
Is there any possibility to create a minimal version of gnupg?

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/"It's official: 'we are moving towards signed packages <http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=138992613426488&w=2>,' says Theo de Raadt on the misc@ mailing list. This is shortly after a new utility, signify <http://bxr.su/OpenBSD/usr.bin/signify/signify.c>, was committed into the base tree. The reason a new utility had to be written in the first place <http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/signify> is that gnupg is too big to fit on the floppy discs, which are still a supported installation medium for OpenBSD. Signatures are based on the Ed25519 <http://ed25519.cr.yp.to/> public-key signature system from D. J. Bernstein and co., and his public domain code once again appears <http://bxr.su/OpenBSD/usr.bin/signify/mod_ed25519.c> in the base tree of OpenBSD, only a few weeks after some other DJB inventions made it into the nearby OpenSSH <http://it.slashdot.org/story/13/12/11/173213/openssh-has-a-new-cipher-chacha20-poly1305-from-dj-bernstein> as well."/

Kind regards, Mark



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