivered  
 tomorrow by some hungry graduate student which will utterly shatter  
 our knowledge of math as we know it.  But this is true for all of  
 mathematics.  It's not as if this risk is special to QC.

I was mostly focusing on positive proofs, by which I mean those that
define what _is_ doable or assumable, rather than the negative proofs
that define what is undoable.

Both are convenient. However, the proofs that consolidate the security
of programs like gnupg, assume some model of computation... And in the
face of quantum computing, that assumption may (=has the potential to)
radically change.

So what I would love to see is some proof that -- even when faced with
this new model of computing, ignoring its practical limitations -- the
best-known attack on gnupg's algorithms takes factor ten of the lifetime
of the universe or would cost twice the energy of the sun.

Which can't be said of RSA on a huge quantum computer, if I understood
you correctly.

 You should  be just as concerned about the prospect of P=NP.

I haven't had my introductory courses in computability theory yet. I
don't know what that is, and will patiently wait for it.

Thanks for the lecture.

Regards, skrewz.

Description: Digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-20 Thread Werner Koch
On Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 This is in contrast to quantum cryptography, which, IINM, is provably
 uninterceptable (but, unlike traditional cryptography, has many
 weaknesses beyond the purely theoretical ones).

While you mention this, I can't resist to forward Perry E. Metzger's

  To: cryptography at metzdowd
  Subject: my periodic rant on quantum crypto
  From: Perry E. Metzger 
  Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 15:37:33 -0400
  /. is running yet another story on quantum cryptography today, with
  the usual breathless hype:
  I'm especially unimpressed with the Does this spell the
  end of the field of cryptography? comment.
  For those who don't know much about what it is, Quantum Cryptography
  is a very expensive way of producing an unauthenticated link
  encryption device. It is useless for any application other than link
  encryption over a short distance and requires a dedicated optical
  fiber to work.
  QC has no properties that render it especially better for link
  encryption than, say, a box from one of several vendors running AES on
  the link instead. It is perhaps theoretically safer, but in practice
  no one is going to break AES either -- they're going to bribe the
  minimum wage guard at your colo to have 20 minutes alone with your box
  while they install a tap on the clear side of it (or worse, they'll
  slip in while the guard is asleep at his desk.)
  QC still requires link authentication (lest someone else other than
  the people you think you're talking to terminate your fiber
  instead). As a result of this, you can't really get rid of key
  management, so QC isn't going to buy you freedom from that.
  QC can only run over a dedicated fiber over a short run, where more
  normal mechanisms can work fine over any sort of medium -- copper, the
  PSTN, the internet, etc, and can operate without distance limitation.
  QC is fiendishly costly -- orders of magnitude more expensive than an
  AES based link encryption box.
  QC is extremely hard to test to assure there are no hardware or other
  failures -- given the key in use, I can use intercepted traffic to
  assure my AES link encryption box is working correctly, but I have no
  such mechanism for a QC box.
  On top of all of this, the real problems in computer security these
  days have nothing to do with stuff like how your link encryption box
  works and everything to do with stuff like buffer overflows, bad
  network architecture, etc.
  Given that what we're dealing with is a very limited technology that
  for a very high price will render you security that is at best not
  particularly better than what much more economical solutions will
  yield, why do people keep hyping this?  Indeed, why do people buy these
  boxes, if indeed anyone is buying them?
  It is stunning that a lab curiosity continues to be mentioned over
  and over again, not to mention to see venture capitalists dump money
  after it.
  BTW, none of this has anything to do with Quantum Computing, which
  may indeed yield breakthroughs someday in areas such as factoring but
  which is totally unrelated...



Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-20 Thread Robert J. Hansen
Anders Breindahl wrote:
 Well. Yeah. But the thing that was and is fascinating about cryptography
 is that it -- assuming some model of computing -- is ``provable too
 hard'' to bypass. I'm worried that the future holds in store revolutions
 in computability that will shake those assumptions on ``too hard''.

