Re: Window manager interaction

2009-10-18 Thread Richard Frith-Macdonald

On 17 Oct 2009, at 18:13, Wolfgang Lux wrote:

I agree that with MS Windows style menus an application should  
terminate when its last window is closed and have just committed  
code that implements that logic.

That sounds right to me.

With regard to creating a new document upon program startup, I think  
that a document based application should always do so (regardless of  
the interface style) and have committed code for that too.

I'm less sure about that ... one thing I really hate is applications  
which open up blank document windows when I don't want them (which is  
almost always the case).
You are probably right about it though ... it does seem a very common  
behavior on OSX (though some apps open the most recently used  
document, and few don't open anything).  Is it actually automatic  
though ... if so, it might be nice to have a default to disable it.

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Window manager interaction

2009-10-18 Thread Richard Frith-Macdonald

On 18 Oct 2009, at 05:31, Sheldon Gill wrote:

Actually, I think it would simplify things a great deal if we  
dropped the miniwindow entirely.

I believe the fundamental problem here is one of design and the flaw  
is trying to get -gui to handle miniwindows. For any compatibility  
desktop we want to consider (GNOME, KDE, MS-WIN...) the answer is  
conceptually straight-forward:
  a window sets its state to whatever, including MAXIMIZED,  

  the desktop environment does the display

So what -gui should be doing is just that, setting the window state  
appropriately and letting the backend translate that into the  
desktop environment.

The architecture is supposed to go like this:

The application handles it's windows and draw in them/etc.  This is - 
gui  -back.

The window manager decorates the windows and provides the mechanisms  
for users to interact with them. (Move them around, re-layer, pin,  
show/hide, whatever)

The application manager (pager) handles launching applications,  
showing what is running and switching between them. This is the  
taskbar / kicker / fiend / dock thing.  This is the thing which  
would be displaying miniwindows for those desktop environments where  
its appropriate.

It seems to me that we're trying to get -gui/back to sometimes be a  
window manager and sometimes be an application manager and getting  
(understandably) very confused.

I happen to like minwindows (they were great in NeXTstep), though I  
agree that the world has standardised on a less functional mechanism  
and the advantage of the miniwindow (allowing user interaction with a  
minimised window) is, as a consequence, practically never used.  On  
the other hand, maintaining OpenStep backward compatibility is not the  
issue here.

The problem I was talking about really has nothing to do with  
miniwindows (and doesn't involve trying to be a window manager) and my  
mention of miniwindows was only as a possible way to simplify the  
frontend-backend api a little for clarity, by handling minimise  
strictly using the ordering API with miniwindows (you could equally  
use a special API for it and not use the ordering API for miniwindows  
at all, but the point was to avoid having overlap between the ordering  
and minimisation APIs).

The actual problem is that X doesn't differentiate between a window  
being mapped and a window being de-iconified,  so you can't know when  
a window is de-iconified in order to send the notification mandated by  
the OSX NSWindow API.  In fact, this problem does not occur with  
miniwindows (since when X tells us a miniwindow has been mapped, we  
know that the normal window has been miniaturised, and when X tells us  
it is unmapped, we know the normal window has been deminiaturized).   
The problem ONLY occurs when we are using the standard X mechanism/ 
architecture you describe.

Actually the lack of discrimination in what X tells us is only part of  
the problem, I guess the more intractable part is that the event queue  
prevents us from inferring  what's needed:

Consider the sequence of events ...
1. start hiding app
2. order in the window
3. minimise/iconfiy it
4. wait for notification that it has been unminimised
5. unhide application

at (2) we tell X to map the window
at (3) we tell X to iconify it (we have to do (2) first because at  
least some window managers don' allow you to iconify an unmapped window)
at (4) X tells us that the window has become visible, which would  
ideally mean that it was de-iconified, but is actually the event  
resulting from the window being mapped at (2).

This means that the hide operation usually results in an immediate  
unhide simply because an old event looks like it is a deminiaturise.

I've experimented with various ideas to solve this, but without  
success so far ... any ideas from X coders would be good.

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Window manager interaction

2009-10-18 Thread Riccardo Mottola


I agree that with MS Windows style menus an application should 
terminate when its last window is closed and have just committed code 
that implements that logic.

