Re: Private library symbols...

2006-10-18 Thread Richard Frith-Macdonald

On 18 Oct 2006, at 01:10, Sheldon Gill wrote:

Well, you  actually are relying on conventions anyway. You've  
called the class _GSPrivate using the underscore convention to  
indicate privacy.

Sure ... as I said, I used a variety of mechanisms ... to be as safe  
as possible.

Also, these are private function calls within the library.  
Encapsulation doesn't really apply here.

I don't see why you say that ... encapsulation is a principle to  
enhance maintainability which applies at various levels.  It breaks  
large problems down into smaller ones and you need to get very small  
indeed before it's unimportant.

Conventional layout has private functions near the top of the  
source file, just after header includes. They aren't that hard to  
find. Especially if you keep to convention with the underscores.

I think this statement is a good point in support of trying to use  
language features in addition to conventions ... since your notion of  
'conventional layout' is by no means universal.  I'm not even sure  
that putting private functions 'near the top' is conventional at all  
other than in as much as you need to declare something before you use  
it.  Many people prefer to put declarations as close as possible to  
the place they are first used.
I'm all in favour of using conventions to aid maintainability ... but  
I don't believe in relying on a single convention (which may not be  
universal) when other mechanisms can be used too.

As to the leading underscore, that is used by C and Objective-C and  
extensively within -core. Who is going to be working with the code  
who doesn't know the language? Are you advocating that we change  
the way -core is written so that its easy for those not familiar  
with the language?  That we should eschew idiom and use different  
approaches to facilitate that?

No, I'm talking about working *with* those conventions and enhancing  
them ... and making things work with the Objective-C idioms more than  
the C idioms.

And what is the real problem with the global symbols? Are you  
suggesting that people look through the library symbol table and  
choose methods/functions based on what they find there?

That certainly happens with proprietory code ... and while I see no  
good reason for people to do that with open source code, I expect  
that they will apply the habits/techniques they have developed when  
working with other systems when they come to program with GNUstep.

And that it is an issue for -core maintainers to address?

Sure ... not a big issue, but why not take account of it.

What would be involved in this?  If we *can* remove symbols  
effectively without breaking the library's internal use of them or  
impairing debugging, it would probably be good to do so.


$ strip

I can't find any option in the manual for strip to selectively remove  
information so that some functions can't be linked to ... and  
removing all symbol information would certainly impair debugging.  Am  
I missing something obvious?

Just to be clear, I'm all for improving the code for reading,  
navigation and maintenance. I simply disagree that this class  
wrapping is the right way to do it. We can achieve all those goals  
without the class wrapper.

Yes ...but a class wrapper is a natural way to do it for ObjC  
programmers ... really the only reason for doing it that way rather  
than functions in a dispatch table for instance (which would achieve  
all the other objectives).

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Private library symbols...

2006-10-18 Thread Richard Frith-Macdonald

On 18 Oct 2006, at 11:46, Matt Rice wrote:

this can also be done by using the

__attribute__ ((visibility (hidden)))
function attribute found in the gcc info page..

requires gcc 3.something and not available on all
platforms, but,put putting a define in there such as

#define GS_HIDDEN 
for those platforms should deter usage
because of the threat that most platforms used wont
link coupled with the fact that the functions are not
declared in any installed header files..

That's great ... exactly the sort of thing I've been looking for!

I checked various versions of the gcc documentation online, and it  
looks like this was introduced at 3.3 and is still present in 4.1

i haven't really looked into whats been done, but find
the definition of private a little ambiguous wrt scope


private methods/functions for a classes internal usage
i like to keep these as static functions...

Yes ... functions only used within a single file should always be  
I think private methods should be declared in a private category and  
use an underscore prefix (and be kept to a minimum).

private methods/functions to be used by other classes
in the same library,

This is the case that the visibility attribute is perfect for  
(functions), and I suppose private methods should use the same  
conventions as those for internal use within a single file ... the  
only difference would be that the files inside the library need to  
share a common header to declare the library-private categories.   
I've put GSPrivate.h in base/Source for this.

private methods to be used between libraries like the
gui/back backend stuff..

I'm not sure we should consider gui/back interaction private ... I  
think we actually want a public API for this, which people can use to  
implement otyher backends.

all which imho warrant different solutions...
anyhow, toss me in the 'prefers private functions'

Well, your suggestion of the visibility attribute removes my biggest  
reason for using methods rather than functions.

 I think remaining reasons are rather a matter of taste ... do we  
want to use ObjC semantics or C semantics generally?
Do we care whether we group functionality in a class, or use a  
collection of functions with a common prefix?

Do we want to use a single style or both functions and methods?

My personal preference (but it's not a strong one) would be to group  
functionality in classes rather than have a lot of methods anyway,  
but to use private (ie visibility hidden) functions where there might  
be a performance issue.

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Private library symbols...

