Re: small security glitches

2012-03-03 Thread Werner Koch
On Fri,  2 Mar 2012 08:50, said:

> I believe that GnuPG had its own implementation of such an integrity
> check before the standardization was settled.

Right, since version 1.0.2 (2000-07-12).  With version 1.1,91
(2002-08-04) gpg even defaults to MDC packets if one of the modern
algorithms is used (e.g. AES of Twofish).  PGP is able to decrypt and
check MDC packages since PGP 7.



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Re: small security glitches

2012-03-03 Thread Peter Lebbing
On 03/03/12 01:25, brian m. carlson wrote:
> It is not true that encryption amounts to XORing the message text
> against the secret key.
> [snip]
>  Also, CFB mode, what is XORed is the output of a block cipher
> encryption of the previous ciphertext.

And the paper exploits exactly this fact by interleaving original ciphertext and
chosen ciphertext so they can XOR to get the original keystream for a block of
original ciphertext.

The paper is only 12 pages, so if the summaries Post Cartner or Tom McCune give
are unclear, it won't take forever to read the actual paper to clear it up.


I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
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Re: small security glitches

2012-03-02 Thread brian m. carlson
On Fri, Mar 02, 2012 at 04:55:23AM -0800, Post Carter wrote:
> 3) Next, the recipient "decrypts" the message.  Since at its lowest level
> the encryption amounts to XOR'ing the message text against the secret
> key, it essentially results in the flipping of each class of text. "C"
> becomes "P" and "P" becomes "C":

It is not true that encryption amounts to XORing the message text
against the secret key.  That type of encryption is not secure because
it is trivial for someone to XOR two blocks (of the key size) of
ciphertext together in order to get the XOR of the plaintexts.  This
allows trivial analysis of the plaintext.

Stream ciphers usually create a key*stream* and XOR the plaintext
against that.  OpenPGP implementations do not use stream ciphers proper;
instead, they use a block cipher in CFB mode.  So by flipping bits what
you get here is not only flipped bits in the data, but a corrupted next
block.  Also, CFB mode, what is XORed is the output of a block cipher
encryption of the previous ciphertext.

> 4) In the attack scenario, when the recipient sends the "gibberish" to
> the sender, they are sending the now "encrypted" part of the message
> above denoted by "CC":  PPP -->CC<-- PP
> 5) The attacker intercepts and XOR's the gibberish "CC" against their 
> original insertion "PP" from #2 to deduce the key.  Then they can decrypt
> the original "C" contents from #1.

This doesn't work, because all you get is the output of the block
cipher.  That doesn't tell you the key if the block cipher is secure.

brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 832 623 2791 | | My opinion only
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Re: small security glitches

2012-03-02 Thread reynt0

On Fri, 2 Mar 2012, Post Carter wrote:

 . . . so I think we just have a terminology discrepancy
here.  What is a bit confusing is using the words encrypted
vs. decrypted and ciphertext vs. cleartext when we're talking
about an attacker inserting contents into the message.

I have been reading the exchanges wondering if someone 
would point out what looked like unclear reference
of "encrypted" and "plaintext".  (Amusing, actually. 
Almost like a famous, classic, American comedy joke

involving baseball players' names.)  [P]ost.carter's
"C" etc below makes things clear, IMHO.

And prompts me to ask a question.  If the receiver
of the tampered-with message sends to the presumed
original sender the "CC" which began originally as
inserted "PP", but sends it encrypted eg with the
original sender's public key, that should not expose
the now-"CC" to the evesdropping attacker, right?  Ie,
the attack would fail if the honest people involved
diligently follow the implicit lead of the original
sender's email, which used encryption, so the reply
to that original encrypted message gets encrypted?