I forget who said this, but it's my favorite quote about predicting the
future.  The future never comes to us well-ordered.  It's always
punctuated with unpredictable advances and inexplicable delays.  You can
either obsess over the fact that crypto is a branch of mathematics, and
thus a human endeavor subject to the disordered-future rule, or you can
smile and shrug and say well, we'll do the best with what we have, and
keep our eyes open for the future.

My best advice is to not worry about it.  :)

 This is in contrast to quantum cryptography, which, IINM, is provably

There is no such thing as quantum cryptography.  Cryptography is a
broad term encompassing a great many subjects, and we simply don't have
that for the quantum world.

Quantum key exchange is an interesting trick of physics.  But that's all
quantum cryptography is at this point--a simple key exchange
algorithm.  There are no quantum encryption algorithms, no quantum
signature schemes, no quantum hash functions.  Just quantum key
exchange... which is nowhere near as cool as people make it out to be.

It's an interesting parlor trick.  It's not anything new in the world of

 Again, if I got it correctly, Rice' theorem came into a world where
 science was occupied with proving that this and that property was
 undecidable. Something ``like'' Rice' theorem would in a similar way
 alter the way that the scientific field is on.

[scratches head] Are you talking about the second Hilbert problem?  That
one generally goes to Gödel or Turing.  Rice's theorem is an interesting
bit of work with some deep consequences for computer science, but it's
not anywhere near as big of a shakeup as incompleteness.

 Both are convenient. However, the proofs that consolidate the security
 of programs like gnupg, assume some model of computation...

What proofs?  There are none.  There are just lines of reasoning which
we believe to have substantial weight, but nobody has delivered an
actual proof of security for any cipher or hash.  To do so you'd have to
prove P != NP, and that's one of the Holy Grails of CompSci.

Look at something as simple as RSA.  There are three major conjectures
that go into RSA.

1.  The RSA problem (RSAP) is equivalent to the integer
factorization problem.

2.  The Integer Factorization Problem is not in P.

3.  P != NP.

None of those have been proven.  None.  We like to pretend that they
have been, we like to handwave them, but the reality is those
conjectures are unproven... and, in fact, #1 is probably false.

See Boneh and Venkatesan, Breaking RSA May Be Easier than Factoring.

 So what I would love to see is some proof that -- even when faced with
 this new model of computing, ignoring its practical limitations --

Why?  Seriously.  Why?  By and large, cryptanalysis of intercepts is a
dead issue.  Nobody with half a brain does it.

According to the best information available, during the entire Cold War
the KGB and GRU were never able to break a single United States cipher
cleared for top-secret information.  That's not to say the KGB and GRU
weren't reading top-secret cables on a regular basis.  Instead of
cryptanalyzing the traffic, they just sent expensive hookers and good
bourbon to cipher clerks in the American embassy.

There are literally thousands of ways to skin this cat.  Focusing on
purely the mathematical aspect is very shortsighted.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-20 Thread Anders Breindahl
[ Please interrupt if this is getting too off-topic. ]

On 200704200441, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
 Anders Breindahl wrote:
  Well. Yeah. But the thing that was and is fascinating about cryptography
  is that it -- assuming some model of computing -- is ``provable too
  hard'' to bypass. I'm worried that the future holds in store revolutions
  in computability that will shake those assumptions on ``too hard''.
 I forget who said this, but it's my favorite quote about predicting the
 future.  The future never comes to us well-ordered.  It's always
 punctuated with unpredictable advances and inexplicable delays.  You can
 either obsess over the fact that crypto is a branch of mathematics, and
 thus a human endeavor subject to the disordered-future rule, or you can
 smile and shrug and say well, we'll do the best with what we have, and
 keep our eyes open for the future.
 My best advice is to not worry about it.  :)

Yeah, again. I completely agree on the practical aspect of it, but would
nevertheless like to see proofs of complexity that weren't dependent on
the current models of computations.

However, then you'll just invent the hardware-coming-in-3050 model, that
does all its calculations by solving RSA. Or whatever I aim to defend.