With regard to creating a new document upon program startup, I think 
that a document based application should always do so (regardless of 
the interface style) and have committed code for that too.

This is very wrong.

The Application controller subclasses 
applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile with yes or no. If it is no, clearly 
no new document should be opened, if yes, it should. It is up to the 
application to control this.
Not all document based applications can handle a new document, not 
always it does make sense. I think of my own application PRICE, which is 
able to modify existing documents but which has no tools to handle a new 
one. I wonder how it didn't break after your patch, btw. Thus I do not 
understand the point of your patch: if that option gets respected, it is 
all what we need.

I think the problem with document based applications should be handled 

I don't think that porting an application to a different Menu Style can 
be done completely automatically in any case.

For example even if you force opening of a New document, what happens if 
you close the last document? The application should definitely not 
close! This is Wrong! At least, not true under any condition.

Do you guy actually use window? I do, sadly.

Use any Office application. Use Photoshop. How do they work under windows?
They have that horrible MDI - Multi Document Interface. With that 
interface the application can continue to exist without any documents 
open. It doesn't force the opening of a new document and it does NOT 
close after the last document is closed.

Thus I think your last changes and your proposed changes are just wrong, 
because applications do not behave that way.

Other applications like WordPad do indeed open with a new document and 
exit after it gets closed, but those application do handle only one 
document at a time!

The OpenStep paradigm is inherently Multi-Document.

On the other hand the behaviours you cite could be useful under certain 

I thus have the following thoughts:

- we should find a way to implement some sort of MDI. With the GNUstep 
or Mac-style menu it is easy: we already to perfectly. For windows I 
propose the creation of a floating menu-window, thus the main menu can 
be tracked as a real window and doesn't disappears like now. Or we need 
the full-blown big window which contains everything.
- the usage of MDI with in-windows menus should be controlled by a 
plist option: if the application does not need it it can disable it (or 
the other way around). Thus without intervention programs will run with 
in-windows menus, but a better control for porting application can be 
done, if the application controller is fine tuned for the different 


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Window manager interaction

2009-10-18 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 17 Oct 2009, at 18:13, Wolfgang Lux wrote:

I agree that with MS Windows style menus an application should  
terminate when its last window is closed and have just committed  
code that implements that logic.

That sounds right to me.

With regard to creating a new document upon program startup, I  
think that a document based application should always do so  
(regardless of the interface style) and have committed code for  
that too.

I'm less sure about that ... one thing I really hate is  
applications which open up blank document windows when I don't want  
them (which is almost always the case).

I happen to think differently. Most of the time I find it annoying  
that I have to go to the menu just to create a new document after  
starting an application. However, that is probably because I usually  
start an application directly only when I want it to create a fresh  
document and otherwise I start the application by double-clicking the  
document I want to open. So I understand that your workflow is  
probably different from mine.

You are probably right about it though ... it does seem a very  
common behavior on OSX (though some apps open the most recently  
used document, and few don't open anything).  Is it actually  
automatic though ... if so, it might be nice to have a default to  
disable it.

What I've implemented is in fact just the OS X behavior: In a  
document-based application, create a new document on startup unless  
the user did already request another document to be opened (or there  
are autosaved changes that were not properly cleaned up when the  
program was used last time, probably indicating that there was a  
crash). The OS X way to prevent a document-based application from  
opening a fresh document on startup is by implementing the - 
applicationShouldOpenUntitledDocumentFile: and return NO from it.  
Anyway, if you think it would be useful to have a user default too,  
I'll add it (or you can do it yourself; look for the code which calls  
-openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay:error: the end of -finishLaunching in  


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Window manager interaction

2009-10-18 Thread David Chisnall

On 18 Oct 2009, at 07:44, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

With regard to creating a new document upon program startup, I  
think that a document based application should always do so  
(regardless of the interface style) and have committed code for  
that too.

I'm less sure about that ... one thing I really hate is applications  
which open up blank document windows when I don't want them (which  
is almost always the case).
You are probably right about it though ... it does seem a very  
common behavior on OSX (though some apps open the most recently used  
document, and few don't open anything).  Is it actually automatic  
though ... if so, it might be nice to have a default to disable it.