What I was trying to say was like this...
1) Let's say the original sender encryptes a message.? It then looks like
this where "C" represents some bits of encrypted ciphertext:
? C
2) Then, the attacker inserts some material of their own into the message,
denoted here with "P" for plaintext since it has not been subjected to
encryption.? The message now looks like this:
3) Next, the recipient "decrypts" the message.? Since at its lowest level
the encryption amounts to XOR'ing the message text against the secret
key, it essentially results in the flipping of each class of text. "C"
becomes "P" and "P" becomes "C":
4) In the attack scenario, when the recipient sends the "gibberish" to
the sender, they are sending the now "encrypted" part of the message
above denoted by "CC":? PPP -->CC<-- PP
5) The attacker intercepts and XOR's the gibberish "CC" against their
original insertion "PP" from #2 to deduce the key.? Then they can decrypt
the original "C" contents from #1.

 . . .___
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: small security glitches

2012-03-02 Thread Post Carter
I know we've both read and understand the paper, so I think we just have
a terminology discrepancy here.  What is a bit confusing is using the words
encrypted vs. decrypted and ciphertext vs. cleartext when we're talking
about an attacker inserting contents into the message.
What I was trying to say was like this... 
1) Let's say the original sender encryptes a message.  It then looks like
this where "C" represents some bits of encrypted ciphertext:
2) Then, the attacker inserts some material of their own into the message,
denoted here with "P" for plaintext since it has not been subjected to
encryption.  The message now looks like this:
3) Next, the recipient "decrypts" the message.  Since at its lowest level
the encryption amounts to XOR'ing the message text against the secret
key, it essentially results in the flipping of each class of text. "C"
becomes "P" and "P" becomes "C":
4) In the attack scenario, when the recipient sends the "gibberish" to
the sender, they are sending the now "encrypted" part of the message
above denoted by "CC":  PPP -->CC<-- PP
5) The attacker intercepts and XOR's the gibberish "CC" against their 
original insertion "PP" from #2 to deduce the key.  Then they can decrypt
the original "C" contents from #1.
I'm sure this is all subject to terminology debates, and I'm most likely
not using the optimal words to describe the process, but my point was
just that the recipient actually never themselves reveals to the attacker
any of the decrypted contents of the original message that were sent by
the original sender.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor 
>> Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 8:50 AM
>> Subject: Re: small security glitches
>> That said, the attack described does indeed rely on the victim
>> decrypting arbitrary text sent by the attacker and sending it back in
>> such a way that the attacker can read the cleartext.  Quoting the paper:
>> >> and the user is presented with the corresponding message P'. To the 
>> >> user, P' appears to be garbled; the user therefore replies to the
>> >> adversary with, for example, "What were you trying to send me?", but
>> >> also quotes the "garbled" message P'. Thus, the user himself
>> >> unwittingly acts as a decryption oracle for the adversary.
>> Do you see how the above suggests that the victim must transfer the
>> (apparently-garbled) cleartext to the attacker for the attack to proceed?

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: small security glitches

2012-03-02 Thread Post Carter
Thanks for replying again.  Yes, I read Schneier's paper, which is why I am 
confident that even the original attack scenario on a vulnerable implementation
would not apply to the use case I was originally concerned about after seeing 
mention of a "security glitch," namely encrypted local file storage.
After your message, it would seem to me we are in agreement on the state of
the problem.  However, regarding the disputed post below, we seem to be talking
past each other somehow.
The original post and response I was referring to are here:
The respondent says: "Without signing the message, and only encrypting it to
your public key, you have no way to verify who really sent you the message."
This is true of course, but it is not the security vulnerability ("glitch") 
referred to
in the FAQ and that the original poster was inquiring about.  Choosing not to
use available functionality cannot be used as a basis to find a fault with that
functionality.  (If I don't brush my teeth, it can hardly be called the fault of
Crest that I get cavities.)
The originally mentioned "glitch," which we agree prompted changes in the
the OpenPGP spec to create the MDC, was not a vulnerability related to
authentication.  Indeed, it is nonsensical to say that authentication could be
compromised on an unsigned message since no authentication is even
proffered or purported to exist in that case! 
Instead, the "glitch" allowed a potential (and also feasible, per Schneier,
since in practice not all crypto users are so well-versed as to be as
"responsible" as might be hoped) mechanism for an attacker to *modify the
ciphertext message* and *manipulate the recipient* in such a way that *some
or all of the encrypted message can be decrypted* *by the attacker.* 
To me that is clearly an encryption vulnerability and not an authentication
vulnerability.  No?