  This is in contrast to quantum cryptography, which, IINM, is provably
 There is no such thing as quantum cryptography.  Cryptography is a
 broad term encompassing a great many subjects, and we simply don't have
 that for the quantum world.

I was referring to the subject that is mentioned on the Wikipedia page:

Saying that ``there is no such thing'' seems harsh and as if you ignore
reality. The European Union put its hopes up for implementing a
``quantum cryptography'' network of communications. That sort of makes
the term real in itself.

Link to that statement in Danish:

That doesn't mean that it (quantum cryptography) by any means is
practical. It would seem from Werner's forward that it's so deeply
buried in its own infancy or -- more seriously -- inherent
technicalities, that it won't find any practical use ever.

However, quantum cryptography does have that nice inherent benefit, that
it _can't_ be eavesdropped, according to said article. That is, after
authenticity has been established and the line has been paid for:
  In Quantum Cryptography, traditional man-in-the-middle attacks are
  impossible due to the Observer Effect. If Mallory attempts to
  intercept the stream of photons, he will inevitably alter them. He
  cannot re-emit the photons to Bob correctly, since his measurement has
  destroyed information about the photon's full state and correlations.

I suppose that this is the feature that got the European Union's

  Again, if I got it correctly, Rice' theorem came into a world where
  science was occupied with proving that this and that property was
  undecidable. Something ``like'' Rice' theorem would in a similar way
  alter the way that the scientific field is on.
 [scratches head] Are you talking about the second Hilbert problem?  That
 one generally goes to Gödel or Turing.  Rice's theorem is an interesting
 bit of work with some deep consequences for computer science, but it's
 not anywhere near as big of a shakeup as incompleteness.

Then take that for an example. My point is that proofs can alter the
heading of a scientific field in the time it takes to they're generally

  Both are convenient. However, the proofs that consolidate the security
  of programs like gnupg, assume some model of computation...
 What proofs?  There are none.

I was merely assuming that such proofs existed. But, when I think again,
formal proofs of correctness are hard to get, too, so why would
common cryptography be provable?

  So what I would love to see is some proof that -- even when faced with
  this new model of computing, ignoring its practical limitations --
 Why?  Seriously.  Why?  By and large, cryptanalysis of intercepts is a
 dead issue.  Nobody with half a brain does it.

It's the you-don't-know-that-question. *Probably*, it's secure, and all
data supports it, but it hasn't been proved to be secure. Therefore,
it's restricted to being ``probably'' or ``very probably'' secure.

Contrary to one time pads, which are provably secure -- where ``secure''
means ``unbreakable from theoretical standpoint, but with no thought
given to practical limits''.

I was told that one time pads were also used by the KGB, by the way.
Mini-books whose pages were to be burned after using.

 According to the best information available, during the entire Cold War
 the KGB and GRU were never able to break a single United States cipher
 cleared for top-secret information.  That's not to say the KGB and GRU
 weren't reading top-secret cables on a regular basis.  Instead of

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-20 Thread Robert J. Hansen
Hash: SHA512

 Yeah, again. I completely agree on the practical aspect of it, but  
 nevertheless like to see proofs of complexity that weren't  
 dependent on
 the current models of computations.

I don't mean to sound flip, but as soon as you invent a hypercomputer  
I would love to revisit this issue with you.  For now, all our  
computational theoretic proofs will be limited by the the lambda  
calculus.  I don't mean to sound blunt there, but our current model  
of computation is extraordinarily robust, and there are very strong  
arguments that hypercomputation is both physically and mathematically  
impossible.  (If any problem in UNDECIDABLE can be solved by an  
oracle, then math goes from incomplete and inconsistent straight into  
pervasively self-contradictory and broken.  That's the rationale for  
hypercomputation being physically and mathematically impossible.)

 I was referring to the subject that is mentioned on the Wikipedia  

Wikipedia is not an authoritative reference.