This was why I suggested doing it only if, after calling - 
applicationDidFinishLaunching in the delegate, there is no main  
window.  That way, if the application is opening the last document on  
relaunch, or providing a 'create some specialised kind of document'  
window, -gui has somewhere sensible to put the menu already and  
doesn't need to create one.  Note that I was only suggesting this  
behaviour for applications in the Win95 interface style.  In any other  
interface style it's not particularly important, because the window  
location doesn't change when you have no main windows.

Oh, and Riccardo, Microsoft deprecated MDI almost a decade ago now.   
Any applications still using it are violating Microsoft's HIGs.  MS  
Office hasn't used it since Office 2000; each MS Word document is a  
stand-alone window.  When you close the last one, Word exits.


-- Sent from my Difference Engine

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Window manager interaction

2009-10-18 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Riccardo Mottola wrote:


I agree that with MS Windows style menus an application should  
terminate when its last window is closed and have just committed  
code that implements that logic.

With regard to creating a new document upon program startup, I  
think that a document based application should always do so  
(regardless of the interface style) and have committed code for  
that too.

This is very wrong.

sed -3s/should always do so/by default should/
Still wrong?

The Application controller subclasses  
applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile with yes or no. If it is no,  
clearly no new document should be opened, if yes, it should. It is  
up to the application to control this.
Not all document based applications can handle a new document,  
not always it does make sense. I think of my own application PRICE,  
which is able to modify existing documents but which has no tools  
to handle a new one. I wonder how it didn't break after your patch,  
btw. Thus I do not understand the point of your patch: if that  
option gets respected, it is all what we need.

If the application delegate responds to - 
applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile the result is of course always  
respected (and guess you've implemented it in PRICE). What I've done  
is just to change the default behavior for a document based  
application if that delegate method is not implemented. GNUstep was  
handling this case as NO, whereas Mac OS X considers this as YES for  
a document based application. All I did was to implement the OS X  
behavior, which I find more reasonable and which seems better suited  
for a Windows like environment anyway.


Thus I think your last changes and your proposed changes are just  
wrong, because applications do not behave that way.

Other applications like WordPad do indeed open with a new  
document and exit after it gets closed, but those application do  
handle only one document at a time!

The OpenStep paradigm is inherently Multi-Document.

On the other hand the behaviours you cite could be useful under  
certain conditions.

I thus have the following thoughts:

- we should find a way to implement some sort of MDI. With the  
GNUstep or Mac-style menu it is easy: we already to perfectly. For  
windows I propose the creation of a floating menu-window, thus the  
main menu can be tracked as a real window and doesn't disappears  
like now. Or we need the full-blown big window which contains  
- the usage of MDI with in-windows menus should be controlled by  
a plist option: if the application does not need it it can disable  
it (or the other way around). Thus without intervention programs  
will run with in-windows menus, but a better control for porting  
application can be done, if the application controller is fine  
tuned for the different conditions.

Again, what I've changed is only the default behavior that applies if  
an application does not respond to - 
applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed: Up to now this was  
always considered equivalent to returning NO and with my change it is  
YES when using Windows style menus. Thus, you already get some of the  
proposed behavior (although with a menubar at the top instead of a  
floating menu window) if you implement - 
applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed: and return NO.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Window manager interaction

2009-10-18 Thread Riccardo Mottola


If the application delegate responds to 
-applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile the result is of course always 
respected (and guess you've implemented it in PRICE). What I've done 
is just to change the default behavior for a document based 
application if that delegate method is not implemented. GNUstep was 
handling this case as NO, whereas Mac OS X considers this as YES for a 
document based application. All I did was to implement the OS X 
behavior, which I find more reasonable and which seems better suited 
for a Windows like environment anyway.

yes, you are correct. The application's behaviour should be respected. 
If not, the interface style should be. I suggest that your YES default 
instead of NO could be extended to mac-style menus and not win95 only?


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Window manager interaction

2009-10-18 Thread Riccardo Mottola


This was why I suggested doing it only if, after calling 
-applicationDidFinishLaunching in the delegate, there is no main 
window.  That way, if the application is opening the last document on 
relaunch, or providing a 'create some specialised kind of document' 
window, -gui has somewhere sensible to put the menu already and 
doesn't need to create one.  Note that I was only suggesting this 
behaviour for applications in the Win95 interface style.  In any other 
interface style it's not particularly important, because the window 
location doesn't change when you have no main windows.

Oh, and Riccardo, Microsoft deprecated MDI almost a decade ago now.  
Any applications still using it are violating Microsoft's HIGs.  MS 
Office hasn't used it since Office 2000; each MS Word document is a 
stand-alone window.  When you close the last one, Word exits.
You are only partially correct. It was deprecated, but it is widely 
used. I use Office 2003 at work and it still essentially MDI. Try excel 
and try to have its document not full-sized. The whole excel is a big 
window then. If you program in SWING under Java, you can get the whole 
MDI thing again and sometimes it is the only clean way to port the 
application without rewriting some of its logic.
If you have Multi-documents, which is what we have, there aren't many 
choices: closing/reopening an application is a no-go, IMHO. THus either 
a big encompassing window or a floating menu, which I have seen for 
certain programming IDEs for example. Also under BeOS this approach was 
used. A contorted way to get some OpenStep behaviour.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Window manager interaction

2009-10-18 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Riccardo Mottola wrote:


If the application delegate responds to - 
applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile the result is of course always  
respected (and guess you've implemented it in PRICE). What I've  
done is just to change the default behavior for a document based  
application if that delegate method is not implemented. GNUstep  
was handling this case as NO, whereas Mac OS X considers this as  
YES for a document based application. All I did was to implement  
the OS X behavior, which I find more reasonable and which seems  
better suited for a Windows like environment anyway.

yes, you are correct. The application's behaviour should be  
respected. If not, the interface style should be. I suggest that  
your YES default instead of NO could be extended to mac-style  
menus and not win95 only?

I feel unsure about mac-style menus. Classic Mac OS was similar to OS  
X and NeXTstep in that applications normally did not quit when their  
last window is closed. You could also hide and unhide applications as  
on OS X. For that reason I would think the right default for mac- 
style menus would me NO.

On the other hand, Classic Mac OS also had an application switcher, a  
menu at the right end of the menubar that allowed you to switch to  
any running application (whether hidden or not). Yet, I expect that  
it is unlikely that anybody would (want to) implement such an  
application switcher for Mac style menus, so returning YES makes  
sense to me too.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Window manager interaction

2009-10-18 Thread Aria Stewart

On Oct 18, 2009, at 3:21 AM, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 18 Oct 2009, at 05:31, Sheldon Gill wrote:

Actually, I think it would simplify things a great deal if we  
dropped the miniwindow entirely.

I believe the fundamental problem here is one of design and the  
flaw is trying to get -gui to handle miniwindows. For any  
compatibility desktop we want to consider (GNOME, KDE, MS-WIN...)  
the answer is conceptually straight-forward:
 a window sets its state to whatever, including MAXIMIZED,  

 the desktop environment does the display

It seems like a really good idea. There's some wear beginning to show  
in Gnome, where people are starting to want to draw on icons, and  
there's a move to client-side windows for a lot of things. I think  
this is a good thing.

Window managers need a way to deal with miniwindows, and I think it's  
time to solve this in a cross-platform way. The time's really ripe to  
get a spec that works for Gnome and Gnustep both.

I happen to like minwindows (they were great in NeXTstep), though I  
agree that the world has standardised on a less functional mechanism  
and the advantage of the miniwindow (allowing user interaction with  
a minimised window) is, as a consequence, practically never used.   
On the other hand, maintaining OpenStep backward compatibility is  
not the issue here.

I like the concept of miniwindows, but I'd love to see some evolution  
that lets us have a MacOS-style dock that really works.

I'd also really love to be able to use Metacity as a window manager.

There's also a move toward application-handled decoration, and specs  
are being built for this. I think it's ripe time for Gnustep to get  
involved there, too.

The actual problem is that X doesn't differentiate between a window  
being mapped and a window being de-iconified,  so you can't know  
when a window is de-iconified in order to send the notification  
mandated by the OSX NSWindow API.  In fact, this problem does not  
occur with miniwindows (since when X tells us a miniwindow has been  
mapped, we know that the normal window has been miniaturised, and  
when X tells us it is unmapped, we know the normal window has been  
deminiaturized).  The problem ONLY occurs when we are using the  
standard X mechanism/architecture you describe.

Indeed, though modern window managers do give some better messages.

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