>> Anyway, my motivation for posting is that there was a question on this in
>> November 2011 and people responded that the reason you had to sign was
>> to authenticate the message sender.  Although that is also true, it is not 
>> the
>> point of the warning.  This attack and the "glitch" mentioned in the FAQ are
>> specifically an attack against the ENCRYPTION that results in potential full
>> compromise of the message secrecy.  The defect in the specification, per
>> Schneier, was the lack of any message integrity check when the message is
>> not cryptographically signed, allowing even the most rudimentary tampering
>> to be undetected.
> I believe the original responses you're referring to were correct.  I
> don't think that the paper you cite above suggests otherwise.
> Regards,

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: small security glitches

2012-03-01 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
On 03/01/2012 07:44 PM, Post Carter wrote:
> If Tom McCune simplified explanation isn't detailed enough, check out Bruce 
> Schneier's original paper describing the attack:
> The idea is that the decrypted "gibberish" is the encrypted form of the 
> plaintext the attacker inserted.
> If the naive user re-sends it to the original sender to ask, "Is this
what you meant to send me?" then the
> eavesdropping attacker has a known ciphertext and plaintext.  (NOTE: The 
> recipient need not send the sender
> the decrypted plaintext!  That would be no attack at all, just stupidity.)  

Have you read the paper you reference above?  If not, i recommend
reading it.  It's a good paper, and clever cryptanalysis.

That said, the attack described does indeed rely on the victim
decrypting arbitrary text sent by the attacker and sending it back in
such a way that the attacker can read the cleartext.  Quoting the paper:

>>> and the user is presented with the corresponding message P'. To the 
>>> user, P' appears to be garbled; the user therefore replies to the
>>> adversary with, for example, "What were you trying to send me?", but
>>> also quotes the "garbled" message P'. Thus, the user himself
>>> unwittingly acts as a decryption oracle for the adversary.

Do you see how the above suggests that the victim must transfer the
(apparently-garbled) cleartext to the attacker for the attack to proceed?

> Based on this attack, the OpenPGP standard was apperently modified, I believe 
> to add a message integrity component.

Yes, the Modification Detection Code packet was formally introduced in
RFC 4880 as a mechanism to defend against producing garbled decryption
like that shown in the referenced paper:

I believe that GnuPG had its own implementation of such an integrity
check before the standardization was settled.

> This attack can also be prevented by always signing messages, since then the 
> tampering is detected in the signature validation.  

This attack (or class of attacs) can only be fully prevented by the
victim;  A responsible crypto user should only quote from encrypted
messages (when replying) if the original message was signed by the
person to whom the sender is replying.  So the fix isn't "always sign
messages" (though that's nice and helpful), it's "don't quote when
replying to unsigned encrypted messages".

The clever move by Jallad, Katz, and Schneier was to show a way that a
ciphertext could be modified such that its "cleartext" would look like
gibberish to the victim, but could also provide a decryption oracle for
the attacker.  Since the "cleartext" looks like gibberish to the victim,
they might be more willing to forward it to anyone (incluing the attacker).

However, comparable attacks could still work in situations with
significantly less cleverness than that shown by Jallad, Katz, and
Schneier.  For example, Alice could send Bob an unsigned,
integrity-protected encrypted message which says:

 The password for our next meeting at the clubhouse is "Pajamas".

If Eve were to intercept this message (preventing it from reaching Bob),
and then simply replay it to Bob with her address in the "From:" field
instead of Alice's, and Bob decides to respond to Eve with:

 Eve wrote:
 > The password for our next meeting at the clubhouse is "Pajamas".
 What are you talking about, Eve, we don't even go to the same

Then Eve has taken advantage of Bob's credulousness to compromise the
confidentiality of Alice's original message.

Note that even the MDC does nothing to prevent the above attack.

If Alice wants to help Bob avoid this kind of breach of confidentiality,
she can (and probably should) do all of the following when sending
encrypted mail:

 0) use an MDC
 1) sign her messages
 2) make sure the encrypted content of her messages always clearly
indicates that they are coming from her (e.g. concluding the message
with something like "Regards, Alice")

However, even if Alice always does all of those things, if Bob isn't
paying attention (to the warnings from his OpenPGP implementation, to
whatever warnings his MUA shows that highlight discrepancies between the
message signer and message "From:" address, to the content of the
message, to general common sense), he might well still leak the contents
of the message.

This is an unhappy state of affairs, but Bob might also be in the habit
of reading his e-mail out loud to himself at the pub, in which case even
the message interception and replay are unneeded. Eve just needs to show
up at the right hour and drink a pint from a nearby stool :(

For a message to remain confidential, both the sender and the recipient
need to exercise care.

> Anyway, my motivation for posting is that there was a question on this in 
> November 2011 and people responded that the reason you had to sign was to 
> authenticat

Re: small security glitches

2012-03-01 Thread Post Carter
If Tom McCune simplified explanation isn't detailed enough, check out Bruce 
Schneier's original paper describing the attack:
The idea is that the decrypted "gibberish" is the encrypted form of 
the plaintext the attacker inserted.  If the naive user re-sends it to the 
original sender to ask, "Is this what you meant to send me?" then the 
eavesdropping attacker has a known ciphertext and plaintext.  (NOTE: The 
recipient need not send the sender the decrypted plaintext!  That would be no 
attack at all, just stupidity.)  From the known ciphertext and plaintext, the 
attacker can deduce the session key and then decrypt the original eavesdropped 
Based on this attack, the OpenPGP standard was apperently modified, I believe 
to add a message integrity component.
This attack can also be prevented by always signing messages, since then the 
tampering is detected in the signature validation.  
Anyway, my motivation for posting is that there was a question on this in 
November 2011 and people responded that the reason you had to sign was to 
authenticate the message sender.  Although that is also true, it is not the 
point of the warning.  This attack and the "glitch" mentioned in the FAQ are 
specifically an attack against the ENCRYPTION that results in potential full 
compromise of the message secrecy.  The defect in the specification, per 
Schneier, was the lack of any message integrity check when the message is not 
cryptographically signed, allowing even the most rudimentary tampering to be 

On 02/29/2012 10:33 AM, Post Carter wrote:

> An individual intercepts an encrypted email.  He places a plaintext addition 
> within the package, in such a manner that when the originally intended 
> recipient decrypts the message, the symmetric session key also "decrypts" the 
> addition

> But since the plaintext addition was not encrypted (but probably looked 
> encrypted), it is now encrypted to the symmetric session key.

The above two steps are clear so far.

>  If the originally intended recipient then sends this "gibberish" back to the 
>original sender (to inquire about it), the interceptor again intercepts this, 
>and now

i'm assuming that the intended recipient sends the "gibberish" back to
the original sender encrypted, right?  if they send it in the clear,
it's hardly the fault of the cryptosystem that the cleartext was exposed.

> has both his original plaintext addition, and the symmetric session key 
> encryption of that plaintext.

eh?  how does it follow that the attacker has both of these?  afaict,
the attacker has:

A) the original ciphertext

B) the modified ciphertext (which they supplied arbitrary data for)

C) a re-encrypted version of the modified cleartext (reencrypted
    against a different session key, presumably).

>  From this, he is able to reverse the XOR processing of the original 
>encryption to produce the plaintext of the originally intercepted encrypted 

I don't understand how this follows either.  where does XOR come in?
Which part of OpenPGP is using XOR here?
At any rate, this is indeed about message integrity; if you want
encrypted integrity, you need your peer to supply an MDC (gpg does this
by default).  If you want verifiable message provenance with message
integrity, you need your peer to sign their messages.

If Alice does something like take an un-verified message, decrypt it,
and then post the plaintext somewhere anyone can look at it, then the
cryptosystem hasn't failed; but alice has stopped using the cryptosystem.

Original Message:
I too had seen and been perturbed by this unexplained statement on
"There is a small security glitch in the OpenPGP (and therefore GnuPG) system; 
to avoid this you should always sign and encrypt a message instead of only 
encrypting it."
I use PGP for local file encryption and was concerned this applied to that as 
well, but I now think it seems to only apply to *messages*.  I would appreciate 
anyone else's analysis of that.
I believe I have found the actual information behind the "glitch," and it 
*absolutely* has to do with encryption/security and not just integrity/trust.
Tom McCune's summary from link above:
Chosen-Ciphertext Attack?
The report Implementation of Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks against PGP and GnuPG 
discusses a potential PGP vulnerability.  This is my understanding of the 
An individual intercepts an encrypted email.  He places a plaintext addition 
within the package, in such a manner that when the originally intended 
recipient decrypts the message, the symmetric session key also "decrypts" the 
addition.  But since the plaintext addition was not encrypted (but probably 
looked encrypted), it is now encrypted to the symmetric session key.  If the 

Re: small security glitches

2012-02-29 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
On 02/29/2012 10:33 AM, Post Carter wrote:

> An individual intercepts an encrypted email.  He places a plaintext addition 
> within the package, in such a manner that when the originally intended 
> recipient decrypts the message, the symmetric session key also "decrypts" the 
> addition

> But since the plaintext addition was not encrypted (but probably looked 
> encrypted), it is now encrypted to the symmetric session key.

The above two steps are clear so far.

>  If the originally intended recipient then sends this "gibberish" back to the 
> original sender (to inquire about it), the interceptor again intercepts this, 
> and now

i'm assuming that the intended recipient sends the "gibberish" back to
the original sender encrypted, right?  if they send it in the clear,
it's hardly the fault of the cryptosystem that the cleartext was exposed.

> has both his original plaintext addition, and the symmetric session key 
> encryption of that plaintext.

eh?  how does it follow that the attacker has both of these?  afaict,
the attacker has:

 A) the original ciphertext

 B) the modified ciphertext (which they supplied arbitrary data for)

 C) a re-encrypted version of the modified cleartext (reencrypted
against a different session key, presumably).

>  From this, he is able to reverse the XOR processing of the original 
> encryption to produce the plaintext of the originally intercepted encrypted 
> message. 

I don't understand how this follows either.  where does XOR come in?
Which part of OpenPGP is using XOR here?

At any rate, this is indeed about message integrity; if you want
encrypted integrity, you need your peer to supply an MDC (gpg does this
by default).  If you want verifiable message provenance with message
integrity, you need your peer to sign their messages.

If Alice does something like take an un-verified message, decrypt it,
and then post the plaintext somewhere anyone can look at it, then the
cryptosystem hasn't failed; but alice has stopped using the cryptosystem.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: small security glitches

2011-11-01 Thread Doug Barton
On 11/01/2011 05:52, wrote:
> Thunderbird + Enigmail here automatically decrypts encrypted email when
> you view it, regardless of whether or not it is signed.

That's a local preference, which you can easily disable.


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-- OK Go

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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: small security glitches

2011-11-01 Thread gnupg
On 01/11/11 12:44, Hauke Laging wrote:

>> Now switch sides. Suppose you're sending an encrypted mail to a collegue.
>> You're encrypting it for his eyes only. If you don't sign the message, he
>> may or may not choose to decrypt it. If you sign the encrypted mail, then
>> he can verify the signature, see if he trusts that key, and make a more
>> meaningful decision.
> But this isn't possible with email, is it?