Quantum cryptography is a nice catchphrase.  I'm unaware of any  
respected authority in the field of crypto who takes the phrase  

The phrase is used in nontechnical media, and in that environment its  
usage is probably defensible.  After all, people reading the  
newspaper don't want to be bothered with the details of what QKE is  
all about.  But we're trying to be precise here, and for that reason,  
let's not talk about quantum cryptography.  Let's be precise and talk  
about QKE.

 Contrary to one time pads, which are provably secure -- where  
 means ``unbreakable from theoretical standpoint, but with no thought
 given to practical limits''.

 I was told that one time pads were also used by the KGB, by the way.
 Mini-books whose pages were to be burned after using.

The NSA was breaking the KGB's one-time pads.  Look into Project  
VENONA.  Soviet cipher clerks were making technical errors in using  
their one-time pads and the NSA was able to start reading their traffic.

So yeah, I'm not sure why you want flawless perfect proofs of  
security when reality shows that provably secure systems never are.

 Though it sounds sweet, it's beyond the scope of cryptography to  
 such protection (to some extent, though, security should limit room  
 personnel ``breakage'').

It's beyond the realm of mathematical cryptography, but not the field  
as a whole.

My day job involves security analysis of electronic voting machines  
for the National Science Foundation [*].  We spend far, far more time  
scrutinizing the human side of the cryptography than the mathematical  
side.  Probably an order of magnitude.

[*] I'm not speaking for the NSF here, obviously, I'm completely  
responsible for any errors I make, etc., etc.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-20 Thread Janusz A. Urbanowicz
On Fri, Apr 20, 2007 at 01:57:46PM +0200, Anders Breindahl wrote:

 Saying that ``there is no such thing'' seems harsh and as if you ignore
 reality. The European Union put its hopes up for implementing a
 ``quantum cryptography'' network of communications. That sort of makes
 the term real in itself.

This is because they are a governement and gov't usually wants to have
super secure comm network for gov't super secret communication.
 However, quantum cryptography does have that nice inherent benefit, that
 it _can't_ be eavesdropped, according to said article. That is, after
 authenticity has been established and the line has been paid for:

It can be eavesdropped, but it is impossible to intercept information
that way and the eavesdropping is detectable. Or rather should be:
eavesdropping on QC link is detectable if by rule single photons are
used as transmission units. This is because there's no way to
intercept a photon and reinject it without destroying its quantum
state. However, in commercial installations pulses (batches of
photons) are used, so its perfectly possible to intercept a piece of
the pulse. My quantum-fu is too weak to really know if this makes the
eavesdropping undetectable, but the intuition says that yes.

 I suppose that this is the feature that got the European Union's

EU is know for sinking money in very bizarre projects.

 But the attractive part of focusing on the mathematical aspects are that
 -- if provable -- it could give some guarantee (  reassurance)
 of the unbreakability of the ciphers out there.
 You may not be interested in that, but I am. I too however neither will
 end up a mathematician whose life is focused on solving some single
 But I would be interested in the result. I could pick the cipher that
 provably could withstand any battering thinkable over the cipher that
 perhaps couldn't.

But the point is that the ciphers live in the real world and in the
real world it is much easier to do HUMINT (like ale and whores
mentioned before, or rubberhose cryptanalysis) instead of trying to
break the mathematically unbreakable. Be it provably unbreakable or

OpenPGP and GPG is about making the idea-based mathematic apparatus
suited to survive in the real world. If you want to see what it takes,
find a movie called In ascolto or The Listening (it was shot in
Italy by Italians, and was released both in Italian and English), it
is a somewhat loose on technical side, but shows the difference
between mathematical/theoretical and real life security. P2P file
details on (encrypted) request.

PGP: 0x46399138
od zwracania uwagi na detale są lekarze, adwokaci, programiści i zegarmistrze
 -- Czerski

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing (Robert J. Hansen)

2007-04-19 Thread vedaal

Message: 4
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 19:56:48 -0500
From: Robert J. Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Quantum computing

Brute-forcing a 128-bit cipher using a traditional  
computer is a ridiculous proposition, but using Grover's, it 
as hard as brute-forcing a 64-bit cipher... hard, but possible.

So the best way to defend against exhaustive key search in a 
world is to either (a) trust that quantum computing is going to  
remain in just a couple of years for the next few decades (which 
may very well be true), or (b) multiply your key sizes by a factor 
of 2.

The principal reason why AES supports a 256-bit key is because of 
possibility of quantum computing and Grover's algorithm.  Brute- 
forcing a 256-bit cipher with Grover's is as hard as brute-forcing 
128-bit cipher with a conventional computer... absolutely  
ridiculous.  :)

am not familiar with quantum physics,
but do have some math background

please confirm if i have understood your post correctly to imply
that if someone uses a straight diceware passphrase
(choosing words as they appear in the diceware list without 
so that a brute force dictionary attack using a diceware word list 
is possible) to protect a message encrypted symmetrically with a 
256 bit algorithm,
then quantum computing could crack the passphrase even if it 
of 10 diceware words,
and that in order to achieve passphrase security at the 128 bit 
a 20 word diceware passphrase would be necessary ?

=[begin background calculations]= 

a diceware word list has 7776 possiblities,
7776 = 6^5  (5 dicethrows, 6 possibilities each)

7776 = [(2)(3)]^5

2^(1.58)  3  2^(1.59)

(2)(3) = (2)(2^[1.58]) = 2^[2.58]

(7776) = [(2)(3)]^5 = [2^(2.58)]^5 = 2^(12.9)

to find the number of diceware words that would provide equivalent 
security to a 128 or 256 bit symmetrical algorithm,
we do
(7776)^x = 2^128   and  (7776)^y = 2^256

which becomes
2^[(12.9)x] = 2^128  and  2^[(12.9)y] = 2^256

so the closest integral values for x and y are 10 and 20 
(whether the 1.58 or 1.59 exponents are used)

=[end background calculations]=

back to the quantum issue,

does this mean that if quantum computing ever becomes functional
to where a 128 bit symmetrical cipher is feasibly attackable,
then symmetrically encrypted messages, sda's, etc. using 10 
diceware words or less,
are similarly attackable?



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Re: Quantum computing (Robert J. Hansen)

2007-04-19 Thread Robert J. Hansen
 please confirm if i have understood your post correctly to imply
 that if someone uses a straight diceware passphrase

I'm not going to talk about this for three reasons.

1.  I've never used Diceware, so I can't talk intelligently
 about it.

2.  The answer will depend a lot on implementation details.
 What s2k algorithm is being used?  What algorithm is
 used to encrypt the secret key?  What... etc., etc.

3.  I've already explained why quantum computing is not
 something we need to worry about.  Be far, _far_ more
 concerned with the physical security of your machine
 more than any hypothetical developments in quantum

We tend to obsess over quantum computing.  We shouldn't.  At this  
point in time it's science fiction.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-19 Thread Anders Breindahl

On 200704181956, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
 Please bear with me.  This is going to be long.

Introductory cryptography in the middle of the night. Why would I miss
it? :)

Thanks for answering.

 As mentioned, Grover's is the best we can do for quantum speedups to  
 brute-forcing.  Grover's algorithm is a technique for using quantum  
 mechanics to search through a database of N entries in time  
 proportional to the square root of N, using an amount of storage  
 proportional to the logarithm of N.
 Now, that said, Grover's has limits.  Its first constraint is that it  
 doesn't make problems trivial.  It just increases our ability to deal  
 with them.  Brute-forcing a 128-bit cipher using a traditional  
 computer is a ridiculous proposition, but using Grover's, it becomes  
 as hard as brute-forcing a 64-bit cipher... hard, but possible.

The executive summary being that increases in key sizes makes
traditional symmetric cryptography keep up with advances in quantum
computing, such as Grover's algorithm for searching the keyspace.

  Then... It would seem that quantum computers poses no threat to
  traditional cryptography -- helped by increases in key sizes...?
 Quantum computing poses no threat to symmetric cryptography.   
 Asymmetric cryptography, however, gets a little funky.
 Shor's algorithm uses quantum mechanics to solve the integer  
 factorization problem (and, I believe, the discrete logarithm  
 problem) in extraordinary short time.  The downside of Shor's is it  
 requires an insane amount of memory--you need two qubits for each and  
 every bit of the number you're trying to factor.  So if you're trying  
 to factor a 2048-bit RSA key, you need over four _thousand_ qubits.
 Our current largest quantum computer is about fifteen qubits.

Which I also remarked in the original post. However, when (if?)
commercial interests grab a hold of quantum computing, huge leaps in
cost of production perhaps could be achieved, making memory-rich quantum
computers abundant -- at least, from my chair, there's no obstruction to
this future. (?)

 If and when quantum computing develops to the point where a research
 lab gets a couple of hundred qubits together, the OpenPGP working
 group will almost certainly add asymmetric algorithms that are highly
 resistant to quantum computing.

Although this fight between attacking and defending computer security
measures is probably inevitable -- no final solution will probably be
found -- this pragmatism causes me to ponder the scenario in which
something like Rice' theorem could be established for quantum computers'
ability (or traditional computers' inability): Something that pops out
of the blue and shatters all hope for traditional cryptography...
Perhaps only in the long run, but still inevitably forces a move towards
other measures of security.

It's somewhat a political issue, too. Not that it can be solved
politically, but it has political consequences -- will cryptography (or
computer security in a more general sense) once again be for those who
can afford it?

-- But leave that be. For now, it's technical.

 You're asking a very, very detailed and technical question that  
 requires a ton of disciplined study just to learn the language needed  
 to describe the boundaries of the problem.  If you really want to  
 know this material, you need to take a graduate-level course in  
 computational theory and a strong undergraduate course in quantum  
 physics.  You'll also need enough background in mathematics not to go  
 running screaming from the room when people start talking about  
 Hadamard matrices and discrete Fourier transforms and everything else  
 that goes along with it.

I'm already on it.

Regards, skrewz.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-19 Thread Robert J. Hansen
Hash: SHA512

 Which I also remarked in the original post. However, when (if?)
 commercial interests grab a hold of quantum computing, huge leaps in
 cost of production perhaps could be achieved, making memory-rich  
 computers abundant -- at least, from my chair, there's no  
 obstruction to
 this future. (?)

Eh.  I'm still unconvinced.  It wasn't until last year that the final  
physics hurdle to large-scale QC was addressed (large systems have a  
strong tendency to near spontaneously decohere, turning your quantum  
computer into an expensive paperweight).  We still have no idea how  
to apply this physics knowledge, however.

Just knowing that something is possible doesn't mean the ability to  
do it is around the corner.  We can teleport atoms in laboratories at  
the speed of light and we know how to do it for macro-scale items,  
but the engineering difficulties are so large that I doubt we'll see  
it in our lifetimes.

While I agree that commercial development _may_ lead to developments  
in QC, I think it's equally likely that the engineering difficulties  
will be insurmountable.  Which means that, from where I sit, we  
should just shrug and say we really can't say with any confidence  
what the future will or will not hold.

 found -- this pragmatism causes me to ponder the scenario in which
 something like Rice' theorem could be established for quantum  
 ability (or traditional computers' inability):

What do you mean?  Rice's theorem applies to QC.

Computational theory is computational theory.  We've already got very  
robust mathematics to describe the computational properties of QC.   
We know that BQP is a superset of P, that it does not encompass NP- 
COMPLETE, that it has some overlap with NP, etc., etc.

It's true that in mathematics there could always be a proof delivered  
tomorrow by some hungry graduate student which will utterly shatter  
our knowledge of math as we know it.  But this is true for all of  
mathematics.  It's not as if this risk is special to QC.  You should  
be just as concerned about the prospect of P=NP.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-18 Thread Ryan Malayter
On 4/18/07, Anders Breindahl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, I assume you know what you talk about, when you say that we
 aren't likely to factor 256-bit-numbers ever. So please restate that --
 even in the face of quantum computers -- we won't ever factor 256 bit

 By the way, I realize that this is a more general question of gnupg's
 life expectancy in a quantum computer world. But it's interesting to get

Robert was referring to a 256-bit key space, which refers to symmetric
encryption, such as AES,

Factoring, on the other hand, applies only to public-key RSA
encryption. There bits mean something totally different; a bit of
RSA key length is worth less than a bit of symmetric key length.
Numbers have already been factored in the ~600 bit range, so at least
1024 bits are recommended for RSA, and 2048 bits is a good idea.

