On Sun, 2008-11-02 at 10:52 +0530, Anil Gulecha wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I'm running into a parsing bug with dh_installsmf with the
> package postgresql-8.3.. the manifest seems fine and defines a section
> as follows..
> ---------snip manifest-----
> <service_bundle type='manifest' name='postgresql-8.3'>
> <service
>         name='database/postgresql-8.3'
>         type='service'
>         version='1'>
> -----------------
> however, running:
> # dh_installsmf --service postgresql-8.3 --manifest
> debian/postgres.xml  -ppostgresql-8.3
> Wrong manifest file (postgresql-8.3 != postgresql) at
> /usr/bin/dh_installsmf line 129
> Somehow $name is picked up as postgresql, and not as postgresql-8.3..
> so the regular expression below may be at fault.. can someone suggest
> the fix.. the perl seems greek to me.
> ---------------------
>         my ($found, $name, $group) = (0, "", "");
>         while (<FD>) {
>                 if (!$found && /<\s*service/) {
>                         $found = 1;
>                         next if (!
> /<\s*service\s+.*name\s*=\s*['"]?(\S+)['"]?/);
>                         ($group, $name) = ($1, $2) if
> (/['"]?([\w\/]+)\/(\w+)['"]?/);

change this regexp to:


>                         last;
>                 }
>                 if ($found) {
>                         next if (/^\s*$/);
>                         next if (! /\s*name\s*=\s*(['"]?\S+['"]?)/);
>                         ($group, $name) = ($1, $2) if
> (/['"]?([\w\/]+)\/(\w+)['"]?/);

and this to:


>                         last;
>                 }
>         }
>         close FD;
>         die "Couldn't parse manifest file" if ($name eq "" || $group eq "");
>         die "Wrong manifest file ($service != $name)" if ($service ne
> $name);    <----line 129

but may be we should find a better way to parse it..

> Regards
> Anil
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