Thunderbird + Enigmail here automatically decrypts encrypted email when
you view it, regardless of whether or not it is signed.

Mike Cardwell
Professional   0018461F/35BC AF1D 3AA2 1F84 3DC3 B0CF 70A5 F512 0018 461F

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: small security glitches

2011-11-01 Thread Peter Lebbing
On 01/11/11 13:35, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> The "glitch" is that for security AND trust, messages must be both
> encrypted and signed.

In that case, I find it to be phrased very awkwardly.

Encryption provides encryption: people can't see what is in it. Period.

Signing provides a form of integrity: people can see that the signer attests
that the data is correct in some way.

So how is it a security glitch that encryption does not provide trust? It is a
glitch in someone's thinking to think that it does. PEBKAC. The advice to also
sign is sound, the absolute "you should always" is overdoing it, IMHO.

Personally, I was more thinking along the lines of the reasons to introduce the
MDC. Can't remember off the top of my head how that all pieced together.

In that case it might be useful to revise the text to say a few words on MDC's.


I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
My key is available at

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: small security glitches

2011-11-01 Thread Hauke Laging
Am Dienstag, 1. November 2011, 13:35:11 schrieb Aaron Toponce:

> Now switch sides. Suppose you're sending an encrypted mail to a collegue.
> You're encrypting it for his eyes only. If you don't sign the message, he
> may or may not choose to decrypt it. If you sign the encrypted mail, then
> he can verify the signature, see if he trusts that key, and make a more
> meaningful decision.

But this isn't possible with email, is it?

PGP: D44C 6A5B 71B0 427C CED3 025C BD7D 6D27 ECCB 5814

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: small security glitches

2011-11-01 Thread Aaron Toponce
On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 02:04:31AM -0500, John A. Wallace wrote:
> Hello.  I was reading this page,
> , and I
> found this comment near the end of it in the section entitled "How does this
> whole thing work?":  "There is a small security glitch in the OpenPGP (and
> therefore GnuPG) system; to avoid this you should always sign and encrypt a
> message instead of only encrypting it."  If this is still applicable, would
> you explain what the small glitch is?  Are there any other small glitches
> explained elsewhere, which I may not have noticed?  There is a lot of
> documentation, and I am hoping to absorb it as much as I can. Thanks.

The "glitch" is exactly as described: you should always sign and encrypt a
message instead of only encrypting it. I could send you malicious encrypted
content, and masquerade as someone else behind a different email address-
maybe someone with a good reputation for security in the OpenPGP community.
Without signing the message, and only encrypting it to your public key, you
have no way to verify who really sent you the message.

Now switch sides. Suppose you're sending an encrypted mail to a collegue.
You're encrypting it for his eyes only. If you don't sign the message, he
may or may not choose to decrypt it. If you sign the encrypted mail, then
he can verify the signature, see if he trusts that key, and make a more
meaningful decision.

The "glitch" is that for security AND trust, messages must be both
encrypted and signed.

. o .   o . o   . . o   o . .   . o .
. . o   . o o   o . o   . o o   . . o
o o o   . o .   . o o   o o .   o o o

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Gnupg-users mailing list

small security glitches

2011-11-01 Thread John A. Wallace
Hello.  I was reading this page, , and I
found this comment near the end of it in the section entitled "How does this
whole thing work?":  "There is a small security glitch in the OpenPGP (and
therefore GnuPG) system; to avoid this you should always sign and encrypt a
message instead of only encrypting it."  If this is still applicable, would
you explain what the small glitch is?  Are there any other small glitches
explained elsewhere, which I may not have noticed?  There is a lot of
documentation, and I am hoping to absorb it as much as I can. Thanks.


John A. Wallace


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