The keyspace size of RSA is roughly equivalent to the
O(exp(64/9b)^(1/3)(log b)^(2/3)) that you quote; That is the number of
operations that must be performed to break the algorithm by brute
force. For strong symmetric algorithms,like AES or Twofish, the number
of operations required is simply two to the power of the number of
bits in the key,

Note that breaking Diffie-Hellman and other discrete logarithm based
algorithms is thought to be nearly equivalent to factoring, but has
not been proven to be so.

I suggest you borrow a copy of Bruce Schneier's _Applied
Cryptography_; it is a very good primer.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-18 Thread Robert J. Hansen
Hash: SHA512

 Note that breaking Diffie-Hellman and other discrete logarithm based
 algorithms is thought to be nearly equivalent to factoring, but has
 not been proven to be so.

Going off the top of my head, the DLP is known to be greater than or  
equal to the difficulty of the IFP.  You can make strong arguments  
that they're equal difficulty in a computational-theoretic sense, and  
you can make strong arguments that in real silicon DLP will be  
stronger due to our current lack of understanding of how to  
efficiently use the general number field sieve for the DLP.  The  
current state of the art in the GNFS requires a large amount of  
storage overhead for the DLP, while the storage overhead for the IFP  
is comparatively minimal.

As a word of warning, comparing DLP to IFP is a spectacularly black  
art.  There are so many nuances to it that just expressing some of  
the ideas in English is difficult.

As further warning: it's 9:10am, I haven't yet had my morning cup of  
coffee, and I'm working without my references.  This being the  
internet, there's also a nonzero chance that I'm barking mad.   
Confirm this information before relying on it.

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Quantum computing

2007-04-18 Thread David Shaw
On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 09:10:17AM +0200, Anders Breindahl wrote:
 On 200704172359, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
  1.  We are unlikely to ever be able to brute-force a 256-bit  
  keyspace.  Ever.  Not until computers are made of something other  
  than matter, occupy something other than space, run on something  
  other than energy, according to rules other than physics.
 I was under the impression that quantum computers were about to provide
 a break in factorization. From quick grep on Wikipedia, I find that:

Robert was commenting on a symmetric cipher (like AES), not asymmetric
(like RSA).  Factoring a 256-bit RSA key is trivial and can be done on
regular home PCs in fairly short order.  However, factoring is not an
attack against symmetric ciphers.

My favorite comment (from Jon Callas at PGP, Inc) about brute forcing
keys is one I think I've posted here before, but still:

  Modern cryptographic systems are essentially unbreakable, particularly
  if an adversary is restricted to intercepts. We have argued for,
  designed, and built systems with 128 bits of security precisely
  because they are essentially unbreakable. It is very easy to
  underestimate the power of exponentials. 2^128 is a very big
  number. Burt Kaliski first came up with this characterization, and
  if he had a nickel for every time I tell it, he could buy a latte or

  Imagine a computer that is the size of a grain of sand that can test
  keys against some encrypted data. Also imagine that it can test a
  key in the amount of time it takes light to cross it. Then consider
  a cluster of these computers, so many that if you covered the earth
  with them, they would cover the whole planet to the height of 1
  meter. The cluster of computers would crack a 128-bit key on average
  in 1,000 years.

  If you want to brute-force a key, it literally takes a planet-ful of
  computers. And of course, there are always 256-bit keys, if you
  worry about the possibility that government has a spare planet that
  they want to devote to key-cracking.

Note that he's talking about brute-forcing keys here.  If someone
finds a weakness in AES (or whatever), then this math may change
radically.  Pure brute-forcing without such a weakness is just not


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