2006-10-18 Thread Nicola Pero

   I think remaining reasons are rather a matter of taste ... do we
 want to use ObjC semantics or C semantics generally?
 Do we care whether we group functionality in a class, or use a
 collection of functions with a common prefix?
 Do we want to use a single style or both functions and methods?

[I'll just chip in, drop my comments, and walk out.  Feel free
to do what you want with them ;-)]

If the functions act on the same data then they should be
methods of the same object (the data becomes the instance, and
the functions become the methods). :-)

If the functions are unrelated pieces of code, or even loosely
related pieces of code that don't share data, then it would make
sense to leave them as separate functions. :-)

You can still group them in the same file.

Generally, using higher-level semantics (like objects and methods)
where they are not needed adds complexity.  Functions are really
easy to understand.

A last comment is that you can't hide a method no matter how hard
you try -- it will always be possible to retrieve it from the ObjC
runtime. ;-)

So in terms of making things really private, a function appropriately
setup to be not visible outside the library seems the perfect solution. ;-)


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Private library symbols...

2006-10-17 Thread Sheldon Gill

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 16 Oct 2006, at 04:13, Sheldon Gill wrote:

Hi Richard,

You've made some recent changes to base with the idea of making 
private functions in base more obviously private and less accessible.

Yes ... as obviously private as possible.

It seems to be that there is really only one goal with these changes:

  applications/tools shouldn't be using private functions in base

Is there any other objective that I'm missing?

Well, that's the main tactical objective ... the strategic objective is 
to improve maintainability ... so centralisation and clarification 
internally is almost as much of a goal as simply trying to ensure that 
external apps/tools don't use private stuff.


If this is the case, I think the approach being taken here isn't the 
one which we should be pursuing.

The original situation is we have functions like these:

NSString  *GSLastError(int);
BOOL   GSEnvironmentFlag( const char *, BOOL );

which make these functions seem like GNUstep API additions but really 
they are private.

What has been done is create an artificial object

@interface _GSPrivate : NSObject
+ (NSString*) error;

@interface _GSPrivate (ProcessInfo)
+ (BOOL) environmentFlag: (const char *)name defaultValue: (BOOL)def;

Yes, the idea is to collect everything together as much as possible, 
making it easier to find these things and making it clear that the 
various mechanisms are used internally.

Now I say artificial because it doesn't conform to an object design. 
There never is an actual instantiation, for example, so you're always 
sending messages to the class. There are many other things which make 
this not really an object.

This is a work in progress ... I'm not sure yet whether it would be good 
to have an instance and use instance methods rather than just a class 
and use class methods.  The main reason for using a class is to use 
language features to support encapsulation and maintainability rather 
than depending solely on conventions.

Well, you  actually are relying on conventions anyway. You've called the class 
_GSPrivate using the underscore convention to indicate privacy.

Also, these are private function calls within the library. Encapsulation 
doesn't really apply here.

Doing this adds many more bytes to the library.
It also makes these method lookups rather than function calls so they 
are slower.

True, but these are very minor overheads and I think clarity and 
maintainability come first before looking at optimisation (obviously we 
can optimise by caching method IMPs or by using a struct as a dispatch 
table rather than using a class).

I'm quite aware of how we can optimise method calls but this isn't really 

I also find this inconsistent with your previous statements about avoiding 
'bloat', as you put it. Surely more size and less speed for no functional 
changes is the very essence of 'bloat'?

I don't agree that these changes make anything more maintainable or easier than 
simply decorating the function calls with an underscore in the conventional way.

So we've added an artificial/strange object, increased the library 
size and slowed down those function calls all in an effort to prevent 
applications using our private functions. Is this right?

As you can tell from my answers above, it's only partially right.

Now its long been idomatic to use the underscore to mark private 
symbols. In fact, this is precisely what you've done with the class name.

Yes, I've tried to use every signal I could think of  ... the leading 
underscore, the word 'Private' the exclusion from any external headers 
and reduced linker symbols, and the inclusion of comments.

Further, I think this makes navigating the source harder. Quick, tell 
me without searching where you're going to find the implementation for 
the above two functions?

I'm very surprised at this comment ... since a big part of the intent is 
to make navigating the source *easier* and I believe this is achieved.
I certainly think it's not obvious where the old functions were ... but 
the new methods are clear since the category names tell you where the 
individual method implementations in each group are, the declarations 
are all in a single place, and you can find all the private methods 
implementations easily using a search for @implementation _GSPrivate.  

Making sure all declarations are in GSPrivate.h is good but a matter of 
programmer discipline and has no bearing on the function call vs class method 

 That's a big improvement over the older code.

Conventional layout has private functions near the top of the source file, just 
after header includes. They aren't that hard to find. Especially if you keep to 
convention with the underscores.

Sure, the category names help you find where the particular function is 
located. I've an equivalent way which adds precisely 0 bytes to the libnrary 
and makes no impact on the runtime:
